And how many came back sooner? Cripps only a 1 week hammy, which is rare, Weiters a week or 2 early from his shoulder, H back 2 or 3 weeks earlier than the initial prediction.
That was just a classic under-promise/over-deliver setup.
Cripps tweaked his hammy, he walked off without a limp as sub. Never looked like being more than 1 week - he almost got up for the next week.
Weiters was out for what - 6 weeks? Pretty much exactly on time for his level of AC joint. I'm not sure what they advertised.
McKay was a meniscus tear which is anywhere between 4-6 weeks, I think they listed 6 weeks which would've been a long stint. 4 weeks is normal.
I wonder about this sometimes but then think, you don’t lose your knowledge do you?
Absolutely, you can in that industry. The game changes, it suits different types of athletes at different stages, different teams travel more/less, train on different surfaces etc. Heaps of variables that often change and can leave an well-credentialed expert behind.
Remember David Buttifant? Changed the game taking players to Arizona and high-altitude camps. 3 years later it's a scam and he was sacked (by us of course!) never to be heard of again.
I've said it all year - and have been constantly roasted for it - but Russell has had a few wins, not nearly enough to warrant the blind protection he gets on here though.