Werewolf BEaston Basic WW Part III (Werewolves win)

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does he have any friends on BF who can contact him,. not abouit the game but jsut to seek his welfare.
he's been online today just not posting in here
does he have any friends on BF who can contact him,. not abouit the game but jsut to seek his welfare.
Bro. I speak to the campaigner everyday. I legit concerned
doing what ? i dont think from what i hear of him from others on here that he doing it on purpose.

But will be good to get to tomorrow to see who gets voted next.

Poor Wiz being leader in votes 2 days in a row

3KZ is Football did a marevellosu logic talk to get all aligned agaisnt him from the first post.
Great play
****ing hilarious 😂 😂

I too am concerned DP.
Stop laughing! But yeah. He hasn’t replied to my bullshit in 2 days. I know sometimes he puts me on silent but this is out of character.

If you are watching Wiz. I’m gonna ****ing kill you hey!!!

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umm no flattery , i genuinely think what you said and the way you said persuadded the voters to vote for him

You do play this gam very well.

Would be crazyt to know you in real life as you always thinking a few steps ahead.
Raz is clearly gifted.

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