Australia will grow to like Tony Abbott as PM

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Three links about the same inoffensive comment.

Women DO do the ironing.... it's either that or mow the lawns !;)

Seriously, get a grip.

Sorry for not spending an hour going over the whole web.. Oh, did you read the part about the 8 time nomination at the Sexist Awards or did you decide to not read that part;)

Put you political bias aside....
He is a slime ball who sounds like a cockroach. He is stuck in the 1950's. I can see through all of his bullshit... He fell into the job by tha smallest of margins and the only reason he still has the leadership is because of the poor performance of Gillard. Not becuase of his great performance and certainly not because of policy. He has none. Even still he is struggling with most preffered PM.

LOL - he 'sounds like a cockroach'
WTF sort of reason is that????

And he has the leadership because he has the full support of his Party as per a recent ballot.

And can you explain the 'slime ball' remark please?

He is a climate sceptic, a sexist pig, a religious twirp, a redneck.
He is somewhat of a climate sceptic, yes. Congratulations. Even a wronged clock is right twice a day, I guess.

However a sexist pig?:confused:
A religious twirp?:confused: (btw whats a twirp?)
And a redneck ? :confused:
He is not progressive and will drag our country back. All of which scares the shit out of me. He doesn't stand for what he believes in, unlike Turnbull who did and got rolled for it. Do not question me about why I dont like someone. All that dick wants is to get the top job,, even if it means ruining the country. IF, he wasnt such a prick and the independents gave him minority government, how do you think he would of gone? It was a poision chalice...
LOL - do not question why you don't like someone....

Why the hell not?
You can't even come up with any legitimate reasons - how pathetic are your reasons.
You don't like his voice......FFS........

Turnbull would be a popular, progressive leader. Abbott is going to divide the country.
Given your contribution as to your dislike of Abbott, I'm prepared to take that prediction with a grain of salt.

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Sorry for not spending an hour going over the whole web.. Oh, did you read the part about the 8 time nomination at the Sexist Awards or did you decide to not read that part;)

Put you political bias aside....
So some no-name bullshit group thought it was sexist ? So what?
It's not the opinion I'm talking about - it's the content. And the fact that some people get up in arms over THAT is just stupid. I'm a woman and I DON'T find it offensive.

Ironing - mate - you're talking about ironing ! Not glass ceilings and unequal pay for the same work.......not rights to the same things as men.
And FWIW I think it's men that get the raw deal in society now.
Sorry for not spending an hour going over the whole web.. Oh, did you read the part about the 8 time nomination at the Sexist Awards or did you decide to not read that part;)

Put you political bias aside....

I've looked around the web

there is a fair few extreme views on Tony, but when they refer to him as a "man's man" I have to assume the whole lot is a bit of bullshit.

edit - just found an article from Kate Ellis.

highlights a few more issues, however it does suggest that Abbot is sexist because he refered to Gillard as "herself" - so not too sure about that.

The rest appears to be fluff in question time.
LOL - he 'sounds like a cockroach'
WTF sort of reason is that????

Are you a 12 yo girl?

And he has the leadership because he has the full support of his Party as per a recent ballot.

And can you explain the 'slime ball' remark please?

He is somewhat of a climate sceptic, yes. Congratulations. Even a wronged clock is right twice a day, I guess.

However a sexist pig?:confused:
A religious twirp?:confused: (btw whats a twirp?)
And a redneck ? :confused:

LOL - do not question why you don't like someone....

Why the hell not?
You can't even come up with any legitimate reasons - how pathetic are your reasons.
You don't like his voice......FFS........

Please tell me you aren't old enough to vote yet.

Given your intellectual contribution as to your dislike of Abbott, I'm prepared to take that prediction with a grain of salt.

Thanks for dissecting my post. You are real talented:thumbsu: Do you spend all you time on political forums?

It is hard to bag his policy as he has none. He is a homophobe, anti-pro choice and is against almost everything I believe in. If you cant handle that go and get stuffed. I may not be old enough to vote in your eyes as I have a different view to you... Fair enough... And remeber dick, this is Bigfooty... If I supposed to be all politically correct to appease you, I certainly will disappoint you. Why don't you dissect my post and show me my spelling errors you weed.
All it points to really, is that to describe a person in terms of their gender - unflatteringly - it suddenly gets perceived as sexist.
He'd look a bit stupid if he call Gillard "himself' wouldn't he.
So some no-name bullshit group thought it was sexist ? So what?
It's not the opinion I'm talking about - it's the content. And the fact that some people get up in arms over THAT is just stupid. I'm a woman and I DON'T find it offensive.

Ironing - mate - you're talking about ironing ! Not glass ceilings and unequal pay for the same work.......not rights to the same things as men.
And FWIW I think it's men that get the raw deal in society now.

What were you hoping to find?

Abbott grabbing women by boobs? Saying all women should stay in the kitchen? Is that what it would take or would you still let your political bias get in the way?
What were you hoping to find?

Abbott grabbing women by boobs? Saying all women should stay in the kitchen? Is that what it would take or would you still let your political bias get in the way?

You are the one making the claim. I don't have to find anything.
I'm simply saying I don't find it offensive - it's a fact. Most women do the ironing.
Would you have the same reaction if he was talking about carbon output and men when they mow the lawn?

The only thing that I think is off limits is men politicians discussing abortion. I believe Abbott may have had something to say about that based on his religious beliefs...but I cannot recall being overly offended.
You are the one making the claim. I don't have to find anything.
I'm simply saying I don't find it offensive - it's a fact. Most women do the ironing.
Would you have the same reaction if he was talking about carbon output and men when they mow the lawn?

The only thing that I think is off limits is men politicians discussing abortion. I believe Abbott may have had something to say about that based on his religious beliefs...but I cannot recall being overly offended.

I can assure you, I do my ironing. We also both cook tea. If my son turns out to be gay, no problems. If my daughter fell pregnant at 15 I would want her to have an abortion. And I really think all those fat mining magnates who are ruining soccer in Australia should be paying a mining tax.. I am sure they wont starve. I think it is fair to say we are total opposites, but hey, who cares? It would be shit if we were all the same, stuck in the 1950's:D:p
I can assure you, I do my ironing. We also both cook tea. If my son turns out to be gay, no problems. If my daughter fell pregnant at 15 I would want her to have an abortion. And I really think all those fat mining magnates who are ruining soccer in Australia should be paying a mining tax.. I am sure they wont starve. I think it is fair to say we are total opposites, but hey, who cares? It would be shit if we were all the same, stuck in the 1950's:D:p

Good boy!;):thumbsu:
Thanks for dissecting my post. You are real talented:thumbsu: Do you spend all you time on political forums?

It is hard to bag his policy as he has none. He is a homophobe, anti-pro choice and is against almost everything I believe in. If you cant handle that go and get stuffed. I may not be old enough to vote in your eyes as I have a different view to you... Fair enough... And remeber dick, this is Bigfooty... If I supposed to be all politically correct to appease you, I certainly will disappoint you. Why don't you dissect my post and show me my spelling errors you weed.

Right - so now he is a homophobe :confused:
Where did you get this idea from?

Do you have any basis for hating him like you do?
Or is it all because of his voice. :rolleyes:

I hope you are starting to get an understanding of how pathetic your views are on him. Its quite sad that people have such a strong opinion of someone but cannot even articulate why -

Oh sorry, you did for one. His voice. That's right.

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come july 1st the tax-free-threashold will triple, good luck RAbbott in trying to roll that back.
We are also at the stage where rolling back the NBN will be more expensive then to continue its progress, so how is the luddite going to justify its scrapping.
Also Mr RAbbott why shouldn't Gina and Twiggy pay their fare share in Tax?
Daytripper working overtime to defend Abbott here. Doing a good job of it so far but it's a bit... weird.

Mate - I don't mind if there are legitimate reasons for not liking someone. That's fine.

However to actually hate someone because of their 'voice'. Well, that is weird.
And all the other reasons I've been getting, 'homophobe, sexist, religious nut, right-wing loony' are just churned out with no thought behind them whatsoever.

Its like they've just read them off a #qanda hashtag and assumed they are true.

Not having a go at you.
You are very reasonable - even for a leftie....hahaha.
Like I said, peoples opinions of Abbott are based on caricatures of what the media and the mud-slinging Labor party portray him to be.

Apparently to the left, a claim about housewives doing the ironing, which the majority of which would do, is worse that Rudd making a female hostess cry through verbal abuse because she couldn't provide Princess Rudd with a special meal.

Apparently to the left, Abbott is a redneck, even though he spends the most time, out of all our politicians, and anyone on this board, in the remote outback with Aboriginals. Integration is evil the left will yell.

Apparently to the left, Abbott is evil, even though he's raised more money for cancer, spent more time volunteering as a fire-fighter and life-saver than any of our politicians, and anyone on this board. Don't be so selfless the left will scream.

Apparently Abbott is sexist, because he tells his daughters that their cherry is something that should be valued ... To 'ell with personal value they'll say!!!

Oh, but let's hate him because he feels 100,000 per year is too many, and doesn't sip champagne at the thought of that number increasing. To 'ell with personal responsibility they say!!!
Daytripper working overtime to defend Abbott here. Doing a good job of it so far but it's a bit... weird.

I don't think he is defending Abbott - more getting people to question why they actually dislike certain political people.

Isee Abbott refered to as so many things, such sexist and homophobe that I am sure the majority of people just regurgitate what they have heard rather than actually knowing why.
I don't think the Average Joe thinks Abbott is a homophobe or a sexist. Groups like GetUp etc. try to sling mud at him for his views on particular issues, but there are right-wing groups that do the same at the Labor Party and the Greens.

Average Joe doesn't necessarily like Abbott because he isn't Prime Ministerial, can't speak beyond a press release, shirks the real issues, has no credible policy and absolutely no positive vision for the country. He was also a Health Minister for a number of years, where he did very little in his portfolio other than lie about health funding and bag a bloke in a wheelchair.
Mate - I don't mind if there are legitimate reasons for not liking someone. That's fine.

However to actually hate someone because of their 'voice'. Well, that is weird.
And all the other reasons I've been getting, 'homophobe, sexist, religious nut, right-wing loony' are just churned out with no thought behind them whatsoever.

Its like they've just read them off a #qanda hashtag and assumed they are true.

Not having a go at you.
You are very reasonable - even for a leftie....hahaha.

Fair enough. He's hard to defend though.
I don't think the Average Joe thinks Abbott is a homophobe or a sexist. Groups like GetUp etc. try to sling mud at him for his views on particular issues, but there are right-wing groups that do the same at the Labor Party and the Greens.
To the same extent?
Average Joe doesn't necessarily like Abbott because he isn't Prime Ministerial, can't speak beyond a press release, shirks the real issues, has no credible policy and absolutely no positive vision for the country. He was also a Health Minister for a number of years, where he did very little in his portfolio other than lie about health funding and bag a bloke in a wheelchair.

I disagree but fair play for at least being able to state your case.
Abbott is good mates with Bob Ellis who speaks up for him all the time.

He just cannot be as bad as the stupid caricature that Labor has fallen in love with. He spoke at the function for drunken Bob's last book where they mused over the beautiful relationship between Sebastian and Charles in Brideshead Revisted - now I don't know if any of you know the book but it is fairly obvious i that they are not just "good chums"

Battlelines is pretty middle of the road politically

On the death stare issue with the journalist. The journalist was being a total ****ing knob and deserved to have his head caved in.

On the "shit happens" - he was empathising with the troops. From memory he said "when you in these dangerous life threatening situations shit happens". As I understand it he means "shitty things" happen rather than the glib 'shit happens" - it was a matter of bullshit confected outrage of the Samantha Lane variety. Why would a Liberal politician seek to offend serving army personnel

The RU486 decision was an aberation in his political life. It is hard to defend but I suppose it could be seen as red meat for the socially conservative Liberal voters

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Australia will grow to like Tony Abbott as PM

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