Rumour Busted Betting scandal rumour busted.

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I'm aware of that, but 10 weeks for gambling. 4 years potentually for coke, that seem fair or reasonable to you?
Are you saying the gambling should be more or doing the coke should be less? I'm more of the persuasion it's the drugs like cocaine that should be less.
I'm not really an expert on it, but I have no clue how cocaine could be considered performance enhancing? Wouldn't it inhibit a player's ability to perform if anything?

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You know if there was even a sniff of this being true, Stevo, Brownie, Ralphy, McClure or Morris would be rushing to be the first to break it.
That none of them have gone with it should tell you something.
Dude, none of them want to miss out on the free sausage rolls in the media room. If the AFL says there is no story they will all fall in line.

Saying that there is obviously no story. The bloke who started it all needs to take a bow. My favourite part is still the babysitter betrayal though. Very clever.
Dude, none of them want to miss out on the free sausage rolls in the media room. If the AFL says there is no story they will all fall in line.

Saying that there is obviously no story. The bloke who started it all needs to take a bow. My favourite part is still the babysitter betrayal though. Very clever.
I missed the bit about the babysitter?
Are you saying the gambling should be more or doing the coke should be less? I'm more of the persuasion it's the drugs like cocaine that should be less.
I'm not really an expert on it, but I have no clue how cocaine could be considered performance enhancing? Wouldn't it inhibit a player's ability to perform if anything?

It's still an illegal drug, so there has to be a penalty. But, 4 years (potentially) v 10 weeks on a multiple offender for betting on games a player was partaking in, I actually view that worse. They are both bad behaviours, but, one is a guy on a Weds night harming himself, the other has the ability to affect an outcome of a game. It's just crazy, and when you stand back and look at the penalties, it just doesn't make sense.
Another story to unfold in a few weeks, if the eagles make the final, some juicy druggie story, probably involving Cousins, or Chick, in the week leading up to the GF
I wonder if the news about Benny C's piss test being too dilute has hit over east yet?

Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if we see a story one day saying "Fallen West Coast star Ben Cousins does a load of washing"
It's still an illegal drug, so there has to be a penalty. But, 4 years (potentially) v 10 weeks on a multiple offender for betting on games a player was partaking in, I actually view that worse. They are both bad behaviours, but, one is a guy on a Weds night harming himself, the other has the ability to affect an outcome of a game. It's just crazy, and when you stand back and look at the penalties, it just doesn't make sense.
I broadly agree with you on the drugs thing (Mummy still gets a game despite this), though I don't think Stevo's bets could've potentially affected the outcome of the game in a relatively significant way, given they were on him to kick goals and the aim of the game is to kick goals. It's all been discussed before and punishments been handed down, but given the price of the bets and what kind they were it really does seem like he was being stupid and not intending to scheme big bucks (no pun intended :p ) out of betting agencies through match-fixing.
It’s not the question of one being worse than the other

Plenty of family’s are ruined by both

Take your Collingwood glasses off and look at the hypocrisy at play

Thank you for seeing the obvious which old melty couldn't.

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Coke should be 6-8 weeks IMO.
4 years is ridiculous.

I don't know what is fair, but i reckon 4 years for something that isn't performance enhancing is pretty disproportionate.
Drugs are much worse in my opinion, if you have kids would you rather your kid put some bets on or take drugs? 4 years probably is a bit harsh I will admit but I will stand by my opinion saying drugs are worse.

100% rather my kids took drugs than gambled. I’ve seen gambling ruin lives at a much greater scale.
I broadly agree with you on the drugs thing (Mummy still gets a game despite this), though I don't think Stevo's bets could've potentially affected the outcome of the game in a relatively significant way, given they were on him to kick goals and the aim of the game is to kick goals. It's all been discussed before and punishments been handed down, but given the price of the bets and what kind they were it really does seem like he was being stupid and not intending to scheme big bucks (no pun intended :p ) out of betting agencies through match-fixing.

And that's a fair enough POV, but with the so called education these guys get these days, there really is no excuse. I mean seriously, a 10 week negotiated outcome which see's a player come back the first week of finals, it's a pisstake on the AFL's behalf. And it just goes to show how amateur these guys running the show are as once again it was policy on the run.
And that's a fair enough POV, but with the so called education these guys get these days, there really is no excuse. I mean seriously, a 10 week negotiated outcome which see's a player come back the first week of finals, it's a pisstake on the AFL's behalf. And it just goes to show how amateur these guys running the show are as once again it was policy on the run.
We can definitely agree that the AFL is running amateur hour 24/7 :p
Got to remember that there's also those 20 weeks or whatever attached to the 10 suspended weeks if he ever stuffs up again or something? A very strong incentive to stay on the right path.
We can definitely agree that the AFL is running amateur hour 24/7 :p
Got to remember that there's also those 20 weeks or whatever attached to the 10 suspended weeks if he ever stuffs up again or something? A very strong incentive to stay on the right path.

I guess i am an old cynic. I don't understand how the penalty could be negotiated down. And you have to wonder about all this new age stuff all the clubs are into about being honest with each other etc etc, yet i doubt there's one club out there strong enough to pull these young guys into line and stop them punting (at least during the season). Someone should have pulled him into line earlier. And I reckon good on Howe for what he did. At least he has integrity.
you are a flog, typical Richmond fan, the bets Stephenson placed werent at all for collingwood to lose so there was no desire to purposely throw a match, he bet on Collingwood to win and himself to kick goals so if anything more incentive to try and get the win. Yes it was wrong but did not warrant a larger suspension.

Drugs are much worse in my opinion, if you have kids would you rather your kid put some bets on or take drugs? 4 years probably is a bit harsh I will admit but I will stand by my opinion saying drugs are worse.

Absolutely he deserved a bigger suspension, nearly 50% of the suspension was suspended. So he was able to place multi bets on 3 different games, involving things he had influence over and only got 12 weeks.

Heath Shaw placed 1 bet on 1 game and got 10.

He should have gotten 12 months, got off lightly and just so happens that it lines up with first week of finals.

At a minimum he shouldn't be playing again this year
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