Buddy Out - mental health issue, says club.

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Now the Hawks moved Buddy on ?

and they did that by offering him the biggest contract ever offered to a player by his current team in the history of the game ?
Tough decade for the Swans... I reckon Bud will recover quicker than the Swans #CouldntHappenToABetterFranchise
Couldn't find a more disgusting post then this. You don't easily recover from mental health issues, he'll always to some degree have the issues when he retires- it's a bout managing the condition and being patience with it. There's no quick fix.
Take your hatred for a footy team out of this and show some goddgamn respect. I'm sure you would be pissed if I said the same in regards to Dustin Martin and throw in a hash tag. Easy to do that on the keyboard then saying that face to face.

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Couldn't find a more disgusting post then this. You don't easily recover from mental health issues, he'll always to some degree have the issues when he retires- it's a bout managing the condition and being patience with it. There's no quick fix.
Take your hatred for a footy team out of this and show some goddgamn respect. I'm sure you would be pissed if I said the same in regards to Dustin Martin and throw in a hash tag. Easy to do that on the keyboard then saying that face to face.

You're kidding me right? So because I believe Bud has more spine and backbone in his little finger than the Swans organisation it makes me disgusting? I love Bud, a legend, a hall of famer and probably my favourite player of all time behind Dunstall but just because he's a swan doesn't mean I need to have sympathy for the footy club. They'll be gone in straight sets.

Now the Hawks moved Buddy on ?

and they did that by offering him the biggest contract ever offered to a player by his current team in the history of the game ?

Yes.. Just wait for them to come some more

It's usually described more specifically as a "neurological disorder" rather than a "mental illness", but in the interest of discretion, this may be the way they've chosen to portray it.

Interestingly, a bit of off-the-cuff internet research will show that hospitalisation for seizures (eventually attributed to epilepsy) is far more common among Indigenous Australians than non-Indigenous Australians, so Indigenous Australians may have a higher genetic disposition to such issues, and a distinct possibility that this may be the cause of Buddy's seizures and is his "mental health" issue.

That being said, I really think this may be a case of Buddy just needing a serious break and pressure release, as opposed to something like epilepsy or drug problems, but unless he or the Swans are more forthcoming with details (and they have every right not to be, too), I guess we'll never know for sure.

On the topic of epilepsy, and from memory, there are about 30% of people that present with epileptic seizures that are in fact non-epileptic seizures. The term used is psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES). Many suffer from a little known illness called conversion disorder.

Not saying this is what buddy has but seizures don't always mean epilepsy. The brain is one complex bastard.
No ......my son had three before he was two years of age ......he's now 9 and hasn't had one some 18 months of age

Yes drug withdrawal and drug overuse can cause seizures, general health and immune systems can affect seizures also ..healthier you are the better off you are

I can say I've experienced this first hand. A guy from my office had a big weekend, didn't take all his meds and had a seizure in his chair whilst working on a Monday afternoon, it was quite confronting and scary. The ambulance came and he was whisked away, it's fair to say if you have epilepsy you need to be taking care of your body like its a temple.
This is wonderful!
You followed my speculation with your speculation.

Clever Hawks!
Too clever for everyone else on here.

You made a comment that Nathan Thompson's depression was "kept well hidden" by Hawthorn. That comment was not speculative - it was demonstrably wrong and the link to the article proves it.

Starting from that false premise, you proceeded to query whether Hawthorn does not tolerate players suffering a mental illness and prefers to move them out of the organisation. Again, this ignores the fact that Lance Franklin proactively elected to leave the club, and did so (unbeknownst to Hawthorn) by contacting the Sydney Swans while he still had 12 months to run on his contract. That is not speculation, that is a fact - and it's a fact which again disproves your theory that Hawthorn 'moved him on' because of his mental health.

Sure, I don't know the precise discussions that went on behind closed doors in relation to Sydney's decision to announce that Franklin has a mental illness and/or epilepsy, but their press release stated, "After careful consideration, the club can confirm that Lance Franklin suffers mild epilepsy – unrelated to the current mental health issues he is dealing with".

That reads to me as if to suggest they are reluctant to disclose his health issues, but are simultaneously looking to get on the front foot and quash any suggestion that his current issues are in any way connected to drug use. If that's the case, I don't disagree with the strategy. However, I don't believe this is some sort of benevolent, community-minded campaign on the part of the Sydney Swans to raise awareness of male mental health or epilepsy or whatever other charitable motivation you seem intent on ascribing to the club.
Couldn't find a more disgusting post then this. You don't easily recover from mental health issues, he'll always to some degree have the issues when he retires- it's a bout managing the condition and being patience with it. There's no quick fix.
Take your hatred for a footy team out of this and show some goddgamn respect. I'm sure you would be pissed if I said the same in regards to Dustin Martin and throw in a hash tag. Easy to do that on the keyboard then saying that face to face.
Why would you use Dustin Martin as an example, tige19 is a Hawthorn supporter.

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You need to get out more then, I live down south away from the city and the amount of social drug use in adults is waaaayyy more than 10 % way way more.
And they are all functioning members of society who work, play sport, bring up kids.

By the way you don't have to preface every post with " I'm a drug and alcohol counsellor "

He clearly said in the last paragraph that you just quoted that his 10% figure is based on those who take it to dangerous and problematic problems ie. abusers. He also stated his profession and prefaced the post by stating this is his clinical experience. Given all that info he provided coupled with the fact that social drug users would not go to a drug counsellor because they do not have a problem serious enough to warrant that action and are therefore irrelevant to this discussion, I don't see how your post has anything to do with anything. My guess is he is gonna keep prefacing his posts until people actually read and understand them before replying.
Didn't quite know what to expect coming on here and am both pleasantly surprised and disgusted at the same time.

It's great seeing this issue talked about openly in the public domain and amongst posters on here in a positive, supportive light. The support for BBBB (Big Bad Busttlin Bud) has been outstanding and highly commendable to those on here who choose to act like sensible, rational, compassionate, empathetic human beings. The team you support shouldn't matter in this conversation.

You either support someone in their battle against a mental health related disease/illness or you don't.

In supporting Buddy through this you are promoting an open and frank discussion about the impact of such illness which is often seen to be so hard to talk about and manage, with the potential for some horrific and devastating outcomes. You can choose to support Lance in battling something he could very well be fighting for the rest of his life in a positive way.

Of course, you have every right to choose not to support him. However, for those ridiculing him and his situation (or the clubs because of such an issue) then I genuinely and honestly feel really sad for you and what your life must be like. I'm sad for how you must feel about the world and those feelings that drive you to try to "take the piss" out of such a serious issue or "stick it to XYZ". The ironic thing is you are showing all the signs that you too suffer from mental health related illness. It could be the cause of your attention seeking behaviour and or fears of inadequacy or unpopularity.

In particular I'd like to call out tige19 for their perfect example of the importance we need to place on dealing with mental health related illness... Even you can be helped tige19. You don't have to get online and become some horrible troll out to make others feel worse just to make you life more worthwhile. Life is amazing and more worth living when you let others in and share the good with everyone and not just try to bring other people down because ultimately, by dragging others down, your just living down at the bottom too IMO.
Didn't quite know what to expect coming on here and am both pleasantly surprised and disgusted at the same time.

It's great seeing this issue talked about openly in the public domain and amongst posters on here in a positive, supportive light. The support for BBBB (Big Bad Busttlin Bud) has been outstanding and highly commendable to those on here who choose to act like sensible, rational, compassionate, empathetic human beings. The team you support shouldn't matter in this conversation.

You either support someone in their battle against a mental health related disease/illness or you don't.

In supporting Buddy through this you are promoting an open and frank discussion about the impact of such illness which is often seen to be so hard to talk about and manage, with the potential for some horrific and devastating outcomes. You can choose to support Lance in battling something he could very well be fighting for the rest of his life in a positive way.

Of course, you have every right to choose not to support him. However, for those ridiculing him and his situation (or the clubs because of such an issue) then I genuinely and honestly feel really sad for you and what your life must be like. I'm sad for how you must feel about the world and those feelings that drive you to try to "take the piss" out of such a serious issue or "stick it to XYZ". The ironic thing is you are showing all the signs that you too suffer from mental health related illness. It could be the cause of your attention seeking behaviour and or fears of inadequacy or unpopularity.

In particular I'd like to call out tige19 for their perfect example of the importance we need to place on dealing with mental health related illness... Even you can be helped tige19. You don't have to get online and become some horrible troll out to make others feel worse just to make you life more worthwhile. Life is amazing and more worth living when you let others in and share the good with everyone and not just try to bring other people down because ultimately, by dragging others down, your just living down at the bottom too IMO.

Theres a lot of projecting going on in this thread.
No ......my son had three before he was two years of age ......he's now 9 and hasn't had one some 18 months of age

Yes drug withdrawal and drug overuse can cause seizures, general health and immune systems can affect seizures also ..healthier you are the better off you are
No what?

Your story has nothing to do with my post. Did you even read the question I was answering?
Yours isn't!

Jonathon Hay, Nathan Thompson, now Buddy!

Their issues kept well hidden at the Hawks it seems.
Perhaps not really the club where one can be comfortable enough to speak about their mental illness.
The 'tough' club with known bravado where one shouldn't show their weakness. Straight out of the book of knowledge on how to handle yourself as an AFL footballer by Derm!

More speculation?
Oh wait!
"We're a happy team at Hawthorn"!

Move 'em on. Too hard for us!

They were happy until they moved onto other clubs ;)
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Didn't quite know what to expect coming on here and am both pleasantly surprised and disgusted at the same time.

It's great seeing this issue talked about openly in the public domain and amongst posters on here in a positive, supportive light. The support for BBBB (Big Bad Busttlin Bud) has been outstanding and highly commendable to those on here who choose to act like sensible, rational, compassionate, empathetic human beings. The team you support shouldn't matter in this conversation.

You either support someone in their battle against a mental health related disease/illness or you don't.

In supporting Buddy through this you are promoting an open and frank discussion about the impact of such illness which is often seen to be so hard to talk about and manage, with the potential for some horrific and devastating outcomes. You can choose to support Lance in battling something he could very well be fighting for the rest of his life in a positive way.

Of course, you have every right to choose not to support him. However, for those ridiculing him and his situation (or the clubs because of such an issue) then I genuinely and honestly feel really sad for you and what your life must be like. I'm sad for how you must feel about the world and those feelings that drive you to try to "take the piss" out of such a serious issue or "stick it to XYZ". The ironic thing is you are showing all the signs that you too suffer from mental health related illness. It could be the cause of your attention seeking behaviour and or fears of inadequacy or unpopularity.

In particular I'd like to call out tige19 for their perfect example of the importance we need to place on dealing with mental health related illness... Even you can be helped tige19. You don't have to get online and become some horrible troll out to make others feel worse just to make you life more worthwhile. Life is amazing and more worth living when you let others in and share the good with everyone and not just try to bring other people down because ultimately, by dragging others down, your just living down at the bottom too IMO.

Don't bother with the self righteous crap mate, I have had nothing but sympathy for Bud, I absolutely love the bloke and what he's achieved for Hawthorn. What I don't give a rats clacker about is the Sydney Swans.

As I said Buddy will get past it, he has an amazing support network through friends and family and I'm sure many ex hawk team mates have reached out. Depression and mental illness is debilitating no doubt, it's a sad and shocking disease and my best mate took his life from this very disgusting and difficult disease. I feel for Bud not the Swans.
Don't bother with the self righteous crap mate, I have had nothing but sympathy for Bud, I absolutely love the bloke and what he's achieved for Hawthorn. What I don't give a rats clacker about is the Sydney Swans.

As I said Buddy will get past it, he has an amazing support network through friends and family and I'm sure many ex hawk team mates have reached out. Depression and mental illness is debilitating no doubt, it's a sad and shocking disease and my best mate took his life from this very disgusting and difficult disease. I feel for Bud not the Swans.

It says so much about your character then that you can even considering trolling a football club on this with the illness that took your best friends life. The club has done nothing but give him the privacy and respect he deserves, if this has ramifications on football than so be it, it's just a sport. However this has nothing to do with Sydney Swans Football Club, and everything to do with a man's mental health. If you can't separate when it's okay to set aside a game and a man's well-being you need to take a good hard look at yourself.
Don't bother with the self righteous crap mate, I have had nothing but sympathy for Bud, I absolutely love the bloke and what he's achieved for Hawthorn. What the don't give a rats clacker about is the Sydney Swans and the cards you've been dealt!

As I said Buddy will get past it, he has an amazing support network through friends and family and I'm sure many ex hawk team mates have reached out. Depression and mental illness is debilitating no doubt, it's a sad and shocking disease and my best mate took his life from this very disgusting and difficult disease. I feel for Bud not the Swans.
That's very sad to hear about your mate. I'm very sorry to hear you've been personally impacted by such a tragedy and would hope you then understand the importance of not derailing this thread for hating on the footy club instead of supporting Buddy.

Trolling the club and it's supporters in a thread designed around discussing Buddys mental health issue (and more broadly mental health issues in general) isn't required IMO. Go find a "$ydney $wan$ Bondi Billionares" or "Cola Swans" type thread somewhere (there's plenty of them) and join like minded posters about the issue - Don't come into the "buddy has a mental health issue" thread to spread crap about a club you for one reason or another have a dislike for. It's in bad taste and reflects very poorly upon you IMO.

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Buddy Out - mental health issue, says club.

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