Apple Isle Showdown: Tas Govt threatens to end Hawks, North deals if no plan for 19th side

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How longs Caro been trying to relocate North Melbourne for now?
First it was to the Gold Coast and more recently she's been obsessed with moving them to Tassie.
Never once cared about traditional footy fans, a clubs history or heritage and its time people called her out as the corporate stooge that she is.
Tasmania doesn't have a team for the same reasons other country areas don't have a team. When the novelty wore off the AFL would lose money permanently.
Why would the novelty wear off here compared to any other place in Australia that already has a team?

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Why would the novelty wear off here compared to any other place in Australia that already has a team?
Geelong has a team and manage to stay in league despite being a regional city.
I doubt Fremantle is seen as a regional city but I'd be surprised if a Tassie side did not get more deep rooted support than Fremantle Dockers do over there.
Tasmania doesn't have a team for the same reasons other country areas don't have a team. When the novelty wore off the AFL would lose money permanently.

Geelong has a team. The AFL tried to effectively relocate them to Melbourne around 20 years ago and they resisted. They’ve been one of the most successful clubs since
1. The Age P. Ryan 12.3.21

Ryan said

"Tas. Premier P. Gutwein is confident the AFL will agree at the end of the year to admit a Tas. 2025 or 2026 after the League agreed to complete a Review into the case for a stand-alone team by the middle of the year (my emphases)"

Tas has a similar amount of talent as you'd expect in any other regional 'heartland' area with a similar population.
You know that it is not true.

Tas. is overrepresented, on a per capita basis for the whole pop. of the State cf other States, in the AFL Hall Of Fame, & AFL Team Of The Century. Do you dispute this- if so, on what basis?

Do I need to provide a list to you, again, of the extraordinary no. of champions, stars, & great players from Tasmania, since 1960 that have played in the VFL & AFL?

Yes, the decline in Tas since those days is remarkable.

Nothing to do with the AFL though.
You know that is not true.

Why is elite cricket (BBL, Sheffield, & Premier First Grade) thriving in Tas., whilst elite AF is in decline?
Why has Tas., since it was admitted to the Sheffield Shield in 1977, produced more Aust. Test. players, on a per capita basis, than any other State?

Why are Tas. AF Club male comp. nos. in decline from 2000 (except for a total increase of c. 2200 from 2016-19), whilst basketball & soccer Club male nos. have had huge growth since 2000?

In elite AF, club tribalism in particular, & State pride in general, are extremely important for the development & growth of AF.
Do you dispute this- if so, on what basis?

Why did A. Demetriou, in 2008 & 2019, & G. McLachlan a few years ago, & again in 2019, both say, paraphrasing "When the AFL expands next, Tas. will probably be the next team to join"? (No timelines given).
And why did, R. Oakley, in 2019, also say that Tas. should join asap as the 19th team. "It's the right thing to do. It would be well regarded by the football community"
And P. Gordon also?
And very many MSM AFL experts?

What do you know, that they don't?

The Bid Business Case has presented many relevant facts, strong arguments & economic forecasts etc. that a Tas. 19th team would be financially sustainable, & would not be an undue financial burden on the AFL.

You have continued to deny the validity of the Business Case (which had independent input from Gemba Sports' experts; & financial analysis- & thus imprimatur- of its figures by independent finance experts Deloittes).
What are your specific disagreements with the Business Case (the Bid team were experts across a range of fields)?
And what is your counter evidence that directly rebuts the Case?

Tas. has been a recruitment gold mine for the VFL & AFL.
The failure (both in quality & quantity) of Tas. Draftees since 2000 is a major problem for the AFL in particular; & for GR AF, & for the popularity of the AFL, all over Australia (re the culture/legends/fame/"heroism" etc. narratives of AF).
Do you dispute this- if so, on what basis?

The glorious feats of Tas, champions & stars etc. have an indirect, but very large monetary value for the AFL (eg increased crowds & ratings, & more MSM attention. Hunt & Folau's start in the AFL was valued at c. $10m+ in Qld. & NSW; & encourage more people to play AF).
Do you dispute this- if so, on what basis?

The community & social benefits etc. of having a Tas.19th team for the wellbeing for the people of Tas. are enormous. Do you dispute this- if so, on what basis?
And these community & social benefits, & wellbeing, would have, indirectly, great monetary value also for the people of Tas. Do you dispute this-if so, on what basis?
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If you want to look at reality, then the novelty is wearing thin even before a they have a team.

All i have seen on this thread is blame, it's all the AFL's fault.
But it is, they are the keeper of the game who have CHOSEN to neglect Tasmania . Tasmania cannot say lets have a steam and then it happens.
It is 100% the AFLs responsibility

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You’re talking crap. What’s to stop your racist team losing its supporters as they cannot express their racist views without having to live in Fiji.
The AFL have run the game into the ground which is now reflected by the public support for the game.
if a team happens down here it will be supported and there is nothing that suggests that it would wane .

The AFL have deprived the Tasmanian community , if the AFL support Tasmania it will be reciprocated .
Ok, i'm talking crap, but you bring up the racist card, bye now child.
Ok, i'm talking crap, but you bring up the racist card, bye now child.
Your ignorant views are crap.

Tell me what Western Sydney and Gold Coast did to deserve a team???
They still cannot pull a crowd.
Your argument is naive at best , Tasmania deserves a team after decades of supporting the game and the public WOULD get right behind a local team.
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Go back to your right wing hole. Truth hurts hey!!!

Your ignorant views are crap.

Tell me what Western Sydney and Gold Coast did to deserve a team???
They still cannot pull a crowd.
Your argument is naive at best , Tasmania deserves a team after decades of supporting the game and the public WOULD get right behind a local team.
Mate, when you say what you did in your last post, we know who is hurting.

Only a complete DH would say something like that.

To be honest, if this was put to a vote and i was sitting on the fence, you just changed my vote to no.
Mate, when you say what you did in your last post, we know who is hurting.

Only a complete DH would say something like that.

To be honest, if this was put to a vote and i was sitting on the fence, you just changed my vote to no.
No, you throw up crap hypotheticals about potential support for a Tassie club down the track ( which cant be answered) then i do the same and you get all sulky. Been a big off season for you guys.
Hahaha, you dont have a say in the matter.
No, you throw up crap hypotheticals about potential support for a Tassie club down the track ( which cant be answered) then i do the same and you get all sulky. Been a big off season for you guys.
Hahaha, you dont have a say in the matter.
OMG, you are a card.
You accused a poster of not caring about the game, i then threw up hypotheticals about Tassie fans deserting the game, then who got all sulky?
Bringing up the racist card because of the team i support, that is grade 3 material right there.
Go away child, i now don't care 1 iota what you think, i couldn't care less about your views, comprehend?
OMG, you are a card.
You accused a poster of not caring about the game, i then threw up hypotheticals about Tassie fans deserting the game, then who got all sulky?
Bringing up the racist card because of the team i support, that is grade 3 material right there.
Go away child, i now don't care 1 iota what you think, i couldn't care less about your views, comprehend?
Not pick all you like without offering anything then run and hide when you get it it in return.
offer something to thr conversation for a change
Not pick all you like without offering anything then run and hide when you get it it in return.
offer something to thr conversation for a change
Try English.

What i think you are saying is i offer nothing to the convo?

Who used the racist card again?

Who accuses anyone who doesn't agree with them of not caring about the game?

Like i said earlier, you have the brain of a 3rd grader.
So, still nothing to offer .
Business as usual , hypocrisy.
Are you all there mate?

I ask you this, what have you actually offered here?
I'll answer that: Nothing.

I have been consistent with all my posts, unlike you who just likes to accuse, can't handle alternate opinions.
My view has always been, It's not the AFL who are at fault with the demise of footy in Tassie, they could do more maybe, but so could Tassie, instead of playing the blame game.

And for the record, i have not once said Tassie should not have a team.

But poor old Slartibartfast can't seem to comprehend that.
Are you all there mate?

I ask you this, what have you actually offered here?
I'll answer that: Nothing.

I have been consistent with all my posts, unlike you who just likes to accuse, can't handle alternate opinions.
My view has always been, It's not the AFL who are at fault with the demise of footy in Tassie, they could do more maybe, but so could Tassie, instead of playing the blame game.

And for the record, i have not once said Tassie should not have a team.

But poor old Slartibartfast can't seem to comprehend that.
How can the AFL not be responsible , they are the keeper of the game.
They threw huge amounts of money in establishing a nation wide comp.
Then started a team where the game had never been played and another in a sporting team black hole.

all the while Tasmania which had the the 3rd oldest footy competition in the world was being ignored. This sends a huge message to the people of Tasmania, you are not seen as relevant to the AFL And the national comp. This creates the disinterest . The 1980s was a boom time for tassie footy, by the late 1990s the reserves comp had gone and footy had well and truly stalled. This happened as the national comp progressed.
Then by 2011 and 12 when GWS and GC commenced this furthered the disenchantment of Tasmanians.
You can follow Tasmania’s decline as the AFL expanded.
How can the AFL not be responsible , they are the keeper of the game.

They werent prior to 1993 when ANFC threw its hands up and essentially said well if the AFL wont do what we want then they can have it all. And they didnt run footy in Tasmania for nearly 20 years after that.

They threw huge amounts of money in establishing a nation wide comp.

they expanded an existing competition which gave them money at every turn. Even when the Swans and Bears were costing the league money, revenues were skyrocketing due to increased professionalism

Then started a team where the game had never been played and another in a sporting team black hole.

Commercial and game growth considerations. Its hilarious that the undisputed growth of the game in NSW and QLD is ignored here. The commercial appeal of two of the top 3 tv and advertising markets was too much to leave running with 1 game a week.

all the while Tasmania which had the the 3rd oldest footy competition in the world was being ignored.

Like all footy states Tassie was responsible for managing its own football development and programs up until at least 2011, when they AFL bailed out and took it over. (this happened to the NTFL and VFL in the same year).

This sends a huge message to the people of Tasmania, you are not seen as relevant to the AFL And the national comp.

Except for all the matches they've played here. And the bail out and the annual funding.

This creates the disinterest . The 1980s was a boom time for tassie footy, by the late 1990s the reserves comp had gone and footy had well and truly stalled. This happened as the national comp progressed.

Declines in interest happened in every state competition where they were no longer the top rung of footy.

Then by 2011 and 12 when GWS and GC commenced this furthered the disenchantment of Tasmanians.

The thing is these teams didnt spring out of nowhere. Footy in NSW was taken over by the AFL in 1999 and governance was completely overhauled - talk for planning a second AFL team is in AFL reports as early as 1997. Footy in QLD was taken over and governance overhaul was undertaken in 2000 with planning for a second team/relocated team following not long after. The establishment of two AFL teams went hand in hand with $200m in development funding for QLD and NSW over 5 years from 2012.

In 2011 instead of having an AFL takeover, the Tasmanian Government should have done what the WA Government did in 1985, and completely overhauled the governance of football in the state, and passing stadium revenues from AFL matches at York Park/Bellerive or even a ticket levy of some sort, to the state body to keep it funded going forward. They didnt choosing to partially fund Football Tasmania/AFL Tasmania itself in partnership with the AFL.

Tasmanian footy needs a similar process now to what the AFL did in QLD and NSW. Complete overhaul of the system, followed by massive investment in development, then hit the ground with male and female teams in 10 years.

You can follow Tasmania’s decline as the AFL expanded.

You can follow the decline of almost every state and major regional competition the same way. In Tasmania, like other regional centres, social economic factors play a part as people move to bigger cities and interstate for work and opportunity - having an AFL team isnt going to change that.
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