All you Poort Puffer Flogs!

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Because it's as offensive as anything posted in media comments or any social media. Your club and my club have FB pages, it's a media like any other. This degenerate caps off a great weekend for the puffers.
The fact you criers are frothing and getting all worked up only gives it more publicity, so why do it? You're just as bad as them and all the other simpletons in society giving ridiculous FB comments like that the recognition it doesn't deserve.

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The fact you criers are frothing and getting all worked up only gives it more publicity, so why do it? You're just as bad as them and all the other simpletons in society giving ridiculous FB comments like that the recognition it doesn't deserve.

No, they should be exposed for the filth they are, as should the Crows supporter and the Port supporter who racially vilified Ryder and Betts respectively. The more of these morons that are outed, the better.

Great avatar by the way. RIP John Clarke, a genius.
Yep, spelling lessons for me champ. But why don't you or Avatarp have a job though? Considering you're so smart and all.

I'm lucky my little puffy mate. I work for myself and work mostly evenings/nights, so when I'm bored I can come on here, throw out some bait to the less fortunate like yourself and keep you entertained. Saves you blowing half your pay on Netflix.
I'm lucky my little puffy mate. I work for myself and work mostly evenings/nights, so when I'm bored I can come on here, throw out some bait to the less fortunate like yourself and keep you entertained. Saves you blowing half your pay on Netflix.

So you're an escort then?
Just wait till the next Showdown ... we are gonna steam roll yas

And BTW.

The idiots ****wits shitheads morons etc etc who support Port and those who make out they support Port, if you are gonna get all racist at the footy, in fact anywhere, just **** off, we do not want you to be a Port fan, supporter, member, Bigfooty booster.

If that aint clear enough

Racists can dwell in the bottom circles of hell

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Watch out for them Bummers this week you shit trucks.;)
Fatty Plodders first game against his drug addled accomplices promises much.

They should shit it in

They've beaten just about they other bottom 8 side !

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All you Poort Puffer Flogs!

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