BOOO-ing Goodes

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Yeah because guessing everyones age is a easy thing to do if you're john edwards
If you can't tell a girl is under the age of 16 at least you better stop sleeping with girls. You might find yourself in prison.
I get some girls look older than their age but usually 13 is really easy to see lol.
This is a terrible example In one way that your history is a bit off. Consuming whale meat is not traditional as far as I know, it was a result of post WWII food shortages and was somewhat pushed on them as a cheap source of protein. But then again the reason said Japanese person was likely outrages was pride in his country and culture. So it is actually rather analogous to the war dance.

Hey this is actually an interesting post - I hadn't really thought about drawing any link between whale consumption/war dance/pride. I want to think about this for a bit before replying. Could you please expand on this point in terms of how it relates to this discussion? At the risk of this topic becoming too general or philosophical, I would be interested to hear your thoughts. And you are correct regarding pride - that was my entire point - they are harming their reputation (which has tangible effects) due to a principle. Sometimes we should act not out of the initial raw emotion, but after reflecting on the broader context.

However I must pull you up regarding your historical comment. If there is one thing (and one thing only, unfortunately) that gaining a degree in Japanese studies at Murdoch confers, it is the ability to enter into any discussion regarding Japanese history with a reasonable level of confidence. My recollection is that Japan has eaten whale for more than a 1000 years. However you are correct in saying that it became of greater importance during the post WWII period. I will qualify this by saying that much of my university time was spent drunk on cheap port. If I am wildly incorrect, blame the port.

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Because players are allowed to express themselves on the field, and fans are allowed to express themselves toward players, as long as neither is being profane. It's hilarious that you want fans to be able to boo a player every time he touches the ball, but then you get all precious when there is an inevitable reaction to the booing.
I never said I wanted them to boo them, I am only arguing about the reasons. You are the one contradicting yourself saying it is racism, when what Goodes and Jetta did was racist. It is not the haka before the game, a war dance taunting the opposition players, this is directed at an opposition crowd, most of them that are not even booing him.
Ryan Crowley is also a terrific bloke off the field as well - does amazing amounts of unheralded work

He gets mercilessly booed as well

People act as though Goodes is the only one who cops it

Hell Stuart Broad copped it

Goodes is the only one who cops it AS MUCH AS HE DOES, and from supporters of EVERY CLUB. I am not sure how many times this needs to be said.

It gets tiresome to talk about why every club's fans boo an aboriginal player who is seemingly respected by everybody who knows him and who has done a lot of good things on and off the field. I'd much prefer the AFL commentators and analysts be talking about how the Eagles are a flag contender than about how Eagles supporters are disgraceful ferals.
Some one raised and interesting point on the main board. Barry Hall Ko'd one of our players and thus deserved to be booed. I only attended Eagle games in Vic after that event so i'm not sure how much he copped it from the crowd at Subi (it doesn't stick out in my memory that we hammered him like we did Goodes on the weekend) but in that situation I can fully understand it. Same as the Blues and Milburn.

Booing Goodes I cannot. We want, actually, we need players like Goodes in our game. He is a champion - flags and brownlows etc. We might no agree with what he says but we don't need to treat him this way. Bronx cheers when he stuffs up sure, booing a shot on goal, yeah... but not like this.
If there is one thing (and one thing only, unfortunately) that gaining a degree in Japanese studies at Murdoch confers, it is the ability to enter into any discussion regarding Japanese history with a reasonable level of confidence. My recollection is that Japan has eaten whale for more than a 1000 years. However you are correct in saying that it became of greater importance during the post WWII period. I will qualify this by saying that much of my university time was spent drunk on cheap port. If I am wildly incorrect, blame the port.
a so ( a 1000 or a thousand )
I found it embarrassing.

While it was more likely fans jumping on what has clearly become a 'thing' now, rather than inherent racism, it's still poor form. Goodes has done nothing to the Eagles in the past to be this hated figure, by all reports he's a good guy (cue comments about how he's actually a flog). I had hoped our fans were above this kind of crap, but sadly, not the case.
I am not a booer but I just get annoyed about this being discussed as a racial issue when it is not. You know who made it racial yesterday, Lewis Jetta, by doing the spear thing, before that it was just people booing because Goodes is a tool or people who think it is fun because other clubs were doing it, why not us. Why it is a controversy when we do it is beyond me when every other club does it. Our crowd is fairly good natured apart from against the umpires, Razor Ray copped more booing than goodes, anyone sticking up for him today? Why not, isn't he a human being that deserves respect. Media are inciting this whole debate because it is good for them
Goodes getting booed is a meme.

It feel upset when it happens, but if you believe ideas can behave like pathogens, then you might say the boo Goodes meme is particularly transmisive and **** like Lyon, ignoring the racist angle but targeting WC fans probably inflame the situation.

It would be uplifting if it stopped and I congratulate Jetta on taking a stance, but I don't think it will. Not until people become bored with it, which will oddly be congratulated.
Some one raised and interesting point on the main board. Barry Hall Ko'd one of our players and thus deserved to be booed. I only attended Eagle games in Vic after that event so i'm not sure how much he copped it from the crowd at Subi (it doesn't stick out in my memory that we hammered him like we did Goodes on the weekend) but in that situation I can fully understand it. Same as the Blues and Milburn.

Booing Goodes I cannot. We want, actually, we need players like Goodes in our game. He is a champion - flags and brownlows etc. We might no agree with what he says but we don't need to treat him this way. Bronx cheers when he stuffs up sure, booing a shot on goal, yeah... but not like this.

Hall was (coincidentally) suspended for just enough weeks to ensure he couldn't play in Perth later in the year of his coward punch.

The AFL concidentally did not schedule a WCE v Sydney game in Perth the following season.

(they were obviously anticipating a bad reaction at Subi Oval)

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It feel upset when it happens, but if you believe ideas can behave like pathogens, then you might say the boo Goodes meme is particularly transmisive and **** like Lyon, ignoring the racist angle but targeting WC fans probably inflame the situation.

It would be uplifting if it stopped and I congratulate Jetta on taking a stance, but I don't think it will. Not until people become bored with it, which will oddly be congratulated.
It won't stop until he retires, which is unfortunate.
Hey this is actually an interesting post - I hadn't really thought about drawing any link between whale consumption/war dance/pride. I want to think about this for a bit before replying. Could you please expand on this point in terms of how it relates to this discussion? At the risk of this topic becoming too general or philosophical, I would be interested to hear your thoughts. And you are correct regarding pride - that was my entire point - they are harming their reputation (which has tangible effects) due to a principle. Sometimes we should act not out of the initial raw emotion, but after reflecting on the broader context.

However I must pull you up regarding your historical comment. If there is one thing (and one thing only, unfortunately) that gaining a degree in Japanese studies at Murdoch confers, it is the ability to enter into any discussion regarding Japanese history with a reasonable level of confidence. My recollection is that Japan has eaten whale for more than a 1000 years. However you are correct in saying that it became of greater importance during the post WWII period. I will qualify this by saying that much of my university time was spent drunk on cheap port. If I am wildly incorrect, blame the port.
It was off the top of my head, I am by no means any sort of mad history buff. You are likely right with regards to historical whaling as almost any seafaring nation did at some point.

Maybe the AFL and Goodes if he wants to should offer the chance to bring together some fans from every club to sit down and just have a talk about it? Would possibly change more minds if some average fans talked about it with him that having the media (which are down right poor here) telling everyone what to think.
Yet nobody is talking about this today; they're talking about a legend of the game and an aboriginal icon getting booed every time he touched the ball.

I am well aware that most people were not booing Goodes for reasons other than his play on the field, and that he sometimes behaves like a flog during the game. But Goodes is a person who is known outside of the game, and the narrative is not going to be that he was booed because he played for free kicks and sometimes does stuff behind the play, but rather that an outspoken and prominent aboriginal player is being subjected to booing that nobody else is seeing (and no, the booing of players like Harvey is nowhere near as constant and vociferous).

So regardless of why people are booing Goodes, they should be aware of the reputation it gives our club. The commentators don't like it. Coaches don't like it (see Simpson's comments). The indigenous players don't like it (and I would think that it will hurt our chances of recruiting out-of-contract indigenous players). As seen in Xavier Ellis' comments, I don't think most of the players like it. People who pay their money have the right to boo, but I don't think it accomplishes anything besides diminishing the reputation of the club and its supporters.
It's also not just about reputation, a degree is definitely racially charged which is unfair for the victim and ultimately does harm to the person booing.

If people examined why they feel threatened a little more thoroughly, they might be more reluctant
Goodes is the only one who cops it AS MUCH AS HE DOES, and from supporters of EVERY CLUB. I am not sure how many times this needs to be said.

It gets tiresome to talk about why every club's fans boo an aboriginal player who is seemingly respected by everybody who knows him and who has done a lot of good things on and off the field. I'd much prefer the AFL commentators and analysts be talking about how the Eagles are a flag contender than about how Eagles supporters are disgraceful ferals.

Goodes is also the only one who has been annointed AOTY and is a protected species of the AFL

He is eminently dislikeable onfield and throw in an AOTY - the boos come.

You are right that Goodes is the only one... he is also the only indigenous person as well.... People didn't boo charlie cameron, we don't boo buddy franklin or eddie betts or Michael Johnson or Jack Martin or

Just Goodes. Not because he is indigenous, but because many deem him unworthy of AOTY and h comes across as a major flog onfield.

The booing didn't start the game after he identified the young girl in the crowd.

Now - there are racists that boo goodes. SO there are racists amongst the booing - which is different to saying there is racist elements to the booing.
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If you can't tell a girl is under the age of 16 at least you better stop sleeping with girls. You might find yourself in prison.
I get some girls look older than their age but usually 13 is really easy to see lol.
Crowd full of faces easy as you like pfffttt
The crowd booed goodes because he's a flog? Hope you'd expect opposition crowds to do the same to JD.

I was somewhate bewildered by the crowd's constant reaction. It's not like he stabbed the club in the back, called one of our players a drug cheat, punched Coxy/Staker in the face, committed several dog acts behind play, or openly admitted to using performance enhancing drugs.

Jordan Lewis is a bit of a twat. Is he going to get booed constantly next home game?
I was watching Goodes at the very start of the game. He walked over specifically to Tom Barrass and shook his hand, I assume to congratulate him on his first game.

Yes, he's a sook, yes he can be unlikeable, but I did think the booing was bad form from our crowd yesterday.

HE LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Come back to TLC Scratcher!
I guarantee if Goodes hired a public relations team for a year the people booing him today will be the same ones applauding him in a couple years time. He appears to be a flog, but is not actually a flog (apparently) it's just some weird perception problem he has.
I guarantee if Goodes hired a public relations team for a year the people booing him today will be the same ones applauding him in a couple years time. He appears to be a flog, but is not actually a flog (apparently) it's just some weird perception problem he has.
And their advice would probably to stop being outspoken and doing all he can about the issues he cares about
The booing of Goodes was childish and embarassing. After our great display a few weeks back in the match against the Crows we showed were no better than the rest. The excuses profferred here that it was justified because Goodes is a sniper, a flog, a dichead et all is utter rubbish because the AFL is littered with such players who don't get booed every time they go near the ball.

Gil McLachlan had it right, those who booed were just sheep. Unfortunately the media highlighting of it is most likely to perpetuate it. If the commentators simply ignored it, it would die a natural death.
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Long time lurker but feel compelled to make a first post.

There are two categories of people who boo Goodes;

1) Racists.

2) People who don't believe they are racist but don't mind identifying themselves with the racist portion as they believe he is a 'flog' so is therefore deserving of being booed. They believe that playing for free kicks is a much more serious concern to them than supporting an aboriginal icon who has done an immeasurable amount of good for the aboriginal and wider Australian community both on and off the field. The health, education and crime rates of the aboriginal community far, far lag behind white Australians and Adam Goodes has devoted a large portion of his life to help address this gap (i.e. co-founded the Go Foundation which provides support for aboriginal kids to go to school).

Quite obviously the majority of the posters who support the booing place themselves in the second category. I just hope next time they stop and think that while they themselves might not be racist they are unwillingly identifying themselves and giving a voice to the racist minority.

Do we still want to pretend that there's no racial element to any of this?

To particular individuals there would be and because of that there is this notion that you can't boo him. But to the vast majority the booing of Goodes is merely sporting.

If he continues to dive, continues to remonstrate with the umpires when things don't go his way and continues to get the favour of the umpires then he'll continually get boo'd and the more people complain and shout racism and claim that he's beyond reproach then the more the the mob will have its say.

Like it or not the booing of Goodes is the open expression of egalitarianism. Goodes irrespective of his ethnic heritage is perceived as an entitled golden boy.

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