Bali bomb

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Originally posted by nicko18
if this is aimed at australians, then this is evidence that the howard govt's tough stance on immigration is working.

I dont know if its aimed at Australians or has anything to do with boat people, IMO its aimed at westerners in general, unfortunately due to location, school holidays etc lots of aussies are there in particular west aussies who have a real affinity to the place.

It may be a easy target in particular for indonesian terrorists who would know the area and can slip in and out quickly.

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shoot the bastards who did this dead

Whoever did this should be shot dead. It angers me that people in this world think that the act of terror is some sort of practical joke, especially when it involves people dying. The joke is on the idiots who killed innocent lives because they will either be up on charges of murder or be shot dead on the spot. Personally I would go for the latter.:mad: :mad:
Originally posted by nicko18

so thats one ex-attorney general v about 5 prime ministers, foreign ministers and current attorney generals at the moment
I've read Howard, Downer and Williams all say that it was an act of terror, which nobody is disputing. None of them have said it was or wasn't international terrorism, as opposed to domestic terrorism.

Can you point us to a quote from one of the "5 prime ministers, foreign ministers and current attorney generals" that says otherwise?

Let's just wait and see what comes out.
Originally posted by carneagles
I've read Howard, Downer and Williams all say that it was an act of terror, which nobody is disputing. None of them have said it was or wasn't international terrorism, as opposed to domestic terrorism.

Can you point us to a quote from one of the "5 prime ministers, foreign ministers and current attorney generals" that says otherwise?

Let's just wait and see what comes out.

so the indonesians agreeing with this doesnt count? including their foreign minister and prime minister?
I think at this point, its premature to be pointing fingers. Most likely it is islamic fundamentalist terrorists, but nothing is certain. I'm breathing a huge sigh of relief anyway, coz my family tracked down my brother, and he'd decided not to head for bali this weekend after all.
Originally posted by Mead
I think at this point, its premature to be pointing fingers. Most likely it is islamic fundamentalist terrorists, but nothing is certain. I'm breathing a huge sigh of relief anyway, coz my family tracked down my brother, and he'd decided not to head for bali this weekend after all.

That would be a huge relief. I knew two people who are over there, one is ok but one is unaccounted for.

It really hits hard when you know people who are possible victims.
Originally posted by fabulousphil
The fact is all alkaida terrorists are fanatical followers of not making that up. Therefore they are islamic terrorists. They commit atrocities in the name of islam.

When the IRA did their bombing campaigns in Britain, they were not called "Irish terrorists" even though they were committing crimes in the name of a united Ireland. They were called IRA terrorists.

Whilst we don't know who committed the bombings, it might be best to call them extremist Islamic terrorists. These terrorists don't represent mainstream Islam, they represent a fanatical and tiny minority of the Muslim world.
Originally posted by ian_rocks
This is what we ****ing get for following Howard like a flock of Sheep!
John Howard is to blame!

Gee, for someone who can follow Chomsky's long winded and intricate explanations on why everything is the West's fault, you've sure come up with a very simplistic reason for the bombings.

Never mind that there are Islamic extremists operating in Indonesia. Never mind that some of them want Islamic rule. Never mind that they wouldn't be too happy with U.S. anti-terrorist operations in the Phillipines. Never mind that Bali would have represented a soft and easy target. And never mind that the U.S. and Phillipine consulates were attacked, but not the Australian one.
I can't understand these ****ing idiots that have the need to kill hundreds and in the case of S11, thousands of people.

When it happened to America, it almost didn't feel real, but now that it has happened so close to home, and we are hearing the names of footy teams that we've played against, or even some people have played for, it hits home.

And these idiots that say Islam is to blame are stupid. Nowhere in any Islam religious texts does it say that terrorism is the way to get what you want.

There are STUPID and DESTRUCTIVE extremists in almost all religions of the world. Islam, Christian, Hindu .. they all have extreme followers which think that killing is the way to get what you want.

Please don't take this out on your average Islamic citizen, who had nothing to do with these attacks.

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Th CIA scaring Australia into, NZ and allied Pacific Region into jumping on the US Bush-War Band wagon. What are a few Aussies and Indonesian Consulate workers to them? Its f*****.

"There are STUPID and DESTRUCTIVE extremists in almost all religions of the world. Islam, Christian, Hindu .. they all have extreme followers which think that killing is the way to get what you want. "

Its only the bloody Musliums and Islams
It does seem like its only ever Muslims and Islams, but people get that perception because:

1) the media focuses more on attacks from the arabic religions.
2) even if people do realize that people of their own ethnic background make mistakes (in this case, terrorism attacks) they tend to not critize their own backgrounds, as it is a critiscm of one's self.
3) western world terrorists (ie, Timothy McVeigh) seem (i dont know on the stats to this, but it seems to me that way) to get caught much more often than the Arabic terrorists, and thus don't recieve the punishment they should.

but anyone who thinks that there are no anglo-saxan terrorists are kidding themselves.

And can someone please answer me how come on the SMH web-site at it says that 7 australia were killed. wasn't it around the 100 mark.
I am just devasted the terrible loss of life that happened I was supposed to go to Bali next week with my mates but work commimebts prevented me I guess my mates wont go now neither.
I feel sorry for all the tourists that got killed or hurt & my condolences go to their families but I havent heard to many people expressing sympathy for the Balinese people who also died in the attack.
These people are very gentle & peace loving whos existence depends on the tourist dollar they have no other means of supporting themselves & if people stop going there what is going to become of them.

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Bali bomb

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