SA Adelaide crowned Australia's "Most Liveable City".

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Brownlow Medallist
10k Posts EKA Medal - Sweet FA Rising Star
Sep 12, 2008
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A national survey by the Property Council of Australia has ranked Adelaide as the nation's most liveable city.

More than 4,000 residents of capital cities were asked to rank the importance of 17 key attributes, including school facilities, natural environment, public transport and traffic congestion, and how their city rated on each.

Adelaide achieved an overall liveability score of just over 63 per cent, slightly ahead of Canberra which came in second.


Sydney polled the lowest score of just above 55 per cent.

**** the rest, Adelaide's the best.
spent a week in adelaide a few years back.

seemed like a nice place.

but there are many more exiciting cities for a single person in their 20's.

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Adelaide is awesome.

It may not be as big as Sydney or Melbourne but is definatly a great place to live.

also, what TheStinger said 8-1 ADELAIDE RULES :p
but there are many more exiciting cities for a single person in their 20's.

Adelaide works for me, I have never really been out of state as an 18 y.o or older so haven't experienced anything more exciting.

In my 20's now and still plenty to do on a Saturday night.
Anything's gotta be better than the shitfights in Melbourne & Sydney. Massively overcrowded. Housing prices, traffic, parking, queuing up everywhere - forget it.

It would be interesting to include some regional towns - Geelong, Ballarat, Woollongong, Newcastle, Cairns, Townsville.
I just walked outside and shouted "WE WON!!!" Everyone in Adelaide heard and are coming around to mine for a BBQ and a swim later.

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Adelaide is full of pedos. I can't see how it is the most liveable city. :rolleyes::D

Nah, it's OK I guess.
It is a survey of 4,000 people - not exactly a huge result. Canberra second? Hot in summer, freezing in winter, and round abouts galore.

Sydney will never win because our transport is rubbish and our state government is beyond pathetic.

I personally think Perth would be the most liveable city - they seem to have a lot of upsides, probably just missing the 'nightlife' that the the other 3 majo cities can offer.
It is a survey of 4,000 people - not exactly a huge result. Canberra second? Hot in summer, freezing in winter, and round abouts galore.

Sydney will never win because our transport is rubbish and our state government is beyond pathetic.

I personally think Perth would be the most liveable city - they seem to have a lot of upsides, probably just missing the 'nightlife' that the the other 3 majo cities can offer.

Who knows, maybe fireworks make the place very enjoyable.

Forget something Gus?

Mods please red card op for clearly trolling. It's quite obvious any city consisting of HSSB, Gus and BACCS can not be most liveable in AUstralia.

Most loveable perhaps?

Always a barrel of laughs in Adelaide

Stay losing SA
Pez is jelly, saying that I would probably rather live in the Gold Coast or Melbourne than Adelaide, which might be actually happening in the next 12 months. Would much rather live in Adelaide than Sydney, what an overated dump. South Australia/Adelaide's beaches ftw

SA Adelaide crowned Australia's "Most Liveable City".

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