AFL Canberra

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With all the Football Administration experts on this thread keen to sink the boot into the competition at every opportunity how about we put down some constructive ideas for the AFL Canberra officials to think about?? Some do read this thread.

:rolleyes::rolleyes:Or better still why dont some of you apply for the vacant position that is up for grabs as of close of business tomorrow.
and lets analize if comments re half the the team going out on the piss helped the cause

not the first person to say this but i would actually like someone to say where when and what otherwise it is just bs talking and not walking.

my view on the GF: belco came out at half time thinking they had the game won, and didnt really do anything about it after that. vital players such as ainger, bennett, illet, henning and even mahrey didnt perform after half time and obviously accuracy infront of goal. Sydney realised 5 minutes into the last queater they were in with a chance and took it.

from a tuggies perspective it was good to see a couple of the blokes perform well on big stage as top ups. a couple of the boys actually went up on the bus on sunday night and celebrated which i think is good from the swans.
"my view on the GF: belco came out at half time thinking they had the game won"

Same as the Div 3 GF. They don't learn...

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"my view on the GF: belco came out at half time thinking they had the game won"

Same as the Div 3 GF. They don't learn...

Or mix by all accounts.

Is it true that there were some knuckle incidents between yappy second grade premiers and disappointed first grade not premiers at mad monday drinks? Perhaps a few young blokes getting a bit ahead of their station and giving the choke sign to a few senior guys who have already won three premierships and ending up on their ass? At least it shows some spirit is still out that wa\y!
Or mix by all accounts.

Is it true that there were some knuckle incidents between yappy second grade premiers and disappointed first grade not premiers at mad monday drinks? Perhaps a few young blokes getting a bit ahead of their station and giving the choke sign to a few senior guys who have already won three premierships and ending up on their ass? At least it shows some spirit is still out that wa\y!

Whatever Byron Pickett - sniping is all you're good at.

Or mix? WTF? We (Districts boys) brought our trip away home early so we could be there to support the boys on Grand Final day. There is a great feeling round the club.

And as for mad monday fighting - you are way off base there. I don't know where you're getting your info from but you are way off base. I've never seen a tighter knit bunch of blokes than the 1's and 2's this year.
Only mail I heard is that it was a bit of a morgue Sunday night at the club.

The whole club felt the loss by the 1st's pretty hard and I would think that the ressies boys would have respected their win without going over the top. Similar to the Tiger ressies last year.

I think most would acknowledge that the success of any club is measured by the first grades season and not the reserves. Ressies is the most difficult grade as you rarely have the same group of players every week and sometimes you play players in positions that the 1st grade coach wishes you to play them even if its not a benefit to the side.

Yes ressies is the grounding for the future of many younger players but ultimately the club is recognised by its first grade results.
Only mail I heard is that it was a bit of a morgue Sunday night at the club.

ABH - right on the ball here....not sure where the spoiler gets his info from but he might wanna look for a different avenue for his info from now on :mad:

Im sorry jdjt i didnt get the memo re no amusement when posting it was a comment ment in fun.

Southcab - if it was meant to be in fun, well that is OK. However, I am sure that if your club captain had received the same comments after losing a GF in those circumstances, surely you would have stood up for him?
I hear you jdjt and i apoligise the comments were made when belco led by 20 and at that stage it didnt seem likely that belco would lose .Having said that i to can see my comments are in poor taste so good on you for sticking up for your club captain.:thumbsu:
Having said that i to can see my comments are in poor taste so good on you for sticking up for your club captain.:thumbsu:

Hey Southcab,

Appreciate your comments - no one at Belco are happy with the result.

Would like to know more about your comments about the boys going out on the pi$$ - care to elaborate?????
One of the most ill-informed comments I've read on this board.

Is it though? Given that those "most likely" - (Jack, Veszpremi, Bird etc) have already been elevated, what is left. Which of the Swans ressies are next to make the step up. Currie in the ruck maybe. Barlow looks to have had his chance as does Brabazon.

It might surprise you that most ACTAFL supporters would like to see a strong Swans presence in the comp. to raise the local standard, and maybe the local profile.

Perhaps the Swans could look to getting their "top up" players from the Sydney competition as well? Yes it would deprive some young locals of a one off Swans jumper - but would it not help out the Syd. comp, as well? That's pretty much the reason for listed player restrictions in the VFL. Watch it on Fox - its not bad (the Sydney comp. that is).

Unless you post relates to Belco's forward line problems?
any one want to have a gues at their B&F awards from their clubs (unless some have had them already) or have a guess at other clubs

B&F: Ben Cleaver
2nd B&F: Craig Healy
Consistant: Jay Kickett
Best 1st yr: Charlie Prowse
Most Imp: Troy Fenyvesi

QT: Mark Powell
BM: James Bennett
ED: Aaron Rogers
SS: Matt O'Dwyer
AK: Billy Neely
With all the Football Administration experts on this thread keen to sink the boot into the competition at every opportunity how about we put down some constructive ideas for the AFL Canberra officials to think about?? Some do read this thread.

:rolleyes::rolleyes:Or better still why dont some of you apply for the vacant position that is up for grabs as of close of business tomorrow.

Mate i would have loved to apply for the vacant position but there's a few things that would stand in my way i think. Looking forward to seeing who they hire. I know a couple of the applicants and think one in particular would be an excellent addition.

You want some suggestions for the AFL to think about? I've got a few suggestions. As i said i've done similar things in a previous job and the comments that it's the Canberra Times fault for not putting it in the paper are pretty small minded. They are there to sell papers and clearly don't see the local football doing that. Someone from AFL canberra must make them see that it will. There are a few ways to that, but the first thing is to build a good relationship with the people at the paper and that takes some time, but it's a pretty simple thing to get done. The start is making sure there are reports to put in the paper, along with photos, but i've said before that shouldn't be a problem if we have full time administration.

I think saying that people who are critical of the local administration are sinking the boot is pretty single minded also. How is us critisizing and offering opinions any different to you doing so towards other players and clubs?

There's a few other things i'd like to see done also, but i have things on this morning so i have to head out. Looking forward to what you think about this ABH, before i go on to more suggestions :thumbsu: :p

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Mate i would have loved to apply for the vacant position but there's a few things that would stand in my way i think. Looking forward to seeing who they hire. I know a couple of the applicants and think one in particular would be an excellent addition.

You want some suggestions for the AFL to think about? I've got a few suggestions. As i said i've done similar things in a previous job and the comments that it's the Canberra Times fault for not putting it in the paper are pretty small minded. They are there to sell papers and clearly don't see the local football doing that. Someone from AFL canberra must make them see that it will. There are a few ways to that, but the first thing is to build a good relationship with the people at the paper and that takes some time, but it's a pretty simple thing to get done. The start is making sure there are reports to put in the paper, along with photos, but i've said before that shouldn't be a problem if we have full time administration.

I think saying that people who are critical of the local administration are sinking the boot is pretty single minded also. How is us critisizing and offering opinions any different to you doing so towards other players and clubs?

There's a few other things i'd like to see done also, but i have things on this morning so i have to head out. Looking forward to what you think about this ABH, before i go on to more suggestions :thumbsu: :p
Flipfoot sounds like you have the answers so why dont you throw your hat in the ring? What is your answer to this one, when Scott Walsh was at the Canberra Times two years ago, the local coverage was pretty good, a feature story during the week, then solid stories and pics for games in Sundays and Mondays papers. When he left, the space dedicated to local footy shrunk. The product (local footy) hasnt changed since then, but the staff at the times has.........
Mate i would have loved to apply for the vacant position but there's a few things that would stand in my way i think. Looking forward to seeing who they hire. I know a couple of the applicants and think one in particular would be an excellent addition.

You want some suggestions for the AFL to think about? I've got a few suggestions. As i said i've done similar things in a previous job and the comments that it's the Canberra Times fault for not putting it in the paper are pretty small minded. They are there to sell papers and clearly don't see the local football doing that. Someone from AFL canberra must make them see that it will. There are a few ways to that, but the first thing is to build a good relationship with the people at the paper and that takes some time, but it's a pretty simple thing to get done. The start is making sure there are reports to put in the paper, along with photos, but i've said before that shouldn't be a problem if we have full time administration.

I think saying that people who are critical of the local administration are sinking the boot is pretty single minded also. How is us critisizing and offering opinions any different to you doing so towards other players and clubs?

There's a few other things i'd like to see done also, but i have things on this morning so i have to head out. Looking forward to what you think about this ABH, before i go on to more suggestions :thumbsu: :p

So whats standing in your way ??????? I know that certain League administrators look at this forum and would welcome any new ideas. Lets hear em loud and clear.
In my opinion, its all about getting the message across to people that our competition is exciting, closely contested, and heck, that it even exists. In my opinion its simply nuts that the local rugby final attracts 4 or 5 times what the local footy final attracts.

To get the message across obviously takes advertising. As previously mentioned by people, the coverage in the CT has shrunk, on GF day i had to look twice to find anything. Photos, match reports, all should be submitted weekly to the CT, not to mention times and venues for the following week. Qbn radio do a good job I'm told, unfortunately I'm almost always busy and so unable to listen to them. On Balls and All there is a little bit of coverage, but it gets nothing compared to say, local rugby - that shouldn't be too difficult to change, its a matter of getting in their face I'm sure. I remember speaking to Cam Sullings a year or 2 ago and he said that the other sports people hassled them to get on, not so with footy.

As far as TV went, well I understand there was a limited budget on the advertising for that but does anyone know who actually designed the ads?? They weren't what I would call exciting, and frankly the ads were too few and far between. Again, I understand it might've been budget constraints, but the League needs to throw money into this sort of thing to revitalise interest and ultimately, stop it from dying.. Local news (WIN and ABC) both do have brief stories run on the sunday/monday, it's not much but they're only ever going to allocate so many resources and time to covering the footy as it stands now. No changing that any time soon.

To continue with the TV side of things, 2 more questions - 1, why does Channelvision only show the GF - why not match of the round? and 2, the sydney AFL gets more airtime on fox than actafl - a bit of a joke if you ask me, given the standard of the sydney league being much worse than here. the league needs to start hassling fox about that. After all, there is a NSW/ACT AFL program on fox sports each week, but I'll be damned if i've ever seen much more than a passing mention of actafl on the show each week...

I know I haven't provided too many solutions to the things I see as issues, but I suspect the easiest 2 ways of resolving them is 1: building relationships with people at the organisations like CT, fox sports, etc, and then 2: hassling. hassle hassle hassle, make these program directors and editors and so on aware that yes, the league DOES exist, yes, it IS a good competition, and yes, it DOES exist! (deliberate repetition ;))

thats my 15 mins of non-work done on work time :D
Hello Gents (and Lady's???)

Just to let you know what is happening around the traps, the Hume League had their GF on the weekend with a gate of over $31,000 at Walbundrie on the same day and only 100km away at Narrendera, the RFL league had theirs with over $35,000 through the gate and the Rugby league had theirs as well with over $25,000 at Cootamundra. All of these places are with in 1 hour of Wagga the largest centre (50,000 people), I think this shows how poor the following in Canberra is.
The Wagga Daily Advertiser also ran great coverage of all games with at least full page speards of all games before the weekend and Full page spraeds of the results (you can google them and look for yourself). It's all well and good for clubs to supply info, but the DA shows what can happen when reporters are not lazy and do their jobs and report.
The Daily Advertiser has one of the best sports coverages in any non metro paper - they had a Monday sports liftout (i think they still have it) which covered all leagues and detailed results. As well as aticles throughout the week on players and what's happening around the leagues.

I remember a few years ago when Belco won their flags the coverage in the paper for the Granny was very good, even a fair few photo's of the game. There should be dedicated staff for the promotion of the league, and if there is they are doing a pr!ck of a job just quietly.
So if a league publicity officer was to ring clubs in regards to who mite play and who mite not and get any reports on injurys and alike how many clubs will tell the truth ?
There is no point in wasting one,s time and the papers if coaches see it as another game tool which has happened quite often in the past when there was better coverage. Instead of whinging about the league and the media get your own publicity officers of there fat arses and email something of fact or intrest to the paper now that is proactive.
We all have a web page keeper so when the scribe finds something of intrest have them email the paper, pretty soon we will all be reading about footy and who knows we may even increase afl or your clubs profile.
Is it though? Given that those "most likely" - (Jack, Veszpremi, Bird etc) have already been elevated, what is left. Which of the Swans ressies are next to make the step up. Currie in the ruck maybe. Barlow looks to have had his chance as does Brabazon.
Smith, who took the Jesaulenko medal, and O'Dwyer have had great seasons. There is great potential in Meredith, Laidlaw and Dan O'Keefe, who only played a handful of games. Orreal showed tremendous improvement throughout the year. Plus whomever the Swans take in the national draft will be no slouches either.

Yes the list will get turnover, but that has been the case for many years now. Compare to 05 side to the 08 side and try and find any common players. Won't be many.

Perhaps the Swans could look to getting their "top up" players from the Sydney competition as well? Yes it would deprive some young locals of a one off Swans jumper - but would it not help out the Syd. comp, as well? That's pretty much the reason for listed player restrictions in the VFL. Watch it on Fox - its not bad (the Sydney comp. that is).
I believe this is the case when the match is played in Sydney. The Sydney AFL rising star Mitch Frail played as a top up on a few occasions.

Basically my comment that your post was ill-informed was related to the fact that even harsher restrictions came in play during the finals. 12 listed players in the whole squad instead of the 13 + 5 that was in play during the regular season. Given that the Swans struggled to beat Belconnen during the regular season, to come out and win, with some notable names missing (Mathews, Brennan and Fosdike) is nothing short of sensational. To slag the Swans off, and especially that GF performance, really got up my nose. Belconnen were hot favourites that day, and deservedly so.
Hey Southcab,

Appreciate your comments - no one at Belco are happy with the result.

Would like to know more about your comments about the boys going out on the pi$$ - care to elaborate?????

hey southcab do you have any real info or is it you just shooting your mouth off again? you get stuck into Belco Captain, then you give us this. back it up please? or admit you have nothing
hey southcab do you have any real info or is it you just shooting your mouth off again? you get stuck into Belco Captain, then you give us this. back it up please? or admit you have nothing
Hey wonky you need to go back and read the post in its context i never got stuck into your captain at all ,and as for shooting my mouth off again please direct me to this.
As for backing up comments re the piss im on a hiding to nothing in this one, perhaps you should ask some of your fellow mates and see if they have the balls to tell the truth i would start with the underwoods and end at all bar nun.
By the way wonky everybody knows who i am, care to inform who you are ?
Smith, who took the Jesaulenko medal, and O'Dwyer have had great seasons. There is great potential in Meredith, Laidlaw and Dan O'Keefe, who only played a handful of games. Orreal showed tremendous improvement throughout the year. Plus whomever the Swans take in the national draft will be no slouches either.

Yes the list will get turnover, but that has been the case for many years now. Compare to 05 side to the 08 side and try and find any common players. Won't be many.

I believe this is the case when the match is played in Sydney. The Sydney AFL rising star Mitch Frail played as a top up on a few occasions.

Basically my comment that your post was ill-informed was related to the fact that even harsher restrictions came in play during the finals. 12 listed players in the whole squad instead of the 13 + 5 that was in play during the regular season. Given that the Swans struggled to beat Belconnen during the regular season, to come out and win, with some notable names missing (Mathews, Brennan and Fosdike) is nothing short of sensational. To slag the Swans off, and especially that GF performance, really got up my nose. Belconnen were hot favourites that day, and deservedly so.

Totally agree with you Grimlock; Belco had a better team all year, more skillful, determined and stronger. On paper, they should have won by 5 goals - even in the wet... For the Swans to come out after half time - or more specifically after 3/4 time and take it up to the Magpies showed a great deal of self belief and character. Swans supporters should be a little excited by the prospect of having some of those young blokes one day playing senior footy.:thumbsu:
The only thing I didnt enjoy about the Swans being in the GF is the fact that it probably cost the league about an extra 1500 supporters - if Eastlake or Ainslie had made it, there would have been more local interest. But, that's one of the few negative points about having the Swans in our competition.:D
Just a few things to consider before writting how poorly the AFL Canbeera advertise our local footy.

Most things a done on a shoestring budget.

They are active on TV with the "See You @ The Footy" campaign and are looking at expanding this concept across NSW.

Canberra Times are offered press releases and photo's on a weekly basis.

Clubs also have a part to play in this as it is their players and their stories. Qbn Tigers do an excellent job with their relationship with The Qbn Age and QBNFM. Maybe others need to be more pro-active as they have great resources also possibly even more so than AFL Canberra.

AFL Canberra website has stories every week as well as the footy record to download (something that has never been done in my time here). If you have a computer you can get the information required wether its about senior footy or junior footy.

Channel Vision receives a 1 page ad every record and shows interviews, game highlights when provided by clubs. The current GF is on the website and the television channel to those where available. None of this is free of charge.

Computer and phone screensaver has been introduced, car stickers, viral type emails to a wide audience have also happened this year.

Win News have done weekly previews during the finals series, Mulrooney Medal/GF press conference.

Unfortunatly the AFL Canberra cannot control any of the media outlets. While they do try to assist obviously they are interested in "The Big" stories. The people who do try and push our brand do so to the best of their abilities from the press.

Success can be measured in many forms. Space on pages and TV screens sure, but also things such as hits on a website and the amount of interest in this forum of Big Footy.

While many passionate people come on here and have a say which is encouraged and what it is all about, to many of us come on here without true facts and just continue to criticise. This is also fine if you can suggest a better way.

Being here for 15 years I have seen the competition exposure increase considerably. There were no TV commercials back then, no websites, no footy forums and no Channel Vision.

So while its not perfect we have seen things improve and will continue to see improvement. Hopefully all clubs can assist in creating the exposure we all crave to take this comp to the next level.
Just a few things to consider before writting how poorly the AFL Canbeera advertise our local footy.

Most things a done on a shoestring budget.

They are active on TV with the "See You @ The Footy" campaign and are looking at expanding this concept across NSW.

Canberra Times are offered press releases and photo's on a weekly basis.

Clubs also have a part to play in this as it is their players and their stories. Qbn Tigers do an excellent job with their relationship with The Qbn Age and QBNFM. Maybe others need to be more pro-active as they have great resources also possibly even more so than AFL Canberra.

AFL Canberra website has stories every week as well as the footy record to download (something that has never been done in my time here). If you have a computer you can get the information required wether its about senior footy or junior footy.

Channel Vision receives a 1 page ad every record and shows interviews, game highlights when provided by clubs. The current GF is on the website and the television channel to those where available. None of this is free of charge.

Computer and phone screensaver has been introduced, car stickers, viral type emails to a wide audience have also happened this year.

Win News have done weekly previews during the finals series, Mulrooney Medal/GF press conference.

Unfortunatly the AFL Canberra cannot control any of the media outlets. While they do try to assist obviously they are interested in "The Big" stories. The people who do try and push our brand do so to the best of their abilities from the press.

Success can be measured in many forms. Space on pages and TV screens sure, but also things such as hits on a website and the amount of interest in this forum of Big Footy.

While many passionate people come on here and have a say which is encouraged and what it is all about, to many of us come on here without true facts and just continue to criticise. This is also fine if you can suggest a better way.

Being here for 15 years I have seen the competition exposure increase considerably. There were no TV commercials back then, no websites, no footy forums and no Channel Vision.

So while its not perfect we have seen things improve and will continue to see improvement. Hopefully all clubs can assist in creating the exposure we all crave to take this comp to the next level.

I agree with pretty much everything you've said here, and i know it's much easier to criticize than to praise, but it's also generally more effective here to criticize ;)

I agree that over the last few years the exposure has risen considerably, however i still think in comparison to many other leagues (often without any funding at all, let alone a shoe string budget) our league is a long way behind.

I agree queanbeyan do a really good job at getting the game to the people, and if only the league and other clubs could have more influence like this. I still think we need to really saturate Canberra with aussie rules. Make sure anyone that supports the code is aware of what's happening, along with regular updates. I've been here a while, and like you say there have been improvements, such as tv ads, website improvements, channel vision etc, there are still major areas of improvement.

I agree with another poster in saying that there is alot of media work based around relationships with the outelts. It's fairly clear to me we don't have that good of a relationship with them just now.

I would still like to know if there is a full time media person in AFL Canberra? Does anyone know? If not should there be? My answer would be a massive yes. We are sitting on the best league in the state and really need to promote it as such.

The fox sports program "NSW/ACT aussie rules" is a complete joke. I watch it a lot cause i have friends that play in the Sydney league and not once have i seen footage of an ACT game. This should be a major area to push. Let's get the damn ABC OB truck down here to the NSW/ACT! It's a joke that it's called that and yet clearly never bothers with the ACT. Here is a fantastic avenue to get our boys on the tv, and really create a genuine interest with the public.

You said we should get all the facts before writing to criticize and i agree that a lot of my information has been based on my own views and not a lot of what happens within the AFL Canberra headquarters, but i am well aware of the ad campaigns, emails, stickers, etc and while some have been very exciting, i think from the amount i have seen them, we still shouldn't be happy with how things stand.

I do think queanbeyan do a good job, and far from it for me to blow up their tyres like some on this site, but surely that's not just from receptive people/journolists at the papers and chook and jordo submitting every week? Surely this has a lot to do with the relationship they have built over a length of time? I just don't really see this relationship right now with the Canberra times. Maybe I'm wrong, but it's the way it seems to a semi-insider.

I'd love to apply for the position that has become available but i stepped out of similar roles to do the one I'm in now and don't think i'd go back. I'd love to assist in my spare time if the new person is open minded though.

I love how many people we actually have that come to big footy and show they are pretty passionate, but i just think the management need to have a gentle pat on the back for this year, and continue in the off season to have an even better one next year. I have more to say but will leave it until i actually have a bit more time.
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