Shame to see that Bill Walford couldnt get his two sons best and fairest and runner up.
If Tad Walford gets 3rd in the leauge medal how does he only manage to come 4th in the tigers B&F.
But its good to see that Ede and Noodles half the Wyong Football Club post on Big Footy.
Also good to see that SS JUMBO is choking on his words like the normal cardiff players
Sorry newbie, I didnt realise that you had to come from yr club to post on here (where are you from anyway) im guessing not the Hawks.
How bout we talk some more footy? Who did win the Gosford B&F etc.
No more talk about hacks, what about the other end of the scale?
Say the best players from the BDAFL era? 2000-2008
Any takers?