Scandal Carey back to his old ways

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You seem to be taking this personally for some reason.

Surely she's entitled to dump whoever she damn well wants to.

The dumping is not the issue, it's the reasons why that speaks volumes of her 'character' and other 'girls' of her ilk.

Feel sorry for Marc as he comes across as a genuine nice bloke but it seems that he's fairly oblivious and naive when it comes to certain types of women.

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Right, this thread is on notice.

The abuse flying between posters can stop.

The childish and puerile drivel can stop.

Some of the chauvinism on display in here has been disgusting.

This is not the Bay, this is a place where you are meant to post like something resembling a half decent human and if you have no intention of doing so, go away and keep your posts to yourself.

If the thread degenerates into the crap it did tonight again, it's getting locked.
Surely with Carey's latest comments and the potential damage that this is doing to a real human being's reputation, this thread can now be closed?
It doesn't matter if people believe his comments or not, it's probably the decent thing to do.
Carey put that rumour to bed last night (so to speak).

There's no way the rumour is true.

If Carey is that good a liar he should run for parliament. He was pretty emphatic (and open) about it.
The dumping is not the issue, it's the reasons why that speaks volumes of her 'character' and other 'girls' of her ilk.

Feel sorry for Marc as he comes across as a genuine nice bloke but it seems that he's fairly oblivious and naive when it comes to certain types of women.
Do you know those reasons, or are you just assuming because you think the timeline suits? Do you actually know the timeline? How soon after he was delisted did she dump him? Did she actually dump him? Were they having other problems?
Carey put that rumour to bed last night (so to speak).

There's no way the rumour is true.

If Carey is that good a liar he should run for parliament. He was pretty emphatic (and open) about it.

Yes the media have all got together and cleared Carey's good name, while making it perfectly clear that Mrs Murphy must have slept with someone else that got her husband so upset. But at least they saved Carey's good name.

( if Murphy and his family have been damaged by this incident it is Purple and the Media's fault. Prior to that it was just an angry man on a footy ground ).
Yes the media have all got together and cleared Carey's good name, while making it perfectly clear that Mrs Murphy must have slept with someone else that got her husband so upset. But at least they saved Carey's good name.

( if Murphy and his family have been damaged by this incident it is Purple and the Media's fault. Prior to that it was just an angry man on a footy ground ).

The media weren't the ones who started the personal attacks.
The media weren't the ones who started the personal attacks.

Do you know who started them?

You really don't see the irony?
I'm here to report on National televison that someone has really upset Mark Murphy, what was said to him was ".... .... ...."

Oh and what Purple suggested ( Carey rumour ) was not what the sledge was anyway.
Yep all well and good to attack a players family members but it's a dog act to mouth off to someone who's on the ground. There's something seriously wrong with people if they think it's ok to sledge like it's still the 1960's. Having a ripping sledge is one thing, hassling somebody about a family member in a sexual way is just wrong. Any of the St kilda supporters defending Carlisle should try and see it from Murphys POV.

Do you think Freo players have been angels out on the field when you've had players like Crowley, Ballantyne and Josh Carr playing for you?

I'm sure every other AFL team has been guilty of similar or worse sledging out on the field but the difference is that it wasn't reported in the media because the targeted player didn't react like Murphy did and cause an all in brawl.

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Right, this thread is on notice.

The abuse flying between posters can stop.

The childish and puerile drivel can stop.

Some of the chauvinism on display in here has been disgusting.

This is not the Bay, this is a place where you are meant to post like something resembling a half decent human and if you have no intention of doing so, go away and keep your posts to yourself.

If the thread degenerates into the crap it did tonight again, it's getting locked.


further warning that this thread is not to be used to circumvent the Murphy/Carlisle on field incident thread closure.
This is probably the thread that should have been closed. The person named in the thread title has made a public statement categorically denying that it happened, or that he has even met her. Should put the rumour to rest, regardless of whether some people choose not to believe him.
This thread was always going to take up where the other one left off.
This one should have been closed, with posts being deleted or infractions handed out in the other one to get it back on track.

The person making the denial has no credibility however. That does need to be taken into account
"IT’S always interesting when punters sitting in their living rooms pass judgment on the behaviour of players in the heat of competition."

"They do things they don’t normally do, such as whack a bloke, slam a player into the ground, jumper punch an opponent and say things that are childish and crass."

"What Marc Murphy said to Jake Carlisle and what Carlisle — and maybe two others at most — said to Murphy was a heat-of-the-moment thing.

Murphy probably said something about Carlisle and his social habits and Carlisle spat back something about a member of Murphy’s family."

"Murphy didn’t like it.

It raises some vexing questions.

If Murphy sledged first, did he have to suck it up when Carlisle went back at him?

Is “cokehead” acceptable? What is acceptable?"

"This incident is getting overs because it has prompted morality debates and decency discussions by calm people in their living rooms about players in a hostile environment."

"The fact is Murphy and Carlisle traded insults — minutes before the fight started — and Carlisle won because it was more offensive."

"A distressed Murphy lifted it a level by having a second crack at Carlisle — who says he can’t remember what was said to him because he was in pain because of a hit to the testicles — and then Saints skipper Jarryn Geary elevated it further when he chased down Murphy and wrestled him."

"And accusations Murphy was a target all through the match for the Saints are not true."

"People get hurt, too. The family. Murphy. And St Kilda’s reputation, which was unfair because comments made by maybe three Saints players — in the heat of the moment — have exposed an entire football club to ridicule and condemnation."

"The Always Outraged who sit in their living rooms watching football need to chill. At the same time, the players need more heroics and less stupidity.

And less of Carlisle liking tweets that called Murphy “a little whinger”, which the Saint did last night."
But the appropriate thread to discus it is closed? Where do we discus it?

37 pages of "discussion" which circled to the same few posters arguing the same points ruined it.

If posters want to troll etc, by all means do so on bay 13.
In your own personal assessment, of course. You are welcome to do that, but it's now a matter of public record that the rumour has been denied.

Sure, but I dont think a reasonable person would take the denial of an admitted philanderer, sexual assaulter and domestic violence abuser on face value.
Wayne has done himself no favours over the years with past indiscretions - who would believe a thing he says ? Even with football matters (yes concerning Hawthorn) but Sam Mitchell not getting a game for any other club ? Myth busted as he's a gun for the Eagles now. And Cyril's packing his bags to the TIWI Islands........ mmmhmmmm.

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Scandal Carey back to his old ways

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