AFL LIVE 2011 - 360, PS3 & PC - Part - 20 - READ FAQ BEFORE POSTING

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Hey, just wondering. Did someone say they rang the Carindale EB store the other day and they said they'll have stock tomorrow? would they sell it if I had proof of the receipt?
Jesus, so many people freaking out over a game they haven't played yet.

I've not seen anything like people "freaking out" yeah I presumed "wrongfully" that pro was the hardest difficulty like many games are, But I wasn't "freaking out" I was commenting on if it was correct which it wasn't...

Some of you people really must not get out much if you consider some / most of these comments as being "Freaking out"... I'll show you freaking out "Starts scratching skin off my face, And cutting my ears off in excitment of getting some call from the store about stock" :rolleyes:

That's good news there's higher difficulties.

There is one thing I will worry and "freak out" about though.....

Online "WILL NOT LAST!!!" I guarantee you, If people can leave matches and the other not be rewarded with the win, I've seen SO many games over the years, good and bad ones just go down the crapper, Fight Night Champion gets so many complaints and has no where near the playerbase anymore because people can just leave and you don't get rewarded...

I want this game to be popular for a long time, But I can see the 14 year olds leaving when there petty little statwhore records are about to be broken, and you thinking

"Why the **** am I still playing this shit online when everyone just leaves all the time?"

This is the "ONLY" thing I am worried about, Without being that many features I was looking forward to the online of the game, Please people don't leave when you're being beat! It'll seriously damage online!

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I will go to bed tonight and sleep. I will wake up in the morning and have breaksfast and go to work. I will work all day and come home. I will eat. I will do stuff. I will repeat this process for two more nights. Nothing will happen to me. I will live. I will pick up my copy from EB on Thursday morning and play the game all day.

Your Honour and ladies and gentlemen of the jury..I need this now ok?

BTW, what are the chances of Maccas 24 hour selling this?

Don't jinx yourself! :p
theres goes any fun of playing online :mad:

Don't worry, someone posted in the other thread that quitting will incurr a penalty of losing Experience Points. The more you quit, the bigger the penalty for each time you quit. The only way you can gradually reduce this penalty down to the minimum is to complete a full match.

I think it begins as 0, so if you were to lose power/internet or genuinely have to get off, then you won't be penalised. This 0 penalty could get abused, but hopefully people aren't that desperate to save some XP.
word of advice to all you young nuggets

dont get married and have kids

My GF would hate me for this but - I like being independant, **** getting married man that results in kids "like you've found out" and I'm only 24, I want to have kids when I'm like 30, There's no way I'm losing my 20hoods! :p

Although I can't wait to have kids!
got the game and i love it (not being a smart arse to piss ppl off) if there is one thing i would fix its is the speed of the players they all seem to run at the same pace

bloody good game though
Can those people that are flaming the ones that are freaking out over not getting this back off! YES, we know it comes in in four days!! Its ok for you to be 'Mr I don't need it now'. This is a bloody HUGE many it is big..REALLY BIG.BIGGER THAN THIS TEXT!

I don't think you realise what will happen to me if I don't get this before the 21st...well do you?? IM FREAKIN OUT NOW JUST THINKING ABOUT FREAKING OUT BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE IT!!..OMG IM FREAKIN OUT. Not that you care, but I will tell you what will happen to me if I don't get this NOW! not Tuesday...NOW...not even tomorrow...FFS Western Australia have it WHY CAN'T I HAVE IT NOW!!!!

Ok, deep breaths **inhale** **exhale**

I will go to bed tonight and sleep. I will wake up in the morning and have breaksfast and go to work. I will work all day and come home. I will eat. I will do stuff. I will repeat this process for two more nights. Nothing will happen to me. I will live. I will pick up my copy from EB on Thursday morning and play the game all day.

Your Honour and ladies and gentlemen of the jury..I need this now ok?

BTW, what are the chances of Maccas 24 hour selling this?

hahaha thats actually pretty funny! :thumbsu:
Don't worry, someone posted in the other thread that quitting will incurr a penalty of losing Experience Points. The more you quit, the bigger the penalty for each time you quit. The only way you can gradually reduce this penalty down to the minimum is to complete a full match.

lol, How does this help the winning player though? What I mean is...

"Yes, 20 minutes into this game "5 min quaters" About to win the game!... "Disconnects"... Now you get

1. - Hahaha, Only lost some experience points, booyeah who cares! (Guy who left)

2. - Wtf? Oh my god!!! I just wasted 20 minutes? he gets penalised, but I don't get the win ? "FK THIS!"... Less and less play online (Guy who gets ripped off from the win)

Personally feel it's not going to work much, People can still leave a few times, win a few times, get there points back, and then start leaving again...

Yes to answer your question though, there is major desperate people who want to get good records, don't want to loose etc.. don't forget, there's prob going to be a shit load of 14-15 year olds who are immature and cranky at losing who will quit game before the finish, they won't care about the 0 point thing.. *Not saying all 14-15 year olds will be* But There def will be abusers out there that will probably kill the online over time if that's the only system they have in place for that!

*Being a little harsh there, But I've played online sport games long enough to know if you don't give the win to the person who stayed in the game, then online becomes a ghost town pretty quickly... "ESPECIALLY" on PS3 where online isn't as smooth, quick, and as fun as the 360. "I mis XBL, Damn Aussie PSN"

of my wife? or the game?

Your kids ;) ;)
lol, How does this help the winning player though? What I mean is...

"Yes, 20 minutes into this game "5 min quaters" About to win the game!... "Disconnects"... Now you get

1. - Hahaha, Only lost some experience points, booyeah who cares! (Guy who left)

2. - Wtf? Oh my god!!! I just wasted 20 minutes? he gets penalised, but I don't get the win ? "FK THIS!"... Less and less play online (Guy who gets ripped off from the win)

Personally feel it's not going to work much, People can still leave a few times, win a few times, get there points back, and then start leaving again...

The person who gets quitted on may still get points, you'll have to wait and see...

This is from the manual (as posted by jorel6669)

"Dropping out of matches is poor form. If you quit an online match you will not receive any experience and you will receive an experience point penalty in subsequent games. Quit multiple matches and the penalty increases. However, as you play to conclusion, the penalty will decrease back to zero."

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I've not seen anything like people "freaking out" yeah I presumed "wrongfully" that pro was the hardest difficulty like many games are, But I wasn't "freaking out" I was commenting on if it was correct which it wasn't...

Some of you people really must not get out much if you consider some / most of these comments as being "Freaking out"... I'll show you freaking out "Starts scratching skin off my face, And cutting my ears off in excitment of getting some call from the store about stock" :rolleyes:

That's good news there's higher difficulties.

There is one thing I will worry and "freak out" about though.....

Online "WILL NOT LAST!!!" I guarantee you, If people can leave matches and the other not be rewarded with the win, I've seen SO many games over the years, good and bad ones just go down the crapper, Fight Night Champion gets so many complaints and has no where near the playerbase anymore because people can just leave and you don't get rewarded...

I want this game to be popular for a long time, But I can see the 14 year olds leaving when there petty little statwhore records are about to be broken, and you thinking

"Why the **** am I still playing this shit online when everyone just leaves all the time?"

This is the "ONLY" thing I am worried about, Without being that many features I was looking forward to the online of the game, Please people don't leave when you're being beat! It'll seriously damage online!

Sorry man!!! Jeez, no need to freak out on us.....

Can't wait to start hassling all the stores at Watergardens tomorrow. :thumbsu:

Haha same. Hopefully it breaks release sometime tomorrow arvo.

I've got 4 copies pre-ordered at EB WaterG's, so I'm hoping they are able to sell it if the other stores do.
hey does anyone know if u can add any player to any team for exibition matches and save the squads like in fifa 11?. for example just say i wanted pavlich, swan and ablett all in the hawks
You only get Exp points but not a win. Just happened to me twice, got up by five goals and they quit, same person I think.. Thats what they get for using the Swans.

My record says 7 games played - 2 wins. 3 of those are Forfiets..
got the game and i love it (not being a smart arse to piss ppl off) if there is one thing i would fix its is the speed of the players they all seem to run at the same pace

bloody good game though

What if, for offline, you play around with some of the main players stats and jack up the "speed" stat for faster players and lower it for slower players...?

The stat editor should really be able to fix up any main game play deficiencies we may encounter offline ie. lower the players' kicking or even goal-kicking stats if you find players are too accurate etc.

This obviously doesn't apply for online, but it should be great for making more realistic and engaging matches offline. Yes, it would be very time consuming, but judging by the way these threads just keep piling up, time shouldn't be too much of an issue for most people here ;)
Not that it will be any good, but can we expect a game review from IGN sometime soon? I realise IGN AU is pretty shit but wouldnt be bad to hear somebody elses opinion.
Not that it will be any good, but can we expect a game review from IGN sometime soon? I realise IGN AU is pretty shit but wouldnt be bad to hear somebody elses opinion.

Gamespots way better than IGN, More people it seems now, and the "Community" reviews are so much more accurate than IGN's ones for some reason I've noticed anyway.
Overall - I love the game. The game play, graphics etc are excellent. The ability to switch the play, use the whole ground and create space is excellent and VERY important....!

There has been a lot said about the commentary and yes its not great but it does flow with the game and you don't really pay too much attention to it. Dennis Cometti does come out with some old lines from 2006 and 2007:
"Goal! When he's on song he sings a mighty good song".
"He sends it long but not always in the right post code".
"Rushed behind. Fans of both sides seem unhappy about that one"".

One other thing that isn't great. The AI kicks the ball "out on the full" way too often when they are coming out of defence.

Otherwise, I have won the nab cup, created two teams (WA State of Origin and SA State of Origin) and played against the Vics. Half way through the season and I am working my way up the ladder.

Ross is so right - handball is your best friend - especially in the middle. You need to handball (both to a player and to open space) to create space and let your midfield runners do their stuff.

Love the game - love the game! Great job Ross. :thumbsu:
as most people will be enjoying the game by Tuesday i think the place i pre ordered won't give me the game till thursday if anyone hears anything about a place in geelong breaking the street date tell me
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