Can you beat Judd's time?

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Re: Can you beat Judd's beep test?

i got perth development footy coming up, and the beep test is in it, so it should be good, i cant wait, (this development footy is done in in december, and played early next year so they can pick the state 16s)
Re: Can you beat Judd's beep test?

8.3 was my highest this year, no physical activity since last year when i played football.

Also it wasn't really my best effort, had to do it for school and no motivation.

I might start doing some cardio on my days off from weights.
Re: Can you beat Judd's time? ** MB Thread moved here**

It is not just physics either, it is also a matter of biomechanics and physiology. Running downhill requires eccentric (lengthening) contractions to slow down and maintain balance. Running uphill is going to require much stronger concentric contractions as well, elevating the rate of fatigue. So you do not get a speed boost just from running down a hill.

I think the main thing about doing interval exercise such as hill running is that you are disturbing steady state biological conditions faster and as such can be expected to fatigue quicker or have performance suffer faster as a result.

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Re: Can you beat Judd's beep test?

The best time I have run during a preseaon beep teat is 15.2 but that was a bloody long time ago when I was playing at state level footy.
Just ran 3.2 km in 13 mins today at the gym and was pretty stuffed after it. Rekon i could get it down to about 11 mins by start of footy season.
Just ran 3.2 km in 13 mins today at the gym and was pretty stuffed after it. Rekon i could get it down to about 11 mins by start of footy season.

Just got a gps run tracker in my Iphone (best gadget ever) and im running 4.3 kms in 15 min 50 seconds (best time so far).
Im terrible at maths so feel free to correct me but i think that would put 3.2kms at my pace around 11 mins 52 secs (even if i took out the hills i have in my run and the slow last km from fatigue i dont think i would get under 11 mins) i think im going alright but Judds time is pretty amazing especially at the start of a pre-season, im about the same size at Juddy to (184cm 85kgs) so its a fairly good comparison i think.
agree to disagree.

stand next to him one day and get back to me.


I think this will suffice.

189cm & 85 kgs is not the stuff of tanks. No disrespect to Judd, I'm just solely speaking in reply to the claim he's a 'big boy'. He's hard to tackle for other reasons.

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I think this will suffice.

189cm & 85 kgs is not the stuff of tanks. No disrespect to Judd, I'm just solely speaking in reply to the claim he's a 'big boy'. He's hard to tackle for other reasons.
You are an absoloute idiot. Firstly, that picture was taken after he was drafted to carlton, when had not played any footy quite a while, he'd also been through surgery.
Secondly, one of mates who is an amateur body builder is about 185cm and weighs about 76kg's. He is a massive, massive bloke. Absoloutely ripped. My point being is that his weight means bugger all, it's all about his body fat percentage. See him in real life and make a real decision thats not built on a 12month old picture in his off season and BMI
You are an absoloute idiot. Firstly, that picture was taken after he was drafted to carlton, when had not played any footy quite a while, he'd also been through surgery.
Secondly, one of mates who is an amateur body builder is about 185cm and weighs about 76kg's. He is a massive, massive bloke. Absoloutely ripped. My point being is that his weight means bugger all, it's all about his body fat percentage. See him in real life and make a real decision thats not built on a 12month old picture in his off season and BMI

And you're blind. His bodyfat % is fairly standard for a midfielder and so is his upper body mass. You can't go throwing around exaggerations without them being pointed out buddy. I can't comment on your friend but weight with respect to height is a reasonable indicator of lean mass when no other info's available, especially when you compare Judd to other 6'2" blokes playing at AFL level. I don't know what the average is, but my guess is it'd be a few kgs heavier at a similar bodyfat %.

Therefore Judd ≠ Tank/'Big Boy'


"oh look at me, if i got into training i could get close to that time"

thing is, once judd gets deeper into training, he'll just be getting further and further in front of you

oh and judd isn't a tank in terms of muscle, although he is quite lean, however the reason it's hard to tackle him is because of his legs. his balance is flipping ridiculous, similar to shaun burgoyne with his legs and hips who is also very hard to tackle
And you're blind. His bodyfat % is fairly standard for a midfielder and so is his upper body mass. You can't go throwing around exaggerations without them being pointed out buddy. I can't comment on your friend but weight with respect to height is a reasonable indicator of lean mass when no other info's available, especially when you compare Judd to other 6'2" blokes playing at AFL level. I don't know what the average is, but my guess is it'd be a few kgs heavier at a similar bodyfat %.

Therefore Judd ≠ Tank/'Big Boy'


well looking at those pics, especially the WCE one, I'd still call him a tank.
You are an absoloute idiot. Firstly, that picture was taken after he was drafted to carlton, when had not played any footy quite a while, he'd also been through surgery.
Secondly, one of mates who is an amateur body builder is about 185cm and weighs about 76kg's. He is a massive, massive bloke. Absoloutely ripped. My point being is that his weight means bugger all, it's all about his body fat percentage. See him in real life and make a real decision thats not built on a 12month old picture in his off season and BMI
haha 76 kilos and he's "massive"? you just showed how easy it is for you to consider somebody 'large'. i'm 185cm and weigh 95kgs. admittedly, about 3-5 kilos of that would be fat, but gee, i'd hate to see what you think i am.
76 kilos :p
you do realise there's a diffrence between being ripped/having low fat and being 'massive'/lots of muscle mass?

those pictures of judd show he has a bit of definition, and not even that much, but by no means is he even close to being a 'big boy'.
haha 76 kilos and he's "massive"? you just showed your low standards on what you consider people to be large. i'm 185cm and weigh 95kgs. admittedly, about 3-5 kilos of that would be fat, but gee, i'd hate for you to think i am. an absolutely massive man mountain?
76 kilos :p
you do realise there's a diffrence between being ripped/having low fat and being 'massive'/lots of muscle mass?

those pictures of judd show he has a bit of definition, and not even that much, but by no means is he even close to being a 'big boy'.
mate do some research on pro body builders and you'll find that I am correct. If what you've said about yourself is correct, then you would be huge. Btw he was 76kg at competiion time, he'd go up 7 or 8 kg's while not in competition.
mate do some research on pro body builders and you'll find that I am correct. If what you've said about yourself is correct, then you would be huge. Btw he was 76kg at competiion time, he'd go up 7 or 8 kg's while not in competition.
i've done plenty. correct about what exactly?
yeah added weight during bulking/off-competition is a given, but even still, 83kg isn't that big, especially for a bodybuilder. anyway, that's not the point, i'm getting off topic. judd is an athlete, and has an athlete's body, but by no means is he massive.
Judd has muscle but I dont consider him a tank by afl standards.

Recent tanks to me include:

Barry Hall
Warren Tredrea
Fraser Gehrig
Mal Michael

to name a couple key forwards

David Rodan
Nathan Buckley
Josh Hunt

to name a couple shorter players

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Can you beat Judd's time?

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