Anti-AFL thread - post here

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Originally posted by LebaneseForces
In NSW & QLD & ACT (RL is More popular then AFL), RL is the most popular sport OVERALL.. Im just using your theory!!
And isnt it Overall that counts??? as you said:p
Can you explain how RL is the most popular sport overall??
Originally posted by Mickey
Can you explain how RL is the most popular sport overall??
Mickey, dont even try with this guy. He doesnt even understand my argument. But the things he says are so dumb you just have to make him realise how dumb he is. He still thinks hes right so let him go on this one.
Originally posted by Mickey
Can you explain how RL is the most popular sport overall??

Overall in NSW, QLD & ACT... i dont even pretend we have a presence of any type in the over states like you guys think u do in NSW, QLD & ACT...

Its half of Australias population we are the dominate code OVERALL!!!!!!!! And your code is the other half... Arguement closed!!

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Out of AR & RL, there is only one code aggresively pursuing national expansion and thats AR. IMO these silly arguments begin by AFL types who exxagerate AFL's popularity in NSW & QLD and then minimise the history, traditional and popularity of Rugby League. Belittling your main competitor to make boost your own self-esteem is a sure sign of insecurity. At the end of the day, AFL is more national than NRL, but AFL still remains a minor but growing sport in NSW/QLD and RL shows no signs of declining despite having shot itself in the foot a few hundred times.
Originally posted by LebaneseForces
Overall in NSW, QLD & ACT... i dont even pretend we have a presence of any type in the over states like you guys think u do in NSW, QLD & ACT...

Its half of Australias population we are the dominate code OVERALL!!!!!!!! And your code is the other half... Arguement closed!!
Thats fine, but you cant sit there and say that out of half the population, every single one of those people follow RL. I still dont understand how your code is dominate, it is in NSW and QLD, but like I stated, only a percentage of those follow RL, it maybe 60% to 70%, or less. We'll never know unless the Govt puts those sort of questions in the next census...........
Look fellas, Leb is causing us to go around in circles. I started arguing in this thread when some guy said the AFL was gonna die in 5-10 years. Even I dont exaggerate that much. It'll take 10 times more time to see which sport is going to 'die', if it ever happens.
Originally posted by Mickey
Thats fine, but you cant sit there and say that out of half the population, every single one of those people follow RL. I still dont understand how your code is dominate, it is in NSW and QLD, but like I stated, only a percentage of those follow RL, it maybe 60% to 70%, or less. We'll never know unless the Govt puts those sort of questions in the next census...........
Being the dominant code is all relative to your nearest competitor. RL is unchallenged as market leader despite significant growth by RU and AFL.

Dominant does not mean 100% support, thats impossible.
Originally posted by Sid
I started arguing in this thread when some guy said the AFL was gonna die in 5-10 years. Even I dont exaggerate that much. It'll take 10 times more time to see which sport is going to 'die', if it ever happens.
Yeah, it's complete crap to suggest any code is going to 'die'. Football codes/sports just dont 'die'.
Australian soccer has been doing its best to kill itself now for quite a few years.

And LebForces: To suggest that because RL is popular in QLD and NSW, it has the more national than AFL is fanciful at best. What percentage of people actually follow the game in QLD? I reckon only about 20-30% This is taking into account old people, young kids, women etc. If you think the whole state loves RL, then you are a little silly. The same goes for AFL in Victoria, although I'd have to say that AFL fans are more diehard (maybe insular) than fans of other sports.

Sport isn't the be all and end all of everyone's life.

Look, at LU, we have an AFL supporter who basically permeates the place with stupidity and lies. He is the reason I now have an intense dislike for AFL and AFL supporters generally.

But that aside....

I thought it would be interesting to get real AFL supporters perspectives on some of the comments he's made on behalf of AFL.

Just let me know what you think about these comments:


1. Claimed that North Melbourne weren’t eyeing a relocation to Sydney.

2. Claimed that Western Sydney and the Gold Coast are next in line for AFL licences.

3. Claimed that the Swans have never asked for a handout from the AFL.

Any comments?
North Melbourne always said they never had any intention of relocating to Sydney. A fact not lost on many AFL and Swans supporters alike in Sydney.

West Sydney and Gold Coast are the most likely for the next AFL licences, whenever that may be.

I never said the Swans haven't got a handout from the AFL, just that it wasn't last year or this year. Stop twisting my words.

And meanwhile, this is not TFC and out of respect to Des I will not be taking your bait and continuing this here. That is what TFC is for :rolleyes:

This is nothing more that an anti-AFL thread.
Wrong board but anyway...

1. The Kangas say they never thought about relocating, but they tested the waters there for a while. Handing out Roos information at a Swans home game, wasn't a good move either, so that's probably the main reason they went to Canberra and the crowds were crap..

2. Can't seriously see them getting one for 50 years or so. The Gabba has an agreement where any AFL games in QLD must be played at the Gabba. Southport have been eyeing a license. But lets just say, they are the only areas that could support an AFL team.

3. He may be right. The Swans have received handouts at various times. The AFL bought the license off Edelsten for $10 back in the last eighties. I think the AFL have been pro-active in helping the Swannies out. They were going to ask the AFL for 250K during last year but the 72K game at Telstra meant they didn't have to.

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Bea, this is hardly and anti-AFL thread. I, unlike you , made it clear in this thread where my allegiances lie. I just wanted to find out if there are other supporters of AFL who think the same ******ed way you do.

The second one is legitimate though, not just a "look at how stupid bearthur is" point like 1 & 3 are. Fact is that I will post articles to back them up.

I'd really like to know if any other AFL supporters seriously think that Western Sydney will get a licence.

I for one wouldn't part with a dollar for it.
1.The Northern Roos publicly stated that they weren't moving to Sydney .Thus the reason for poor crowds .Notice there're handling Canberra a little differently .
2.As soon as a Melbourne club fails it will be shunted off to hte gold Coast (but playing at the Gabba) or West Sydney playing in a really fine stadium .Other locations exist but the forementioned have the best populations and junior growth results .
3.Historically the Swans did receive handouts .In those days they were the only team playing on Sundays and so due to TV rights the Swans were an important financial contributor to and not drain on the VFL .

pretty straight forward stuff .
Whats your point?

It's common knowledge. Unlike the NRL, the AFL is transparent with it's finances.

Try doing a google search for NRL Annual Report or something like that. Even if you could find it, there would be a line in it, "funding from News Limited - XX,000,000.

Don't even mention how a media organisation props up one RL club because the NRL can't afford to do it themselves....
cos, I can see you didn't read the articles in the addies I posted.

Maybe you could actually try that next time.

And if they're wrong, explain why. beaussie can't, he just claims that because they announced a profit in Feb 2004, they can't possibly have asked for assistance in June 2003.

You people can convince yourselves of anything.

And seriously, anyone that thinks for one minute that another transplanted AFL team will work in Sydney, Canberra or anywhere in Queensland is an imbecile.
Originally posted by Pantsless
Whats your point?

It's common knowledge. Unlike the NRL, the AFL is transparent with it's finances.

Try doing a google search for NRL Annual Report or something like that. Even if you could find it, there would be a line in it, "funding from News Limited - XX,000,000.

Don't even mention how a media organisation props up one RL club because the NRL can't afford to do it themselves....

Snap out of it.

If the NRL need to prop up a club, fine or News Limited or Fairfax or whoever. If the AFL need to prop up a club, fine. But denying that it happened or was even asked for is another thing altogether.

And listen putz, if I feel like posting this here I will. And for whatever reason I choose.

We have to put up with AFL biased **** at LU, now it's your turn to suffer.
"A Gold Coast team playing @ the Gabba will not work."

That can only be an opinion .Yes historically RL can back that opinion up , But we're talking AFL .Very few AFL teams play on their home turf .

Besides you'll find any possible relocation candidate will be eased into a new site following a historical formula . A possible reason why a lot of RL expansion sides failed was due to the lack of lead up work .
You've officially taken over from Numbnuts as the biggest Tool on these forums....

When did I say it never happened?

When did I say you couldn't post here?

The difference between here and LU, is that AFL people really don't give a flying f**k if you don't like AFL, but please keep posting because for every argument you have, we'll keep giving it back to you 10 times over...
Originally posted by cos789
"A Gold Coast team playing @ the Gabba will not work."

That can only be an opinion .
The opinion of many, possibly the majority.

Yes historically RL can back that opinion up , But we're talking AFL .Very few AFL teams play on their home turf .
I believe any Gold Coast sporting team will fail playing permanently in Brisbane.

Besides you'll find any possible relocation candidate will be eased into a new site following a historical formula .
Remind me of an example of a succesful relocation of a club to a new city, where that team plays all home games in a different city 100km+ north. The closest example would be Fremantle playing home games permanently at Subiaco in Perth. How close is Freo to Perth??

A possible reason why a lot of RL expansion sides failed was due to the lack of lead up work .
Adelaide and Perth, yeah true. Other expansion teams, no. Most were victims of Super League, they never actually died on their own merit.
"they announced a profit in Feb 2004, they can't possibly have asked for assistance in June 2003."

The Swans looked like they would be asking for assistance in 2003 but in a better than expected performance they produced a modest profit , so not needing any financial help .This "askance" was going to be due to a specific one-off event ,not due to a continuing non-performance a la Storm .
" anyone that thinks for one minute that another transplanted AFL team will work in Sydney, Canberra or anywhere in Queensland is an imbecile."

Yeah , must be those imbeciles that thought an AFL team would work in Brisbane and Sydney in the first place . I hope they didn't see the crowd figures for the Canberra Kangaroos it would only encourage them .
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