Channel 9 Sunday Program this Sunday

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Act 2 - The ex-wife

Violence Against Women. Australia Says NO!

7 hours and 40 minutes till the end of Latham

Latham's ex-wife tells of 'fear'
July 4, 2004

OPPOSITION Leader Mark Latham's former wife has revealed she was distraught over his infidelity and scared by his explosive temper.

Gabrielle Gwyther has told friends she fled the marital home in fear before he returned from a holiday with another woman one Christmas.

Several friends have now revealed the intimate details of Ms Gwyther's marriage to Mr Latham.

But the ALP leader branded her claims as lies. "Gabrielle Gwyther has given many interviews over the past seven months, making false claims against me and my family. I have dealt with those in the past and really don't see the need to make any comment."

The claims come in the lead-up to today's Channel 9 Sunday program, said to contain "explosive" revelations.

Already, Mr Latham has been forced to deny he king-hit a fellow Labor member.

Ms Gwyther's friends said she fled their Sydney home when Mr Latham secretly went on a holiday with his new girlfriend, Janine Lacey, at Christmas 1997. The pair later married.

Friends said she was frightened of her husband, then a brash Labor frontbencher.

One said: "Gabrielle told me, 'Well, I left the house under circumstances which were . . . I didn't want to hang around the house any longer. I needed to get away'."

That was especially so after Mr Latham suffered what amounted to a mid-life crisis and started spending time with other women, Ms Gwyther told friends.

Another friend recalled Ms Gwyther saying: "There's nothing new in his philandering ways. But it wasn't just that.

"He went through a period of pretty gross behaviour. And presumably if he was gross to me, he was gross to others.

"He's a very intimidating man. I left. I just got away."

Friends said the clashes were not necessarily over his womanising.

One friend recalled Ms Gwyther saying: "Everyone seemed to know about it other than me. I didn't even know he was womanising."

Now remarried with a young child and a PhD in sociology, Ms Gwyther told friends that Mr Latham used to scream abuse at her for the most trivial things.

"Gabrielle said, 'He's a relatively abusive type of man. He's an aggressive man. I don't want to go any further than that'," one friend said.

She said she felt "damaged" by the situation.

"He didn't hit me. But you can threaten people without actually doing that," she told a friend.

"He didn't need to threaten. It was erratic behaviour. One minute he was trying to be nice, and the next minute it was all too much for him and he'd just go off his rocker."

Ms Gwyther now finds it depressing to discuss her marriage. She has only feelings of disgust for her former husband, one friend said.

Their relationship lasted for 12 years, seven of them married, before they divorced in 1999.

Another friend recalled Ms Gwyther reflecting on her marriage: "What happened was that he went through some period which I didn't understand at the time. It was a mid-life crisis."
Originally posted by MGREG
MGERM?Unionists are the scum of the earth. Not the rank and file, but the Martin Kinghams

I'm assuming you have evidence to back this vile accusation.

If you had any notion of what really occurs in union politics in this country, you'd know that Martin Kingham is held in the highest regard by those he represents, that is the rank and file of his movement. He also enjoys the same respect from those of the employer groups with whom he deals.

If you wish to debate this issue, I'm more than prepared to take on you, or any of your ill-informed ilk, over no matter how long it takes, to show what **** you're talking.
Originally posted by skilts
I'm assuming you have evidence to back this vile accusation.

If you had any notion of what really occurs in union politics in this country, you'd know that Martin Kingham is held in the highest regard by those he represents, that is the rank and file of his movement. He also enjoys the same respect from those of the employer groups with whom he deals.

If you wish to debate this issue, I'm more than prepared to take on you, or any of your ill-informed ilk, over no matter how long it takes, to show what **** you're talking.

One vile unionist sticking up for another.

Thick as thieves, with emphasis on the wrod thieves.

John Halfpenny?
Norm Gallagher?
Laurie Carmichael?
Jack Puty Nose Nicholls
Clarrie O'Shea

The list can go on.

Secret commissions etc etc etc.

Really you are pushing it uphill.

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Originally posted by MGREG
Oh so you accept it about everyone else just not Kingham.

Very strange.

He is in the building industry is he not?

Nuff said.

So, you think it's adequate to assert that he's in the building industry? How would you feel if I were to call you, for instance, an Albanian?

Would that mean that I would be justified in saying that you were a scum-sucking gutter-dweller?

I should think not.

BTW, evidence would be good.
How many years ago did these so called violent acts take place.I guess if we searched hard enough or low enough even our esteemed PM would have been involved in some sort of altercation at school or on the sporting field.
To my mind unless he was actualy charged with assault and found guilty in a court of law they mean absolutely jack **** and just points out to me how desperate the libs must be to retain office
Originally posted by slyolddog
Seen a rough-cut preview of it today and I'd suggest Mark Latham should have a nice Sunday morning sleep-in because he mightn't have a job come Monday

You must have seen a different program to the one I just watched.

Storm in a teacup.

The allegation of a king hit 13 odd years ago isn't pleasant, but the rest was very underwhelming.

As for whatever Latham did re pre-selections, I hope the Libs compare it to what Turnbull did recently if they talk about it.

A bigger anti-climax than last year's grand final.

Bring on the election.
Re: Re: Re: Channel 9 Sunday Program this Sunday

Wow. What an anti-climax.

Let's sum up:

* He threw a punch at a guy fifteen years ago. Or so it is claimed. The guy never pressed charges. (Funny how he says he wouldn't run to the police but he runs to the media)
* The claims about him mismanaging Liverpool finances are pure Howard/Costello myth. Even a Liberal councillor from the time says he did a great job.
* Latham trod on a few toes to get to where he is now. He has a few party enemies. Startling.

Oh yes and Janet Albrechtson is so out of touch that she doesn't know what skanky ho means. :p

And he got rid of the Queens portrait and ditched prayer at Liverpool council... I like him all the more now.

Originally posted by slyolddog
Dodgy corrupt dealings while Mayor at Liverpool Council
Wife bashing
Standover tactics

all the usual good stuff ;)
Nope. Nope. Nope. Keep digging SOD.
Originally posted by a4brianp
How many years ago did these so called violent acts take place.I guess if we searched hard enough or low enough even our esteemed PM would have been involved in some sort of altercation at school or on the sporting field.
To my mind unless he was actualy charged with assault and found guilty in a court of law they mean absolutely jack **** and just points out to me how desperate the libs must be to retain office

Agree completley.

This has probably only helped Latham to further expose Howard and his bag of dirty tricks.
Re: Re: Re: Channel 9 Sunday Program this Sunday

Originally posted by slyolddog
I only saw about a 5 minute promo of it, the whole story goes for 45 odd minutes apparently and 9 having had their 'investigative big guns' working on it for 6 months

Dodgy corrupt dealings while Mayor at Liverpool Council
Wife bashing
Standover tactics

all the usual good stuff ;)

Dodgy corrupt dealings - even a now Liberal reckons he was good for the council. I'm not sure but thats a pretty good recommendation from your opposition. Yep - bin that one.

Wife bashing. Now what happened to that? Thats right , even the ex-wife says "he didn't hit me". Reminds me of the "sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me". If all he ever did was use personal abuse, surely we have done that at some time in our lives - christ, I remember my parents having great shouting matches when I was a kid but they will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary in 2006, but he never hit her. yep - bin that as well.

Standover tactics - he wanted his own way. Thats what you have to do in business and it happens all the time - Murdoch, Packer etc. yep - bin that one too.

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Storm in a teacup.

If Howard brown-nosers like MGreg think this will bring down Latham, they are only dreaming. This will not touch Latham at all. Now all we need is to see some real policies and Howard is out on his ass.

Can't wait till the election.
Have just watched the show and the main thing it has confirmed is that slyolddog is full of sh@#.

Gee, some of the allegations were terrible. Taking down the queens photo - terrible. Latham even got a letter of complaint from the local priest after making the morning prayer non compulsory. He is an EVIL, EVIL man.

All this from the network where Slime Minister Howard handpicked his political puppet Steve Liebman, to spread his anti-terrorism propaganda.

Having Mark Latham as PM could not embarrass me as much as an Australian, as JWH consistently does.

Nice try, slyolddog but we now know your agenda and the fact that this thread is pathetic.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Channel 9 Sunday Program this Sunday

Originally posted by kirky
The man is a legend - he now will have all the aethist republican voters.

You're going without the Christians and the monarchists. The swing probably beats the round a bout.
Originally posted by anniswan
Isn't it in the best interest of Packer and Murdoch not to have Labor in power.

The small minority that watch Sunday morning current affairs shows should see thru the Liberal desperation.

They are banking on this being the Tampa of 2004.
Murdoch personally dislikes Howarss,unlike Packer.So Murdoch would have an interest in getting rid of Howard.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Channel 9 Sunday Program this Sunday

Originally posted by DaveW

* The claims about him mismanaging Liverpool finances are pure Howard/Costello myth. Even a Liberal councillor from the time says he did a great job.

You couldn't have listened too closely, he wasn't a Liberal councillor, he was the CEO of Liverpool Council at the time.

He's obviously not going to criticise what occurred as it reflects badly on him too.

What was more damning was that six former Mayors (4 of them Labor) were prepared to blame Latham's profligate spending for their future problems.

Overall the program didn't land the knock out punch many Liberals would have been looking for, but what it did underline was how many enemies in his own party Latham seems to have accrued - and more particular how many of them are actually prepared to speak out publicly. That would be of considerable concern to the numbers men in the party.

I think the issue he (and the ALP) should be more concerned about were the revelations in today's Hun that his former wife 'feared' him. Rumours that take that scenario a little further have been the hot topic in the Canberra press gallery over the past week or so.
As I expected.

Most of these allegations have been dredged up and dealt with months ago. Since then, the government have been looking under every rock available for ways to discredit Latham. Parlaimentary taunts didn't do it, policy discussion didn't do it, Iraq didn't do it (they even got a massive free hit with the 'bring em home by Christmas' gaffe), widespread handouts and tax cuts to prospective voters haven't swung things decisively in the government's favour.

So now we're right back at square one - character assassination.

If the Liberals can come up with some sort of fourth-term agenda, some reason for us to vote for them in the upcoming election - other than 'because-we're-not-Latham', they might get the lift in the opinion polls they need. But they can't do it by simply trotting about at George Bush's heels and extolling the virtues of an FTA where we basically get shagged by the US. There needs to be more than that.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Channel 9 Sunday Program this Sunday

Originally posted by Wicked Lester
What was more damning was that six former Mayors (4 of them Labor) were prepared to blame Latham's profligate spending for their future problems.

Yes, thats right, Latham leaves in 1994 and the council gets in the **** in the next century. What the #*#@?

No, todays program is like so many things today, a huge expectation and then nothing.
Originally posted by MGREG
One vile unionist sticking up for another.

Thick as thieves, with emphasis on the wrod thieves.

John Halfpenny?
Norm Gallagher?
Laurie Carmichael?
Jack Puty Nose Nicholls
Clarrie O'Shea

The list can go on.

Secret commissions etc etc etc.

Really you are pushing it uphill.

Secret commissions etc etc etc.

You mean secret things like;

Allegations fly after bug uncovered in union office
By Jason Dowling
July 4, 2004

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When union official Nazza Ottobre spotted the small black box with an aerial stuck to the wall behind a filing cabinet, he thought it was a new form of rodent killer.

But Ivan Balta, who was helping Mr Ottobre relocate the union shop steward's office, knew from his years as an electrician exactly what it was - a covert listening device, or "bug".

Melbourne's largest tower apartment development, Eureka Tower on Southbank, is embroiled in controversy over who planted the bug, which was discovered on Tuesday.

Police are now in the process of finger-printing the Blu-Tack used to stick the bug to the wall and the batteries inside.

The bug, believed to be a long-range UHF device, is a fairly common model and would be difficult to trace. The Eye Spy Shop on the Nepean Highway in Brighton has the devices on sale for $380.

Police do not believe it belongs to a government body because no one has asked for it back - they said this usually happened when spies were sprung.

The Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union is pointing the finger at construction giant Grocon, the company behind the massive apartment development.

But it has not ruled out the Building Industry Taskforce, which is investigating alleged illegal activity in the building industry and has recently been granted additional powers to force people to give information, produce documents and attend and answer questions.

CFMEU state secretary Martin Kingham said the two groups could have worked together to plant the bug, because whoever was listening to it "had to be close" (the bug's range is 1000 metres).

Mr Kingham also said that whoever was responsible had to have had a good understanding of the building site.

The shop steward's office can only be reached after passing a security point and snaking through a dimly lit rabbit warren of stairs and pathways to the basement area of the building site. The batteries on the bug had to be replaced every 14 days.

The bug was discovered when the office was being moved to a new location.

Mr Kingham said the site had 24-hour security and the planting of the device had to be an "inside job".

Grocon and the taskforce both deny planting the bug.
Originally posted by FuManchu
Latham wants to introduce a fifth commercial TV station, guess what Packer doesn't want

Yeah, just look at the preview of next weeks Sunday's program, talking about Garrett being the next enviornment minister, they seem to be so intrigued with Labor at the moment.

Parker is all out to make sure that Latam doesn't get in.

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Channel 9 Sunday Program this Sunday

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