Cameron Bruce

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Re: Bruce quits club


When Brock announced he was going to leave, it really shock me up - and I was not Robinson Crusoe. And at the same time, Davey was out of contract and making noises. But then the old hard-drive light started to flicker and I thought to myself (as did others): how much of a loss is Brock really? You know the rest.

With me at least, I am not at all bothered by Bruce's decision to leave. From what we are now hearing, it was more to do with not being guaranteed a place in the XXII rather than the coin (and he has made enough of that over the years). If so, any club that is prepared to offer that sort of guarantee to a 31 year old who is not overly blessed with skills is actually asking their current coach to don the Shirt of Nessus, much like Terry Wallace and Kent Kingsley at Richmond (KK cost the Tigers little, but that meant bugger all to the Richmond ferals).

I would not be surprised if he was not picked up per se. Dammit he is 31 and no champion,

If this decision evokes any sort of reaction from me it is one of bewilderment: how can one guy be so dumb?

Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain.

I'm kind of split down the middle with this one. Bruce, although copping the wrath from most of us all year, still managed to finish just outside the top 5 in our B&F. I feel his professional manner will be sorely missed, especially since our skipper is gone as well.

I congratulate the club in a way, for not caving into a 31 year old's demands. All players who are out of contract and over 30, should only be offered 1 year contracts! Plus, like Biff states, Bailey could not promise Bruce a spot in our side, and i think this, over the money offered, was the decision why Bruce left. Even though, i feel Bruce still has 2 years left in him, he has become slow and vulnerable. With Strauss, Blease, Gysberts and Tapscott looking for gametime, It might be a blessing in disguise. Although, it does mean Grimes will be anchored in defense now. Time for Strauss to step up and take Bruce's spot in the team...
Re: Bruce quits club

Too many people getting caught up in the romance of it all - why should our club guarantee anyone a spot in the 22? Especially a 31 year old who played some pretty poor games at times this year.

The club made the right decision - guaranteeing Bruce a spot in the 22 will just lead to other players thinking they can do the same to us in the future which isn't what we want.

Bruce was a great player for us over the years, but to ask for a guaranteed spot in the 22 is a bit much.
Re: Bruce quits club

Its good he is gone. He just doesn't have the disposal skills to execute our game plan. I'm not going to miss his helicopter kicks and hospital handpasses. The only bad thing is that he leaves us without compensation. Its pretty bad. I'm sure he was 1 of the highest paid players at our club for a long time. To leave looking for money at the age of 31, well that just stinks.

I'll remember that nice little purple patch he had before Guerra knocked him.

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Re: Bruce quits club

Everyone cut sick at the club when Trav was traded and that was a massive win.

Everyone cut sick at McLean when he left and that's worked out nicely so far.

Now everyone is having a go at Bruce. I say good luck to him, if we can't be strong enough to with stand his loss then we weren't going anywhere anyway. He might get a chance of 2 years best 22 footy and a flag.

I think its sad for all of us because we now only have Green left from 2000 and Green, Davey and Rivers left from the 2004-2006 Daniher era. It was a period where I thought we had stars of the comp and could go close. Miller is another shining hope from that time who's faded.

Whoever he goes to better start buying some track suit pants.

Incorrect. Newton was also drafted during this era. 2004 I think. He has come on in leaps & bounds.:rolleyes:
Re: Bruce quits club

Its good he is gone. He just doesn't have the disposal skills to execute our game plan. I'm not going to miss his helicopter kicks and hospital handpasses. The only bad thing is that he leaves us without compensation. Its pretty bad. I'm sure he was 1 of the highest paid players at our club for a long time. To leave looking for money at the age of 31, well that just stinks.

I'll remember that nice little purple patch he had before Guerra knocked him.

What Guerra did was a dog's act and if he had done it in 2010 he would have been rubbed out for 6 weeks. Bruce was winning the Brownlow up until that dog's act. He was MFC's best player and we lost a bit of momentum when he got injured.

True his diposal was ify at times but he is a life member of the club and has been through some tough times at MFC.

I'm sad to see him leave, I think our club has made a few blues in the past couple of years. Namely Bruce and JMAC.

We have delisted our captain and now a 10 year player.

We have lost a heap of experience and I hope the club knows what it is doing.

Personally, I would have carried the likes of BRUCE & JMAC out of respect for these great MFC players.

Very sad for MFC supporters and doesn't leave a nice feeling about our club.

For me it has essendon football club written all over it!! Not good.
I very much doubt any club would offer him a 2 year deal? certainly I would think Hawthorn would be very reluctant.

Maybe he saw what happened to James Macdonald and walked the plank?
Re: Bruce quits club

I disagree. After 10 years, considering that all clubs have to pay 92% of the cap and he's been one of our highest paid players for awhile, he's have been making comparable coin to far better players in the comp e.g. Bartel. We don't owe him anything.

On the footballing side of things this 10 years for the club bs was trotted out when the bulldogs gave brad johnson another contract, and by the end of the season most people would agree that it was a mistake. After 30 things can go downhill quickly. A one year deal was fair. Bruce has been a good player for the club and pre Guerra was a gun. He's been solid, versatile player since but I back the club 100% on this one.


On the upside you can brag about the average age of your list even more next year :p

Re: Bruce quits club

MFC will have problems next year. They sacked the captain and the vice-captain walked out. You can't replace that level of experience and leadership overnight.

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Re: Bruce quits club

Morton has been given chances to step up. He is a fringe player at best.

You are without question a TROLL!!!! Your opinion counts for zero on this board. No membership, no optimism for next year, no support for our young players.

Go away!
Re: Bruce quits club

I'm kind of split down the middle with this one. Bruce, although copping the wrath from most of us all year, still managed to finish just outside the top 5 in our B&F. I feel his professional manner will be sorely missed, especially since our skipper is gone as well.

I congratulate the club in a way, for not caving into a 31 year old's demands. All players who are out of contract and over 30, should only be offered 1 year contracts! Plus, like Biff states, Bailey could not promise Bruce a spot in our side, and i think this, over the money offered, was the decision why Bruce left. Even though, i feel Bruce still has 2 years left in him, he has become slow and vulnerable. With Strauss, Blease, Gysberts and Tapscott looking for gametime, It might be a blessing in disguise. Although, it does mean Grimes will be anchored in defense now. Time for Strauss to step up and take Bruce's spot in the team...

This post sums my feelings up to a tee, Crusty.

Although, I feel Cam might look back on this decision in 5/10 years time and regret that he wasn't a one club player. :(
Re: Bruce quits club

I think we should all respect Cam's decision, as I'm sure it would not have been easy to tell the club that he wants out, after going through a hell of a lot during the roller coaster years that he has been at the club...

He was never one of my most favourite players, (maybe due to Trakkie dacks or his disposal at times) but he was very clever & fit & more importantly, represented OUR club & therefore we should applaud him for his efforts...

Bruce has his faults, but is still a player that can teach kids what it is required as a pro in regards to fitness & recovery...

In regards to the good money he has been paid as player for Melb, a player earns the right to demand that contract & he surely is one who was in that position...

Player Manager - Doing his job I suppose, but seems to me to be a real smart arse & in need of repositioning himself as a main player in his field, so therefore maybe using players as pawns, not necessarily with the best outcome for them (one club player) as the end result...

There is no way, I would ever contemplate having Nixon represent a child of mine...

It should bring excitement to the playing group (after a sense of mourning has subsided), as the fight for that position in the team begins... Don't under estimate the power of clearing the decks of players from "the old coaches" list, who, know matter hard they try, still fall back in to old habits, when the going is tough... Now that the only players left are "highly skilled" poor options & execution mistakes should be a lot less...

My ramble ends...
Re: Bruce quits club

Bruce was one of our best players over a long period of time and he was easily my favourite player. It's a shame that he won't stick around for some success after sticking through the darker times.

But he's 31 and will be overtaken this year by the younger players. Looking at him on the field this year and last, he looked a shadow of his past self. I think that the game may have passed him by.

Easily a club legend and we shouldn't forget this.
Re: Bruce quits club

Easily a club legend and we shouldn't forget this.
You can't be serious. You can't be putting him up there with Barassi, Flower, Lyon and co.

Good player over the journey, never become the star he looked like he was going to be in '05, now purely a stopper.
Re: Bruce quits club

If he was so confident in his abilities why didn't he take the one year and prove himself worthy? Also take into account that the club did reward his services with a substantial pay packet for most of his career. He must realise that he is an older cog in a new motor that will get swapped out for a newer part. Melbourne have to make the hard calls and I feel that a number of the older players are finding it hard to take. I applaud Bailey for taking a hard stance and nurturing a new breed of players that are hungry and "want" to be at the club. Fighting for a position in a team breeds a competitive environment. Bruce knew that his bad kicking and lack of pace in our new style would be his demise and couldn't face the fact that his time maybe up. the club offered him the chance to "earn" his spot and prove he was worthy and decided to pack it in. Melbourne should have traded for him and got something for their troubles.
Re: Bruce quits club

You can't be serious. You can't be putting him up there with Barassi, Flower, Lyon and co.

Good player over the journey, never become the star he looked like he was going to be in '05, now purely a stopper.
Liberal use of the word legend. If those guys are Club Legends, then Bruce is a Club Champion. Over 200 games, Vice-Captained the team, 10 years service.

I think a lot of users on this board have a short memory regarding Bruce. At one point there, he was easily one our best, if not our best player. The game has passed him by though.
Re: Bruce quits club

Player Manager - Doing his job I suppose, but seems to me to be a real smart arse & in need of repositioning himself as a main player in his field, so therefore maybe using players as pawns, not necessarily with the best outcome for them (one club player) as the end result...

There is no way, I would ever contemplate having Nixon represent a child of mine...
You sound surprised about his characteristics. Manager is code for I will screw anybody to make a buck.

Being represented by the Ben Cousins of manager's says everthing about the player IMO.
Re: Bruce quits club

I don't think anyone anywhere asks for a guaranteed spot. He probably sought assurances that if he is fit and in form, he won't be overlooked for someone else just because of the year on their birth certificate.
Re: Bruce quits club

And Bruce is a very fit player. He will still be very fit in 2 years too!
mate i could be fit in 2 years, if you paid me 400k a year just to train. the question is whether he is going to be a GOOD player in 2 years (or even next year).

congrats to the club for holing out, pretty sure nixon is in cahoots with the devil anyway

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Cameron Bruce

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