Opinion AUSTRALIAN Politics: Adelaide Board Discussion Part 5

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I was having a good day until I saw you brought up that supercilious campaigner comrade Keating.
I still get shivers when I see that Kent or his likeness.
Had to sell up when Interest rates hit 17% and was then told it was the recession we had to have.
The man is poison.
I was having a good day until I saw you brought up that supercilious campaigner comrade Keating.

But Kirky, Kano, Vader and their lefty mates think Keating was the el supremo of treasurers. Keating the Great in fact.

I will say one thing a genius compared to Wayne Swan still out there floundering around in the wilderness looking for that elusive surplus of his.
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But Kirky, Kano, Vader and their lefty mates think Keating was the el supremo of treasurers. Keating the Great in fact.

I will say one thing a genius compared to Wayne Swam still out there floundering around in the wilderness looking for that elusive surplus of his.
I don't recall any of us saying that.

Keating deserves credit for floating the dollar, but that's about it.

Please stop putting words into other people's mouths, in an attempt to bolster your own pathetically weak arguments.
I don't recall any of us saying that.

Keating deserves credit for floating the dollar, but that's about it.

Please stop putting words into other people's mouths, in an attempt to bolster your own pathetically weak arguments.

Yet another backflip and double pike by Viktoriastan's Socialist Labor Government..

You really have to question who the dunderheads in ALP Victoria are that come up with these ridiculous policies and then have to reverse them when there's a big public outcry. It was as plain as the nose on people's faces that the Vic ALP's windmills and sundials were never going to cut it in the short/long term to keep the lights on and Victorian industry going, so now they've had to admit they so obviously got it wrong that their dreaded fossil fuel has to be a pathway to the future.
There's incompetent but this mob take it to new level.

Allan government softens electrification push, excludes gas cooktops from road map​

Gas cooktops have been spared from Victoriaā€™s net zero road map, with Jacinta Allan saying households can choose when to switch to electric appliances.

Victorians can continue cooking with gas in the kitchen for as long as they like after the Allan government excluded the popular stovetops from a net zero road map.
And laws will be introduced to state parliament to encourage new offshore gas storage projects in a bid to boost dwindling supplies and reduce risks of energy shortages later this decade.

The legislation will also send an investment signal that Victoria is open to new gas imports from interstate or even overseas, amid growing doubts there are enough local reserves to satisfy our near-term needs.
Premier Jacinta Allan will make the announcements this week, with the government looking to secure supply for gas-fired electricity generators when coal-fired power stations pull the plug from 2028.

Ms Allan said the government was ā€œbuilding for the futureā€ including the ā€œrenewable energy our state needsā€ but that gas would be required in the near-term.

ā€œGas is part of our energy transition ā€“ but the reality is, weā€™re running out of it,ā€ she said.

The premier also said ā€œVictorians can keep cooking with gasā€, with households left to choose when to switch to electric appliances.

Gas heating and hot water systems could also be excluded from the net zero roadmap, after Ms Allan on Monday appeared to leave the door open to freeing other appliances from the switch to all-electric.

Asked whether other gas appliances, such as heating and hot water, might also be spared in the transition, Ms Allan said the government was still ā€œgoing through a consultation processā€.
Part of my point was that I don't understand why people are saying chalmers is wrong to say hiking rates damages the economy. Everyone knows that's exactly what they're supposed to do.

Regarding spending, I agree governments are spending too much. It's called pork barrelling to win elections and is a big problem and a trap for political parties. You can't win an election unless you promise 'jobs and growth' and back it up with large $$ regardless if that spending is prudent.

Labor is trapped with high inflation but also wanting to spend (adding to inflation) so it can win another election. LNP will be no different and you'll find that the situation was the same before albo came in. Pork barrelling and lobbying ****s over everyone. This is our system.
There's pork barrelling and then there's Each Way Albo and Grim Jim Chalmers magnitude of pork barrelling, it's pork barrelling on steroids....and no doubt at all it's feeding into inflation.

Campbell: The 29-word polling question that sums up Alboā€™s predicament​

You donā€™t get many laughs reading political polls for a living, but this cruel stat was so cruel to poor old Albo and his mates that would make even the most stone-hearted chuckle.

You donā€™t get many chuckles reading political polls for a living.
But last week there came a finding in the latest RedBridge poll of voting intentions which was so cruel to poor old Albo and his band that you would have to have a heart of stone not to laugh out loud.
RedBridge, I should explain, is regarded as a Labor-friendly pollster as its founder Kosmos Samaras used to be the Assistant State Secretary of the ALP in Victoria.
But as the old saying goes, ā€˜with friends like these ...ā€™ because RedBridge has asked a question that in 29 words sums up perfectly the predicament of the Albanese government: ā€œCan you name something the federal government led by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has done since being elected in May 2022 that has made your life better in any way?ā€
(As they used say on TV: Labor fans who donā€™t want to know the result should look away now.)
To that question, 24 per cent people said ā€˜yesā€™, 57 per cent said ā€˜noā€™ and 19 per cent said ā€˜not sureā€™.
You almost have to feel for sorry for them, donā€™t you?
Albo and Jimā€™s revamped Stage 3 tax cut went to 13.6 million people ā€“ slightly more than half the population ā€“ at a cost to the budget of more than $100bn over the forward estimates.

Not only that, theyā€™ve spent $5bn subsidising peopleā€™s energy bills including a $300 rebate to every household.

And their political return? Fewer than one in four people can think of a single thing theyā€™ve done to make their lives better.

To be fair, of the minority who could identify anything, 54 per cent named either the Stage 3 tax cut or the bill rebate, which I suppose is a reasonable result in that cohort.

But that aside, itā€™s a truly appalling state of affairs for the government.

No wonder a minister complained to me last week: ā€œWe need to sell how what we are doing is changing people lives and then encouraging people to look at the alternativeā€ rather than simply ā€œtipping an enormous bucket of shit on Peter Duttonā€ and hoping that ā€œmight be enoughā€ to get them re-elected.

In recent weeks, Treasurer Jim Chalmers seems to have been auditioning for the role of chief bucket tipper at the election with his attack on Dutton as ā€œthe most divisive leader of a major political party in Australiaā€™s modern historyā€.

Instead of pressing the attack home ā€“ remembering it takes weeks these days for any idea to reach the public, let alone influence its collective thinking ā€“ instead last week he decided to go after the Reserve Bank and by implication its Governor Michele Bullock, for the Bankā€™s aggressive interest rate strategy designed to crush inflation.

That would be the Michele Bullock who is the Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia because Jim Chalmers appointed her.

The same Michele Bullock who was known inside the bank as an inflation hawk.

Seriously, heā€™d have been better off saving his breath.

If he wanted a RBA Governor whoā€™d listen, he should have reappointed Philip Lowe, who, unusually for a central banker, seemed late in his career to have developed a sensitivity to public opinion or at least some awareness that such a thing exists.

From what we know of Bullock, sheā€™s unlikely to be much influenced by Jimā€™s whingeing.

I suspect like most central bankers, the only people whose good opinion she cares about are other central bankers.

Sheā€™s even less likely to be influenced by Jimā€™s old boss, Wayne Swan.
Personally Iā€™d have thought reminders of the Rudd era are best kept to a minimum, but instead, a very tanned and very retired-looking Wayno was sent into the television studios last week on a mission to whack the RBA.

In reality of course the real audience for both Swan and Chalmersā€™ attacks was not Bullock, who at any rate had already made it clear in a speech on Thursday she is not for turning.

No, the hope was to try and find somewhere else for people to focus their anger rather than the government.

Blame shifting is an ancient political art form perfected in Australia by state premiers across more than a century.

But Iā€™m not sure it cuts it for a federal treasurer, because Australians decided years ago the buck stops in Canberra.

Listening to Chalmers and his elderly proxy hoeing into the bank it was hard not to think of Scott Morrisonā€™s attacks on state premiers, which did him so much damage during Covid.

And for the same reason: picking a fight with someone the public thinks is your junior doesnā€™t shift the blame, it just makes you look weak.

Chalmers must know this; every federal Labor MP at the time was stunned at the damage Morrison did to his authority with his impotent railing against the premiers.

He must also know research shows the governmentā€™s ā€œweaknessā€ is becoming a theme of the focus groups.

He should spend more time spruiking the governmentā€™s achievements and laying off the hard man act heā€™s been cultivating by getting into Dutton and Bullock.
I'm sorry... there's one fly-by name drop. Jeezus. You need to get a life.

If that's the best you can do, then you've lost the argument.
You mentioned him in the same bracket as Hawke, he's not fit to shine Bob Hawke or John Howard's boots it's you that's lost the argument you're just not man enough to accept it.
You mentioned him in the same bracket as Hawke, he's not fit to shine Bob Hawke or John Howard's boots it's you that's lost the argument you're just not man enough to accept it.
You're still on a hiding to nothing anyway, given that the post was discussing Keating as PM, not Keating as Treasurer - which is where you started putting words in my mouth anyway.

Even as PM, I'd take Keating over the conga line we had from 2007-2022 every day of the week. Scomo remains one of the 3 worst PMs in Australian history, vying with Abbott & McMahon for the title of outright worst.
You're still on a hiding to nothing anyway, given that the post was discussing Keating as PM, not Keating as Treasurer - which is where you started putting words in my mouth anyway.

Even as PM, I'd take Keating over the conga line we had from 2007-2022 every day of the week. Scomo remains one of the 3 worst PMs in Australian history, vying with Abbott & McMahon for the title of outright worst.

Gough Whitlam, Dr Cairns and Junie Morosi say hi

Old Mal and Kevvy say hi too

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Gough Whitlam, Dr Cairns and Junie Morosi say hi

Old Mal and Kevvy say hi too
Whitlam/Cairns/Morosi not in the last 40 years, as per the previous post you quoted.

Keating >>>>>>>>>>>>> Mal >>>> Rudd

Keep digging downward. You might come out in China.
Whitlam/Cairns/Morosi not in the last 40 years, as per the previous post you quoted.

Keating >>>>>>>>>>>>> Mal >>>> Rudd

Keep digging downward. You might come out in China.
LOL you have the same biases I do, just different sides, you're no more credible than I am so you are hardly holding the high ground, you're down the same hole merrily digging away too.
LOL you have the same biases I do, just different sides, you're no more credible than I am so you are hardly holding the high ground, you're down the same hole merrily digging away too.
I'm not digging. You're the one who accused me of having made positive comments about Keating, then you went back through my posting history and found one drive-by comment from 2 years ago.

... and you're still doubling down with your bullshit.
I'm not digging. You're the one who accused me of having made positive comments about Keating, then you went back through my posting history and found one drive-by comment from 2 years ago.

... and you're still doubling down with your bullshit.
Brackets ( Hawke - Keating ) says it all, pays to have a good memory while the search application is there...don't feel bad everyone makes a call they got wrong..
But Kirky, Kano, Vader and their lefty mates think Keating was the el supremo of treasurers. Keating the Great in fact.

I will say one thing a genius compared to Wayne Swan still out there floundering around in the wilderness looking for that elusive surplus of his.
Keating was a great Treasurer.

Along with Costello, the only 2 quality Treasurers in my time..

Both had long-term vision.

Surely you are not suggesting otherwise?
Brackets ( Hawke - Keating ) says it all, pays to have a good memory while the search application is there...don't feel bad everyone makes a call they got wrong..
It's a single drive-by comment, from 2 years ago.

You're carrying on as if I had repeatedly posted about how good he was as treasurer. In fact, you found a grand total of 1 post mentioning him, from 2 years ago, when I was discussing his record as PM.

You're embarrassing yourself - and that takes some doing, for a poster with a history as bad as yours.
It's a single drive-by comment, from 2 years ago.

You're carrying on as if I had repeatedly posted about how good he was as treasurer. In fact, you found a grand total of 1 post mentioning him, from 2 years ago, when I was discussing his record as PM.

You're embarrassing yourself - and that takes some doing, for a poster with a history as bad as yours.
Posted by your hands ( ) Hawke and Keating the best PM's in that time period...that says different.
Keating was a great Treasurer.

Along with Costello, the only 2 quality Treasurers in my time..

Both had long-term vision.

Surely you are not suggesting otherwise?
Plenty would disagree with you re Keating especially people and businesses he sent to the wall....

Maybe take it up with Floating Doughnut for a reference.
Plenty would disagree with you esopecially people and businesses he sent to the wall....

Maybe take it up with Floating Doughnut for a reference.
No, I studied much of what he did as was doing my degree at the time.

Would you prefer we still be on fixed currencies living in a banana Republic...

No Treasurer has been perfect, but these 2 are streets ahead of the others.

I know you hate Chalmers but the opposition have the sheep & wolves clothing.
No, I studied much of what he did as was doing my degree at the time.

Would you prefer we still be on fixed currencies living in a banana Republic...

No Treasurer has been perfect, but these 2 are streets ahead of the others.

I know you hate Chalmers but the opposition have the sheep & wolves clothing.
Chalmers is a dud, hopelessly out of his depth trying to put down an RBA Head Michele Bullock a Bachelor of Economics (Honours) and a career economist in different roles at the RBA, compare her experience and CV with that of Grim Jim....and how do you think Grim Jim Chalmers obtained his Doctorate in Political Science...


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Opinion AUSTRALIAN Politics: Adelaide Board Discussion Part 5

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