Anzac Ceremony for every game

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Every game is over the top IMO. If they must do it, just the game on the actual day.

Never really got the whole ANZAC day thing. Remembrance Day seemed to do the job without attached jingoism. Ah well, each to their own I suppose.
It is. Go back to school.

"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them."
You think a little poem that seems to have hit your soft spot actually represents a contribution and acknowledgment to everyone killed in wars in our history do you? You’re calling me a peanut and telling me to go back to school FFS, have a look at your rationale. It’s warped.

Go and ask any punter in the street what happened to the soldiers who’ve come back from Afghanistan with PTSD who haven’t been managed by the government that sent them there and they’ll shrug their shoulders.

The disparity is gross. Australia just ****ing typically condemns when it wants and rejoices when it wants and feels. **** standards and ethics, it’s just a big media wank to suck in the rank and file.

What a bogan agenda.
Isn’t this just a bit over a top?

I understand the game, but I find it bizarre and tacky that they’ve now pretty much marketed a whole round around the slaughter of innocent men. Do we really need to have the ceremony for almost every game?

Surely just do it on the actual day.

Sandra Sully with late breaking news

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You could argue that one of the issues with Cambodia today is that they haven’t made enough of a fuss about what went on back then. However, I’m probably getting off topic.

Yeah you're probably right. A big part of that is structural though - only way go get a decent education is if you're super wealthy etc. Which again is a result of the genocide. It's also a population that largely came of age in utter deprivation and now is subject to totally corrupt and unregulated crony capitalism. Off topic though.
You think a little poem that seems to have hit your soft spot actually represents a contribution and acknowledgment to everyone killed in wars in our history do you? You’re calling me a peanut and telling me to go back to school FFS, have a look at your rationale. It’s warped.

Go and ask any punter in the street what happened to the soldiers who’ve come back from Afghanistan with PTSD who haven’t been managed by the government that sent them there and they’ll shrug their shoulders.

The disparity is gross. Australia just ******* typically condemns when it wants and rejoices when it wants and feels. **** standards and ethics, it’s just a big media wank to suck in the rank and file.

What a bogan agenda.

Your very own comment that I originally responded to :

Make it a memory of everyone who was killed in all occasions we’ve had to go to war. It's not's taken out of context or whatever you may want to claim, I can quote your whole post again if you like.

Yes the date of ANZAC Day is the same as the first landings at Gallipoli but the day is remembrance for everyone who has sacrificed in every conflict.
The ratio of support pers to trigger pullers is at least three. 'Getting paid to kill people' applies to a very small number. What was your ECN? If you tell me you were in the Q store I will laugh you off this thread.
How is getting paid to help people kill people much different to what he said?
The last post should be performed pre-game on ANZAC Day only. Have some other ceremony before the ANZAC eve game to seperate it from the rest (lighting of the couldren).

The other games shouldn't have any ceremonies at all. Get a returned serviceman to toss the coin and paint "lest we forget" on the field, but that should be the extent of it. It isn't "ANZAC weekend".
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According to BT on Triple M, each state gets an ANZAC ceremony outside of the day itself.
Sydney got one yesterday. Vic (Saints vs GWS) didn't get one. Tonights game might? But then you have Tuesday nights game which will have the ceremony and Wednesday (ANZAC Day) and they both have it in Melbourne.

Bit ridiculous. It's not ANZAC Round.

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How is getting paid to help people kill people much different to what he said?

Take medical personnel and facilities. These are not legitimate military targets, and are obliged to treat people in accordance with triage, not in accordance with who they are fighting for. Tell me how those people are getting paid to kill people when they are obliged to provide aid to wounded, regardless of allegiance. This is before I even ask you to consider humanitarian assistance, disaster relief etc. Part of my job currently is to provide guidance in the protection of vulnerable groups like women and children. Tell me how I'm getting paid to kill people. There is a distinction here, it's nuanced, but there is a distinction.
There wasnt any ANZAC observance at the Stk vs GWS and Carl vs WCE game.

There's a superimposed "Lest We Forget" banner on the screen on the broadcast.

Which begs the question? Lest we forget what? The "sacrifice" the diggers made for us? Turkey wasn't threatening Australia in 1915 in any way, shape or form. Nor has the "bad guy" in any conflict outside of Japan 1941-45. Surely our politicians would love for us to forget why Australia gets involved in most wars, especially in the Middle East this century.

The "Anzackery" has gone completely overboard. If you're a target of the tabloid media and say anything perceived as negative towards Anzac Day you get viciously attacked the day after. If you want to release a movie into theatres that day you get viciously attacked on breakfast TV. Every corporation ties in Anzac Day marketing now.

Honestly, cancel the public holiday, allow ex and current military and their families to attended dawn ceremonies, then from mid-morning life goes on as normal.

Absolutely no need for the mid morning Anzac parades now as well. We don't live in North Korea and need to see columns of soldiers and tanks marching down the streets, and fighters doing flyovers as well. Take the saved taxpayer's money and put it into Medicare so everyone (military and non-military alike) can have better mental healthcare etc.
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According to BT on Triple M, each state gets an ANZAC ceremony outside of the day itself.
Sydney got one yesterday. Vic (Saints vs GWS) didn't get one. Tonights game might? But then you have Tuesday nights game which will have the ceremony and Wednesday (ANZAC Day) and they both have it in Melbourne.

Bit ridiculous. It's not ANZAC Round.

The Fox Footy graphics said it is.
There's a superimposed "Lest We Forget" banner on the screen on the broadcast.

Which begs the question? Lest we forget what? The "sacrifice" the diggers made for us? Turkey wasn't threatening Australia in 1915 in any way, shape or form. Nor has the "bad guy" in any conflict outside of Japan 1941-45. Surely our politicians would love for us to forget why Australia gets involved in most wars, especially in the Middle East this century.

The "Anzackery" has gone completely overboard. If you're a target of the tabloid media and say anything perceived as negative towards Anzac Day you get viciously attacked the day after. If you want to release a movie into theatres that day you get viciously attacked on breakfast TV. Every corporation ties in Anzac Day marketing now.

Honestly, cancel the public holiday, allow ex and current military and their families to attended dawn ceremonies, then from mid-morning life goes on as normal.

Absolutely no need for the mid morning Anzac parades now as well. We don't live in North Korea and need to see columns of soldiers and tanks marching down the streets, and fighters doing flyovers as well. Take the saved taxpayer's money and put it into Medicare so everyone (military and non-military alike) can have better mental healthcare etc.

God I love the left getting their jimmy's rustled about ANZAC day.

I for one will be thinking of all of those that went before us on ANZAC Day.
didnt steve price complain about a movie opening on anzac day. He's hardly left.

It's OK to be outraged about anything that is perceived as "attacking" Anzac Day if you're a talkback radio shock jock. If you're to the left of that political position (I'd consider myself a moderate not a leftie) your right to freedom of speech is apparently curtailed on April 25th.

God I love the left getting their jimmy's rustled about ANZAC day.

I for one will be thinking of all of those that went before us on ANZAC Day.

It's not the "left" getting their jimmy's rustled about Anzac Day. It's Murdoch tabloids getting outraged about a 7 word tweet. It's talkback shock jocks and breakfast TV hosts getting outraged about a movie.
They should do the national anthems at every game, but the ceremony should be just Anzac Day.
ANZAC day is a disgraceful celebration of war designed as a marketing tool to attract the next lambs to the slaughter and reduce the compensation to the families who lost their loved ones.

Please don't garnish your opinion with "ex-serviceman" in some pathetic attempt to add credibility to your argument. You can't call out the nationalism of ANZAC day and expect to tap into the universal adoration of servicemen, which something that's far more promoted than nationalism on the day, as your benefit.
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I know, Play all games this round on ANZAC day! Problem solved!

Forgot that the night is soley reserved for two Victorian teams only and the rest of the teams and fans can get stuffed, No ANZAC ceremonial for you lol :rolleyes:
Forgot those two teams actually made their own event instead of whinging and doing nothing

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Anzac Ceremony for every game

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