Lazy, Very Very Lazy
By less history I mean the whole point of the argument of we "fought under the flag" which is always used in the keep the design argument. I concede we fought for the flag, but that is a major difference that changes the whole history of the flag.
The British I speak of is the United Kingdom or Great Britain which as much as Scots, Cornish, Northern Irish or convicts can claim that they hate the English, the flag still represents them, and the use of the Union Jack on our flag represents the British/UK/GB rule over us, a point that cannot be denied.
Yes but holding onto the past does not allow us to truly proceed into the future. Embrace the past by utilising the federation star and southern cross, which represents our history as a nation, but move on from the British rule that does not control us now.
Nope, nope, nope. A flag for all, which singles out none.
The we didn't fight under our flag i proved nonsense above previously, it's a spin the Ausflag puts out. Technically it may have been a different colour or the stars had less points but it's the same. Soldiers and their wives and girlfriends sewed flags on their uniforms, try telling some old diggers they never fought for us or the flag.
The elitists would not allow us to use the blue ensign but some did.
The UJ made up of St Andrew, St Patrick and St George flags does not rule over us, it symbolises where we came from who we are and what we are a part of. Part of me agrees that we don't need it but isn't that just changing something for the sake of it?
Change the flag due to the British rule as you put it you might as well change our whole establishment as a country.