Best 22 for 2014

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Sep 14, 2005
It is that time of year where alllll the talk is on who the club is picking up and how allllll our eggs are in the draft/trades basket.

I'm taking a backwards step and checking out what we already have, and how it'll look to make a tilt at the 2014 Premiership.

This is based on the assumption that both Heater and Daisy are gone, and we don't bring in any experienced players.

FB: M Williams, N Brown, A Toovey
HB: P Seedsman, L Keeffe, S Sidebottom
C: Harry O, S Pendlebury, D Swan
HF: J Thomas, T Cloke, S Dwyer
FF: J Elliott, B Reid, T Goldsack
R: B Grundy, D Beams, L Ball

Take your pick of our bench and don't ever have the guts to question our depth with a healthy list! J Blair, Q Lynch, B Macaffer, K Martin, B Kennedy, A Fasolo, N Maxwell, B Sinclair, C Young, J Witts.

That is our team WITHOUT picking up anyone. With a healthy list, we have a quality backline, one of the best midfields in the AFL and our only real weakness would be the height in our forward line, but that weakness also includes the biggest monster of a forward in the AFL.

As much as I'd love us to pick up some quality, it is not the end of the world if we don't! We have a very under-rated list, when healthy.


Williams Brown Toovey
Seedsman Keeffe Young

Grundy Pendlebury Beams
Thomas Sidebottom Harry

Fasolo Cloke Ball
Elliott Reid Swan

Adams Crouch White Karnezis McCarthy


Oxley Frost Maxwell
Dwyer Gault Ramsay

Witts Goldsack Sinclair
Blair Macaffer Broomhead

Mooney Lynch Kennedy
Martin Hudson Clarke

Yagmoor Conlon Cameron Kelly Edwards*

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Would have maccaffer and gold sack easily in the best 22. People are overrating kids.

No I just put all the recruits on the interchange to group them together.. as Bucks said you almost need 40 players to win a flag in these days of accelerated attrition rates
I tried doing one but lets just wait until Trade/FA period is over.

I got rid of Thomas and Shaw for that reason in my top 18 in the OP. Please don't tell me we are losing anyone else. Unless its Blair, as a direct swap...for Gary Ablett Jr.
My side is based on the assumption we get Jesse White:

FB: M Williams, N Brown, A Toovey
HB: P Seedsman, B Reid, S Sidebottom
C: Harry O, L Ball, D Beams
HF: J Thomas, T Cloke, S Dwyer
FF: J Elliott, J White, J Blair
R: B Grundy, D Swan, S Pendlebury(C)

Int: C Young, Q Lynch, A Fasolo, B.Macaffer(Sub)

Very handy side on paper IMO, just gotta get them the gel and have a bit more luck than we did in '12 and '13.
My side is based on the assumption we get Jesse White:

FB: M Williams, N Brown, A Toovey
HB: P Seedsman, B Reid, S Sidebottom
C: Harry O, L Ball, D Beams
HF: J Thomas, T Cloke, S Dwyer
FF: J Elliott, J White, J Blair
R: B Grundy, D Swan, S Pendlebury(C)

Int: C Young, Q Lynch, A Fasolo, B.Macaffer(Sub)

Very handy side on paper IMO, just gotta get them the gel and have a bit more luck than we did in '12 and '13.

Even if we didn't bring anyone in (Taking White out and bringing in either Keeffe to swap with Reid or straight swap for Goldsack) its a really attractive side on paper. I don't mind that we are being under-rated and written off, it'll surprise a few next season if these guys stay on the park, and as you said, they gel well together. Top 4 would be quite attainable.

EDIT: Update your sig to COLLINGW2014D ;)

EDIT #2: HAHAHA you beat me to it, well done!
my team when fully fit and firing would be.
FB: Toovey, N.Brown, Maxwell
HB: O'brien , Reid, Goldsacj
C: Sidebottom, Ball, Beams
HF: Karnezis, White, Fasolo
FF: Elliot, Cloke, Keefe
Interchange: Adams, Young, Blair, Macaffer
Emergencies: Williams, Thomas, Lynch

I'm playing Keefe ahead of Lynch because he provides great flexibility with his ability to go into the ruck and if there are problems in the backline then he can switch with Reid. Reid can be damaging as pinch-hitting forward rather than a permanent forward because i still believe he is our best tall defender. I chosen to leave williams and seedsman out which would surprise many but i believe that clinton young if fully fit can occupy the half-back position and he also can push onto the wing which provides further depth to our midfield. Add in harry o'brien who was excellent on the wing this season who can also go down the back if needed.

Karnezis in my eyes should play as the high-rangy leading half-foward not dissimilar to Jack Gunston from the hawks but I think if he can work on his fitness then I would like to see him push into the midfield as well.

Now looking at this team I think it has heaps of depth through the midfield with up to 12-13 guys who can play through their. More forward options which help Travis.

The back line will consist of mainly Reid, Toovey, Maxwell, Goldsack, N. Brown as the permanent fixture of the defence. The 6th or 7th back line spot will be left to O'brien and Young.

Overall, I think its a pretty good team
B: Toovey, Brown, Maxwell
HB: Sidebottom, Reid, Williams
C: O'Brien, Beams, Swan
HF: Fasolo, White, Dwyer
F: Elliot, Cloke, Lynch
R: Grundy, Ball(vc), Pendlebury(c)
Int: Adams, Macaffer, Thomas, Seedsman
Emg: Goldsack, Young, Blair
my team when fully fit and firing would be.
FB: Toovey, N.Brown, Maxwell
HB: O'brien , Reid, Goldsacj
C: Sidebottom, Ball, Beams
HF: Karnezis, White, Fasolo
FF: Elliot, Cloke, Keefe
Interchange: Adams, Young, Blair, Macaffer
Emergencies: Williams, Thomas, Lynch

I'm playing Keefe ahead of Lynch because he provides great flexibility with his ability to go into the ruck and if there are problems in the backline then he can switch with Reid. Reid can be damaging as pinch-hitting forward rather than a permanent forward because i still believe he is our best tall defender. I chosen to leave williams and seedsman out which would surprise many but i believe that clinton young if fully fit can occupy the half-back position and he also can push onto the wing which provides further depth to our midfield. Add in harry o'brien who was excellent on the wing this season who can also go down the back if needed.

Karnezis in my eyes should play as the high-rangy leading half-foward not dissimilar to Jack Gunston from the hawks but I think if he can work on his fitness then I would like to see him push into the midfield as well.

Now looking at this team I think it has heaps of depth through the midfield with up to 12-13 guys who can play through their. More forward options which help Travis.

The back line will consist of mainly Reid, Toovey, Maxwell, Goldsack, N. Brown as the permanent fixture of the defence. The 6th or 7th back line spot will be left to O'brien and Young.

Overall, I think its a pretty good team
Maxwell over Williams...?

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Mine is including Maxwell as I think he will be there at the start.

Maxwell Brown Keefe

Williams Reid Toovey

O'brien Ball Swan

Fasolo White Sidebottom

Elliott Cloke Goldsack

Grundy Pendles Beams

Blair, Seedsman, Young, Thomas

But how hard is it!!!
I would actually have Williams ahead of Maxwell but because Maxwell's captain he will be in the team instead
I get the inkling that won't be an issue in 2014. They'd have to have rocks in their heads if the captaincy isn't handed to Pendles.
No way will Williams not be in the team next year. He wasnt in the top handfull for the best and fairest for no reason

How does this look now if Maxwell isn't Captain

FB: Toovey, N.Brown, Williams
HB: O'brien , Reid, Goldsack
C: Sidebottom, Ball, Beams
HF: Karnezis, White, Fasolo
FF: Elliot, Cloke, Keefe
Rucks: Grundy, Swan, Pendlebury (Captain)
Interchange: Adams, Young, Blair, Macaffer
Emergencies: Maxwell, Thomas, Lynch
I get the inkling that won't be an issue in 2014. They'd have to have rocks in their heads if the captaincy isn't handed to Pendles.

How does this look now if Maxwell isn't Captain

FB: Toovey, N.Brown, Williams
HB: O'brien , Reid, Goldsack
C: Sidebottom, Ball, Beams
HF: Karnezis, White, Fasolo
FF: Elliot, Cloke, Keefe
Rucks: Grundy, Swan, Pendlebury (Captain)
Interchange: Adams, Young, Blair, Macaffer
Emergencies: Maxwell, Thomas, Lynch
my team when fully fit and firing would be.
FB: Toovey, N.Brown, Maxwell
HB: O'brien , Reid, Goldsacj
C: Sidebottom, Ball, Beams
HF: Karnezis, White, Fasolo
FF: Elliot, Cloke, Keefe
Interchange: Adams, Young, Blair, Macaffer
Emergencies: Williams, Thomas, Lynch

I'm playing Keefe ahead of Lynch because he provides great flexibility with his ability to go into the ruck and if there are problems in the backline then he can switch with Reid. Reid can be damaging as pinch-hitting forward rather than a permanent forward because i still believe he is our best tall defender. I chosen to leave williams and seedsman out which would surprise many but i believe that clinton young if fully fit can occupy the half-back position and he also can push onto the wing which provides further depth to our midfield. Add in harry o'brien who was excellent on the wing this season who can also go down the back if needed.

Karnezis in my eyes should play as the high-rangy leading half-foward not dissimilar to Jack Gunston from the hawks but I think if he can work on his fitness then I would like to see him push into the midfield as well.

Now looking at this team I think it has heaps of depth through the midfield with up to 12-13 guys who can play through their. More forward options which help Travis.

The back line will consist of mainly Reid, Toovey, Maxwell, Goldsack, N. Brown as the permanent fixture of the defence. The 6th or 7th back line spot will be left to O'brien and Young.

Overall, I think its a pretty good team

It's an interesting lineup. I think many are expecting a continued restructuring of our backline this year. You have gone back more to the tried and true. I like the height in there and the experience but think it lacks run.

Keeffe as a forward is an interesting move. When he played that role last year I don't think forward suited him. He tried and had a go but his leading patterns kept bloking the leading space of Cloke and Reid. I like that you thought outside the box a bit.

Good first post and welcome to BigFooty!!!
How does this look now if Maxwell isn't Captain

FB: Toovey, N.Brown, Williams
HB: O'brien , Reid, Goldsack
C: Sidebottom, Ball, Beams
HF: Karnezis, White, Fasolo
FF: Elliot, Cloke, Keefe
Rucks: Grundy, Swan, Pendlebury (Captain)
Interchange: Adams, Young, Blair, Macaffer
Emergencies: Maxwell, Thomas, Lynch
Looks good.

Especially with Heater gone, Reid needs to become a bit more of a rebounding defender/third tall again ala AA year.

Needs more Thomas though. You're underselling Joshy Thomas. Absolute gun in making.
How does this look now if Maxwell isn't Captain

FB: Toovey, N.Brown, Williams
HB: O'brien , Reid, Goldsack
C: Sidebottom, Ball, Beams
HF: Karnezis, White, Fasolo
FF: Elliot, Cloke, Keefe
Rucks: Grundy, Swan, Pendlebury (Captain)
Interchange: Adams, Young, Blair, Macaffer
Emergencies: Maxwell, Thomas, Lynch

Just can't see Keefe up forward

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Best 22 for 2014

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