Bali bomb

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Really scary stuff! I went to the Sari Club in July this year and I stayed at the Bounty Hotel which would only be 500m away from where the bomb blast occurred. Nobody is a winner out of this - innocent people have been killed/injured, it will totally screw up the Balinese economy and the airlines (especially Air Paradise International)
Its Bali because there are some many Australians visit there. In my view they were out to get Australians, because out Govts foreign policy so strongly mirrors and follows the US. It was only a matter of time, sadly and this would happen.

The pictures on Sky are just awful.

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all i know is that all the melbourne players are back and the geeling players are coming back to melbourne tonight...

all AFL players are fine from what ive heard.
This is just terrible, but confirms my fears regarding islamic terrorists ( whom i believe to be responsible ) In the main Bali is roughly 90% hindu and the locals dont really like muslims who are probably trying to wreck the local economy and western interests at the same time.

My sincere condolences to the families of everyone involved especially the Kingsley Footy club who are just up the road.

These Islamic terrorists make me sick and i would personally have no qualms about putting a bullet into there heads if it meant a safer world.
Firstly leave the islamic community alone.
This is the work of terriosts and they should be labeld as such or Alkaida.
The calling of the islamic community as terrorists is the same as replacing the term "nazi" with the term "christian" as both world problems are based on simliar delusions.
Originally posted by sabre_ac
Firstly leave the islamic community alone.
This is the work of terriosts and they should be labeld as such or Alkaida.
The calling of the islamic community as terrorists is the same as replacing the term "nazi" with the term "christian" as both world problems are based on simliar delusions.

These terrorists are performing these acts in the name of islam for the sake of islam and in some cases to rid islamic countries of any western culture............. what should i call them.
I figured they chose Bali not just because of the huge amount of Aussies (obviously, that's the main reason) but because of other tourists from other nations.

News from SkyNews that Jason McCarteney suffered burns but will be OK and Mick Martyn was shaken but fine.
Originally posted by fabulousphil

These terrorists are performing these acts in the name of islam for the sake of islam and in some cases to rid islamic countries of any western culture............. what should i call them.

My point is Hitler was Christian and for the benefit of the christian race he set about to create a "super race" one that conincidently enough main purpose was to destroy all other religions (not just jews) if we didnt label Nazis christians we have no right to label terrorists/alkaida people of islam
Originally posted by fabulousphil

These terrorists are performing these acts in the name of islam for the sake of islam and in some cases to rid islamic countries of any western culture............. what should i call them.
More questions than answers at the moment. How do we know it's Islamic terrorism? For example, you're likely to find more than a few people in the Indo military who are p*ssed as newts with Australia over Timor. And if a terror organization wanted to kill Australians, why do it in Bali?

Let's just wait and see who is responsible, and then we can start applying labels.
Originally posted by sabre_ac

My point is Hitler was Christian and for the benefit of the christian race he set about to create a "super race" one that conincidently enough main purpose was to destroy all other religions (not just jews) if we didnt label Nazis christians we have no right to label terrorists/alkaida people of islam

Wrong............Although Hitler was born a christian by 1935 Hitler was a athiest who saw christianity as a threat to nazi domination

The fact is all alkaida terrorists are fanatical followers of not making that up. Therefore they are islamic terrorists. They commit atrocities in the name of islam.

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My point is Hitler was Christian and for the benefit of the christian race he set about to create a "super race" one that conincidently enough main purpose was to destroy all other religions

Hitler was very anti christian, in his eyes ou were either German or you were a Christian, you couldnt be both.

But back to the real issue, we aren't real worried about the locals at this point in time because we have our own to worry about. That doesn't mean that people don't care about them. Its very sad that the Balinese community will probably never recover, honestly who is going to want to visit there ever again?
Originally posted by carneagles
More questions than answers at the moment. How do we know it's Islamic terrorism? For example, you're likely to find more than a few people in the Indo military who are p*ssed as newts with Australia over Timor. And if a terror organization wanted to kill Australians, why do it in Bali?

Let's just wait and see who is responsible, and then we can start applying labels.

it's quite clever doing it in Bali actually. So easy to pass the authorities! And they can scare people well, as Bali has always been considered the "safe" part of Indonesia.
Originally posted by ian_rocks
This is what we ****ing get for following Howard like a flock of Sheep!
John Howard is to blame!

Your an idiot......... its people like you that are to blame.....namby pamby sooky left wing softcok
i sincerely hope we are not going to continue to let unidentified boat people in. if australia was targeted in this case, then why indonesia? thanks to the govt's tough stance on illegal immigrants, they probably find it hard to get this far. indonesia however is like open slather. this is probably as close an attack upon australia as amateur osama fanatics could manage

Bombings not international terrorism: former attorney-general
The former Indonesian attorney-general, Marzuki Darusman, says the bombing attacks that have killed 182 people in Bali were not the work of terrorists trying to send an international message.

He has told Sunday Profile the terrorists were trying to send President Megawati Sukarnoputri a message of their discontent with her rule.

Mr Darusman says Australians need not fear they are being singled out any more than any other nationality.

"There are certain projections that after the bombing that tourism will really go down and everybody will avoid Bali, but I don't think that is the intent of the bombing," he said.

"The intent is to send out the message that one may have to look again at the stability of this government and its ability to manage the country."
Originally posted by gbear

Bombings not international terrorism: former attorney-general
The former Indonesian attorney-general, Marzuki Darusman, says the bombing attacks that have killed 182 people in Bali were not the work of terrorists trying to send an international message.

He has told Sunday Profile the terrorists were trying to send President Megawati Sukarnoputri a message of their discontent with her rule.

Mr Darusman says Australians need not fear they are being singled out any more than any other nationality.

"There are certain projections that after the bombing that tourism will really go down and everybody will avoid Bali, but I don't think that is the intent of the bombing," he said.

"The intent is to send out the message that one may have to look again at the stability of this government and its ability to manage the country."

I could be wrong .......but that doesnt make sense to me....werent the bombs near the american consulate and a nightclub for primarily western tourists.
Originally posted by gbear

Bombings not international terrorism: former attorney-general
The former Indonesian attorney-general, Marzuki Darusman, says the bombing attacks that have killed 182 people in Bali were not the work of terrorists trying to send an international message.

He has told Sunday Profile the terrorists were trying to send President Megawati Sukarnoputri a message of their discontent with her rule.

Mr Darusman says Australians need not fear they are being singled out any more than any other nationality.

"There are certain projections that after the bombing that tourism will really go down and everybody will avoid Bali, but I don't think that is the intent of the bombing," he said.

"The intent is to send out the message that one may have to look again at the stability of this government and its ability to manage the country."

so thats one ex-attorney general v about 5 prime ministers, foreign ministers and current attorney generals at the moment
Originally posted by fabulousphil

I could be wrong .......but that doesnt make sense to me....werent the bombs near the american consulate and a nightclub for primarily western tourists.

I thought so too. Just Indonesian political back stabbing.

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Bali bomb

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