AFL Canberra

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Viva Belconnen.
Viva Belconnen.
Should have won the Cup,
But they F**KED it up.
Viva Belconnen.

Viva Belconnen.
Viva Belconnen.
Kept the Swans in the game,
Only themselves to blame.
Viva Belconnen.

Viva Belconnen.
Viva Belconnen.
Should of won by far,
This ones going to scar.
Viva Belconnen.

Viva Belconnen.
Viva Belconnen.
Should have won by a mile,
How big is my smile.
Viva Belconnen.

Viva Belconnen.
Viva Belconnen.
Had a lump in my throat,
As I watched you choke.
Viva Belconnen
Great day, 3qtrs of the seniors was a bit boring, but then finally some finals atmosphere when Brabazon put his body on the line and the crowd were willing the swans over the line. Any idea of the crowd figure. Great to see Belco get done.
Great day, 3qtrs of the seniors was a bit boring, but then finally some finals atmosphere when Brabazon put his body on the line and the crowd were willing the swans over the line. Any idea of the crowd figure. Great to see Belco get done.
From the ground it looked as though there might've been 2000 or so... maybe 2500.

Not bad given the weather for most of the day, that would've put most people well and truly off coming out!

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Last night I burned the midnight oil (well, the midnight Jack Daniel's) and put the first quarter of yesterday's Senior Grand Final on flickr (for your personal viewing pleasure): :thumbsu:

The rest of the day will be up over the course of the week.

Seeing as the only things of any note that I picked this year were Tuggeranong over Eastlake in Round 1 and Steve Mahar for Coach of the Year, I think in future I'll stick to taking photos.

Well, well, well.

You just can't play underdone blokes in Finals, too many blokes not match fit for the Magpies.

Maybe if the Underwoods got off the p!ss and actually did what they were paid to do, it would be a different story. Is it just me, or do they only kick it to each other....

You can't have half of your team writing themselves of week in week out at Canberra nightspots, and expect to perform at your best. They may wake today and realise there Shite does stink!

Interesting times ahead....
From the ground it looked as though there might've been 2000 or so... maybe 2500.

Not bad given the weather for most of the day, that would've put most people well and truly off coming out!

sorry Taffetta but if we are happy with a crowd of 2000 we are kidding ourselves. It is a great comp and we should be embarrassed at the attendance. Let's hope next year we have 2 Canberra teams.

Thought you'd be at the Top Pub today ABH!!!
sorry Taffetta but if we are happy with a crowd of 2000 we are kidding ourselves. It is a great comp and we should be embarrassed at the attendance. Let's hope next year we have 2 Canberra teams.

Thought you'd be at the Top Pub today ABH!!!
No no i agree completely, I was at a home and away game in SA a couple of years ago and there was 11000 or so. Crowd numbers here have always been disappointing.
Cannot believe I had to work looking at those results. :( 3 games decided by a total of 5 points is unbelievable. I heard about the 18s in the morning and thought maybe it was a good thing I wasn't there, but to see Belconnen lose it would have been well worth it. Looking forward to the Tri-Colours giving it to them in next years GF.
As a follower of the league but not a supporter of any club, I am surprised at the anti Belconnen sentiment on this site since the weekend. Is it because you dont like the way they do things, or is it more because you are sick and tired of losing against them yourselves and see this as a good chance to take a cheap shot against them?
As a follower of the league but not a supporter of any club, I am surprised at the anti Belconnen sentiment on this site since the weekend. Is it because you dont like the way they do things, or is it more because you are sick and tired of losing against them yourselves and see this as a good chance to take a cheap shot against them?

Hardly a cheap shot when your identity is known to most on the website. I would say that to some, certain people on this site may cause negativity towards Belconnen.
It could be their attitude towards opposition after only 10 years at the top. Their is a fine line between arrogance and cockiness. Winning 3 flags in your history doesn't give you bragging rights over many other clubs in the ACT. I for one respect what they have achieved as a club over the last decade but certain attitudes need to be kept in check at times.
I want to pose a serious question.

I think everyone would acknowledge that the Swans side yesterday was the weakest they have put on the field in its 6 year history in AFL Canberra by a country mile.

Its also safe to say that Belconnen had been the best and most consistant side throughout 2008.

So is it a black mark against our competition when the weakest Sydney side ever can still defeat our strongest Canberra side when it matters the most??:eek:

It is not a blck mark, the swans still had good players and apart from the 6 top ups all would be walk up starts in any AFL Canberra team. Even most of the top-ups played some 1s this year. So they are no slouches. But you are right talent wise that was the weakest. But out of the 4 swans premiership teams they are the only ones I have seen that really wanted it. they were as excited as any team I have seen that won a premiership. I always thought players like Brabazon and jesse White were there for themselves. but the way (especially Brabazon) conducted themselves was awesome to watch. They were the "real" team and wanted to win for the club. Which was pretty refreshing. Suck it up Belco you weren't good enough and won't be untill your individual players want it as much as they say they do and as much as there club wants it. Have a crack next year but maybe your time is passing and could be a changing of the guard.

Eastlake and Ainslie = powerhouses next year.

On the crowd they probably had over 3,500 through the day. but each teams supporter usually left after their game, which is a bit dissapointing. The crowds really don't justify the standard of our comp which is why clubs fork out so much. There is no way you would come here if it wan't for the money. Good on AFL Canberra for trying to put on a good event they did well and it deserves more support.

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On the crowd - it doesn't help when it is held at Manuka who sell off the catering rights so clubs can't pitch a marquee and have a function in there with their own piss and a barbie. Footy Park used to be awesome with all the clubs and their tents lining the boundary. It just won't happen any more, especially at Manuka with their screw down rates and corporate attitude to what is in reality a semi-pro comp at most.

Re: the result. Shattering. Districts boys came back early from our trip away to cheer the boys home and it just didn't turn out how it looked. Pies were too cute by half from early in the first quarter and it really cost us. We should have been half a dozen goals up but just missed chances and wouldn't take shots when they were there to be taken. Could be a sombre place down there today. Congrats to the 2's though - held on and brought home the choccies. Club Champions is still a reasonable end to the season and plenty to build on next year.
Yeah thats what it means it loses a lot of atmosphere, coz if you had six tents on the hill (each club) and then the rest of the crowd in the stands pretty much, the buzz around the ground would be so much better. Like belco was forced into the hawke stand and qbn in the menzies, eastlake had some blokes up behind the goals and ainslie seemed to have a small contingent in the bradman stand. Plus if clubs that weren't involved promoted it as a bit of a fun day and make an event out of it it would be so much better. But as you say manuka wont cater for it. This is really the main event on the football calender in canberra apart from AFL games, but we have a chance to really show off our product but it wont happen untill some changes are made.
OK, the rest of the Grand Final is up and available for your personal viewing pleasure. There are a few shots that I would normally have tossed away for being a bit out of focus or badly lit, and while they might not be great works of visual art the people in the photos will enjoy them (I hope). :thumbsu:


A few people have contacted me about purchasing prints. I promise to get back to you before the Friday.
Well, well, well.

You just can't play underdone blokes in Finals, too many blokes not match fit for the Magpies.

Maybe if the Underwoods got off the p!ss and actually did what they were paid to do, it would be a different story. Is it just me, or do they only kick it to each other....

You can't have half of your team writing themselves of week in week out at Canberra nightspots, and expect to perform at your best. They may wake today and realise there Shite does stink!

Interesting times ahead....
Carlton Draught I would have thought that belco would have had a handle on the off feild antics if it is the case as you say half the team were writing themselves off it shows no respect for the club at all.
If we have young fellows coming here on playing holidays it serves very little purpose at all it would be a bad thing to one day wake up and think what could have been if only.
We may as well pump more money into local talent and not throw good after bad on those who want to piss it up the wall thinking ill get paid to holyday again next year.
It also goes to show you dont have to be the best all year but you do have to be the best all day.I believe the difference on the day was the preperation and the swans wanted it more, belco thought they only had to turn up and pick up the cup.
It want get any eaiser for belco next year but im sure they will learn a lot from the loss.
Congrats to the Magpies "Kournikovas" on the weekends win, good to see them finally get one in the right hole for a change. Congratulations to the Swannies for winning again this season, glad that the Swannies enjoyed the win for a change - thought the Belco boys would of broke the Swannies run finally but not to be.

From all reports, another piss poor turnout at Manuka again - shit effort all round by the league in this department!! The best league in the state and the crowd is probably a third of what a Granny in Wagga or Narrandera is... Hopefully someone who loves football will take over the GM job and will get the interest back into the comp.
Congrats to the Magpies "Kournikovas" on the weekends win, good to see them finally get one in the right hole for a change. Congratulations to the Swannies for winning again this season, glad that the Swannies enjoyed the win for a change - thought the Belco boys would of broke the Swannies run finally but not to be.

From all reports, another piss poor turnout at Manuka again - shit effort all round by the league in this department!! The best league in the state and the crowd is probably a third of what a Granny in Wagga or Narrandera is... Hopefully someone who loves football will take over the GM job and will get the interest back into the comp.

What a ridiculous comment. You need to check out David Warks credentials back in Adelaide before shooting off at the hip. All comps suffer when the weather is that poor. How can that be the fault of the league or the GM. Agree that country football leagues draw big crowds but this problem has been in the ACT for the last fifteen years that I can recall. Teams participate and then go home straight after their game is finished. Make no mistake about it, David Wark is going to be a loss for this competition and should be congratulated for his efforts.
What a ridiculous comment. You need to check out David Warks credentials back in Adelaide before shooting off at the hip. All comps suffer when the weather is that poor. How can that be the fault of the league or the GM. Agree that country football leagues draw big crowds but this problem has been in the ACT for the last fifteen years that I can recall. Teams participate and then go home straight after their game is finished. Make no mistake about it, David Wark is going to be a loss for this competition and should be congratulated for his efforts.

I am not having a go a direct go at Wark, from all reports he did a bang up job - but hopefully someone can come in with a fresh vision and do something miraculous to get the Canberrian public enthused and reinvigorate the competition! The league Granny doesn't seem like it is promoted very well which doesn't help when the local media gives half arsed reports on the game throughout the year.

Out of curiosity, were there any other footy codes or events on the same day?
Given the Swans had their weakest list on the weekend ever is anyone wondering if Eastlake, Ainslie, Qbn or Tuggeranong would have beaten them!!
Pretty sure those teams would not have thought it was in the bag before a ball was bounced.

I think thats bullshit i dont think belconnen just thought it was won before the bounce. Somthing just went wrong on the day. Stranger things have happend like QBN not making the finals this year:eek:
teams that have had a successful season and then have a rest during the finals often struggle on GF day. On some occasions it can be the attitude of the players and staff, who dont control the level of confidence in the group. Teams who are over confident andd are I say arrogent can allow lesser teams to beat them. With Belconnen being in control for most of the game, (but not being able to break away to a sizeable lead) players can get complacent and invariably the weaker team(on paper) wins.

On a similar note is the u18's - Ainslie 30+ points up at half time thought they had it won. Marist were hard at it, and Ainslie thought they had done enough. Once the Marist boys got on a roll it was then too hard for Ainslie to match it. Arrogance will loose every time in these circumstances. Great game by marist, never gave up and always believed they could win. Cant belive the caterers ran out of pies, Shrek must have eaten them all!

Given the Swans had their weakest list on the weekend ever is anyone wondering if Eastlake, Ainslie, Qbn or Tuggeranong would have beaten them!!
Pretty sure those teams would not have thought it was in the bag before a ball was bounced.
I think thats bullshit i dont think belconnen just thought it was won before the bounce. Somthing just went wrong on the day. Stranger things have happend like QBN not making the finals this year:eek:

I tell you what is interesting is that I am not the only one who mentioned that complacency may have crept in yet you only have a crack at my post and also the fact that you never took me up on my offer to come up to me GF day and greet me face to face....Says plenty mate
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