AFL knock back Gaza humanitarian aid advertising at Adelaide Oval

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I'm afraid it does. Look how the AFL lobby governments at local and state level for ground up grades etc.
The AFL have kept the Jewish audience, but just lost the Muslim one.

Doubtful. They would've lost it if they just allowed advertising for the aid for Israel.
The old politics out of sports argument, the boycott of South African sport post the d'Olivera affair and subsequent Gleneagles Agreement played an important role in ending Apartheid. The two are intrinsically interwoven.
Getting involved with the epic Israel feud, then going further and promoting aid to one side or the other.

Knock the table over, set off the fire alarm and get the hell out of there Gill.

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And the Palestinians are only there due to the same type of Empire Building.

There are a lot of Arabs who live in Israel too, perhaps they dont want to live under a Muslim Caliphate? Would doing to them what was done to the Palestinians really be just?

I agree 1949 was a mistake, I said it earlier. So why repeat it?

Not sure what you're getting at with 1949, anyhow doesn't matter.

It's pretty ignorant to suggest Israeli Arabs would have to live under a Muslim Caliphate let alone why it relates Israel at all? What percentage of Muslims currently live under this? I have never heard of Fatah or Hamas mentioning a Caliphate for Palestine?

The opposing parties broadly agree to a two state solution based on 1967 borders, it's the fringe loons that need to stop derailing the process on ideological grounds and just move the illegal Settlers back to Israel proper. They knew they were on annexed land in the first place in breach of international law, so stop using religion as an excuse for ethnically cleansing areas for your own ideological goals......
Agree with this. Australia's national game has less than zero to do with conflict in the Middle-East. I hear about it for the other 21 hours a day, let me enjoy the football free from all that BS.
Who was it? Source?

Hamas has never been afraid of owning up to killing Israelis if they have, but in this case they steadfastly stated they didn't have them. It didn't stop a group of Settlers kidnapping a 15 year old boy torture him and then burn him alive, you didn't mention that.
One has nothing to do with the other. Israel hasn't broken any of the ceasfires. Once Hamas breaks them, it's war again.

Watching Murdoch's channels gives you a distorted view on this issue, after all he calls Israel the 'Glorious' state of Israel. Perhaps you should look at the Jewish newspaper Ha'aretz to get a more balanced view. As the say truth is the first casualty of war.
Gotta admit I'm unsure on that. I think Gaza was occupied territory after the Arab Israeli wars. The Palestinians were there already, but occupied. So the Israelis merely un-occupied it, giving back to the Palestinians land they already occupied, under not trying to destroy Israel.

I am not a scholar of ancient history, but I do believe that Jews and Arabs stem from the same people, just separated eventually by religion. Which means no one has any more rights than another and there should be a two state solution.
Gotta admit I'm unsure on that. I think Gaza was occupied territory after the Arab Israeli wars. The Palestinians were there already, but occupied. So the Israelis merely un-occupied it, giving back to the Palestinians land they already occupied, under not trying to destroy Israel.

I am not a scholar of ancient history, but I do believe that Jews and Arabs stem from the same people, just separated eventually by religion. Which means no one has any more rights than another and there should be a two state solution.
Hamas has never been afraid of owning up to killing Israelis if they have, but in this case they steadfastly stated they didn't have them. It didn't stop a group of Settlers kidnapping a 15 year old boy torture him and then burn him alive, you didn't mention that.

I'm sorry, why would I mention it?

You must think that by my post that I'm picking a side or am already on a side. I was merely curious as to the source. Other than that, I don't particularly care. Sorry to disappoint you if you thought otherwise.
so ten pages in how many have managed to talk about this decision to let the ad air without going into the politics of gaza conflict?

**** all, face it you can't talk about anything connected to gaza without a political shitfight. AFL was right to take the least painful option and told a company which barely meets the minimum donations percentage of a "charitable" organisation in the first place.
so ten pages in how many have managed to talk about this decision to let the ad air without going into the politics of gaza conflict?

**** all, face it you can't talk about anything connected to gaza without a political shitfight. AFL was right to take the least painful option and told a company which barely meets the minimum donations percentage of a "charitable" organisation in the first place.

Well said, anyhow I suspect this decision by the AFL probably has more to do with Hamas' history of using aid money to build tunnels into Israel and such, instead of using it to help the Palestinian people. Can understand why the AFL wouldn't want to touch that issue.
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Not sure what you're getting at with 1949, anyhow doesn't matter.

It's pretty ignorant to suggest Israeli Arabs would have to live under a Muslim Caliphate let alone why it relates Israel at all? What percentage of Muslims currently live under this? I have never heard of Fatah or Hamas mentioning a Caliphate for Palestine?

The opposing parties broadly agree to a two state solution based on 1967 borders, it's the fringe loons that need to stop derailing the process on ideological grounds and just move the illegal Settlers back to Israel proper. They knew they were on annexed land in the first place in breach of international law, so stop using religion as an excuse for ethnically cleansing areas for your own ideological goals......

1949 as in the creation of Israel.

Honestly if you are that ignorant perhaps dont post?

But, Muslims living under a Caliphate? Apart from Iran (population 77million)?

Oh and here's an example of a Hamas leader calling to establish a caliphate I Israel as early as November last year

I was refering to the Arabs In Israel(very substabtial population) to point out this is not a religous argument. They would have to go from living under a democracy to living under an extremist islamic Caliphate if Israel was given to Palestinian control, which is what I was responding to.

Because thats what Palestine already is living under, in case you had not noticed.

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I'm sorry, why would I mention it?

You must think that by my post that I'm picking a side or am already on a side. I was merely curious as to the source. Other than that, I don't particularly care. Sorry to disappoint you if you thought otherwise.

Oh I just thought as you had been adding a number of posts to this thread you were interested, do please continue being uninterested and answering posts.....
Well said, anyhow I suspect this decision by the AFL probably has more to do with Hamas' history of using aid money to build tunnels into Israel and such, instead of using it to help the Palestinian people. Can understand why the AFL wouldn't want to touch that issue.

I am not disputing your point, but I would add that Israel has Palestine in a stranglehold, and the tunnels to Egypt for example were the only ways essential supplies could get in, ie medicine. If you remember the flotilla that tried to get aid into Gaza, was boarded by the Israeli's and members of that peaceful act, were shot and killed. Eventually some of the aid got through, but things like the batteries in wheelchairs were not allowed to get through no doubt the Israeli's thought they could be turned into home made bombs.

Gaza is really the world's largest refugee camp of displaced Palestinians.
I am not disputing your point, but I would add that Israel has Palestine in a stranglehold, and the tunnels to Egypt for example were the only ways essential supplies could get in, ie medicine. If you remember the flotilla that tried to get aid into Gaza, was boarded by the Israeli's and members of that peaceful act, were shot and killed. Eventually some of the aid got through, but things like the batteries in wheelchairs were not allowed to get through no doubt the Israeli's thought they could be turned into home made bombs.

Gaza is really the world's largest refugee camp of displaced Palestinians.

Not trying throw you under the bus, but there are now reports that one of the tunnels came out near an Israeli kindergarten and there are genuine concerns that it was intended to plan a terror attack, the main reason for Israel's current action in Gaza despite what you might hear in the media. (Journalists are only now starting to tell the truth since the ceasefire as they couldn't while they were in Gaza due to intimidation and threats from Hamas)

I fully agree with your last sentence about Gaza but the Palestinians should be blaming their own leaders for that, NOT Israel.
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1949 as in the creation of Israel.

Honestly if you are that ignorant perhaps dont post?

But, Muslims living under a Caliphate? Apart from Iran (population 77million)?

Oh and here's an example of a Hamas leader calling to establish a caliphate I Israel as early as November last year

I was refering to the Arabs In Israel(very substabtial population) to point out this is not a religous argument. They would have to go from living under a democracy to living under an extremist islamic Caliphate if Israel was given to Palestinian control, which is what I was responding to.

Because thats what Palestine already is living under, in case you had not noticed.

I'm ignorant because you haven't explained a reference to 1949 - crikey. Explain your point and I may respond?

Ok, a Hamas leader wanting a Caliphate, so? I can find an Israeli leader who wants to push all Palestinians into Jordan and annex all the land - so what's your point? (Last time I looked Iran isn't a Caliphate). And hypothetically, If a population democratically votes for a Caliphate - who are we to judge? Capitalist democracy or else?

And for Arabs in Israel, they will remain in Israel - nothing to do with democracy lost - no-one is asking for Arabs currently living in Israel to be kicked into Palestine (except for a few right wing whack jobs). If you're talking about people in Palestine - who are you to dictate what system of Governance they live under? Hamas were democratically elected in Gaza last time I checked....I'm not defending Hamas as an organisation, I'm defending Palestinians a right to their free homeland and determination.

And 'if Israel was given to Palestinian control' is completely wrong. Israel has illegally occupied parts of Palestinian - it is not part of Israel and is not internationally recognised as part of Israel.....nothing will be coming out of Israel except for minor land swaps as part of any two state solution based on 1967 borders.
Oh I just thought as you had been adding a number of posts to this thread you were interested, do please continue being uninterested and answering posts.....

I'll keep answering posts if you keep quoting me for no apparent reason.

Before I asked for a source about the claims made regarding the disappearance and murder of the three teenagers, I had made two posts in the thread. Neither of them concerned what is happening between the Palestinians and the Israelis, they were in response to a link posted about politics/sport/pokies.

Don't read more into my posts than is there in black and white. You could end up looking stupid.
Not trying throw you under the bus, but there are now reports that one of the tunnels came out near an Israeli kindergarten and there are genuine concerns that it was intended to plan a terror attack, the main reason for Israel's current action in Gaza despite what you might hear in the media. (Journalists are only now starting to tell the truth since the ceasefire as they couldn't while they were in Gaza due to intimidation and threats from Hamas)

I fully agree with your last sentence about Gaza but the Palestinians should be blaming their own leaders for that, NOT Israel.

Wow I thought the Jews were the ones with the powerful lobby groups in America, control of Hollywood, and the media tycoons like Murdoch and the BBC loving everything Zionist. I understand that Hamas has done some terrible acts as well, don't get me wrong, but to say they had control of the media through intimidation, now that is stretching things.

Just in general interesting comments on World Vision, a friend of mine worked for World Vision, based in both Afghanistan and Palestine, and resigned after Costello took over because he was to pro Israel. She saw first hand the deliberate crippling of the Palestinian economy, the cruelty and oppression shown to Palestinians, which will continue to breed hatred,and continue support for Hamas. You can't blame them in one respect, one minute America is trying to act as mediator, next minute it replenishes Israels, with more bombs after they went through their entire arsenal bombing Gaza.
I understand that Hamas has done some terrible acts as well, don't get me wrong, but to say they had control of the media through intimidation, now that is stretching things.

Unfortunately it's the truth, there are several reports confirming this, do a quick Google search.

Just in general interesting comments on World Vision, a friend of mine worked for World Vision, based in both Afghanistan and Palestine, and resigned after Costello took over because he was to pro Israel. She saw first hand the deliberate crippling of the Palestinian economy, the cruelty and oppression shown to Palestinians, which will continue to breed hatred,and continue support for Hamas. You can't blame them in one respect, one minute America is trying to act as mediator, next minute it replenishes Israels, with more bombs after they went through their entire arsenal bombing Gaza.

I concede that sometimes America's meddling ends up doing more harm than good (Iraq is a tragic example of this) but the crippled Palestinian economy has more to do with Hamas spending a fortune building tunnels to attack Israel instead of providing for its own people.

  • Map of Palestine from a 1947 issue of National Geographic

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AFL knock back Gaza humanitarian aid advertising at Adelaide Oval

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