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Mixed bag in the end with this Dynamite.

The match I wanted to see the most was Brody vs Darby and half of it was missing from the stream.

The tornado tag might be the worst match in Dynamite history. Why couldn't it have been under normal rules?

Aside from that it was great seeing FTR and Wardlow together (what was Sojay looking for under the ring though?)

Ricky Starks is a massive babyface.

Jade Cargill had one of her better performances.

There is something at play with Luchasarus and his character which I like.

The main event was fantastic and Punks return had me out of my chair. Completely unexpected!

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Mox can put on some good matches but a lot of people can be critical of the likes of Cena and Roman with the 5 moves of doom and matches seem to be rinse and repeat but Mox is in the same catergory limited in the ring and his matches these days are just the same over and over especially with the blood. Just brawler that isn't that good at telling a story inside or outside the ring.
Mox can put on some good matches but a lot of people can be critical of the likes of Cena and Roman with the 5 moves of doom and matches seem to be rinse and repeat but Mox is in the same catergory limited in the ring and his matches these days are just the same over and over especially with the blood. Just brawler that isn't that good at telling a story inside or outside the ring.

Agree with Mox, he can wrestle, and has other moves I’ve seen him use, but lately he does seem 1 dimensional in the brawling aspect. I did like how Jericho pulled out his earring in the match though.
Agree with Mox, he can wrestle, and has other moves I’ve seen him use, but lately he does seem 1 dimensional in the brawling aspect. I did like how Jericho pulled out his earring in the match though.
Don't get me wrong his character has appeal clearly and is popular but aside from the hardcore brawling he isn't able to tell a story inside the ring these days. Back in the Shield days he was the one who stood out the most inside the ring and for whatever reason over the last year or two he has become really limited and a one trick pony.

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That opening promo segment between Danielson and Garcia is hinting precisely at the fantasy booking I dreamt up when the J.A.S started.

Garcia should absolutely be second guessing if he picked the right team.

Also did anybody else think Taz was coming out when Garcia interrupted Bryan? He sounded exactly like him.
You’ve almost got to check whether Rampage is live or not. These taped shows have become hot garbage.

If this is how they want to treat it I don’t know why it’s not ROH Rampage. At least there’s be a point of difference. This might as well just be the best of their Dark shows on taped weeks.
Kenny By God Omega!

Great to see Ricky The Dragon Steamboat on the show as well. One of the great babyfaces of all time, liked that he put over Daniel Garcia and said Danielson should be leading Garcia.

Good shot from Punk at Mox saying he doesn't want to touch him, or he'll bleed all over him haha.

Glad that Billy Gunn is with the Acclaimed, Assboys can still get the heat and he can do the scissor spots for the pop.

Hopefully these will be great matches next week. Pumped that Ospreay is back in an AEW ring.
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Surely this will end in a double countout or something?
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