Roast AFL Fantasy is an utter joke

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Sorry, as I guess this has been answered many times but with this revamped competiton, (1) do you get placed into a league if you dont nominate for one and (2) is there a head to head competition like previous years?

I've got the same questions.
I've entered two public leagues but one seems to have too many teams and the other not enough.
No sign of any head-to-head comp or a league ladder.
In previous years I've wound up in functioning 18 team public leagues without doing anything apart from picking a team.
What have I done wrong?

Yeah its a bit of a let down after DT. You don't get automatically put in a league, and if your in one it doesn't get filled up with randoms. If the league isn't full to the prescribed number of players (ie you have 12/18) it won't start due to no randoms being added (however the league organiser can either add celeb players up to the number, or reduce the prescribed league size and start head-to-head at a later round).

Also the league has to be set as 'head-to-head'. If your in a league with lots of of players it's probably not and I thinks its rankings based, you don't directly play anyone.

If either of you want to be in a proper head-to-head league then create one, ask around boards etc for people to join / add celebs, and try and start it for round 5.
Fantasy is screwing up for me with my trading. I can't do any DPP swaps, and Josh Caddy is unable to be traded out of my team- just freezes whenever I try to trade him. Quite weird and it's been a problem for the past two weeks. Extremely frustrating, my team is at a significant handicap to the rest and Fanhub still haven't replied to my emails (first sent on Wednesday). Pretty disappointed.

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Fantasy cost me a 2200 last week. Changed captains, switched benchies, saved and it reverted back to its original settings... It also said Hannath was playing, not sure if he was a late out, but that cost me a 0 too
Yeah its a bit of a let down after DT. You don't get automatically put in a league, and if your in one it doesn't get filled up with randoms. If the league isn't full to the prescribed number of players (ie you have 12/18) it won't start due to no randoms being added (however the league organiser can either add celeb players up to the number, or reduce the prescribed league size and start head-to-head at a later round).

Also the league has to be set as 'head-to-head'. If your in a league with lots of of players it's probably not and I thinks its rankings based, you don't directly play anyone.

If either of you want to be in a proper head-to-head league then create one, ask around boards etc for people to join / add celebs, and try and start it for round 5.
Very much appreciate your reply CaptScott. Will try and set up a head to head this weekend.
Fantasy is screwing up for me with my trading. I can't do any DPP swaps, and Josh Caddy is unable to be traded out of my team- just freezes whenever I try to trade him. Quite weird and it's been a problem for the past two weeks. Extremely frustrating, my team is at a significant handicap to the rest and Fanhub still haven't replied to my emails (first sent on Wednesday). Pretty disappointed.

just to make sure, your are not using IE (I am a programmer, if you are I will laugh. If not, I will sympathise)
Utter Joke is being kind, has totally taken the fun out of League's v your mates, obviously built by people who have no knowledge of the actual game of Australian Football, in a nutshell, it's shit.
Fantasy finally has their act together, or at least made some improvements.
  • 2.5 hour until lockout opened instead of 14 hours.
  • Easy dual trades
  • New features such a listing of injured players, current players in game
  • Interface improved, important features are well spread out.
Also, the already new features are quite nice, e.g. live ranks, scores on team page.
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I tried changing the sub from one defender to another because on of my subs was performing better. Although it made that defender a sub, it meant I had 2 defender subs and no midfield sub. Eventually worked out how you do it. Interchange the old sub with an on-field player, then interchange the sub you just put on-field with the new sub, then interchange the new sub with the on-field player.
I tried changing the sub from one defender to another because on of my subs was performing better. Although it made that defender a sub, it meant I had 2 defender subs and no midfield sub. Eventually worked out how you do it. Interchange the old sub with an on-field player, then interchange the sub you just put on-field with the new sub, then interchange the new sub with the on-field player.

Or you could just click "E" on the subbed player and it will remove the sub from him.;)
Or you could just click "E" on the subbed player and it will remove the sub from him.;)
That, too. But if you do it in the wrong order then you can end up with 3 subs on the field only. Why can't they just make it simple like the change of captain where if you click "C" on the new captain it transfers it over with no second action needed?
That, too. But if you do it in the wrong order then you can end up with 3 subs on the field only. Why can't they just make it simple like the change of captain where if you click "C" on the new captain it transfers it over with no second action needed?

Because you may choose to have 2 emergenices in the same position.
If you have 2 emergenices selected in the same position and a sub is required, you get the lowest score of the two:thumbsu:

Heh, so I guess it's only useful if you have 2 DNP's on the field in one position and no trades left. Though at that point you might as well just swap the players onto the bench. So why do they even allow it? :drunk:
Heh, so I guess it's only useful if you have 2 DNP's on the field in one position and no trades left. Though at that point you might as well just swap the players onto the bench. So why do they even allow it? :drunk:
In case you are predicting two possible outs in one oart of your field - rare, but plausible
Say you had Chapman on a Saturday night game in Perth and rumours flying around that he may not travel and say a rookie who played last week, and is included in an extended bench for Sunday but he's averaging 95 (way more than your bench players) you would logically play the two better players and suffer the unfortunate situation of possibly relying on a single emergency (lower score) but having both there to avoid a zero
can't believe i paid $20. want a refund

You can get one.

Haven't bothered yet but I'll probably e-mail them and ask for one. Assistant coach stats are shithouse, can't even see previous prices of players? most popular trades of the week. It's too slow, sorting doesn't always work properly.

Apart from that haven't had any other issues. I like the update to head-head. Really want to see my previous trades and previous scores/team values with a nice graph how it used to be.

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Roast AFL Fantasy is an utter joke

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