Werewolf Town of Salem WW VI (Game Over - Mafia and Jester win)

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Two TOS games in a row making it to the end and winning 😅
3 ToS games 3 wins for me, no doubt this one was as under control as the last two.

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Fun game though, felt like pretty much everyone who was active played a good game.
backing up homer simpson GIF
Wosh can I keep my multi tag for one more day. I just want to put a last post on later and it’d be nice to mention more than five people for once lol
Tell me I’m pretty
I don't want to take ALL the credit, but to my fellow Mafia ...

Bill Hader Reaction GIF by HBO
I forgot about that BMer role btw. It's nowhere near refined enough to be in WW TOS. I automatically remove it from my role lists if I randomise it. Apparently I forgot to mention that to SaintBilly. 😂
I forgot about that BMer role btw. It's nowhere near refined enough to be in WW TOS. I automatically remove it from my role lists if I randomise it. Apparently I forgot to mention that to SaintBilly. 😂
See, I actually knew that all along. That's why I basically removed myself from the game.

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I forgot about that BMer role btw. It's nowhere near refined enough to be in WW TOS. I automatically remove it from my role lists if I randomise it. Apparently I forgot to mention that to SaintBilly. 😂
Lol yeah we didn't even use it cause we were like the benefit of everyone thinking there's a better mafia role out there is going to be more useful than the blackmail would be.
I found out there was a retributionist the following night when we used dogs105 to watch boncer. Also how we found BEaston has a visiting role. Also gave away JTG but he died the same night.
Yep, definitely thinking twice about protecting the one outed good in future games. I was seemingly flying under the radar and hadn't even considered self-heal yet.

n1 heal on the jailor though, pretty pro ;) (complete fluke)

Thanks for the game SaintBilly thewizardmelon, very well modded.

And well played all players, was a very entertaining watch all the way through to the end.
Okay so time to critique the game.

This was one of the most challenging, rewarding, bewildering and interesting games I’ve ever moderated.

I still remember driving home from doing school drop off on Monday morning and getting petrol whilst thinking of the mammoth task we had ahead of ourselves just for that first night phase.

The one thing I wanted to make sure of in this game was that it ran smoothly. Or at least smooth enough - I didn't half expect to even measure up to the brilliance that was serial_thrilla.

So I felt it did. Overall. But there are a few things I want to explain. Those of you that know me know I love to go in vivid excruciating detail when doing these things. Click on the spoiler below if you want my in depth analysis of the various moments of the game. Or scroll on for the votes.

The Ligma modkill debacle was the first of a series of spanners.

I put that rule in expecting an MP_ screenshot scenario (If you know, you know) to pop up at sone point and I was absolutely adamant that I left the option for anyone else who would dare to be pedantic enough to argue them.

It wasn’t so bad - jmoo wan gave me a serve in the pm so I blew him a kiss in response.

But I knew what was going to happen. People would start questioning the mods and say “She must have a good role if he didn’t want to kill her”

Now my old mate Michaels might disagree here but I think the Arsonist is a really rubbish role. I also don’t like the fact you can only ignite once or at least that’s how the op read. More in OP confusion later.

So no I wasn’t doing this because I wanted to keep an average role in the game although I was keen to see how far she would get with an admittedly confusing and difficult role to play.

Anyway I knew that the thread would turn on her and that I would have some influence on the first lynch of the day.

But before that I needed to make sure I got everything in the thread properly. I wanted to emulate the formatting; the layout; everything that serial did. I did not expect it to take an hour to go through every move (being thoroughly unprepared didn't help) and it took even longer to get the night results sent out to the separate PMs we had.

Eventually I realised I wasn't alone and my co-mod thewizardmelon who I absolutely couldn't have done this without was going to be able to chip in and send some results through and help set things up.

So I thought that the combination of the modkill and the late lynch results would be the worst thing I would do and all things considered I was pleased..... it wasn't. By far.

The main thing that I had difficulty with was the jail PM because MWPP who was absolutely amazing as the jailer by the way (more on that later) kept whisking people from factions into there with her which meant having to create a new PM every time she was doing it (with the exception of one and that makes a terrific story which I will also get to later)

So in consecutive phases she had ZergMinion (who claimed Psychic) and Grand Uncle Horace (who claimed Doctor) who were both in the same faction! The time difference between Mwerps and Zerg made their discussion a little difficult but Horace and her talked all night and I had to get Wiz to step in and handle the messages because they were coming quicker than I could send it across. To be fair, pre-game, serial did warn me Jailer was the most time consuming and lengthy role (while not altogether complicated) but all the preparation in the world couldn't prepare me for what was to come.

At some point during night two, MWPP had asked me what would happen if the psychic got roleblocked and without thinking, because it's a passive role I told her it would still go through because I forgot that priorities are very important in this game and you need to be on top of them. Rather than using the actual list in the OP designed to figure out which move was required, I used the same common sense that NinjaSwan had earlier in the mafia pm and determined that as a passive role it didn’t get roleblocked.

Interesting sidebar - I always tended to use priorities when doing my own games but that was more like four or five tiers, not nine... with seventeen or eighteen different types of roles included.

So that night was also when MP visited Tarkyn_24 to check him out and the Coven leader tried to control him (which being the Veteran they couldn't do). Four deaths had occurred that night - admittedly not much.

But it should have been six because one crucial element that I missed is that when going through the spreadsheet and working out priorities for some dumb reason I noted the coven tried to control the bodyguard, not the veteran.

This meant that the two people that visited Tarks that night would've died if he had alerted... which he did. I had even told coven they tried to possess the bodyguard but this little blunder meant that Pickitt and MP actually got to live another day. Quite an eventful one at that.

In the thread MP started revealing what he’d witnessed and then MWPP and Zerg started creating more confusion with the whole “psychic doesn’t get blocked”. It was then when omgfridge straight outed MWPP as jailer which while it wasn’t such a big deal coz Mwerps was pretty open about things from the get go it was still a very bizarre move.

I was trying to do other stuff (like actual work) and kept getting pinged by mwpp and Zerg wanting confirmation about my decision with the psychic. People in the dead pm at this point tried to assist me with it too, explaining that it could be roleblocked and then my co mod also got on board. I wasn’t sure what to do but just when I thought things couldn’t get worse, Tarks pinged me to let me know what I had missed that previous night.

And that’s what led to the confusing announcement that I thought I had left kills out. And suddenly I wasn’t sure if I needed to kill them off so I decided to pause the game while I decided what we should do.

I guess I was lucky it was Tarks this happened to and not someone more unforgiving because he suggested he just pretend he didn’t alert and he would get it back. But it was still a pretty big blunder. So I figured I would make up something about a move being noted in the next night phase which I had thought was for the previous one (this was kind of true because night four moves coming in advance led thewizardmelon to create the next sheet in our shared spreadsheet for night four moves) so I used that to my advantage to give me a reason for my outburst.

Tarks had thrown me a lifeline and was very gracious about it which I really appreciated.

I immediately told the coven they actually tried to control the veteran not the bodyguard to which Zerg said “wow. Lucky he wasn’t alerting last night”

I mean you can’t write this stuff. Sorry for the long winded explanation but this was something I wanted to be honest about as it would’ve had a different impact on the rest of the game.

So we move to night three when Tarks was brought in to jail and at least I didn't need to create a new thread for it. By now I learnt the best way to manage the jail situation was to have two tabs open and just refresh them every five minutes (it didn't help that I was doing this while I was supposed to be working and couldn't give my full attention to the thread).

It was glorious. Walls of text and ruminations, theories, lists. They are two peas and together they pretty much came up with a plan to take control of the Town using code words in the thread and I was super impressed with the pair of them. Six deaths that night left me with a massive write up Tuesday morning but little did I know there was worse to come…at least one was MP so it kind of made up for not killing him the night before but honestly. But sadly the village lost their sheriff when one of the vigilantes took his first shot and promptly killed him. eth-dog chose not to equip his vest and therefore bit the bullet when serial_thrilla successfully hit his third consecutive target at night. The others to die were Dingster who fell prey to hotchilli making it two baddies in as many nights, 3KZ is Football who was killed by the potion master, MP_ who copped his right whack from the mafia and BEaston who fell prey to the cool tactic of controlling a visiting player (which thanks to mp’s reveals that day they knew he was one) into the Medusa who waited with stone gaze.

The best part about this from the coven’s perspective was the role of doctor was only known to them which allowed them to safely claim fake roles without arousing suspicion - a tactic that worked for all of about three phases.

But as bad as that night might have been, night four had some of the most complex moves going around. Here’s the explanation:

On night three, Headless had killed townie Hatchy1992 who admittedly was quiet and a little suss but that was just because he was too busy to pay more attention to the thread which put him on Headless’ radar. This meant he would be suiciding the next night.

serial_thrilla decided to hit CursingFijian however it was noted later that he had been jailed so he switched to Pie 4 Life but kept the death note as CF so it looked like he tried to kill him but missed and P4L died due to being the escort.

CF was executed by the jailer and newly appointed Godfather sante elected to kill the fridge. So this made four deaths but the other three came from a series of interesting events.

First the coven controlled croweater 41 and being he was a bodyguard who set out to protect mwerps (who was left alone that phase) their target for him was changed to MC Bad Genius. Two investigators both went for mcbg that night but it was the other vig hotchilli who chose to kill him - a wise move but thanks to the Coven’s trickery it turned out to cost the village dearly - because crowy’s target changed from mwpp to Mcbg which meant he took his own life protecting his new employer thereby saving his life. Two more.

So how did Mcbg repay the thanks? By paying a visit to the Veteran who was actually alerting that night. Making it seven deaths in all and capping off two consecutive nights of veritable mayhem.

Astoundingly the Coven remained completely unharmed.

The Coven were massive winners that night but so too was NaturalDisaster who was now the Jester after his executioner’s target had been killed. He figured it would be an easy task to get lynched…. Except the village trusted him too much and it took until late game to get it done.

The coven’s undoing came over the next three phases with serial being able to talk his way out of a lynch and deflect it onto jmoo wan who as necromancer was incredibly dangerous and this was where things started to unravel and looked like he may get away with it until Bluelegs, who up until now had been solid and helpful and solved a lot of problems for the Town, decided upon a very timely reveal of Mayor giving the final two votes to at last lynch jmoo. That night (5) MWPP decided to imprison Pickitt who couldn’t talk his way out of an execution and in the same night the SK who had amazingly avoided the noose the day before decided to kill MWPP. The lone Sante then took out boncer34 leaving us with eight, one of which was my esteemed predecessor in serial_thrilla who would almost certainly hang though to his credit he fought all the way to the end.

Night six saw the Necronomicon go to Zerg who was now able to visit and
stone others so took the chance to kill Greenery while Horry used a potion to kill Bluelegs which while a power move was ultimately for nought as Greenery’s last act of retribution was to use the corpse of hotchilli to kill the fated Potion Master.

This left Zerg alone and thanks to a reveal potion the night before they knew ND was the jester meaning they could exploit him to force a stalemate which would then determine if ND would let Sante or Zerg win…. DERO (who up until then had been most unlucky with his investigations learning results of people who had died and therefore their role being revealed anyway) became collateral damage as both Zerg and Dante went for him. In the end, Zerg (who had the audacity to plan all of this in the thread out in the open) and Tarks forgot about the lynching rules needing a majority, meaning they had to outnumber not just equal the town so in the end both lost out - Zerg because ND chose to haunt him (as ND stated he didn’t want Tarks winning which while petty was extremely hilarious. Seriously ND did he shit in your cereal or something?) and Tarks because he thought there was no point saving an alert as Sante would equal him next day.

So naturally they couldn’t believe it when I told them a majority lynch was required. Tarks knew he was cooked then and graciously threw in the towel bringing a most impressive game to an end.

I cannot believe that a) this game came down to literally one person standing, b) that person had been alone in their faction and vulnerable as everyone knew he was godfather due to claiming the role that matched with his previous title of Mafioso and c) he had done absolutely nothing being stuck at work (classic sante) for the last four phases or so while pretty much everyone around him shit the bed.

Right enough faffing around let’s get to the votes:

1 vote - MWPP - an absolutely outstanding game from the jailer - one of the most difficult roles in this game and she played with the perfect level of scrutiny and attention to detail the role requires.
2 votes - ZergMinion - yes his faction lost but he and Horry almost convinced everyone that they were to be trusted though MWPP did go cold on him towards the end. Orchestrated the perfect ending to this game and was on top of everything in the pm.
3 votes - Bluelegs - had an incredible game on debut last week and I was delighted when he signed up for this one. Did not disappoint. His reads were superb, he remained in touch yet under the radar and his mayor reveal timing could not have been better as it was crucial the SK got lynched when he did.

Apologies to Tarkyn_24 (solid game from start to finish making really only one fatal flaw in siding with a clever ZergMinion and very nearly winning it for the village), NinjaSwan (who did all his good work in the early days and in the pm. Pretty much set the Mafia up and they were in the box seat until he died), Greenery (fantastic use of a very tricky role in retributionist and the kill on Horace at the end turned the game as having the potion master alive at that point would’ve been very scary - also had amazing reads on the game) Grand Uncle Horace (another who hoodwinked mwpp with the doctor claim but also right on top of things in the pm and very proactive on the thread too) and serial_thrilla (who very nearly made it to his win condition in a heavily Town favoured game)

The MP_ award for the player who demonstrated integrity with selfless behaviour goes to Tarkyn_24 for how he dealt with the big blunder (see that spoiler above for more info)

Special thanks to thewizardmelon for assisting with the moderating in sooooo many ways. You were terrific with actions and getting last wills in and updating the spreadsheet and handling jail or the daily lynch when I needed to focus on other things. Also for virtually holding the town at bay during the delay on night 4 whilst I dealt with RL dramas. :rolleyes:

Also to serial_thrilla - this is now my favourite iteration of werewolf and I hope I did running it some justice lol
Was terrific seeing you finally get to participate and you didn’t let me down. Thanks for helping me with things every now and then too.

I thoroughly enjoyed doing this but next time I will be far more prepared maybe even having all the possible messages in the spreadsheet for me to pick from. (Drop down lists seems like a good idea to me)

Until next time, thanks for playing and congrats again Mafia and ND - the hollowest of victories 🤣🤣🤣

MC Bad Genius
Pie 4 Life
Jack The Godfather
jmoo wan
Grand Uncle Horace
3KZ is Football
Smeg Head
croweater 41
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Arsonist role is elite and I wont be convinced otherwise! :p

the thrill of deciding to try and douse 7-10 players and then ignite them all causes mass carnage.
I still remember the game where you got to do it. My best nightly write up ever. I think it’s even threadmarked lol
You guys absolutely did it justice, can’t disagree with anything you wrote. Votes could’ve been split any number of ways, there really were no shit performances whatsoever.

Special shout out to MP_ who I thought did really well as the spy and DERO on great work the whole way through really.
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Thanks for the top notch write up SaintBilly . It has set a new bar.

Kudos to Tarks for being a great sport and being a deserved winner of the MP Award.
I wasn’t about skittling a game with so many levers just because of one missed action. I was happy to just adapt such that the game as it was occurring was interfered with least as a result of what was missed as opposed to pushing for the action as stated to be enforced and throw the entire game into disarray.

Though that said, I directly cost us two more village aligned players AT LEAST by doing so 🤭

In all seriousness, no winners either way and just glad it wasn’t a destructive, irreparable error to all the mods’ hard work.
Okay so time to critique the game.

This was one of the most challenging, rewarding, bewildering and interesting games I’ve ever moderated.

I still remember driving home from doing school drop off on Monday morning and getting petrol whilst thinking of the mammoth task we had ahead of ourselves just for that first night phase.

The one thing I wanted to make sure of in this game was that it ran smoothly. Or at least smooth enough - I didn't half expect to even measure up to the brilliance that was serial_thrilla.

So I felt it did. Overall. But there are a few things I want to explain. Those of you that know me know I love to go in vivid excruciating detail when doing these things. Click on the spoiler below if you want my in depth analysis of the various moments of the game. Or scroll on for the votes.

The Ligma modkill debacle was the first of a series of spanners.

I put that rule in expecting an MP_ screenshot scenario (If you know, you know) to pop up at sone point and I was absolutely adamant that I left the option for anyone else who would dare to be pedantic enough to argue them.

It wasn’t so bad - jmoo wan gave me a serve in the pm so I blew him a kiss in response.

But I knew what was going to happen. People would start questioning the mods and say “She must have a good role if he didn’t want to kill her”

Now my old mate Michaels might disagree here but I think the Arsonist is a really rubbish role. I also don’t like the fact you can only ignite once or at least that’s how the op read. More in OP confusion later.

So no I wasn’t doing this because I wanted to keep an average role in the game although I was keen to see how far she would get with an admittedly confusing and difficult role to play.

Anyway I knew that the thread would turn on her and that I would have some influence on the first lynch of the day.

But before that I needed to make sure I got everything in the thread properly. I wanted to emulate the formatting; the layout; everything that serial did. I did not expect it to take an hour to go through every move (being thoroughly unprepared didn't help) and it took even longer to get the night results sent out to the separate PMs we had.

Eventually I realised I wasn't alone and my co-mod thewizardmelon who I absolutely couldn't have done this without was going to be able to chip in and send some results through and help set things up.

So I thought that the combination of the modkill and the late lynch results would be the worst thing I would do and all things considered I was pleased..... it wasn't. By far.

The main thing that I had difficulty with was the jail PM because MWPP who was absolutely amazing as the jailer by the way (more on that later) kept whisking people from factions into there with her which meant having to create a new PM every time she was doing it (with the exception of one and that makes a terrific story which I will also get to later)

So in consecutive phases she had ZergMinion (who claimed Psychic) and Grand Uncle Horace (who claimed Doctor) who were both in the same faction! The time difference between Mwerps and Zerg made their discussion a little difficult but Horace and her talked all night and I had to get Wiz to step in and handle the messages because they were coming quicker than I could send it across. To be fair, pre-game, serial did warn me Jailer was the most time consuming and lengthy role (while not altogether complicated) but all the preparation in the world couldn't prepare me for what was to come.

At some point during night two, MWPP had asked me what would happen if the psychic got roleblocked and without thinking, because it's a passive role I told her it would still go through because I forgot that priorities are very important in this game and you need to be on top of them. Rather than using the actual list in the OP designed to figure out which move was required, I used the same common sense that NinjaSwan had earlier in the mafia pm and determined that as a passive role it didn’t get roleblocked.

Interesting sidebar - I always tended to use priorities when doing my own games but that was more like four or five tiers, not nine... with seventeen or eighteen different types of roles included.

So that night was also when MP visited Tarkyn_24 to check him out and the Coven leader tried to control him (which being the Veteran they couldn't do). Four deaths had occurred that night - admittedly not much.

But it should have been six because one crucial element that I missed is that when going through the spreadsheet and working out priorities for some dumb reason I noted the coven tried to control the bodyguard, not the veteran.

This meant that the two people that visited Tarks that night would've died if he had alerted... which he did. I had even told coven they tried to possess the bodyguard but this little blunder meant that Pickitt and MP actually got to live another day. Quite an eventful one at that.

In the thread MP started revealing what he’d witnessed and then MWPP and Zerg started creating more confusion with the whole “psychic doesn’t get blocked”. It was then when omgfridge straight outed MWPP as jailer which while it wasn’t such a big deal coz Mwerps was pretty open about things from the get go it was still a very bizarre move.

I was trying to do other stuff (like actual work) and kept getting pinged by mwpp and Zerg wanting confirmation about my decision with the psychic. People in the dead pm at this point tried to assist me with it too, explaining that it could be roleblocked and then my co mod also got on board. I wasn’t sure what to do but just when I thought things couldn’t get worse, Tarks pinged me to let me know what I had missed that previous night.

And that’s what led to the confusing announcement that I thought I had left kills out. And suddenly I wasn’t sure if I needed to kill them off so I decided to pause the game while I decided what we should do.

I guess I was lucky it was Tarks this happened to and not someone more unforgiving because he suggested he just pretend he didn’t alert and he would get it back. But it was still a pretty big blunder. So I figured I would make up something about a move being noted in the next night phase which I had thought was for the previous one (this was kind of true because night four moves coming in advance led thewizardmelon to create the next sheet in our shared spreadsheet for night four moves) so I used that to my advantage to give me a reason for my outburst.

Tarks had thrown me a lifeline and was very gracious about it which I really appreciated.

I immediately told the coven they actually tried to control the veteran not the bodyguard to which Zerg said “wow. Lucky he wasn’t alerting last night”

I mean you can’t write this stuff. Sorry for the long winded explanation but this was something I wanted to be honest about as it would’ve had a different impact on the rest of the game.

So we move to night three when Tarks was brought in to jail and at least I didn't need to create a new thread for it. By now I learnt the best way to manage the jail situation was to have two tabs open and just refresh them every five minutes (it didn't help that I was doing this while I was supposed to be working and couldn't give my full attention to the thread).

It was glorious. Walls of text and ruminations, theories, lists. They are two peas and together they pretty much came up with a plan to take control of the Town using code words in the thread and I was super impressed with the pair of them. Six deaths that night left me with a massive write up Tuesday morning but little did I know there was worse to come…at least one was MP so it kind of made up for not killing him the night before but honestly. But sadly the village lost their sheriff when one of the vigilantes took his first shot and promptly killed him. eth-dog chose not to equip his vest and therefore bit the bullet when serial_thrilla successfully hit his third consecutive target at night. The others to die were Dingster who fell prey to hotchilli making it two baddies in as many nights, 3KZ is Football who was killed by the potion master, MP_ who copped his right whack from the mafia and BEaston who fell prey to the cool tactic of controlling a visiting player (which thanks to mp’s reveals that day they knew he was one) into the Medusa who waited with stone gaze.

The best part about this from the coven’s perspective was the role of doctor was only known to them which allowed them to safely claim fake roles without arousing suspicion - a tactic that worked for all of about three phases.

But as bad as that night might have been, night four had some of the most complex moves going around. Here’s the explanation:

On night three, Headless had killed townie Hatchy1992 who admittedly was quiet and a little suss but that was just because he was too busy to pay more attention to the thread which put him on Headless’ radar. This meant he would be suiciding the next night.

serial_thrilla decided to hit CursingFijian however it was noted later that he had been jailed so he switched to Pie 4 Life but kept the death note as CF so it looked like he tried to kill him but missed and P4L died due to being the escort.

CF was executed by the jailer and newly appointed Godfather sante elected to kill the fridge. So this made four deaths but the other three came from a series of interesting events.

First the coven controlled croweater 41 and being he was a bodyguard who set out to protect mwerps (who was left alone that phase) their target for him was changed to MC Bad Genius. Two investigators both went for mcbg that night but it was the other vig hotchilli who chose to kill him - a wise move but thanks to the Coven’s trickery it turned out to cost the village dearly - because crowy’s target changed from mwpp to Mcbg which meant he took his own life protecting his new employer thereby saving his life. Two more.

So how did Mcbg repay the thanks? By paying a visit to the Veteran who was actually alerting that night. Making it seven deaths in all and capping off two consecutive nights of veritable mayhem.

Astoundingly the Coven remained completely unharmed.

The Coven were massive winners that night but so too was NaturalDisaster who was now the Jester after his executioner’s target had been killed. He figured it would be an easy task to get lynched…. Except the village trusted him too much and it took until late game to get it done.

The coven’s undoing came over the next three phases with serial being able to talk his way out of a lynch and deflect it onto jmoo wan who as necromancer was incredibly dangerous and this was where things started to unravel. That night (5) MWPP decided to imprison Pickitt who couldn’t talk his way out of an execution and in the same night the SK who had amazingly avoided the noose the day before decided to kill MWPP. The lone Sante then took out boncer34 leaving us with eight, one of which was serial_thrilla who would almost certainly hang though to his credit he fought all the way to the end, really only going down when Bluelegs, who up until now had been solid and helpful and solved a lot of problems for the Town, decided upon a very timely reveal of Mayor giving the final two votes to at last lynch my esteemed predecessor in serial_thrilla.

Night six saw the Necronomicon go to Zerg who was now able to visit and
stone others so took the chance to kill Greenery while Horry used a potion to kill Bluelegs which while a power move was ultimately for nought as Greenery’s last act of retribution was to use the corpse of hotchilli to kill the fated Potion Master.

This left Zerg alone and thanks to a reveal potion the night before they knew ND was the jester meaning they could exploit him to force a stalemate which would then determine if ND would let Sante or Zerg win…. DERO (who up until then had been most unlucky with his investigations learning results of people who had died and therefore their role being revealed anyway) became collateral damage as both Zerg and Dante went for him. In the end, Zerg (who had the audacity to plan all of this in the thread out in the open) and Tarks forgot about the lynching rules needing a majority, meaning they had to outnumber not just equal the town so in the end both lost out - Zerg because ND chose to haunt him (as ND stated he didn’t want Tarks winning which while petty was extremely hilarious. Seriously ND did he s**t in your cereal or something?) and Tarks because he thought there was no point saving an alert as Sante would equal him next day.

So naturally they couldn’t believe it when I told them a majority lynch was required. Tarks knew he was cooked then and graciously threw in the towel bringing a most impressive game to an end.

I cannot believe that a) this game came down to literally one person standing, b) that person had been alone in their faction and vulnerable as everyone knew he was godfather due to claiming the role that matched with his previous title of Mafioso and c) he had done absolutely nothing being stuck at work (classic sante) for the last four phases or so while pretty much everyone around him s**t the bed.

Right enough faffing around let’s get to the votes:

1 vote - MWPP - an absolutely outstanding game from the jailer - one of the most difficult roles in this game and she played with the perfect level of scrutiny and attention to detail the role requires.
2 votes - ZergMinion - yes his faction lost but he and Horry almost convinced everyone that they were to be trusted though MWPP did go cold on him towards the end. Orchestrated the perfect ending to this game and was on top of everything in the pm.
3 votes - Bluelegs - had an incredible game on debut last week and I was delighted when he signed up for this one. Did not disappoint. His reads were superb, he remained in touch yet under the radar and his mayor reveal timing could not have been better as it was crucial the SK got lynched when he did.

Apologies to Tarkyn_24 (solid game from start to finish making really only one fatal flaw in siding with a clever ZergMinion and very nearly winning it for the village), NinjaSwan (who did all his good work in the early days and in the pm. Pretty much set the Mafia up and they were in the box seat until he died), Greenery (fantastic use of a very tricky role in retributionist and the kill on Horace at the end turned the game as having the potion master alive at that point would’ve been very scary - also had amazing reads on the game) Grand Uncle Horace (another who hoodwinked mwpp with the doctor claim but also right on top of things in the pm and very proactive on the thread too) and serial_thrilla (who very nearly made it to his win condition in a heavily Town favoured game)

The MP_ award for the player who demonstrated integrity with selfless behaviour goes to Tarkyn_24 for how he dealt with the big blunder (see that spoiler above for more info)

Special thanks to thewizardmelon for assisting with the moderating in sooooo many ways. You were terrific with actions and getting last wills in and updating the spreadsheet and handling jail or the daily lynch when I needed to focus on other things. Also for virtually holding the town at bay during the delay on night 4 whilst I dealt with RL dramas. :rolleyes:

Also to serial_thrilla - this is now my favourite iteration of werewolf and I hope I did running it some justice lol
Was terrific seeing you finally get to participate and you didn’t let me down. Thanks for helping me with things every now and then too.

I thoroughly enjoyed doing this but next time I will be far more prepared maybe even having all the possible messages in the spreadsheet for me to pick from. (Drop down lists seems like a good idea to me)

Until next time, thanks for playing and congrats again Mafia and ND - the hollowest of victories 🤣🤣🤣

MC Bad Genius
Pie 4 Life
Jack The Godfather
jmoo wan
Grand Uncle Horace
3KZ is Football
Smeg Head
croweater 41
Gee, I feel a bit humbled by this. I'm still learning the game and had a lot of help from other players explaining things to me throughout. Tarkyn_24 in particular deserves a shoutout for that.

I think MWPP showed me how sophisticated this game could be, playing an incredibly complex role that I am very glad I didn't have to bear the weight of in my second game. Finally, ZergMinion's final twist was absolutely astounding and took me completely off-guard. The anticipation for sante's move was great but amusingly cut short by DERO.

A stand off between Tarks and Sante would have been incredible but it was not to be.

One slight edit for your fantastic write up SaintBilly. I revealed as mayor to get jmoo over the line, not ST.

All in all a really fun experience. Can't wait for the next game.

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Werewolf Town of Salem WW VI (Game Over - Mafia and Jester win)

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