AFL Canberra Div 3, div 4 (Canb Dist)

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Southcab, can you give us the stats on how many Yassvillians have contributed to this forum?
Having said that, Southcab could almost have his own thread :p
God help us if Yass win the flag! This forum will crash under the weight of Yassvillians adding their comments!!!

shanefos, we are passionate people my friend!! And yes if we win the flag, you'll hear us 'Yassvillians' partying from Canberra!!:)
what would be so bad about that..
its a good forum the more the merrier.. but your right it may get flooded:D

In the interest of balanced opinion, it would be nice to hear from some of the other teams involved in the finals (especially our friends up in the land of the Big Merrino).
It would also be nice to hear a bit more about the actual teams themselves, speculations on matchups, how they're all travelling with injuries, etc., rather than how teams will supposedly "bring it".

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In the interest of balanced opinion, it would be nice to hear from some of the other teams involved in the finals (especially our friends up in the land of the Big Merrino).
It would also be nice to hear a bit more about the actual teams themselves, speculations on matchups, how they're all travelling with injuries, etc., rather than how teams will supposedly "bring it".

Fair Call Shanefos,
We can make the call out to any swannies out there..
can we hear of what you blokes thoughts are out at goulburn..
what are the key match-ups in both grades??
does anyone know:confused:
Fair Call Shanefos,
We can make the call out to any swannies out there..
can we hear of what you blokes thoughts are out at goulburn..
what are the key match-ups in both grades??
does anyone know:confused:


Can you confirm the rumour that Heath Axelby did his knee at training on Wednesday night? I wasnt there but was informed that he is in a bit of trouble and will definitely miss this weekend.

Can you confirm the rumour that Heath Axelby did his knee at training on Wednesday night? I wasnt there but was informed that he is in a bit of trouble and will definitely miss this weekend.

Twobobs, i can confirm that Heath did do is knee and it does not look good for him for the rest of the season to be honest!!! Also Harry Thring is likely to miss up to 2 weeks with concussion.:thumbsdown:
Southcab, can you give us the stats on how many Yassvillians have contributed to this forum?
Having said that, Southcab could almost have his own thread :p
God help us if Yass win the flag! This forum will crash under the weight of Yassvillians adding their comments!!!
Shanefos it is a very simple thing to add to your details mate.
I wouldnt beleive everything you read.
Good idea though perhaps we have 2 start a thread for yass just for the record shanefos i have respect for the jets and you will note that i havent mouthed off in any way toward them as for injury,s to the roos,.
We are without morgs brocken arm season foran shoulder available next week.walters ankle season scroope brocken fingers season. With 1 more training run before saturday that is it the side has been selected and is posted on the web site we are indeed very strong with a couple of form boys just missing out on selection.And incase you didnt no yes i am the coach.:thumbsu:
South cab,How did you manage to snare Daniel Mobrey? Very handy player, i recall him playing 1st grade ACTAFL a few years back.
Hey guys,

in regards to my preparation for a game as long as I have had a few beer beers and a meat pie I should be good to go for any game.
Nah just kidding. You do need to look after a body once it hits 30.
Last weekend was a good night to celebrate a top blokes 35th birthday (Ports) and it was a great night. You know it's a great competition to play in when you go out on a Saturday night with players from other sides instead of sticking to your own team mates.

So it sounds like there will be some interesting exclusions this weekend with some key players out. Belco are still very deep with there player list so I can imagine they will fill Heath and Harry's positions quite well. Be interesting if Gungahlin are at full strength this weekend.

Bring on the finals, should be a cracker.
OK guys, so as not to disappoint Southcab here are my tips:

Belco over Jets
ADFA over Murrumbidgee

I haven't seen a lot of threes this year so this is purely going off the game I saw Adfa play against Belco in which they looked good, so I'm sure Hilly and the boys won't be devastated that I have tipped against them :)

Roos over Jets (Have been the best team all year and deserve to be favourites)
Belco over Goulburn

And in regards to the Axe/Harry thing. I can gaurantee that both boys are fine and will play this weekend - some of the other Belco boys having a bit of fun I think :p.

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And in regards to the Axe/Harry thing. I can gaurantee that both boys are fine and will play this weekend - some of the other Belco boys having a bit of fun I think :p.

I think the giveaway would have been
a) that Axe was at training and
b) that he was moving fast enough to injure himself.

Full strength this weekend I think.
Im not surprised you weak individuals need inspiration to get through a day, how are you going to manage to get through the feirce contest that you'll be facing on Saturday. You blokes are just lucky I'm retired because I would bring the pain.
Hey flying pig would just like to tell you that im a butcher by trade and my specialty is carving pork cheers GO YASS!!!!!!!!
Ok all you mad footy heads..
Here we are one day out from the start of the finals.
has anyone got any final thoughts on what we may see over this weekend..
from what i have heard through the grape vine i think all sides will be putting there best 22 on the team sheets.. so should make for a brilliant weekend hay!!!:D
Leeroy are the yass full stregth?? I heard from a good source you still have some injury concerns??

The roos wont be at our full strength for the rest of the year.
but in saying that we haven played 1 game this year where we have been at our absolute full strength.
we have missed 1 or 2 key players every game. so is the case this week also.. :thumbsu:
Beans Tips:

Belco to beat the Jets by 20
ADFA to knock out the Juggs

Yass to belt the Jets
Belco to knock out the Swans

It should be a good weekend of footy. Belconnen are almost at full strength missing: Power (quad) and Taylor (tonsils). There will definitely be worthy replacements in Thring and Sanders.
Beans Tips:

Belco to beat the Jets by 20
ADFA to knock out the Juggs

Yass to belt the Jets
Belco to knock out the Swans

It should be a good weekend of footy. Belconnen are almost at full strength missing: Power (quad) and Taylor (tonsils). There will definitely be worthy replacements in Thring and Sanders.
Beans does that mean harry was to come off the bench b4 the injurys.?
No, Harry has been out the last few weeks due to School commitments.

He is one of our best so i would say he will be starting.
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