Rumour ben cousins been missing for 1 month...

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I can give you one example and that's the topic of this thread - surely you are not blaming government policy for Ben Cousin's woes ???

When did he lose a job because of drugs?

He also still seems to have plenty of family support.

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Around 2 years + is my best guess. Maybe more if he cant rebut the presumption of sell and supply charge down to possession.

He literally just got out of prison for identical charges (breach of FVRO, threats to kill and meth).

Mandatory sentencing in WA for 3 VRO breaches in 2 years now.

I'm mindful there were 16 charges and I've only heard a few of them. There may be some aggravated ones in there as well.

His lawyer recommended him not to apply for bail, but he ignored that advice and asked anyway (which was promptly refused).

I doubt hes out of prison again before 2020.
So he ignores the advice of his lawyer. Why would anyone would believe he'd heed the advice of a drug counselor. Lock him away before he does any more damage, particularly to his family.
Ice is an evil drug
From experience addicts seem to implicate or invent blame onto somebody close..
It's a common theme.
They don't take drugs and go off and sleep.
They stay awake and live in wake to attack.
Yes Government is wrong.
There is no place for rerelease of reoffending addicts.
Stop making excuses for Ben.
His family are in real danger.
Just take the mean dog back to the pound before he really does stab his ex with a screwdriver.
It's something to inform a court that a client is a desperate victim that shouldn't be locked up.

Why would you be under the impression that he is flat broke?

He's one of the most famous heads in W.A. He probably gets the gear given to him.
Mentioned in yesterday's hun article several family members homes have recently been burgled.

Maybe just a coincidence but junkies will do anything to pay for their fix.
No excuse for any of it, no question. But another question should be asked. What is she doing in the first place meeting up with him? This is the same woman that has put in numerous complaints to the police and pressed several charges against the man whom she's meeting up with, for stalking. Cousins went to jail and part of the reason why he went to jail was for stalking her. So after all of this, he gets out, and she meets up with him again?

hmmmm. Sounds like a bit of cat and mouse here. She's not innocent herself.
She is known around the traps as "The Ice Queen" for a good reason.
Why are you harping on about the drug matters?

The more serious and concerning aspect of his situation is the alleged breaches of DV order and threats to kill.

If true, this is why he'll do significant time.

he's probably harping on about it because this flipping stupid war on drugs is the biggest crock of shit ever and causes far more violence, deaths and other problems than the actual drugs themselves. People are so frustrated by it so any chance to vent they will. One only needs to look to Portugal to see how successful legalization is.
But it won't ever happen because high up criminals, politicians, customs and police will miss out on too much money.

Old naive 70 year old Marg sitting on her couch still saying ´say no to drugs´and ´you'll end up living in the gutter or under a bridge´´the war is good´ has no flipping idea of the level of corruption and the problems this waste of time and money´war´causes.

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In the past, I CHOSE to use drugs, nowadays I CHOOSE not to. No-one could have forced me to use drugs if I didn't want to, and no-one could have stopped me when I did. When I CHOSE to use drugs, I knew the potential consequences, and accepted the risks. I make no excuses, and no apologies.

The policies of governments, and the opinions of society, have never made any difference to me.

If a person chooses to jump out of a plane, or climb Mt Everest or surf in shark infested waters, there is obviously a chance they could be injured or killed, but as a society we accept their right to make these choices. Essentially the choice to use drugs is not that different. If people choose actions that may or may not hurt themselves, that is their business. It is when peoples choices affect other people, that it becomes other peoples business.

My choice to use drugs has never hurt anybody other than myself. I have never robbed, bashed, threatened or terrorized anyone. In my opinion, when people behave this way, it has more to do with the kind of people they are, than whatever drugs are in their system. It is not the governments job to protect these people from their own stupid, self-destructive choices, It's their job to protect EVERYONE ELSE.

Ben Cousins seems to me like the classic example of the selfish, immature, self-indulgent, spoiled brat, hedonistic, narcissistic ****wit, who makes everyone else's life miserable with his bullshit, and then expects everyone to feel sorry for him. The enablers who continue to make excuses for him, are not helping him, only making him less likely to take responsibility for his actions.

If he can't live in open society without hurting other people, then he needs to be put in a quarantine facility (jail/mental health facility), where he can either get some help, or obliterate himself without taking everyone else down with him. I don't give a shit either way.
I don’t even know where to start with this one

You sound like a well adjusted person....I think you need to get some help
Its social worker types like you that are 90% responsible for the rise in this scourge . The amount of money spent on Oxygen thieves like BC could help out around 10 struggling families , the sooner incurables like him stop waisting resources the better , take that as you will.
In the past, I CHOSE to use drugs, nowadays I CHOOSE not to. No-one could have forced me to use drugs if I didn't want to, and no-one could have stopped me when I did. When I CHOSE to use drugs, I knew the potential consequences, and accepted the risks. I make no excuses, and no apologies.

The policies of governments, and the opinions of society, have never made any difference to me.

If a person chooses to jump out of a plane, or climb Mt Everest or surf in shark infested waters, there is obviously a chance they could be injured or killed, but as a society we accept their right to make these choices. Essentially the choice to use drugs is not that different. If people choose actions that may or may not hurt themselves, that is their business. It is when peoples choices affect other people, that it becomes other peoples business.

My choice to use drugs has never hurt anybody other than myself. I have never robbed, bashed, threatened or terrorized anyone. In my opinion, when people behave this way, it has more to do with the kind of people they are, than whatever drugs are in their system. It is not the governments job to protect these people from their own stupid, self-destructive choices, It's their job to protect EVERYONE ELSE.

Ben Cousins seems to me like the classic example of the selfish, immature, self-indulgent, spoiled brat, hedonistic, narcissistic ****wit, who makes everyone else's life miserable with his bullshit, and then expects everyone to feel sorry for him. The enablers who continue to make excuses for him, are not helping him, only making him less likely to take responsibility for his actions.

If he can't live in open society without hurting other people, then he needs to be put in a quarantine facility (jail/mental health facility), where he can either get some help, or obliterate himself without taking everyone else down with him. I don't give a shit either way.

Well said. I agree. It is a choice. Cousins could quit tomorrow for good if he made that choice. All the problems Ben Cousins is faced with today are of his own doing. I don't feel even the smallest amount of sympathy for him. If he is unwilling to grow up then he needs to go back to lock up.
I would suggest he has lost every job he ever had because of drugs.

Okay, but that's just your "suggestion".

And what has family support got to do with it - my question was simply "surely you are not blaming government policy for Ben Cousin's woes ???"

You were the one that raised his family in the first place.

IMO, you are just running with cliched assumptions as you are unable to provide much in the way to substantiate your claims.
Its social worker types like you that are 90% responsible for the rise in this scourge . The amount of money spent on Oxygen thieves like BC could help out around 10 struggling families , the sooner incurables like him stop waisting resources the better , take that as you will.
I hope you don’t have any kids for their sake

Poor ****ing bastards
Its social worker types like you that are 90% responsible for the rise in this scourge . The amount of money spent on Oxygen thieves like BC could help out around 10 struggling families , the sooner incurables like him stop waisting resources the better , take that as you will.
You have no idea
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How much is 13 grams of shard worth?

That rant he gave the judge today, holy shit... anyone catch that in the papers? ( mate this guy's off the planet.

Would hate to be his lawyer.
How much is 13 grams of shard worth? A regular person would be paying at least 3k, if Benny's carrying that around for personal use he's more cooked than I realised.

That rant he gave the judge today, holy shit... anyone catch that in the papers? ( mate this guy's off the planet.

Would hate to be his lawyer.

And i quote "Im not the one who needs to change; the community needs to change!"
Aha no. I was on team Ben until i read that.

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Rumour ben cousins been missing for 1 month...

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