FTA-TV Big Brother 2022: Back to the Future All Stars

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I like watching Ian, but unfortunately it seems like he’s become a puppet for the ‘Alpha’ group. He’s become their ‘hound’ as Dan put it when Angela left, so I think he’ll just enable them. It’s the only reason why I don’t mind Ian going home because I don’t think he’ll make it to the end.

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Goodbye dorky Noah Taylor, you might have been a good bloke but you are boring as batshit, but it was a shame you were the first to go of the boring alpha alliance and a stupid twist, the ones who got manipulated by Angela should have done it without her help anyway.

I dont like any of the cast left except Angela, there is a couple who i can put up with like eye candy Hannah and that little army girl who looks 12, Its a shame because back in the day i always liked at least half the cast. I dislike Zoe pretty much as any contestant ever.

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Show has lost me letting Angela back in. Her bad strategy got her evicted, and now a second chance with even more power??

Agreed, I think you need to keep the contestants feeling like they are competing in some kind of competition.

Reading social media I think most people had no problem with Angela perhaps controlling the house for a few days but just being allowed back in hasn't gone down well.
Deliberate from Mat
Yep. Worst case of tanking I have seen

So zoe pretty much picked the nominations
Contrived pile of sh*t, but fu** you Zoe. That’s your fault.
Zoe walked all over Sarah just like Tahlia did and look what happened. Do not put up someone you want to stay. Because this happens.

Sarah needs to grow a ****ing spine. I'd want her with me at the end to tell the public at least I didn't get manipulated like ****ing play doh.

Feel so sorry for Ian. I liked him and wanted to see him win but was a victim of an idiot.

**** Zoe.
Agreed, I think you need to keep the contestants feeling like they are competing in some kind of competition.

Reading social media I think most people had no problem with Angela perhaps controlling the house for a few days but just being allowed back in hasn't gone down well.
I have a different perspective tbh. I think she has been carrying the show in the last couple of episodes and I believe that the producers recognised her entertainment value. If she permanently left then last Tuesday would have probably been the last day I watched this show. I'm just not invested enough in the dynamics of the house without the likes of Tahlia, Allan and Angela in it. Some people on social media need to understand that equality or not, this is entertainment TV and equality does not always lead to the most entertaining product. Also, occurrences like fake evictions are not unheard of in reality TV.

If the housemates think it's unfair, then they can vote her out a second time the moment she loses a challenge. If they don't unanimously agree on that and she makes it to the top 3, then the Australian public can vote against her if they think that the plot twist was not worth it. If she wins everything, then it would appear that the majority of the current housemates + the invested public did not think that this occurrence alone was enough of a reason to bar her from winning.

In any case, I think a polarising personality like her returning to the house may develop some of the other housemates' character arc (like Hannah and Xavier perhaps) even if she gets voted out a couple of days later. We'll just have to see what happens from here.
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