Official Team Thread Baghdad Bombers - Season 36 Official Team Thread - Watch us fly up with greatness

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I just want to point out that Pugs has used the "Media" thread tag instead of the "Official Team Thread" tag.
As first person to respond, you win the prize … an all expenses paid trip to Banhammer for a week of fun and frivolity. MITS will be your tour guide and several of our Baghdad royalty will be dropping by to catch up with you.
Which clown in the leadership group appointed him captain again?
We all did, this gunna be fun!

Let the frothing begin

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Where am I in the team list??

That's it.. I retire.

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Don't worry mate - Pugsley's still on his training wheels as skipper ....

Compare and contrast the following groups:

  • Current OOB former Bombers == 3
  • Current Bombers former OOB == 0

Now, what's all that about feeder clubs? :smilecat:
Weird way to attempt to get recruited to Baghdad Braklet, but can’t blame you for trying.

Coming along nicely mate. 😎

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Cheers mate. Been a bit quiet the past couple days. Had a few mates over Saturday and ended up as pissed as nannas mattress. 😵‍💫
Well the rain in Manchester saved me a carton and a good bottle of whisky, there is always a silver lining.
Cheers mate. Been a bit quiet the past couple days. Had a few mates over Saturday and ended up as pissed as nannas mattress. 😵‍💫
You'll be quiet all next week for obvious reasons mate.
Sure thing mate. I'm still not sure what you guys are supposed to be doing though. Is something gonna happen?
Oh yeah, we'll actually be playing a pretend game against another pretend team shortly, gonna make for some pretend fun mate.

See - when I put it like that it sounds pretty lame - but once the match thread is up and we start verbally jousting (banter) with
the opposition - you'll see the magic.

Or not.
Welcome aboard ScrappyDo and Co. Cheers to us burning the SFA to the ground in S36. o_O

Bring it on.gif
Sure thing mate. I'm still not sure what you guys are supposed to be doing though. Is something gonna happen?
Next Monday the gates will fling open on Season 36.

12 teams will compete for 4 points per match and players will strut their stuff in the matchthread like peacocks (pun intended).

But Baghdad has the bye in Round 1, so we’ll take our time getting into it.

Good chance to look at how the other teams go about it, or just hang out in the Team PM or the Official Team Thread in here.
Next Monday the gates will fling open on Season 36.

12 teams will compete for 4 points per match and players will strut their stuff in the matchthread like peacocks (pun intended).

But Baghdad has the bye in Round 1, so we’ll take our time getting into it.

Good chance to look at how the other teams go about it, or just hang out in the Team PM or the Official Team Thread in here.
Thanks mate
Good chance to look at how the other teams go about it, or just hang out in the Team PM or the Official Team Thread in here.

I suggest rubbing your captain's belly for favorable treatment, but don't get carried away...

I suggest rubbing your captain's belly for favorable treatment, but don't get carried away...

No way known am I stooping that low, just a scratch behind the ear from me Pugsley


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