Opinion AUSTRALIAN Politics: Adelaide Board Discussion Part 5

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The question now is what will happen when Normy Norm figures out the “vaccine” wasn’t safe and effective and that it’s been covered up and stage managed for the longest time?
Sometimes the obvious can elude people, even scientists. E.g. Dwellings have been destroyed by earthquakes since antiquity, but only in the last century has it been widely accepted by geologists that continents move.

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I'm not sure it's easy to say selling electricity assets was a bad idea. Queensland didn't and their network is horribly run and they don't really seem to care about cost. If electricity consumers don't wear it then their tax payers will.
Two weird things:

Liberals wanting to nationalise electricity generation

Liberals wanting to intervene in the supermarket industry

This is a bit backwards.

Until they actual decide how they are going to do it, I’d take any of their policy initiatives with a grain of salt.

They are promising to do a lot of things without any detail so far. Seems very convenient and easy to say we can do this and do that. Pin them down on the detail is what journalists should focus on.

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