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truth hurts doesnt it

Sucko A Bit High, looks like your in deep with a nut job!

D.J. both you and A Bit High have a heap in common. love talking about yourselves on this thread. alot of "I" written in your maiden speech. just like A Bith High when he talks about himself, but usually A Bit High also talks about some guy called Jezza as well.
Hey Wonky

I noticed you were on when I wrote the above message, so it was no surprise that when I came back there was no response. Now you can give all the excuses you want but the only thing that we all know on thread is that you are a coward.
I have requested on several occassions that we should catch up, but you refuse to accept my offer.
Seems to me that you a scared of ABH and would piss your pants if I ever found out who you were....Someone will tell me one day, mark my word you will annoy someone that knows you and they will be glad to leek your identity.
My advise to you is to tred carefully little man.

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I am still more than happy to come out to your work to discuss;) further or would you prefer to can me on this thread instead of face to face:cool:
Your a very cranky man abh :) i cant believe a few words on the internet can get you that worked up that you want to go visit w***er .
If you stop him from having a go at you were will it all end you know if you put yourself out there someone will try to knock you down.;)
Kind a like when you were playing fullfoward at the top of your game defenders tried everything to put you off your game.How many back man did you offer to meet behind the dressing sheds ? and for that matter did any of them except :D
Your a very cranky man abh :) i cant believe a few words on the internet can get you that worked up that you want to go visit w***er .
If you stop him from having a go at you were will it all end you know if you put yourself out there someone will try to knock you down.;)
Kind a like when you were playing fullfoward at the top of your game defenders tried everything to put you off your game.How many back man did you offer to meet behind the dressing sheds ? and for that matter did any of them except :D

Major difference is the backman I stood, I knew their identity so all was out in the open. No hiding behind keyboards.
There was no need to meet behind the sheds, things were done on the field and kept on the field but it seems that some people try and use this forum as a way to have a go at others.
The only thing that puzzles me is that Wonky wanted to know why I asked Qbn for a pay rise, was it due to the crowds being poor. I simply told him why I thought I deserved one and backed it up with facts about performance.

Pretty plain and simple really

Oh Yeh - Free bottle of Jack Daniels 700ml to anyone who PM's me Wonky's identity!!
I guess we will see how many mates he has now. Although i suspect he,s identity is not known out at belco way either :D
Sucko A Bit High, looks like your in deep with a nut job!

D.J. both you and A Bit High have a heap in common. love talking about yourselves on this thread. alot of "I" written in your maiden speech. just like A Bith High when he talks about himself, but usually A Bit High also talks about some guy called Jezza as well.
how bout you read the quote again wonky it wasnt about me it was about footy, but you seem like a dumb twat so i would expect that, and yes i know exactly who you are
Major difference is the backman I stood, I knew their identity so all was out in the open. No hiding behind keyboards.
There was no need to meet behind the sheds, things were done on the field and kept on the field but it seems that some people try and use this forum as a way to have a go at others.
The only thing that puzzles me is that Wonky wanted to know why I asked Qbn for a pay rise, was it due to the crowds being poor. I simply told him why I thought I deserved one and backed it up with facts about performance.

Pretty plain and simple really

Oh Yeh - Free bottle of Jack Daniels 700ml to anyone who PM's me Wonky's identity!!

Hey ABH and DJ, im a keen observer of this forum and I don't comment on things unless they really interest me. Both of you are bringing yourselves down by reacting to these comments made by wonky, condola and co. I doubt anyone on here has contributed to footy in the ACT (be it playing or promoting or umpiring) than what you two claim.

I think you need to respect that this forum is designed so that you can hide behind a keyboard and make comments as you please- thats why it is interesting! I could say that Nathan Ablett is playing for Tuggeranong next year and get a reaction- in real social contexts id just get laughed at. Fortunately for both of you, you have real and credible information (most of the time). Don't degrade your credibility outside of this forum because of some personal attacks posted on the forum. Wonky, Condola and co are just stirring you up on purpose. most of the rubbish they post is to get a reaction and id take it with a grain of salt. But thats what makes it fun.

keep on posting:thumbsu:
how bout you read the quote again wonky it wasnt about me it was about footy, but you seem like a dumb twat so i would expect that, and yes i know exactly who you are
Hey dj if you know who wonky is it should make for great pillow talk tonight between you and abh !!!:p:p:p
Hey ABH and DJ, im a keen observer of this forum and I don't comment on things unless they really interest me. Both of you are bringing yourselves down by reacting to these comments made by wonky, condola and co. I doubt anyone on here has contributed to footy in the ACT (be it playing or promoting or umpiring) than what you two claim.

I think you need to respect that this forum is designed so that you can hide behind a keyboard and make comments as you please- thats why it is interesting! I could say that Nathan Ablett is playing for Tuggeranong next year and get a reaction- in real social contexts id just get laughed at. Fortunately for both of you, you have real and credible information (most of the time). Don't degrade your credibility outside of this forum because of some personal attacks posted on the forum. Wonky, Condola and co are just stirring you up on purpose. most of the rubbish they post is to get a reaction and id take it with a grain of salt. But thats what makes it fun.

keep on posting:thumbsu:

Totally hear what you are saying EF and appreciate your post but as you know when a pesky fly is buzzing around your head and you know it want do you any harm eventually you get fed up and decide to squash it:D

Its all good mate:thumbsu:
ABH, Im hearing that we will see you in the pocket next year out here at yass.
We need a left footer out there to, im sure you will enjoy the social side of it as well.Dj recruitment ando must have the gift of the gab.
On a seriuos note its a shame a lot more ex first graders dont drop back and play the game it would be of great advantage to the teenagers in country towns when i say teenagers i mean 15 and 16 there is so much talent in country towns lost to other sports because we cant introduce them to higher grades.
Currently at yass we have a couple of juniors playing reps and one who is being wacthed with a veiw to going into the swans acadamy.
Im told that both the rep boys will be playing at belco this year so i guess thats them gone too.

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how bout you read the quote again wonky it wasnt about me it was about footy, but you seem like a dumb twat so i would expect that, and yes i know exactly who you are
Now now DJ, calm down, grab a tissue and wipe away those tears of rage!! You will probably find some in your handbag next to your purse and tampons.

ABH, Wonky is Rusty.....just drop the bottle of grog down to Karabar High, the year 10s can knock it over at lunchtime. tell 'em ITKTM sent you
Hey ABH and DJ, im a keen observer of this forum and I don't comment on things unless they really interest me. Both of you are bringing yourselves down by reacting to these comments made by wonky, condola and co. I doubt anyone on here has contributed to footy in the ACT (be it playing or promoting or umpiring) than what you two claim.

I think you need to respect that this forum is designed so that you can hide behind a keyboard and make comments as you please- thats why it is interesting! I could say that Nathan Ablett is playing for Tuggeranong next year and get a reaction- in real social contexts id just get laughed at. Fortunately for both of you, you have real and credible information (most of the time). Don't degrade your credibility outside of this forum because of some personal attacks posted on the forum. Wonky, Condola and co are just stirring you up on purpose. most of the rubbish they post is to get a reaction and id take it with a grain of salt. But thats what makes it fun.

keep on posting:thumbsu:
thanks ef. I know what you are saying, but arent they better off on a gay chat line or something, im just trying to create some positive attitudes for afl. where did you get your nick name is it from mgmt. if so only a few will know what i am talking about
DJ Ando

For an absolute nobody, you are quite full of yourself... at least it makes this forum funny to read in the off season...
Sorry guys i have been away for the weekend, but glad its not just me that think DJ and A Bit high talk about themselves a lot

Got any little nuggets of information from out your way Wanky or is Carlton Draught the only one who knows anything about your mob. I reckon you are just an insignificant little undre 18 or district player who knows nothing but talks a big game.

Agree with you that the DJ is a non stop block of **** though.
Is the fact that ABH has been a lot quieter lately evidence that he has figured out that the dj stands for dick jerker ?:D

I know for a fact that some of his ex team mates are filthy on the bullshit stories he is trying to spread about the upcoming season.
It;s bad when you rave on about players suposedly coming to play for a team and your not even taking the feild when you put the side on a hiding to nothing.

But what else can expect from a dj.:eek:
Have heard Belco spoke with Knowles, who didn't want a bar of it, apparently he was close to getting a development job with collingwood, but has accepted an offer from a SANFL team.

Whispers Belco also spoke with one of the Cannon boys (coached Eastlake?) who didn't like the set-up out there either.

Could be scraping the bottom of the barrell out North?

Last one on the Grapevine, apparently morale wasn't high leading into the GF this year for the Magpies, after one of the boys was involved in extra curricular activity with another players property, if you know what I mean.

Whats with Rogers leaving Eastlake, have they run out of shorts after he soiled himself too many times, the bloke is Sh!t scared, only started getting a kick when he went down back and could play from behind, skillful player but never going to win you a tight one, or a final.

I hear the Tricklers have picked up a Ruckman from Tassie.

Any other news out there?
The majority of the quality 08 Marist u18's Premiership side have headed south from the school for 2009 rather than closer to the Lake for season 09... What did Eastlake do to damage the relationship?
The majority of the quality 08 Marist u18's Premiership side have headed south from the school for 2009 rather than closer to the Lake for season 09... What did Eastlake do to damage the relationship?

The draft draw for 09 has Tuggeranong fielding two reserve grade sides. Big ups to them if it happens. I guess this is where the numbers are coming from.

Would be interested in where you're getting your info Mr Draught?
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