Afl tas video review

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Well if its sooooo flipping bad Frank, go do something about it. Go make some noise somewhere, where you can can be heard.

geez its hard talking to someone with the intelligence of a snail. you brought it up you stain by asking why we aren't bleating about it like you lot have done about brennan. we don't bleat. course we talk about it has a group of supporters but unlike you lot we don't go running to AFL tas & demand something gets done or we won't be friends anymore.
actually heard a rumour today the whole degoyer, wells suspension thing could be overturned. some thing that complaints have to be laid within 48 hours of the game. no exceptions. if this is true the bleating from down your way will be deafening no doubt.
geez its hard talking to someone with the intelligence of a snail. you brought it up you stain by asking why we aren't bleating about it like you lot have done about brennan. we don't bleat. course we talk about it has a group of supporters but unlike you lot we don't go running to AFL tas & demand something gets done or we won't be friends anymore.
actually heard a rumour today the whole degoyer, wells suspension thing could be overturned. some thing that complaints have to be laid within 48 hours of the game. no exceptions. if this is true the bleating from down your way will be deafening no doubt.

We?? Do you play?
Lauderdale requested an investigation on why Brennan came of looking like the elephant man. If it was Wells, do you think North would have done the same??

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We?? Do you play?
Lauderdale requested an investigation on why Brennan came of looking like the elephant man. If it was Wells, do you think North would have done the same??

if thats the best you've got, how sad a person are you. "we", as in supporters but i guess you new that.

this is my opinion only, nothing to do with the club.
i don't think they would do anything, especially if wells did the same thing as brennan. christ sakes the kid has a perforated eardrum, a burst blood vessel on the brain & a suspected fracture to the skull. as a club i would be shocked & embarrassed enough to ask for any favours let alone send him to the tribunal with a not guilty plea. disgusting behaviour from your club & no matter the cicumstances, it is a deplorable effort, something people from a wide section of the footy community have said to me.
let me say this again. this is my opinion only.
if thats the best you've got, how sad a person are you. "we", as in supporters but i guess you new that.

this is my opinion only, nothing to do with the club.
i don't think they would do anything, especially if wells did the same thing as brennan. christ sakes the kid has a perforated eardrum, a burst blood vessel on the brain & a suspected fracture to the skull. as a club i would be shocked & embarrassed enough to ask for any favours let alone send him to the tribunal with a not guilty plea. disgusting behaviour from your club & no matter the cicumstances, it is a deplorable effort, something people from a wide section of the footy community have said to me.
let me say this again. this is my opinion only.

Thanks for clarifying you have nothing to do with the running of the club. Hot the fawwk can you comment on what the club would and would do. It's only your opinion. I know the lad has a serious injury. Brennan got 6 weeks, plus 2 suspended (8 weeks).

Oh, and thanks for the personal insults you muppet. I'll leave you to have the final say, Mr "I fuggin know everything, so I joined Big Footy to have a say"

Go your hardest. I'm off for a week. I look forward to your intelligence when I get back.:cool:
if the two nho boys get off then good luck to them cos they no they are guilty cos they done the crime albeit sticking up 4 team mate,i was there and seen wat happend as did a lot of fans,i got video of game from behind goals and wen zoomed in can see clearly wat happend wen brennan on ground
if the two nho boys get off then good luck to them cos they no they are guilty cos they done the crime albeit sticking up 4 team mate,i was there and seen wat happend as did a lot of fans,i got video of game from behind goals and wen zoomed in can see clearly wat happend wen brennan on ground

obviously you skipped english class for the first 14 years of your schooling.
and you got video, wow, why didn't the powers to be use it in evidence. post in on here & we can all have a look.
Thanks for clarifying you have nothing to do with the running of the club. Hot the fawwk can you comment on what the club would and would do. It's only your opinion. I know the lad has a serious injury. Brennan got 6 weeks, plus 2 suspended (8 weeks).

Oh, and thanks for the personal insults you muppet. I'll leave you to have the final say, Mr "I fuggin know everything, so I joined Big Footy to have a say"

Go your hardest. I'm off for a week. I look forward to your intelligence when I get back.:cool:

f..k you are thick. promise you won't be back within a week.
can anyone confirm that Brown was also fined $500 from afltas for calling them muppets or something

Club exec told me he got fine 500 for his comments in Thursdies paper. Where the mercury reported and i think it went like this. I agree with the general publics perception of how AFL tas is run. Think thats all that was reported, didn't even get a please explain. Believe they are appealing it though or intend to., well one would hope. Boyz at afl tas must think that the general public don't think much of them!
obviously you skipped english class for the first 14 years of your schooling.
and you got video, wow, why didn't the powers to be use it in evidence. post in on here & we can all have a look.
wat r ya a ******** ex school teacher worried bout spellcheck goosebrain,zz pops must b 1 2
I know the lad has a serious injury. Brennan got 6 weeks, plus 2 suspended (8 weeks).

I have now seen the incident on youtube and I am staggard that Brennan only recieved 6 weeks. Many years ago I witnessed a hit similar but further off the ball in an old scholars match by on ex Glenorchy player of note, good bloke too, totally out of character. The kid he hit was just 19 at the time and playing good footy, was an ex Hobart player who had started a new job and was concentrating on that. Well guess what, he was never the same again. He missed 14 weeks that season and the guy that hit him got something similar in suspension, 11 weeks from memory? Thge amount of immediate damage an act like Brennans can do is obvious, the long term damage both psychologically and potentially to the the kid's decision making in footy due to the bleed on the brain we will only find out in time. Regardless of who supports which club in this case and whether the Nth players retaliating and being investigated is right or wrong AFL Tas need to have a long hard look at the punishment for the original incident and also the cost (of all types) to the kid, his family and his hip pocket. I have heard that this kid's condition is serious enough for there to be no certainty at all he will ever play again:eek: so 8 weeks with 2 suspended has taught Brennan anything:confused: doubt it. Ironically the following week reports were that Lauderdale players were fired up again and dishing out some curry against the pies;), if this is the case there appears to be some real issues within the club, especially a club that has so mnay young, impressionable players.

Maybe some cultural awareness training and education is needed at Lauderdale, all at the club included, not just the players. The action I saw from Brennan was typical of a drunken thug in a street fight, cowardly, violent and could have ended even worse than it did:mad: I believe there are a lot of people involved in this incident who need to have a long hard look at their values because it makes me sick, wouldn't want to be out there playing against Lauderdale myself to be honest. The Nth players reacted and did the wrong thing and should be ashamed too but to be honest what they did was fairly predictable under the circumstances, remember one of them coached Brennan in previous couple of seasons and no doubt he is ashamed of his actions as well. Any player who did what Brennan did needs help I believe, unprovoked, selfish, cowardly and plain scary. Why he wasn't banned for the whole season or a significant portion of it is anyone's guess. That is the real concern to me now!

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I have now seen the incident on youtube and I am staggard that Brennan only recieved 6 weeks. Many years ago I witnessed a hit similar but further off the ball in an old scholars match by on ex Glenorchy player of note, good bloke too, totally out of character. The kid he hit was just 19 at the time and playing good footy, was an ex Hobart player who had started a new job and was concentrating on that. Well guess what, he was never the same again. He missed 14 weeks that season and the guy that hit him got something similar in suspension, 11 weeks from memory? Thge amount of immediate damage an act like Brennans can do is obvious, the long term damage both psychologically and potentially to the the kid's decision making in footy due to the bleed on the brain we will only find out in time. Regardless of who supports which club in this case and whether the Nth players retaliating and being investigated is right or wrong AFL Tas need to have a long hard look at the punishment for the original incident and also the cost (of all types) to the kid, his family and his hip pocket. I have heard that this kid's condition is serious enough for there to be no certainty at all he will ever play again:eek: so 8 weeks with 2 suspended has taught Brennan anything:confused: doubt it. Ironically the following week reports were that Lauderdale players were fired up again and dishing out some curry against the pies;), if this is the case there appears to be some real issues within the club, especially a club that has so mnay young, impressionable players.

Maybe some cultural awareness training and education is needed at Lauderdale, all at the club included, not just the players. The action I saw from Brennan was typical of a drunken thug in a street fight, cowardly, violent and could have ended even worse than it did:mad: I believe there are a lot of people involved in this incident who need to have a long hard look at their values because it makes me sick, wouldn't want to be out there playing against Lauderdale myself to be honest. The Nth players reacted and did the wrong thing and should be ashamed too but to be honest what they did was fairly predictable under the circumstances, remember one of them coached Brennan in previous couple of seasons and no doubt he is ashamed of his actions as well. Any player who did what Brennan did needs help I believe, unprovoked, selfish, cowardly and plain scary. Why he wasn't banned for the whole season or a significant portion of it is anyone's guess. That is the real concern to me now!

Agreed. Horrible actions. Is this what the TSL is now?

6 weeks is a disgrace. if anyone doesn't agree you are kidding yourself. One of the worst hits seen in footy and for a member of the club to say plead not guilty, is just horrible. AFLtas should of banned him for the season at least, or The Southern Bomber might have to take a stand here and take further action. As an ex player and coach to younger players, Well done of the North Hobart boys for getting in there and flying the flag, . But i wish the kid all the best in his recovery and hopefully one stupid act doesn't cost him in the future, As for the player who king hit the young lad. retire mate. Your are a disgrace
what a joke this organisation is that is responsible for the running of football in this state. it can only be described as a farce what has come out of the report from the launceston & clarence game on saturday night.umpire extraordinaire mark tuckett reported beau green for kicking cameron thurley. nice work mark, unfortunately it was sonny whiting who did the kicking. hey everone is entitled to make one mistake, although the bloke he kicked was james baker not cameron thurley.:( case dismissed, what a joke. wells & degoyer must be chuffed at this, video evidence & it still gets thrown out. there is no justice at afl tas.
fair dinkum when is something going to be done about this imposter. i know all and sundry will say stop umpire bashing, its hard enough to keep them etc, etc. this bloke keeps on making mistakes ad nauseum& afl tas just keep putting their heads in the sand & keep saying there is no problem with umpires, its just an isolated case. players are made to be accountable, its time umpires are.(or just one in particular)
what a joke this organisation is that is responsible for the running of football in this state. it can only be described as a farce what has come out of the report from the launceston & clarence game on saturday night.umpire extraordinaire mark tuckett reported beau green for kicking cameron thurley. nice work mark, unfortunately it was sonny whiting who did the kicking. hey everone is entitled to make one mistake, although the bloke he kicked was james baker not cameron thurley.:( case dismissed, what a joke. wells & degoyer must be chuffed at this, video evidence & it still gets thrown out. there is no justice at afl tas.
fair dinkum when is something going to be done about this imposter. i know all and sundry will say stop umpire bashing, its hard enough to keep them etc, etc. this bloke keeps on making mistakes ad nauseum& afl tas just keep putting their heads in the sand & keep saying there is no problem with umpires, its just an isolated case. players are made to be accountable, its time umpires are.(or just one in particular)

Sucks to be Wells and deGoyer then doesn't it Frank!!
It does beg the question though. Is there video evidence? If so, why weren't the guilty ones charged??
Sucks to be Wells and deGoyer then doesn't it Frank!!
It does beg the question though. Is there video evidence? If so, why weren't the guilty ones charged??
I would imagine that clarence didnt bother putting a complaint in, unlike lauderdale they are not trying to get people suspended. Tucket should never be alowed to umpire at any level he is that bad, the best umpiring i have seen of late was the reserves umpiring last yr from cabbage and perry when clarence played north, they only blew the whistle when they needed to and never tried to invent free kicks like tucket and cure do
I would imagine that clarence didnt bother putting a complaint in, unlike lauderdale they are not trying to get people suspended. Tucket should never be alowed to umpire at any level he is that bad, the best umpiring i have seen of late was the reserves umpiring last yr from cabbage and perry when clarence played north, they only blew the whistle when they needed to and never tried to invent free kicks like tucket and cure do

You could imagine it Brutus, but maybe there was bugger all in it. Were there any injuries as a result?? I do know that Brennan has had his nose operated on to be repaired courtesy of deGooyer!
You could imagine it Brutus, but maybe there was bugger all in it. Were there any injuries as a result?? I do know that Brennan has had his nose operated on to be repaired courtesy of deGooyer

Nathan McCullough's bleed on the brain hasn't repaired itself yet either.
How is Boscott getting on with his dizzy spells and Heveys bruised face

g'day brutus, dizzy boscott here. thanks for your concern, my head is still a little bit thor,oops i mean sore, but it seems to come right every saturday morning. once again thanks for your concern & i'm relly looking forward to catch up with all those nice north hobart boys in round 10.

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Afl tas video review

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