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ROOTA#6 said:
Action Jackson said:
Action, not licking anyones arse and not judging anyone. Of course all coaches and star players get looked after and they deserve to. They are the ones that do the yards and make footy clubs what they are. We at Lalbert know that and we are like every other club and pay good players a good dollar, no one has said we haven't. All FOOZ did was quote what someone was asking. If he can get what the package suggests FANTASTIC. Any player recently out of the AFL has every right to command big dollars, as they are the blokes that have made all the sacrifices over the years to get to the top level.

Luke its time you and you mate fooz be honest! admit you are licking his arse its obvious to everyone who reads this thread! And if your w a n k e r mate is not suffering from a severe case of tall poppy syndrome and did not completly fabricate the figures he quoted on here why hasn't he named the three board members? What are the chances that 3 different board members from different leagues all mislead poor dumb foozy with exactly the same figures! Just cause you and fooz dreamt of one day playing AFL football and you have only ended up battling players at a battling club! You don't have to try and shoot down people who have achieved something! And dont suck up his a r se now that Alvey got on here and was honest and made your mate fooz look stupid! :eek:
Sockit151 said:
Go Cohuna,
If your on before tomorrow would be interested in your tip for tomorrow's HUGE clash at Nyah??
I'm certain you will be confident, as you will no doubt be favoured to continue our winless season. Just be interested in your margin?
I'll take Nyah by 10 pts as it could be thier last real chance of a W.
Umm yeh should be a great game i hope it's close i do hope cohuna win but i reckon nyah will come out firing.
champ said:
You wouldnt have the slightest idea what he was getting paid whilst coaching the dogs. Why would a man of Trevor Ryans standing in football tell you what he was getting paid, how long ago..... 6,7,8 years? You were far to young to have been on the board, so im assuming someone has told you, in which you cant believe any of it. Im no genius, but I would assume that any deals done with him would be between him and another, not water boys and trainers and under 17 kids.

And who the f uck are you champ? I will tell you that 3 members of my family have been involved with the Tyntynder board for the past 13 years and yes me included for 3 years. During these meetings things come up about current coaches and past coaches and what it was costing us to put our side on the park so i do know exactly what he was getting. I also have quite a bit to do with our recruiting committee and trying to raise money for the club to play our players so pipe the f uck down.

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pat noonan said:
Was just sittin here whippin me big fella into a frenzy, and tomorrows big game came to mind, so while l'm strokin l'm typin as well. Jarrod Arentz shootin for 100, Gavin Spinks back and hittin some form. Are tool/manang the real deal or pretenders. Must be the game of the year to date. Who will contain Gavin Lloyd and the young bloke Bannam, can he continue his great form. This is the highlight of my season yet, l'm excited. OOOOPPPPss there goes my load. :eek: :eek: :eek:
I don't think people wanna know about you touching ya self.
badds said:
roast beef roll said:
well the fooz you have got to be kidding me this is alvey here i have nothing to hide and be very careful with legal rammifications using dollars on her im telling you.. that thing you put on here was very funny actually you know nothing about me at all and you have no idea as to what im doing next year.. im not a person who is driven by money for example if i was i would have taken 45,000 at port last year or 50,000 from another country club.. but no i signed with my local club wentworth for 10,000 after being straight out of league footy so dont sit here and take cheap shots at me when alot of you know next to sweet heck all bout me and my motives... yes i have spoken to a couple of clubs throughout country vic and nsw re next year but they have all been very informal and i stress that not once has dollars been mentioned so dont get on here and try and judge me because you dont know me and you dont know my motives.. no decision on my playing career will be made till seasons end.. and really who cares..........
clifton's lookalike said:
And who the f uck are you champ? I will tell you that 3 members of my family have been involved with the Tyntynder board for the past 13 years and yes me included for 3 years. During these meetings things come up about current coaches and past coaches and what it was costing us to put our side on the park so i do know exactly what he was getting. I also have quite a bit to do with our recruiting committee and trying to raise money for the club to play our players so pipe the f uck down.
You dont know.
ROOTA#6 said:
Kelvin 69 said:
You obviously have spoken to Ryan at length Jarrod to know that he is here for the money. Maybe if you had spoken to him he would have told you that the reason that he is playing at Lalbert is because a older fella from his old club Lalor has moved to Lalbert. Ryan is great mates with this bloke and has come to play here because of him. He is aggitated about having to front the tribunal because it is an absolute joke that he has been charged. He is loving playing here, which is evident in the way he is now playing and he fact that he is staying baclk every week and putting back into the club. But you know him better than any of us, or so you reckon

So Glass Jaw Bennett you are telling me that he didn't KINGHIT Darcy Ryan????????????????
pat noonan said:
He's a naturally fit guy, so although he might have been first up last week, he'll be much better for the run. Would suggest if tooltang are up they would rest him, if they're down by a margin percieved as too great they'll rest him. 2qtrs against Balranald will benefit him more than 4 against crap sides. Maybe Kelvin can have some input into this, as he is a fountain of knowledge when it comes to mmmmmmmmmm everything!!!

Gavin Spinks is a dual league medallist, 4 time premiership player and one of the fittest blokes at the club and rearing to go. Why would we leave a player of this quality out of a game that could almost guarantee us a top 3 finish?
Deckchair said:
Foozy, probably should have said only "one board member" easier to say one guy lied about one set of figures, rather than three guys lying about those exact same figures. To be honest l think your credability is finally shot champ.

Now as for you Mr. Alvey, if this is really you, nice response. If not, no pretending to be something your not, already enough of that stuff on this site.

I can authenticate (if that is a word) that Badds is Mark Alvey, and didn't he shut our mate Foozer the loozer up. I think for your credibility Fooz its time to sign up under another name and pull your horns in.. As Gretel Killeen says, "It's time to go.............Fooz.":D
Yes K69 it is a word, your knowledge of the english language is a strong as your goalkicking.
Oh and by the way, would it be possible to organise a double eviction. Oust Roota#6 with Foozy....................

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basil23 said:
what game are you watching today dc?
G'day Basil, wouldn't mind seeing a few goals kicked, so firstly thought about looking at the Carroll show out woora way. But thought any gumby would kick goals out there. So now i've swung over to seeing how many Arentz might get, and weather it'll be enough. Any chance of catchin you for a quiet beer Basil??? Where will you be??
Deckchair said:
Yes K69 it is a word, your knowledge of the english language is a strong as your goalkicking.
Oh and by the way, would it be possible to organise a double eviction. Oust Roota#6 with Foozy....................

For 2 points i nominate Roota#6 because he constantly dribbles ****, he has a lot to say but can not walk his talk! The garbage he talks is affecting my time on big footy. And I believe he has formed an alliance with fooz. NOMINATION ACCEPTED! ok for 1 point I nominate fooz because earlier in the week he was caught lying and making **** up about Badds and now i can't take anything he says seriously! also i think he is a total wa nker. And this also affects my time on this thread NOMINATION ACCEPTED! thanks BB!:D
Fletcher said:
For 2 points i nominate Roota#6 because he constantly dribbles ****, he has a lot to say but can not walk his talk! The garbage he talks is affecting my time on big footy. And I believe he has formed an alliance with fooz. NOMINATION ACCEPTED! ok for 1 point I nominate fooz because earlier in the week he was caught lying and making **** up about Badds and now i can't take anything he says seriously! also i think he is a total wa nker. And this also affects my time on this thread NOMINATION ACCEPTED! thanks BB!:D
this is BB, you like the rest of the housemates that frequent this site are talking rubbish, explain yourself, you are running out of time,OH FOOZ to the punishment room, you will not ba able to type or talk for the next six months
and the reason why........................you figure it out............dead s h i t
Kelvin 69 said:
That is what I saw with my own eyes. Now don't embellish the story Go Cohuna for your teams benefit...

sorry mate been away. actually it was ******** number 1 andrew bish that started everything in the thirds game tooleybuc vs cohuna if he just walked off the ground instead of making a **** of himself there would be no trouble. sorry bout the late post.
Corrosion said:
Balranald add another win to their impressive season :)

good win was it? Great game at leitchville between the Bombers and Boga, great game from Parsons in a losing team. Ryan Prendergast is a very very good player for the L/G.
Corrosion said:
Balranald add another win to their impressive season :)

took the advice of a well respected football personality in the area and went and watched this game at manang. the ground looked to hold up well after the rain although they probably needed it out there. has the ground always been up and down or has it been flat at some stage, surely the committee at the club would play their so called big games at thier best ground.
the first half was an absolute discgrace for all the hype of this game. bannam was good for the roos and cullen again for t/m. the third quater set the roos up and after that it was basically the same as the first half. there was a bit happening in front of us in the last quater with a couple of cheap shots from both teams off the ball. i think the umpire reported coleman, definately sent him off
can anyone at the in town game tell me how swan hill went, better this week by the look of scoreline
the gloved 1 said:
took the advice of a well respected football personality in the area and went and watched this game at manang. the ground looked to hold up well after the rain although they probably needed it out there. has the ground always been up and down or has it been flat at some stage, surely the committee at the club would play their so called big games at thier best ground.
the first half was an absolute discgrace for all the hype of this game. bannam was good for the roos and cullen again for t/m. the third quater set the roos up and after that it was basically the same as the first half. there was a bit happening in front of us in the last quater with a couple of cheap shots from both teams off the ball. i think the umpire reported coleman, definately sent him off
can anyone at the in town game tell me how swan hill went, better this week by the look of scoreline

Well why did you get out of your comfort zone in swan hole wobbly and come to the home of football in manang. Remember this in a few months time saints premiers in 06.
How did koondrook/barham go yesterday???
In peoples opinions who are the top 5 players in koondrook/barham?
Also how is my old mate shaun filo going? is he still getting plenty of the ball?.
how are his knees??
Action Jackson said:
Well why did you get out of your comfort zone in swan hole wobbly and come to the home of football in manang. Remember this in a few months time saints premiers in 06.

Wobbly? For your sake Action I hope you are because that's a huge call. I hope your not getting ahead of yourself out there
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