Rumour ben cousins been missing for 1 month...

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Meth heads being meth heads they'll be dobbing in each other like mad. More paranoid dealers means a smaller street market and less new user exposure to the drug.

I like your views on this!
Good initiative.
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I really hope for everyone's sake Ben can straighten himself out but its not looking likely. Drugs have ruined his life that's obvious. I feel sorry for him simply for the fact that he's lost his kids and his kids have lost a father. I am a father of a young child myself who I only get to see a few times a month through no fault of my own just an ex that's hell bent on making my life as miserable as possible but unfortunately for Ben he's brought this on himself. It's a tough road to live life without your kids and that alone is enough to cause serious depression but it's an even tougher one to be battling an addiction on top of that. Those two things combined could be enough to tip someone over the edge and that's a scary thought for Ben and his family.

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I haven't read all entries here, Im not a massive drug user, and I've never been married or have kids.
However, Ben knew the heat was coming. Knew, being arrested was probable.

He could forsee the near future, and put gear up the butt. Why? Is it possible it could be to sell/exchange at the place he thinks he maybe sent too.

His obviously a risk taker and with that, at times, can result in nill return. Hoping he makes safer choices and thinks of all possible outcomes (good, better outcomes). It cant be the 'end of the road'.
Seems beyond repair. Has has so many chances, so much help, plenty of opportunities..... A complete and utter waste of a life. It probably won't end up any good for Ben unfortunately. Just hope he doesn't end up doing any harm to those close to him or to anyone else for that matter.
He has done the wrong thing, by societies standards there is no excuse, however addiction to a drug like ice has taken away his ability to ever make the right decision and his delusions and subsequent actions have had horrific consequences even though he means no wrong.

In his short life, he has taken a crazy amount of drugs, amounts none of us could expect to survive, his brain is mush, his problems are life long now, I have nothing but sadness for him. I understand his pain.
Most of the stalkers I have come across weren't recreational drug users. They were boozers.

I have seen no proof that Cousins drug use is the reason for his inappropriate domestic behavior.
Lol. I have seen no proof that the earth rotates around the sun, or that god doesn’t exist, or that your IQ exceeds 90!

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What's the difference between a drug and alcohol? 15 minutes ago we could get codiene without prescription, did you ever take a mercindol? Against the law now. And I can get anti anxiety tablets just by mentioning I'm scared of flying to a doctor. But if I want a night out on MDMA, it's got to come from the street and I line the pockets of drug gangs. But I can drink myself to death without any government intervention at all. Does this make sense to you?
The Government makes money out of my alcoholism.
Lmfao at people thinking ben can stop the drug ice through sheer will power.

There is a reason they said bens addiction really went downhill after he went from cocaine to ice. Shocking drug that causes serious brain damage, often beyond repair.

And lmfao at the old folk on here nodding their head as they type 'drugs are bad'.

Last time I checked MDMA is being used to treat PTSD, ketamine for depression, mushrooms for all sorts of mental illness. All with promising results.

Alcohol is by far worse than most substances people take. But since it's legal and bazzas old man has been drinking draught and smoking tobacco every night at the meadow inn since the dawn of time, it's no problem.

Oh and let's not mention bazzas old man is divorced, doesn't see his kids anymore, drives home over the limit every night and is still intoxicated in the morning while he is cementing pavements.

Yeah, nah drugs are bad.
Lmfao at people thinking ben can stop the drug ice through sheer will power.

There is a reason they said bens addiction really went downhill after he went from cocaine to ice. Shocking drug that causes serious brain damage, often beyond repair.

And lmfao at the old folk on here nodding their head as they type 'drugs are bad'.

Last time I checked MDMA is being used to treat PTSD, ketamine for depression, mushrooms for all sorts of mental illness. All with promising results.

Alcohol is by far worse than most substances people take. But since it's legal and bazzas old man has been drinking draught and smoking tobacco every night at the meadow inn since the dawn of time, it's no problem.

Oh and let's not mention bazzas old man is divorced, doesn't see his kids anymore, drives home over the limit every night and is still intoxicated in the morning while he is cementing pavements.

Yeah, nah drugs are bad.
Bazzas old man isn't breaking into houses at 2am and terrorizing families whilst in a state of psychosis however !!!

Can someone provide the statistics as to the percentage of people who enjoy a beer as opposed to the people in this country who are on ice and then please try and convince me that the alcho's are such a greater threat to the community that it even warrants discussion ???

Such a dumb comparison that could only be contrived by those attempting to justify drug use as anything less than a scurge that is destroying the future of so much of our youth.
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Nah that's enough.... Hes had the best clinics in the world best support all the money to clean himself up. What a disgrace. The actual drug addicts that want to stop but are addicted wished they could have got what ben got.

An absolute joke.... He spit in the face of his support team and his dad. He needs to serve time a long time in prison. His brain is fried and it's on him. Enough is enough treat his as a regular drug addict...... He isn't changing therefore no clinic. If he wants to do drugs he can but he needs to understand the consequences. Follow the law benny boy just like all the drug addicts had to...
Drugs aren' the problem,not having enough money for drugs is the problem.

Agree with that for heroin but not so much ice, Heroin itself is relatively harmless and you could go through life being fairly productive provided you had a steady and reliable source.

IMO you can't say the same about ice, there are exceptions, but generally speaking it's a filthy drug.

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Rumour ben cousins been missing for 1 month...

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