Breaking News:Cousins Officially Deregistered from the AFL

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As for "bringing the game into disrepute", I think it is the most farcical kind of charge.
It's a cover-all that allows the AFL to banish people who attract negative publicity, which is ridiculous.

The drugs charges against Cousins were dropped.

If Cousins has done something wrong, then they should hammer him for that material breach of the law or of his contract or of the league's code of conduct.

But by laying this wishy-washy charge of bringing the game into disrepute, they are punishing him for the media coverage of his arrest, rather than anything he actually did wrong.

They're hanging him for the actions of the media rather than any of his own crimes.
Demetriou: This star chamber is now in session. Ben Cousins, you have been charged with bringing the game into disrepute. What do you have to say in your defence?

Cousins: Suck. My. ****.

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Gunnar is right about the publicity, AFL has a war on PR, not a war on drugs. It doesnt care if ex-players take drugs, because they dont make the news, but they have still been AFL players.

The reasons why Cousins has been charged is in direct correlation with the amount of media he has gotten, not through actual acts.

Having said that, i think Cousins is an arrogant twat, who thinks he can get away with anything. I'll be glad when his own actions do catch up with him. Even it is through a faux moral corporation - the AFL.
Gunnar is right about the publicity, AFL has a war on PR, not a war on drugs. It doesnt care if ex-players take drugs, because they dont make the news, but they have still been AFL players.

The reasons why Cousins has been charged is in direct correlation with the amount of media he has gotten, not through actual acts.

Having said that, i think Cousins is an arrogant twat, who thinks he can get away with anything. I'll be glad when his own actions do catch up with him. Even it is through a faux moral corporation - the AFL.
Bringing the game into disrepute is like the 16th century charge of treason.

The regime could smack anyone who made trouble for it without observing due process.

What does "bringing the game into disrepute" actually mean?

What is the threshold for that charge to be laid?
'Bringing the game into disrepute' is discretionary on the AFL's part - They don't have to wait for confirmed convictions or charges.

By being associated with the game, Ben Cousins, through his actions, has caused the general public to think less of the AFL and the sport of Australian Rules Football - That is bringing the game into disrepute.

Whether he is charged, convicted, or even actually innocent of what has been levelled against him is irrelevant - He has brought down public opinion of the league and sport in a way that wouldn't have occurred had he not been an AFL football player.
tell that to the bulk of sydney's female population who have finally discovered AFL. Many of them couldnt give a toss that he's a junkie. Cuz being arrested without his shirt on was the best PR the AFL could ever have hope to receive up here.

great work Ben
No he doesn't. He has the right, like every other citizen to go to court, AFL appeal or not. Couldn't imagine seeing in our State Laws saying you have to appeal to the AFL before being permitted to go to court. Not sure John Brumby's brought that one in yet. If by law, he does nothing that warrants the AFL action, he will be playing football. Especially is he goes them on them with a "Restraint of Trade". Not all sporting cases have been losses There was Silvio Forschini, won a "restraint of trade" case against the VFL in 1983, hence gaining a clearance to St.Kilda through the Courts. The Rugby League Draft system was overturned in court as it was a "restraint of trade".

What will they get Cousins on. Technically they have nothing.

Oh he can take them to court alright, that's his prerogative, but he won't win.

Yes I should have been more specific with 'all cases are losers'. All cases challenging punishment are losers. Restraint of trade is a different kettle of fish. This isn't restraint of trade, this is Cousins maybe going to court to get a punishment issued by the AFL overturned.

The case ‘operates as a general discouragement to members of sporting bodies and social clubs who want to take their internal disputes to the courts.

Although the doctrine in Cameron v Hogan has been distinguished in some cases, it has not been overruled

Have a read of
Bringing the game into disrepute is like the 16th century charge of treason.

The regime could smack anyone who made trouble for it without observing due process.

What does "bringing the game into disrepute" actually mean?

What is the threshold for that charge to be laid?

Cousins pass or fail

On-Field Conduct: Pass

Off-field Conduct: See Below

i.) Private Behaviour and Public Responsibility: Miserable Fail
ii.) Private Behaviour of a Criminal Nature: Miserable Fail
iii.) Dissent and unfavourable comment: Pass

That's a checklist they would use.
'Bringing the game into disrepute' is discretionary on the AFL's part - They don't have to wait for confirmed convictions or charges.

By being associated with the game, Ben Cousins, through his actions, has caused the general public to think less of the AFL and the sport of Australian Rules Football - That is bringing the game into disrepute.

Whether he is charged, convicted, or even actually innocent of what has been levelled against him is irrelevant - He has brought down public opinion of the league and sport in a way that wouldn't have occurred had he not been an AFL football player.
How could you prove such a thing in court? There is no way to accurately and legitimatley measure that.
This idea of bringing down the reputation of the game is such an abstract concept that to de-register anyone on the basis of it is a laugh.
I think the AFL just want to make an example out of Cousins, as perhaps the one tangible thing he has damaged is the sale of WCE merchandise.
It's a cover-all that allows the AFL to banish people who attract negative publicity, which is ridiculous.

The drugs charges against Cousins were dropped.

If Cousins has done something wrong, then they should hammer him for that material breach of the law or of his contract or of the league's code of conduct.

But by laying this wishy-washy charge of bringing the game into disrepute, they are punishing him for the media coverage of his arrest, rather than anything he actually did wrong.

They're hanging him for the actions of the media rather than any of his own crimes.

OH please, here we go with "little Benny has never done anything wrong". :rolleyes:

If he had have agreed to have the drug test & he was clean, then it would have ended, but he refused & anyone with half a brain knows the only reason he refused.
How could you prove such a thing in court? There is no way to accurately and legitimatley measure that.
This idea of bringing down the reputation of the game is such an abstract concept that to de-register anyone on the basis of it is a laugh.
I think the AFL just want to make an example out of Cousins, as perhaps the one tangible thing he has damaged is the sale of WCE merchandise.

'Disrepute' would mean some sort of negative impact on 'the game' I suppose? That's not meant to sound dumb (I hope). But if I was defending that charge, lawyers for Ben would surely look at record attendances, record tv viewers, which Vlad & his cronies are at pains to point out to us - and then say "PROVE the negative impact?"
They have charged the wrong person! Andrew "Fonzie" D should be charged with attempting to wreck the greatest game in the world.

  • The rule changes are a joke
  • Trying to get rid of north is a joke
  • charging ben cousins is a joke
  • he is a joke!
Kevin Sheedy should be the AFL CEO:thumbsu::thumbsu::thumbsu:

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OH please, here we go with "little Benny has never done anything wrong". :rolleyes:

If he had have agreed to have the drug test & he was clean, then it would have ended, but he refused & anyone with half a brain knows the only reason he refused.

Agreed - this is Teflon Ben we are talking about - i know for a fact he is up to his eyeballs in this crap and whilst nothing sticks to him the AFL and those in the inner circles know this guy is a bad egg and needs to be kicked out - I have said it before, at the time he did a runner from the booze bus i was banging a girl who was in the car when he went on his midnight triathalon - pretty obvious and anyone who sticks up for him is condoning his behaviour - just because nothing has stuck don't mean squat - surprised how niave many of you are.
Do you realise how easy it is for the police to charge anyone with either " resisting or refusing " , all you have to do is question why and demand an answer or reasoning for the officers directive and the officer can charge you with resisting arrest or even refusing a test of sorts because his ego says he can and to him he just stuck it up you .
Or as may in this case after 45 minutes of searching Ben they knew they had found nothing to justify their over the top mid city drama so to save face stuck Ben with a cheap " your word against mine " charge to save face.
I think the police force has more questions to answer over this than Ben
pretty obvious and anyone who sticks up for him is condoning his behaviour .
That old chesnut..

You can accuse me of being an apologist all you want, but I think everyone deserves a fair hearing and I think the rules that govern the game should be clearly defined. This has wider implications than what Benny boy did or didn't do, it is about getting a fair system so that everyone knows where they stand and there aren't any of these massive inconsistencies that the AFL can exploit when something is not going their way.

I really don't mind at all that the benny boy soap opera has unfolded this way. Its a bit sad but at the same time WCE has been pretty well shafted so its not all that bad.
OH please, here we go with "little Benny has never done anything wrong". :rolleyes:

If he had have agreed to have the drug test & he was clean, then it would have ended, but he refused & anyone with half a brain knows the only reason he refused.

So you're saying that carloads of detectives would have no longer followed him around Perth. Are you also saying they or other detectives wouldn't spend an hour and-a-half interviewing him in full public view in future? Are you saying an end would have been brought to this because the only drug for which they could charge him over its possession turned out to be not illegal to possess at all? Personally, if I'd been the victim of such an unconscionable vendetta, I'd be inclined not to co-operate, especially if my legal counsel advised against doing so. It's a fitup, which the cops ****ed up. The cops were too smart by half and have egg all over their faces. Situation normal. The only reason they became cops was that they failed the tram conductors' test and still wanted a uniform.

As for the AFL, their efforts in assisting his treatment will be the only thing which will dissuade Cousins from sueing their arses off for preventing him from earning his living. :rolleyes: Demetriou and the AFL administration have brought the game into disrepute by their actions. The pity is they have no moral compass which might assist them in assessing these despicable actions.
Agreed - this is Teflon Ben we are talking about - i know for a fact he is up to his eyeballs in this crap and whilst nothing sticks to him the AFL and those in the inner circles know this guy is a bad egg and needs to be kicked out - I have said it before, at the time he did a runner from the booze bus i was banging a girl who was in the car when he went on his midnight triathalon - pretty obvious and anyone who sticks up for him is condoning his behaviour - just because nothing has stuck don't mean squat - surprised how niave many of you are.

So that's why he ran away. Who could blame him?
'Bringing the game into disrepute' is discretionary on the AFL's part - They don't have to wait for confirmed convictions or charges.

By being associated with the game, Ben Cousins, through his actions, has caused the general public to think less of the AFL and the sport of Australian Rules Football - That is bringing the game into disrepute.

Whether he is charged, convicted, or even actually innocent of what has been levelled against him is irrelevant - He has brought down public opinion of the league and sport in a way that wouldn't have occurred had he not been an AFL football player.

I would think that it was probably that the AFL will not accept his nomination for the draft, meaning that he will REMAIN deregistered.

So when does Demetrispew get charged for that, letting 7 have the rights is his first crime under that theory with more to come ;)
All that being said skilts - if you know Teflon Ben or knock around with people who regularly go out with Teflon Ben, i guarantee you would not share those sentiments - ok the cops stuffed up as Ben was not personally carrying anything when they thought he was, but there is good reason he refused any forms of tests, just like when he did a runner and for Rockster - believe me Teflon Ben has more to answer for than you think.

What is sad is that he is a good mate of a close friend of mine and the guy needs help and the AFL might just be doing the guy a favour at least for 12 months, but i still do not condone what Ben has done off the park - on it the guy is a magician, but that is not under question and will never be disputed, but IMO it is a blessing in disguise what the AFL are doing.

No sporting body will idly sit back and let one of its members be associated with the darker side of life without intervening and it has every right to just like if any of you were bringing such attention to your work place - no-one would stand for it and as a lawyer, my firm would have me out on my ass in no time.
I just had a revelation. :eek:

All the trouble Benny has been in, is due to an Australia wide Polce operation to frame Benny & bring him down. It all maskes sense now, I wondered why that booze bus was set up on Canning Hwy, just when Benny was driving on it? How come they were walking around South Bank at that time of night, when Benny was passed out on the bench? Then the latest sting in Northbridge, I think Benny should have an MRI, because I think the police have somehow implanted a tracking device in poor Benny, just as well they can't track it in America. It's OK Ben, your safe there, but the minute you get back home, they will be tracking you again & trying to frame you. :(
AFL has charged cousins and have offically deregistered him from the AFL. Will not be allowed to play again

The guy is an addict, he has just lost one of his best mates to drugs, he is currently in rehab, he is probably right now going through the toughest time of his life. So the freaking AFL decide this is a good time to let the world know they are charging him with bringing the game into disrepute. But of course stupid Demetriou will spout about how concerned they are for his well being, with f****** friends like them you wouldn't need any enemies. The guy has NEVER failed a drug test, is right now working on trying to get straight.
Geez I really hope for ALL footballers sake Brendon Gale and the players association take a strong stand on this, this is bull**** .
Oh he can take them to court alright, that's his prerogative, but he won't win.

Yes I should have been more specific with 'all cases are losers'. All cases challenging punishment are losers. Restraint of trade is a different kettle of fish. This isn't restraint of trade, this is Cousins maybe going to court to get a punishment issued by the AFL overturned.

Have a read of
Not if they don't have anything concrete to charge him on. Technically (and we know it's technically unfortunately...we know the reality) a judge, IMHO, will look at that and say he is "unlawfully" being "restrained" from plying his trade and chuck it out. Remember the Williams case went 2-1 on appeal after Deisel won the in initial case and they only judged his guilt on the actual charge itself pushing an umpire, nothing in regards to "restraint of trade".
The guy is an addict, he has just lost one of his best mates to drugs, he is currently in rehab, he is probably right now going through the toughest time of his life. So the freaking AFL decide this is a good time to let the world know they are charging him with bringing the game into disrepute. But of course stupid Demetriou will spout about how concerned they are for his well being, with f****** friends like them you wouldn't need any enemies. The guy has NEVER failed a drug test, is right now working on trying to get straight.
Geez I really hope for ALL footballers sake Brendon Gale and the players association take a strong stand on this, this is bull**** .

Pretty contradictory statements there Leftfooter - first you say he is a drug addict, then second you say he hasn't been caught, both true accounts, so the AFL should sit back and do nothing - i will humour you on this one and ask - if the AFL do nothing, Ben plays next year, hasn't kicked his habit which you say he is an addict, and due to his heart racing a million miles an hour he has a stroke/heart attack on the footy field - how negligent do you think the AFL would be - as a lawyer it is obvious where the AFL is coming from, so answer that question smart guy!

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Breaking News:Cousins Officially Deregistered from the AFL

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