Carlton – Was the Wok Cup the Final Hurrah?

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Blue Boyz said:
Do you mean the Weagles were actually trying to win. Deary me I thought that the only reason Carlton won the Wizzer Cup was because no one else could be actually bothered to trying to win the $200,000 1st prize. I didn't realise that all of the other 15 clubs were so financially flush that they could afford to ignore that mere pittance, and the chance to blood the odd rookie and not to mention the possiblity of attracting a few new members if they played OK.

I hope no one else tries to win it again it next year and we will pull another $200 gees. On 2nd thoughts why waste everyone's time and just call the pre season comp. off and give Carlton the cash every year from now on!!!!

I realise you're attempting to be sarcastic, but actually, you're totally right.

West Coast are indeed so financially flush that we could afford to ignore a $200k pittance, and given our memberships are sold out, there was really nothing to be gained out of it.

Realistically, noone likes to lose a game no matter what month of the year it was played, and there's no doubt once we named a side they had a crack, but sheesh.

We chose not to risk close to the best ruckman in the competition (and subsequently undoubtedly our best player so far this year) because he was coming off an injury- in the week prior to the gf when asked about Cox's chance of playing, Woosha's response was that if it were a real final he'd be fit to play, but there was no point risking him in a preseason match. We continued our preseason midfield rotation policy and stayed well clear of some of the tactical moves (ie, Stinger tagging) which have been part and parcel of our regular season dominance. Contrast that with Carlton rushing a semi-fit Kouta back and dragging Nick Stevens away from his best man duties, and at a club level its pretty clear who wanted it more.

As I said, once you have two teams out on the park, any player worth his salt will have a crack no matter when the game is played, but as club west coast always maintained it was very small bananas compared to rd 1, whereas carlton pretty much went for the only success they were likely to experience all year.
Given the results circa round 1, it would appear that both teams got what they planned for :)
Yze_Magic said:
After all the squawking Parrot had done, you would think they had the permiership in the bag

And I mean REAL premiership

Good feeling winning a premiership Yze not that you know what it feels like :rolleyes:
It must really hurt thus why you follow every Carlton related topic with envy!
Sad Yze really Sad :p

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weagles_fan said:
More like they were playing above their potential,or it just looked that way because the other teams weren't trying their hardest?

So you are suggesting that all the way through the Wizard Cup West Coast weren't really trying, and just kept on winning for the hell of it? But when they got to the final, the most important match of the series, they decided not to try at all?
Yeah, makes perfect sense to me!

I've never put much faith in the Pre-season cup, I reckon it's a load of bull********. About as much bull******** as your theory on how Carlton won it!
whats the point of having super talented forwards if they never perform? ash hansen is no star, he isnt anywhere near as talented as a fevola or whitnall. both those guys are rated a mile higher than ash.

shue ash hansen is no star, and just an honest player, but when he's playing in a foward line with little presence then if he presents then sulrey he will be used as a target from time to time. and with such a great midfield feeding him then he bound to get plenty of the pill.

good on him too, i'm happy for him.

thats the point if fev playerd for wce he'd be leading the coleman race easy i reckon.

it's hard to play well as a forward when you midfiled is getting canned each week and is always under pressure when they have the ball.

when the ball is just bombed to you and you're always out numbered then its going to be hard to play well.

in the Wiz wok grannie our midfield played well and look what happened. Fev was BOG.
Deej said:
Put Wells, Goddard and Kepler Bradley into our side along with Waite, Thornton, Fevola, Betts, Stevens & Andrew Walker, and suddenly you're thinking we look ok for the future. Not whingeing but hey they belted us by stripping our draft picks, what did you expect?
Still after Goddard lol.

Deej said:
We just have to play the draft game like StKilda did, unfortunately our pride won't allow us to lay down and cop it.
Pride???? Your team cheated, what makes you think other clubs lower their standards like yours has. I think this is where the major problem lies with Carlton when you see some of their supporters like this cretin honestly believe other clubs are out to rort the system and think it's the norm. You will lay down and cop it because your club opted to forgo it's pride and cheat.
The Fireman said:
Still after Goddard lol.

Pride???? Your team cheated, what makes you think other clubs lower their standards like yours has. I think this is where the major problem lies with Carlton when you see some of their supporters like this cretin honestly believe other clubs are out to rort the system and think it's the norm. You will lay down and cop it because your club opted to forgo it's pride and cheat.

Fireman, I think your negatiive and frenzied anger and bitterness toward the young Blues is impairing your ability to think - it's the only explanation I can give for for rambling, non-sensical monologues, which BTW do provide us with some laughs. The Blues are a young talented side, down on confidence and form, and hit by untimely suspensions and injuries which we have found difficult to cover. We still haven't got our usual 2 KP backs and 2 KP forward playing at the same time yet, and is a major reason for the difficulties we've been having sinced we dominated the pre-season comp. Even tonight we are without a regular CHB, which will put more pressure on our forwards. In the preseason comp Pagan actually moved the highly talented Thornton from FB to CHB and was doing very nicely, providing some huge rebound capacity. Livo was doing surprising well at FB. Our backline was functioning quite nicely. Losing both these guys to injury was a huge blow because we had to move Lance down back, which put more pressure on Fev and we lost out backline rebound capability which allowed us the dominant the preseason comp. Fev's suspension just compounded the problem. Looking forward to when we can field a full strength team because this young side does have lots of potential, a fact that seems to grate with you a bit- something you'll just need to learn to deal with :)
ummmm Parrot, you seemed to have missed my point, which is not unusual but you have gone off with your own little diatribe which had nothing to do with the subject that I was addressing. Read your fellow stupid supporter Deej's post then mine again and try and stick to the issue.
zero said:
except for judd daniel kerr is our best inside midfielder and one of the top in the league, he turns 22 next week and has played 88 games. hes absolutely perfect for carlton

your thinking of micheal braun

Fletcher is a better inside player than Kerr.
Although i rate and respect Kerr, i put him in my 'Hedland' factor.

I'll explain.

Anybody in their right mind would have given up thier first two picks to get Hedland when he left Brisbane. But without being fed the ball by the likes of Aker, Lappin, Voss and delivering it to leading forwards ala Lynch, Brown ect, ect, ect..................Well he's just a different player.

Kerr suits the West Coast team, and is a very dangerous player! But i'm not sure how he would go without the likes of Judd, Cousins and Fletcher????????
Kouta – Injuries have taken their toll.

Do people actually do research before posting on players?

I disagree with you because:

a) Kouta has been great for us this year, and is certainly leading our B&F thus far.

b) Is one of the competition leaders in clearances and hard-ball gets

c) Stood up when it mattered and played a captain's game in a few of our games

d) He at least tried his guts out last week unlike some other players.

e) Has played every game this year, and not once has he been off the field

All these points I have made pretty much make your "injuries have taken their toll" point null.
Funkalicous said:
Well IMO, clubs appear to feed off media bashing and personally I was hoping this would be Carlton's week. Unfortunately selfish old Collingwood have had their second media bash for the season. If you thought Collingwood hogging all the FNF games was bad, this certainly will get your blood boiling.

Collingwood were the AFL scapegoats after round 2 and surprise, surprise, it resulted in there only win for the season. Fremantle were the scapegoats after round 4... and won round 5. Port Adelaide were the scpaegoats after round 6... and won game 7. Surely this week was going to be Carlton's turn, but Eddie just keeps wanting more! :mad: ;)

-Richmond beat Doggies.Media question Eade and whether they have improved,doggies after a honorable loss to the Eagles start playing great footy.

-Richmond flogged Freo.All week the media and bigfooty screamed crisis.There were more Freo bagging threads than I've seen since i joined BF.Freo came out the next week and beat a genuine contender in Melbourne and have since gone from strength to strength.

-Richmond flog Port.Media say Port in crisis.Chose the wrong captain.Hangover etc.Port comes out and play well against North a give them a touching up.Port now back on track.

-Richmond flog Carlton.Media say Carlton gone,have to start the rebuild againBF threeads everywhere bagging Blues.Fevola future allegedly in question at Princes park.
I wouldn't be at all suprised if Carlton win tonight.

It's great, no-one gives us any credit and we sting(embarrass?) other teams into form.

Bring on the Pies. :)

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parrot said:
I suppose the point is Richmond are such an ordinary team talent-wise, getting beaten by them is somewhat of an embarassment, hence the reactions. :)
Indeed parrot.But you don't seemed to have had the good manners to be embarrassed.

I reckon until Calrton can actually win a game you should finish all posts with a :eek:

Go Tiges:)
Gooka said:
Roll over and die?

That will never happen. Unlike some other teams will fight out of this the old fashion way and not lie down and die to recieve the handouts like others.

Actually decided not read anymore after this reply as I can see it's going to be one of these threads.
SurreyBlue said:
That will never happen. Unlike some other teams will fight out of this the old fashion way and not lie down and die to recieve the handouts like others.

Hmmm thats interesting Surrey.

Just last night on Foxtel I heard an interview with former club champion and boardmemeber Steven Kernahan say words to the effect of "we tried to delay the AFL investigation as long as possible so as to pick up the best quality player in that years draft.Imagine Carlton with Wells,Goddard and a 2nd rounder playing with us now"

apologies for it not being the exact quote,but you get the idea. :)
evo said:
Hmmm thats interesting Surrey.

Just last night on Foxtel I heard an interview with former club champion and boardmemeber Steven Kernahan say words to the effect of "we tried to delay the AFL investigation as long as possible so as to pick up the best quality player in that years draft.Imagine Carlton with Wells,Goddard and a 2nd rounder playing with us now"

apologies for it not being the exact quote,but you get the idea. :)

Oh dear, Slurrey puts his foot in his incredibly stupid mouth once more :D
If west coast are looking to offload kerr for a power forward, i have just the man for you.

How many other players DOUBLED their career goals in round 1 this season..

Guy is pure class.
evo said:
Hmmm thats interesting Surrey.

Just last night on Foxtel I heard an interview with former club champion and boardmemeber Steven Kernahan say words to the effect of "we tried to delay the AFL investigation as long as possible so as to pick up the best quality player in that years draft.Imagine Carlton with Wells,Goddard and a 2nd rounder playing with us now"

apologies for it not being the exact quote,but you get the idea. :)

Yes we know. Carlton under Brittain played dead in 2002 to get the picks, just like others have and are doing. That is why he isn't coaching us any more, people with no pride have no place in our club. Other clubs can have that ideology thanks.
SurreyBlue said:
people with no pride have no place in our club. Other clubs can have that ideology thanks.
Pride???? Your team cheated, what makes you think other clubs lower their standards like yours has. I think this is where the major problem lies with Carlton when you see some of their supporters like this cretin honestly believe other clubs are out to rort the system and think it's the norm. You will lay down and cop it because your club opted to forgo it's pride and cheat.

I said this before to that other poor fool Deej and it fits perfectly for Slurry.
Joffaboy said:
Oh dear, Slurrey puts his foot in his incredibly stupid mouth once more :D
The Fireman said:
You will lay down and cop it because your club opted to forgo it's pride and cheat.

Lay down and cop what Fireman? We don't take it up the ass, that's StKilda's area. :D Has been and always will be. Asked for more "blockbusters lately"? You rabble are a disgrace to the competition and it's clubs like yours that have kept the competition from progressing into a robust, viable, profitable new world. When we get rid of the garbage that stangle holds the competition will be able to have ALL clubs compete on an equal level. For now keep holding your hand out for more and watch the progress your club and competition makes.
SurreyBlue said:
Lay down and cop what Fireman?
All the crap you deserve

SurreyBlue said:
You rabble are a disgrace to the competition and it's clubs like yours that have kept the competition from progressing into a robust, viable, profitable new world.
??? This is my point you are in denial that you follow a cheating club ,a wart on the comp. You have the gall to point the finger at other clubs, how dare you. You are a real twit Slurrey

SurreyBlue said:
When we get rid of the garbage that stangle holds the competition will be able to have ALL clubs compete on an equal level. For now keep holding your hand out for more and watch the progress your club and competition makes.
The only Garbage to get rid of is the Supporters like you, then the Blues can start a fresh.

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Carlton – Was the Wok Cup the Final Hurrah?

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