Mega Thread Buddy Franklin moves to Sydney

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Must admit sounds like a Aprils fools gag 9 yrs at least hawks get shafted been stealing from other clubs for years About time the karma train visited glen ferrie .by the way gibbo to swans next year can't see him staying at hawks without his bestie

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When you back end a contract of this length how are things like future inflation rates that are likely to drive up the salary cap going to be taken into account. In 9 years time a million $$ a year could be a standard contract for the top 10 players at each club the way things are headed.
in 9 year buddy won't be top 10 player in sydney.
Why not just level the full playing field and all vic teams travel as much as interstate teams (if not that not play most of there games on the G?), play the grand final on a neutral ground.

salary is only one equalization method. While teams can request blockbusters, third party interest in the game it is BS the game will ever be even.

When less then 5 (normally 1, 2 or 0) players get drafted from NSW, how can we keep interstate players? There is no players coming home. we can never pick home state players. Like on SEN, the COLA is to keep players at the club not get them. what it was before, it was only renamed a few years ago.

What about off field spending? why should you have a hyperbaric chamber and no other club has one? How does that even the competition.

Gate takings for stadiums, MCG teams have a way better deal then the Ethiad clubs? why not equalize that money?

There will never be a level playing field.

1. I don't agree with Blockbuster requests.
2. Off field spending should be evened, I said that in my post. That includes hyperbaric chambers.
3. Equalize gate takings.
4. Interstate side are traveling too much. Should be evened.
5. COLA is to keep players at the club, so why are the Swans using it to GET players. That is my point not yours.
Veteran status only excludes 115k out of the cap, not the 50% like it use to.

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Plus, unless the rule changes again, the player must still give 10 years of service to their club before they qualify for veteran status.
Agreed, but I think they've issued a statement as this is arguably the biggest, most audacious deal in AFL history and due to the media frenzy it has subsequently created. It has no real precedent.

Problem for Sydney is that the AFL wanted him at GWS. They can play funny buggers too. For example, pull the COLA right now and ask you to restructure the deal. Then if you satisfied that they could move the goal posts again. They have shown before they are capable of this type of behaviour. As I said on my previous post, Sydney's problem is that this time (and probably for the first time ever) the AFL is not on your side.
Must admit sounds like a Aprils fools gag 9 yrs at least hawks get shafted been stealing from other clubs for years About time the karma train visited glen ferrie .by the way gibbo to swans next year can't see him staying at hawks without his bestie

Cool post.
Can't wait until we sign Jaegar O'Meara on a 100 year contract.

What I would like to know is how Hawthorn supporters feel about a Franklin and his management approaching Sydney pretty much after losing the GF about getting to their club ? The fact that Franklin has known for nearly 12 months that he was going to be a Swan and only another 6-7 people have known about it is staggering.

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Totally messes us up. Swans don't need to exposure of Buddy anywhere near as much as we do.

They're already established in the Sydney market. We've yet to get a toehold.

AFL should look to veto this for the good of the league.

Messes you up? mate you have been giving the world and then some we didn't get shit and had to fight tooth and nail to survive in the 90's while clubs were pillaging off us.
Problem for Sydney is that the AFL wanted him at GWS. They can play funny buggers too. For example, pull the COLA right now and ask you to restructure the deal. Then if you satisfied that they could move the goal posts again. They have shown before they are capable of this type of behaviour. As I said on my previous post, Sydney's problem is that this time (and probably for the first time ever) the AFL is not on your side.

Agreed again. As I've stated earlier, I believe the Swans management are fully aware of the implications of this deal and are prepared for any ramifications relating to possibly losing/reducing COLA. Like to think they would have a plan B if that were the case in terms of restructuring the deal.
They should do it for the good of the game. Swans are taking the ******* piss and I can't wait till it bites them on the ass.

Like it or not the AFL cannot veto it. They made the rules that allows this to happen. Thye'd open themselves up to every bit of legal action imaginable if they tried to veto it. And we know just howe much the AFL lovvvvve legal action. They avoid it like the plague.
What I would like to know is how Hawthorn supporters feel about a Franklin and his management approaching Sydney pretty much after losing the GF about getting to their club ? The fact that Franklin has known for nearly 12 months that he was going to be a Swan and only another 6-7 people have known about it is staggering.

It's a dog act from Sydney, Buddy and his management but he did his job for us this year. For that I thank him. Hopefully he ends up like Dermie and stinks it up :p Don't want him to be remembered as a Sydney player.
Can't see any swans supporters happy with a 9 year deal. Unless it is front loaded for 5 or 6 years. Could backfire big time.

Front-loading a nine year contract with over a mil each year... that's taking up a huge, huge hit of your salary cap. It's alright when it's $700,000-a-year for three seasons, it makes sense, but this is just impossible to manage.
And furthermore, any club could equally try the NHL style super-long contract too if they wanted. If they'd thought of it first.

"We thought of it first, so suck it up" is a very slippery slope. Ask Essendon fans about their finals campaign for evidence of that. Just because you are a pioneer doesn't mean it is ethical. Giving a player a contract well beyond their used by date in the hope you'll slip under the "don't have to pay the remainder under the cap because they are too injured at 32 to play" loophole is not something to be proud of. And it sounds like the NHL agreed, and closed the loophole in their system.
COLA is to keep players at the club, so why are the Swans using it to GET players. That is my point not yours.

Have you seen the swans books? can you say this for certain? If the AFL Vito's the deal, I will be extremely happy. I do not want a 9 year contract (And something was a miss, hopefully just the length of the contract). If the AFL approves the deal, you are plain wrong!

I am not agreeing or disagreeing with the COLA, but you can not have a definitive statement like that until everything is known.
To all the Sydney fans bleating about how much the money is needed to keep Sydney strong, I always thought the mythical "Bloods" culture wasnt anything to do with money, it was about team spirit. Therefore wouldnt you succeed no matter who is on your list or who isnt, or do you get a nice feeling ripping teams off while at the same time paying your loyal players less then they deserve?
Sydney would succeed even after losing COLA, that much is a certainty, a winning culture is not built on money is it?[/quote]

Good question. What is a culture of mediocrity & failure built on ?
Bunk Moreland you asked what happened to Franklin and Hawthorn?

This is what happened.

"We thought of it first, so suck it up" is a very slippery slope. Ask Essendon fans about their finals campaign for evidence of that. Just because you are a pioneer doesn't mean it is ethical. Giving a player a contract well beyond their used by date in the hope you'll slip under the "don't have to pay the remainder under the cap because they are too injured at 32 to play" loophole is not something to be proud of. And it sounds like the NHL agreed, and closed the loophole in their system.

If he retires early and we're able to avoid paying the remainder under the cap, that's dodgy. I'm working on the assumption that we will have to pay it under the cap but are gambling that it'll be worth the risk.
I have mixed emotions and fluctuating opinions on this.

- Obviously very disappointed at losing a favorite player.
- Currently feel a bit jaded about the AFL, and my interest has fallen away a little, hopefully it returns with a new season.
- He's given his all to the HFC during his time here, respect for that.
- He did his best not to derail 2013 even though he knew he was leaving, respect for that.
- He wants to go to Sydney for the lifestyle = fair enough, it's his life, enjoy it.
- We have picked up good players from other clubs like Gunston and Burgoyne, so we have been on the good end of these deals.
- Maybe hurts a little more (or less, not sure) leaving straight after a premiership, didn't leave us much time to enjoy it.
- ?

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Mega Thread Buddy Franklin moves to Sydney

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