Best and Worst players - Round 1

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I thought Ted Richards put in a really good effort last night. Spida will improve, he is obviously lacking in the fitness department at the moment. Give him a few weeks and he will start to fire - dont write him off after last night's performance.

Agree. I wouldn't be writing anyone off after last night. We have things to work on, and the result was disappointing, but I saw no unsolvable problems.
We've got to move the ball quickly so the opposition can't get too many numbers back. It was a hopeless situation last night, whenever we went forward.

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Here's my player by player assessment.

3. Jarrad McVeigh - Outclassed by Judd in the first half, but then when given free reign in the second half he set up a number of good attacking moves. I'd like to see him used in an attacking role more, he's wasted as a tagger.

4. Ben Mathews - A nothing game from Ben. That is to say he did nothing particularly bad, but nothing particularly good either. He needs to start having an influence in games or he'll be bypassed by the youngsters coming through.

6. Craig Bolton - The ball spent enough time back there that he was bound to get involved often. Provided some good rebound and generally among our best tonight.

37. Adam Goodes - Tried too hard to negate Judd and in doing so robbed the team of the creative flair that he's capable of. Struggles when having to be accountable for an opponent, needs to be let loose to do his own thing to have any serious impact on a game.

Generally agree with your comments.

Have just a few in response to yours.

Agree with your McVeigh observation. He played a very good first half of the third quarter and, along with Kirk, was one of the prime movers out of the midfield. Would love to see him allowed to cut loose a bit more because he could provide the creativity in the midfield that we're a bit short of.

While Judd and Kerr justifiably got the WC plaudits in the end, early on I thought it was Braun who was creating most havoc. And who was his opponent? Am pretty sure it was Mathews. I've been a bit of a defender of his in the past - not to claim he is a star but his contributions have probably been a tad underappreciated by Swans fans. But couldn't see much merit in his contribution yesterday.

I thought Craig Bolton was huge in the final term. Couple of gutsy telling marks that probably saved Eagles goals and he ran his legs off to get the ball rebounding up the other end.

I thought Goodes' game was strange. In the past when he's played on Judd he hasn't tagged him so much as tried to hurt him in the opposite direction. Yesterday he did neither very well when he was on Judd, and struggled to break his own tag when not on Judd. He has been in such good form over the pre-season until the Power game that its a bit hard to guess what has happened with him over the last few weeks, unless it is the comment Roos made that he was playing well but wasn't playing within the team structure in the early pre-season.
^That's rubbish.

He just had a dirty night.

I think he had a dirty night and became disinterested.

For the life of me I couldn't understand Roos's tactics last night. If things were not working out for Goodes in his tagging role, he should have been moved. We can't beat the West Coast when Goodes has only 10 possessions. It seems pointless to me to have the competitions best player constricted to running around chasing someone else.

Jude Bolton has been bagged for his effort last night. Roos elected to play him in attack for most the game. Again one of our best midfielders taken out of the game. Bolton isn't the most productive midfielder around but he puts his head over the ball and gets possession and is one of our best tacklers. Judd and Kerr ran riot with the lack of pressure on them last night.

What was going on with Nick Davis. Looked good when he was on the field but spent most the game on the bench.
I think he had a dirty night and became disinterested.

For the life of me I couldn't understand Roos's tactics last night. If things were not working out for Goodes in his tagging role, he should have been moved. We can't beat the West Coast when Goodes has only 10 possessions. It seems pointless to me to have the competitions best player constricted to running around chasing someone else.

It was a strange match up

Goodes was running with Judd at the stop plays for the most part but Staker was trying to do the same thing as Goodes and make him accountable to him. Worked quite well as Staker had a few clearances and some very nice ruck knocks as a 3rd man up and a goal from a ball up in the forward line.
Here's my player by player assessment.

1. Barry Hall - Double and triple teamed all night, and it didn't help that the delivery into the forward line was awful. When he got involved in the action he looked pretty impressive, but let frustration get the better of him a couple of times, slinging players in tackles and giving away a couple of silly free kicks.
The crashing tackles is sometimesgood but he may do it too much... esp in flooded area?

2. Nick Davis - When he kicked his first goal I thought he might turn out to be an important factor in the game. Then I didn't sight him again till he kicked his arsey goal in the third quarter. Like Hall, the delivery forward didn't help him at all, but it's frustrating that such a classy finisher goes missing for such long periods.
Think he needs to provide a more positive lead option and they need to look for him more. Swans were very Hall conscious

3. Jarrad McVeigh - Outclassed by Judd in the first half, but then when given free reign in the second half he set up a number of good attacking moves. I'd like to see him used in an attacking role more, he's wasted as a tagger.
Agree very insightful!.

4. Ben Mathews - A nothing game from Ben. That is to say he did nothing particularly bad, but nothing particularly good either. He needs to start having an influence in games or he'll be bypassed by the youngsters coming through.
He is leadership squad so is he proteted species? Has to do more or give the yound ones a go!

5. Ryan O'Keefe - Started quietly, but became one of the most influential in the second half. It was mostly through his hard work that we got back in the game.
Would have been one of Wooshas focus- shut down objectives... expect most teams to do that this year.

6. Craig Bolton - The ball spent enough time back there that he was bound to get involved often. Provided some good rebound and generally among our best tonight.
Sensational game would have not been close without his effort

9. Nick Malceski - Mostly good, but had a number of quiet patches. Needs to play 4 quarters more often because he certainly has the skills.
Darned good effort, establishing his permanency

10. Peter Everitt - Looked seriously underdone and struggled with the pace. Hopefully can improve his fitness as the season progresses
Lets hope it is new team adjustment rather than complacency in old age

12. Nic Fosdike - Up and down. When he was switched on he looked great. And then 5 minutes later he'd do something silly. But wasn't too bad.
Team player agree

16. Darren Jolly - Early on it looked as if he was still at home with his wife on Grand Final day, but gradually found his way into the game. Needs to exert more influence around the ground.
:D someone else said M Board does he have a Valium (or sleeping pill) habbit?

17. Tadhg Kennelly - Out of sorts early, bombing it in to nobody in particular in the forward line, but started to hit his targets after half time. Not his best game though.

19. Michael O'Loughlin - Looked sharp early, but seemed to tire as the game went on. The bump on Waters probably took a bit out of him. He'll be better as the year goes on.
Good in crowded space

20. Luke Ablett - Goes in hard and doesn't shirk the contest, but still prone to silly skill errors at stages. Needs to work on what to do with the ball once he's got it.

21. Leo Barry - Undersized against Lynch, but probably held his own in the end. Stil exasperates with his trying to duck and weave around 6 players at once.
Will be a worry all year I fear. Maybe Ted needs to step up to FB?

24. Jude Bolton - What's the story here? Was buried in the forward line all night and didn't get a real run in the middle at all. Hardly sighted all night.
Can't understand the negative stuff elsewhere wasn't given much of a chance. BUT needs to practice kicking goals!

25. Ted Richards - Probably the only 4 quarter performer. Teddy will never be a matchwinner, but what he does he does well enough. Mopped up well in defence and presented well as a target. Still prone to the occasional stuff up.
Very good effort continues to improve!

26. Sean Dempster - Generally pretty unobtrusive, I assume he had a negating role and did it well enough, but apart from his ripping goal late in the game I hardly saw him.
Very good effort continues to improve!

31. Brett Kirk - Up there with O'Keefe as one of the players who turned the match around. He was in everything and just never stops trying. Which is exactly what a captain should be doing.
But needs others like Goodes to lead the way

32. Amon Buchanan - generally pretty lively and provided a lot of the run and carry we needed, apart from a brief period in the 2nd, where he was in the rooms getting a cut mouth stitched up.

37. Adam Goodes - Tried too hard to negate Judd and in doing so robbed the team of the creative flair that he's capable of. Struggles when having to be accountable for an opponent, needs to be let loose to do his own thing to have any serious impact on a game.
Looked lost not a good game but has plenty of credits in bag

38. Luke Vogels - A great mark and goal, but that was about his entire night really. Didn't see much of him otherwise. Needs to start having a little more influence if he wants to force his way into the team.
Hard to do much when bombing to hall and flooding

47. Simon Phillips - Like Vogels, apart from his goal he was hardly sighted. Hangs off the packs a bit too much, needs to get his hands a little dirtier. He will have to get more involved in the play if he wants a permanent spot
I would see him more as a Phil Matera type FFP? Hard game for him to start with.

[/B]Darned good assessment BE, maybe if time permits you could do a regular Benevolent weekly assesment?:thumbsu:
comments in reply
It was a strange match up

Goodes was running with Judd at the stop plays for the most part but Staker was trying to do the same thing as Goodes and make him accountable to him. Worked quite well as Staker had a few clearances and some very nice ruck knocks as a 3rd man up and a goal from a ball up in the forward line.

Staker is a tool. I could have ran on the field and slapped him in the face after he got his goal in the second quarter.
Is it just me or do anyone else think McVeigh played like ****??
He probably cost the game with the missed goal and being tackled by kerr in the dying moment.

I have been thinking this for a looong time but Leo Barry has been declining since the mark in 2005 GF, which is sad because I love the bloke.
Is it just me or do anyone else think McVeigh played like ****??
He probably cost the game with the missed goal and being tackled by kerr in the dying moment.

I have been thinking this for a looong time but Leo Barry has been declining since the mark in 2005 GF, which is sad because I love the bloke.

Not fair to put that on McVeigh, yes he played pretty badly but in the end we lost the game because of our poor start and some really bad shots on goal.

Unfortantely Leo is definately going down hill, started last year. I mean, currently he's got to deal with the new rule, these bigger blokes and the fact that he's not getting any younger. Leo's my favourite player so i'm hoping for a miracle.

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Maybe Ted needs to step up to FB?

I don't think Teddy's got the make-up of a full back.

Sheedy tried him over and over again as a key position player at either end of the ground, and he struggled to have any impact whatsoever

Roos has turned him into a running half-back/half-forward flanker and it's a role that suits him down to the ground, and as a result, he's playing the best football of his career

Full Back's an issue. Leo's been doing a passable job for years now, but I'd really prefer to see someone with a bit more reach down there
Thanks Ert for the template. **** man, i've been trying to vent my anger as I'm appalled the way Swans played on the night

1. Barry Hall - What wrong with him? Well, almost everything. He is kicking inaccurately and I think he caught the Mago disease. Hall is a solid marker but why does he always play on? Is he so angry from the GF that he had to play on, get tackled and get pinned for holding the ball? He needs to settle, mark and don't play on!

2. Nick Davis - A deadly accurate kicker, and no doubt about that. Can kick goals in tight angles but it's annoying as he just drifts away from the game. I know he's got a foot injury, but davis still needs to work on his consistency.

3. Jarrad McVeigh - Don't let him tag Judd. It makes things worse. Poor disposals, kicking and decision making. That all i can say.

5. Ryan O'Keefe - Disappeared in the first quarter but managed to touch the ball a couple of times in the 2nd. The second half, he strapped on and played well. He created opportunities for the Swans but we never took it on board. Another great game from ROK.

6. Craig Bolton - How good was he? Played everything right, and gave away free kicks, which i must say were soft!!! I was right there, and that was not a hand in the back! SOFT!

9. Nick Malceski -Good midfielder. Drove the ball towards the forward. Some good decisions and an accurate kicker. Wasn't consistent and played below his average.

10. Peter Everitt - I think he's old. Too old. I hope Everitt improves his fitness or the trading was a complete waste. He looks fragile on the field.

12. Nic Fosdike - Did he play? I don't remember seeing him.

16. Darren Jolly - Almost took a spectacular mark but dropped it. He reversed a free kick in the early minutes of the game. Unconsistent and is playing like how he played in the 06 GF. Replace him!

17. Tadhg Kennelly - Quiet but stormed the way home. Rakes the 2nd highest posession for the Swans side and managed to do almost everything right. Did i mention this guy can run?

19. Michael O'Loughlin - A great starter, looks sharp and ready to fire. And then... disappeared.

20. Luke Ablett - Hard Ball Get king. Pretty solid although some silly decisions which proved costly.

21. Leo Barry - This guy frustrates the heck outta me. I should tell the players to never pass the ball to Leo Barry. He can't defend and leaves his man a few metres in front of him resulting in Lynch marking easily. No contested mark! Seriously! Stop dancing with the ball! Bloody make a decision and stick with it. He's making everything worse by dancing and hoping he could dodge the whole team. It frustrates the heck outta me!

24. Jude Bolton - Did he play? Kicked a goal. Nothing spesh. Never really got on top of his game. Is he declining? I hope not.

25. Ted Richards - God, this guys can play. He is gutsy and a terrific player. He backed up his previous game in the GF with another solid game that night. Solid marker, and this guys can dance and prance with the ball. Leo, leave that dancing to Teddy.

26. Sean Dempster - Thumping long kicker, good tackler but very quiet. Didn't see much of him, i never knew he existed on the field until he kicked that spectacular goal that got my jumping on my seat.

31. Brett Kirk - Inspirational. Simply that. Played very well and raked up the top with the most possessions for the Swans. He really turned the game on in the 3Q.

32. Amon Buchanan - He is like a barometer. Can really turn the game one, but at times the ball never found his man. Was quiet for a while, but that was becuase he got hit in the head by NOG.

37. Adam Goodes - Worst game i've seen. Adam Goodes was definetley below par. Shocked he didn't play as well as everyone thought he could.

38. Luke Vogels - Solid forward. Needs to find consistency.

47. Simon Phillips - Small but quick, but not quick enough. I didn't know he was playing until the last Q when he actually pulled on his straps. Afraid he won't get more senior games if he keeps this up.

Overall, the Swans played appallingy. The players were not up to scratch, and was there a time where they played Swans-like football? I don't remember.

End of vent/rant/frustration
Thanks Ert for the template. **** man, i've been trying to vent my anger as I'm appalled the way Swans played on the night

1. Barry Hall - What wrong with him? Well, almost everything. He is kicking inaccurately and I think he caught the Mago disease. Hall is a solid marker but why does he always play on? Is he so angry from the GF that he had to play on, get tackled and get pinned for holding the ball? He needs to settle, mark and don't play on!

2. Nick Davis - A deadly accurate kicker, and no doubt about that. Can kick goals in tight angles but it's annoying as he just drifts away from the game. I know he's got a foot injury, but davis still needs to work on his consistency.

3. Jarrad McVeigh - Don't let him tag Judd. It makes things worse. Poor disposals, kicking and decision making. That all i can say.

5. Ryan O'Keefe - Disappeared in the first quarter but managed to touch the ball a couple of times in the 2nd. The second half, he strapped on and played well. He created opportunities for the Swans but we never took it on board. Another great game from ROK.

6. Craig Bolton - How good was he? Played everything right, and gave away free kicks, which i must say were soft!!! I was right there, and that was not a hand in the back! SOFT!

9. Nick Malceski -Good midfielder. Drove the ball towards the forward. Some good decisions and an accurate kicker. Wasn't consistent and played below his average.

10. Peter Everitt - I think he's old. Too old. I hope Everitt improves his fitness or the trading was a complete waste. He looks fragile on the field.

12. Nic Fosdike - Did he play? I don't remember seeing him.

16. Darren Jolly - Almost took a spectacular mark but dropped it. He reversed a free kick in the early minutes of the game. Unconsistent and is playing like how he played in the 06 GF. Replace him!

17. Tadhg Kennelly - Quiet but stormed the way home. Rakes the 2nd highest posession for the Swans side and managed to do almost everything right. Did i mention this guy can run?

19. Michael O'Loughlin - A great starter, looks sharp and ready to fire. And then... disappeared.

20. Luke Ablett - Hard Ball Get king. Pretty solid although some silly decisions which proved costly.

21. Leo Barry - This guy frustrates the heck outta me. I should tell the players to never pass the ball to Leo Barry. He can't defend and leaves his man a few metres in front of him resulting in Lynch marking easily. No contested mark! Seriously! Stop dancing with the ball! Bloody make a decision and stick with it. He's making everything worse by dancing and hoping he could dodge the whole team. It frustrates the heck outta me!

24. Jude Bolton - Did he play? Kicked a goal. Nothing spesh. Never really got on top of his game. Is he declining? I hope not.

25. Ted Richards - God, this guys can play. He is gutsy and a terrific player. He backed up his previous game in the GF with another solid game that night. Solid marker, and this guys can dance and prance with the ball. Leo, leave that dancing to Teddy.

26. Sean Dempster - Thumping long kicker, good tackler but very quiet. Didn't see much of him, i never knew he existed on the field until he kicked that spectacular goal that got my jumping on my seat.

31. Brett Kirk - Inspirational. Simply that. Played very well and raked up the top with the most possessions for the Swans. He really turned the game on in the 3Q.

32. Amon Buchanan - He is like a barometer. Can really turn the game one, but at times the ball never found his man. Was quiet for a while, but that was becuase he got hit in the head by NOG.

37. Adam Goodes - Worst game i've seen. Adam Goodes was definetley below par. Shocked he didn't play as well as everyone thought he could.

38. Luke Vogels - Solid forward. Needs to find consistency.

47. Simon Phillips - Small but quick, but not quick enough. I didn't know he was playing until the last Q when he actually pulled on his straps. Afraid he won't get more senior games if he keeps this up.

Overall, the Swans played appallingy. The players were not up to scratch, and was there a time where they played Swans-like football? I don't remember.

End of vent/rant/frustration
No comment for Ben Mathews??
Best 3- Nic Fosdike, Nick Malceski and Brett Kirk

Worst 3- Peter Everitt, Simon Phillips, Jude Bolton

Interesting do people watch games or just like to find fault with expressed criticism of players that the coaching staff give a specific rolls to do which was most likely the case saturday evening or is it just the fickly supporter syndrome that comes out with a loss

Just think how the players feel after a game win/lose/draw

But for what my opinoin is worth I would say that if we can get over passing to BBB or Mol at all cost and share it around it may help it looked a some what selfish side on saturday night which is not like the swans

Its the greatest game in the land and losing is just a part of its make up and players having not played the game that we would like always stay till the end find encouragemet to cheer them on and cheer the red and the white

Go swans :thumbsu:
Interesting do people watch games or just like to find fault with expressed criticism of players that the coaching staff give a specific rolls to do which was most likely the case saturday evening or is it just the fickly supporter syndrome that comes out with a loss

Just think how the players feel after a game win/lose/draw

But for what my opinoin is worth I would say that if we can get over passing to BBB or Mol at all cost and share it around it may help it looked a some what selfish side on saturday night which is not like the swans

Its the greatest game in the land and losing is just a part of its make up and players having not played the game that we would like always stay till the end find encouragemet to cheer them on and cheer the red and the white

Go swans :thumbsu:

If you're referring to Auskick here, i do agree with you. Even though he didn't do much on Saturday night, he played his role the best he could given the opportunties that he was given. I know people have been saying that he's got to get into the play more, but that isn't really the position that he's playing. It may appear that he's "sitting back and watching" but that's the position that he's been assigned. When the ball gets out, then he's got to get it and do something constructive with it. He doesn't actually have to get it out himself. Dropping him after playing 1 round wouldn't be fair at all.
Interesting do people watch games or just like to find fault with expressed criticism of players that the coaching staff give a specific rolls to do which was most likely the case saturday evening or is it just the fickly supporter syndrome that comes out with a loss

Just think how the players feel after a game win/lose/draw

But for what my opinoin is worth I would say that if we can get over passing to BBB or Mol at all cost and share it around it may help it looked a some what selfish side on saturday night which is not like the swans

Its the greatest game in the land and losing is just a part of its make up and players having not played the game that we would like always stay till the end find encouragemet to cheer them on and cheer the red and the white

Go swans :thumbsu:

Love this stuff. :thumbsu:

We've had some lean years. But if I can watch North Melbourne singing their club song after thrashing us for more than an hour in 96, hanging around until the end of a Home and Away loss is nothing.
from what I saw - Wirrpunda had it on a string and only behind Kerr for BOG - that makes him Phillips man so 1 kick aint enough to get a guersney next week. Need more from small forwards i.e. watch Buchanan or O'Keefe.

Also with the side WCE put out Vogels was wasted. Schmidt should have played and even though Davo is out this week Schneider must come back and we should look at Phillips and Vogels on those efforts.

PS - anyone notice the form of the draft pick we should have taken - Brown. Lot of work for Phillips MKII after that effort.............
Interesting thread but for those who had a go at the worst players in round one

let's start with the more established players before having a go at phillips

He had only played 4 AFL games second grand final replay game in front of 60 plus and he had a go just like barlow and we only lost by 1 point in the first round not 38 in the last

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Best and Worst players - Round 1

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