Not-a-cluey Best FOOTBALL RELATED RUMOUR you have heard from someone you trust Part Deux - Many lies and bullshit in here. Please read OP before posting.

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Winmar and.Cupido aren't rumours they are legit, have connections to people involved at both clubs in the outer east of Vic they played at.

Not sure why it's so hard to believe that a guy who played football is a scumbag.
Yeah I only changed the Cupido one to rumours to keep me out of trouble. Plenty of clubs in SA that will tell the same story.

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General consensus on Fev from people who have met him at these functions/suburban games is that he means well and just had an impulse control problem.

Knew a guy who would book sports stars for events etc and said he could be difficult, but seems when you let him have a run on the field and a few beers he’s in his element.

Seems to have his life in order again. Sadly there are plenty of dudes less famous but far worse behaved out there.
I have only good things about fev also, donating money back on a few away games, staying afterwards for post match etc..
So Lamumba, he was the guy who went AWOl from training and then said when he returned that he needed time off because of a "complicated history of sexual abuse" and people were like "sh*t, didn't know, sorry" and then it comes out that it was actually a female cousin who was sexually abused...and Hertier traded off her trauma for a week off football.

Are people seriously defending this piece of sh*t?

A man who would do that, use a woman's sexual trauma to get a few days off work?

Shame those defending him, shame on you.

Given it was his female cousin, do you think it's a possibility that may he have known her abuser? Might take a bit of time to process if Uncle Ron's been abusing his kids, for instance.
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H's brother was molested by their own dad and his sister was molested by their cousin. Fair to say he does have a complex history of sexual abuse.

H's brother was molested by their own dad and his sister was molested by their cousin. Fair to say he does have a complex history of sexual abuse.

Makes total sense for him to have time out, then. That's rough.

I'm sure old mate will be here in just a tick to retract his comment and offer an apology 😇
As an aficionado of electronic gentleman's entertainment I'm amazed none of those pictures have turned up.
They have, much to the dismay of my eyes.
I have only good things about fev also, donating money back on a few away games, staying afterwards for post match etc..

He was also doing some work one day a week with a school, specifically with kids who were struggling. I don't know if that was ever reported in the media, but it was unpaid work and clearly not for a photo opportunity. Not sure how long it lasted, but it wasn't a one off.
So Lamumba, he was the guy who went AWOl from training and then said when he returned that he needed time off because of a "complicated history of sexual abuse" and people were like "sh*t, didn't know, sorry" and then it comes out that it was actually a female cousin who was sexually abused...and Hertier traded off her trauma for a week off football.

Are people seriously defending this piece of sh*t?

A man who would do that, use a woman's sexual trauma to get a few days off work?

Shame those defending him, shame on you.

Stop your god damned virtue signalling for one ******* moment, he does not deserve it, he does not deserve respect, he deserves Coventry for that act alone. I don't care what else has happened to him, I really don't there, are things a man does not do and he not only crossed the line, he took a sh*t on the other side and said "fu** you rape survivor, that is my sympathy"

Honestly can not believe people stand up for this campaigner, what in gods name is wrong with people?

Was his sister and brother who were abused

Didn't realize he isn't allowed to take time off to possibly spend time with them

Your just another troll trying to justify your prejudice views against him

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2013 article , i copied and pasted. Seems to have lots of support,

COLLINGWOOD defender Harry O'Brien won't be in the club's leadership group for the rest of his year so he can concentrate on his welfare, coach Nathan Buckley says.
Buckley confirmed in a press conference that the club had "removed the burden of leadership" from O'Brien.
He also said that he had been aware of O'Brien's struggles for a long time.
O'Brien, 26, led the Collingwood team out onto the training track today, just two hours after telling media he was suffering depression and battled suicidal thoughts, citing a "very complicated history of sexual abuse".
O'Brien made the stunning announcements as he returned to training following a falling out with Buckley.
"I'm going through quite a tough time at the moment," O'Brien said.

harry o

harry o

"And I'd just ask you guys for your sensitivities to that.


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"I'm going through a history ... of things for a long time, including a long and very complicated history of sexual abuse, suicide, depression, seeing someone get murdered, knowing who murdered that person and not being able to say anything, knowing that person will probably murder you.
"When the times comes, right, I will open up about these issues."
O'Brien has previously spoken publicly about witnessing the murder in Brazil, where he was born, two years ago.

Buckley said "footy was the last thing" that O'Brien needed to be thinking about right now.
"Harry's situation is not unlike others in normal society and we want to give him the chance to get back and do what he does best," Buckley said.
"Part of the last couple of days has been a process to get back on track. But it'll be a product of Harry's mental state and application, along with what the team needs.
"The final say is selection, but to get up to that point Harry needs to feel like he's ready to go, but clearly this weekend is off the table from a physical perspective because he's missed a fair bit of training.

"The other thing is we've removed the burden of leadership from Harry.

"He won't be in the leadership group for the remainder of the year and we'll assess that going forward beyond that."
Buckley said O'Brien needed to do what he could to be in "good shape for the club".

Harry O'Brien

Harry O'Brien

"I think at the moment it's pretty clear that from a welfare perspective that Harry needs to have that focus on himself and getting himself in good shape physically and mentally," Buckley said.
"I get the impression everyone thinks he's a basket-case. He has been through some things that I couldn't imagine, I couldn't imagine what that feels like."

Buckley said the club didn't "feel the need to challenge individuals or open or air dirty laundry of individuals when really what we're trying to do is provide support internally".
"I'm learning everyday, not just about Harry," Buckley said.

"I'm learning about myself, I'm learning about what the group is capable of because I thought this has largely overshadowed what was a committed and very strong team performance on Friday by the 22 that represented the club.

"There are challenges, there's plenty of dark days. You speak to a person like Harry or anyone else in that regard and there's going to be dark days and you need a lot of resilience and strength of character to get through those dark days."
He said the club would help O'Brien by "simply being there for him".

"There are skills that we have internally, and then there are skills that we don't have internally," Buckley said.

"So what we can do is provide the full extent of the resources at our disposal and encourage him to get the help and take the time that he needs externally."
O'Brien spent the weekend in Port Douglas after the club gave him time off.

In a show of support for O'Brien, his teammates allowed him to be the first one on the track this morning in his first public session in a week.

Harry O'Brien

Harry O'Brien

He took part in most of the drills and didn't show too much discomfort on his injured ankle but left the training session early.
Collingwood president Eddie McGuire said he had been aware of O'Brien's issues, but had not known he would reveal publicly his condition.
McGuire, speaking on his Triple M breakfast program this morning, said the club was giving O'Brien the support he needed.
"This is all about trying to do the right thing, to get him back," he said.
"We have got the best doctors, the best psychiatrists, the best psychologists all working on the case.

Harry O'Brien

Harry O'Brien

"We love the guy, so just give him some space.''
O'Brien has been vocal on a range of social issues, and had a run-in with McGuire over his now-infamous King Kong radio gaffe.
O'Brien was outside The Westpac Centre when he told waiting media that the internal dramas at Collingwood were secondary to his personal problems.
He said he had received a lot of support from Collingwood over his troubles.
"But this is my personal experience and I have to do this in the public eye, and it's really tough," O'Brien said.

Harry O'Brien

Harry O'Brien

"So if you guys can just give me a bit of space because I'm going through some real stuff here, real stuff. And it's really tough. Really tough stuff."
The defender said last week's reported dispute with Buckley was of little significance compared to the "real stuff" he was facing each day.
"The issue or whatever you guys have been reporting, that's secondary - this is my real stuff, you know?" he said.
"And look the club's been fantastic in supporting me and protecting me, and they've tried to do that ... but I'm going through some real stuff right here and I have to do it in the public eye and it's tough.
"That's the real issue here. You know, my demons that I'm starting to face.
"I just rattle off those issues and there's even more, even more that I don't feel comfortable in sharing.
"I know this is all speculation, but you want to speculate on something? Why don't you speculate on my history of sexual abuse?
"You want to speculate on some real stuff? Speculate on that. So please give me my space."
Buckley and O'Brien spoke yesterday about the star's issues, which had included the demand for an apology from the senior coach in front of the playing group.
O'Brien took offence when Buckley asked him if he was fine with the coach using a provocative nickname for Paul Seedsman when discussing match-ups.
Teammates have dubbed Seedsman "Lez" because of his close-cropped hairstyle.
O'Brien was upset that he was being labelled precious, rather than being offended by Seedsman's nickname.
Collingwood had concerns for O'Brien given the way he flew into a rage at senior officials, and was given time off as a circuit-breaker.
McGuire yesterday said O'Brien was not a destabilising influence despite his disagreement with Buckley.
"The thing I love about football is you've got to have individuals around the place," McGuire said.
"Then you have people in positions of authority who say: 'OK, now we need to just pull ourselves together here and work through an issue'.
"There are (issues) every week in football clubs. Not much gets out (but) sometimes these things do. Harry's a really popular guy."
Asked for a mammoth up front sign on fee and never played a game for a club. Pissed off during the middle of a season for another after up front payments again. Unconfirmed rumours at the time of sticky fingers as well. This is just from one league.
My dad worked in the Victorian state government. He tells kind of similar stories from when the Government tried to provide some stable employment for Nicky after his playing days.

Nicky was apparently paid well for what was a fairly low-level job, and Dad heard plenty of complaints about Nicky going missing, calling in sick, no-showing, arriving late and leaving early.

Apparently wasn't a bad human being, just bone-idle lazy....took his paycheque and pissed off.
My dad worked in the Victorian state government. He tells kind of similar stories from when the Government tried to provide some stable employment for Nicky after his playing days.

Nicky was apparently paid well for what was a fairly low-level job, and Dad heard plenty of complaints about Nicky going missing, calling in sick, no-showing, arriving late and leaving early.

Apparently wasn't a bad human being, just bone-idle lazy....took his paycheque and pissed off.
I was working at BHP Yandi up in the Pilbara 10-12 years ago and was a bit surprised to find Nicky Winmar staying in the room next to me when I got home from work one day. We had a quick chat and he seemed friendly enough. He had just got a start with a contracting crew. It was a BHP civil site so good money - I would probably think he would have been on 140-150k for a 2&1 roster. I spent the next day thinking up good footy questions about his playing days to ask over a couple beers that night but, it was not to be. I got home to a different neighbour so I am not sure what happened with Nicky. To be fair it was the middle of summer and he wouldn't be the first person to snatch it on his first day from the crocidolite-infested, dust-ridden shithole that is Yandi.
I live on the vic / nsw border and I can tell you ex AFL players are a crap shoot. Some do the right thing but most are morons that think the world owes them a living. Funnily enough Fev was one of the better ones. Did his duty, kicked goals, brought in the crowds, and hung around acting like a normal bloke after
Fev noticed my teenage niece entertaining his daughter while doing a sportsmans night years back, and told her she was doing such a great job would she mind keeping it up until he finished on stage. Niece was very happy to. When he finished up he paid her $50 and asked her if she wanted some signed merch and pics, and was more than happy to oblige. Comes across as a bit loose sometimes but a genuine guy, and Dad, at heart I think.
Fev noticed my teenage niece entertaining his daughter while doing a sportsmans night years back, and told her she was doing such a great job would she mind keeping it up until he finished on stage. Niece was very happy to. When he finished up he paid her $50 and asked her if she wanted some signed merch and pics, and was more than happy to oblige. Comes across as a bit loose sometimes but a genuine guy, and Dad, at heart I think.

Fev always seemed like a pretty down to earth genuine bloke you could have a beer with, that struggled with some addiction issues during his playing career.
Fev noticed my teenage niece entertaining his daughter while doing a sportsmans night years back, and told her she was doing such a great job would she mind keeping it up until he finished on stage. Niece was very happy to. When he finished up he paid her $50 and asked her if she wanted some signed merch and pics, and was more than happy to oblige. Comes across as a bit loose sometimes but a genuine guy, and Dad, at heart I think.
I think Fev has always come across as a pretty down to Earth guy who is a bit of a larakin

having said that I know a guy who was part of the fitness staff back when Pagan was at the club. Says Fev was a larrikin who like a laugh so long as they laugh wasn't at his expense

Could take the piss out of others, even himself but if someone else dared take the piss out of him it was a different story
Actual rumor not whatever most of this dribble has been. Comes from a family member of his. H had positive tests for weed with the AFL and claimed religious freedoms as Rastafarian and got away with. Not sure if its common knowledge already.

Personally I'm 100% fine with that, anyone who thinks weed is a performance enhancing drug is a moron and the AFL (and the government and the police) should keep their ******* beaks out of it (DUI excepted).
It’s because afl is under wada sports like bowls darts and golf it is performance enhancing it clears thought, relaxes muscles and eliminates nerves.
It’s very effective.
I live on the vic / nsw border and I can tell you ex AFL players are a crap shoot. Some do the right thing but most are morons that think the world owes them a living. Funnily enough Fev was one of the better ones. Did his duty, kicked goals, brought in the crowds, and hung around acting like a normal bloke after

Well Fev had good reasons to do the right thing for Yarrawonga.

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Not-a-cluey Best FOOTBALL RELATED RUMOUR you have heard from someone you trust Part Deux - Many lies and bullshit in here. Please read OP before posting.

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