Werewolf Chess Werewolf 6 - Rookie mistake (GAME STARTS SUNDAY!)

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Why are you alone playing chess?
I'm not alone - I have many mates!

Can you find the evil black pieces within your midst and win the game?

Basic Rules:
At the beginning of the game each player is given a 'role' at random and in secret by the moderator via PM. Regular villagers don't receive a PM naturally. Those roles belong to 1 of 5 factions: White pieces (good), Black Queen and her army (evil), Black King and his Knights (evil), Chess Joker (Jester/independent) and Chess Hater (Serial Killer/independent).

The aim of the villagers is to identify and kill all the werewolves, Mafia and Serial Killer before the evil can kill enough villagers so that (#of wolves or #of mafia or = #of villagers). Only one faction (Evil/Good/Independent) can win. However, the Jester can win with anyone.

How are players killed?
Each 'turn' of the game will last 24hrs or so and also represents one 'day' of game time, thus a game will go on for several days before it is concluded. There are two 'phases' to every turn of the game;

Night Phase: Factions and role players perform their assigned night actions, each evil faction gets a nightly kill

Day Phase: Players vote for who they think is evil

Obviously during the day the villagers will want the group to vote for and lynch a werewolf, whilst the werewolves themselves will want not to be lynched; herein lies the fundamental strategy of the game:
Can the villagers identify the werewolves whilst at the same time convincing the rest of the group that they're not themselves a werewolf? And can the werewolves convince the group that they're not wolves at all and thus avoid being lynched?
Night phase is 9pm-9am.
Day phase is 9am-9pm.

Werewolf Etiquette:
There are two main rules which everyone must follow in order for the game to run successfully;
If you are killed at any point during the game then you are no longer allowed to participate although I will allow a farewell post, but that post cannot impact the remainder of the game. Anyone breaking this rule will be banned from the next game.
Between non-werewolves and mafia, sending PM's or other forms of private communication concerning the game is not allowed.
Anyone caught sending screen captures of BigFooty of any kind in this thread will be modkilled instantly with no warning.
Anyone caught directly quoting PMs from the mods will be modkilled without warning.
Anyone caught deleting or editing posts from the thread will be modkilled without warning.

- Missing 2 lynch votes in a row or 3 votes in total will see you mod-killed. Missing 2 night actions (if given a role) will see you and/or your faction mod-killed. You may choose to not use a night action but you must state so in your PM
  • Any modkill happening within the last hour before the deadline is called will act as that day's lynch, regardless of vote tally.
  • Anyone found to be breaking the above rules will be banned from the next game, and repeat offences will result in being banned from all future games should there be any; please follow the rules and keep the game legitimate.
  • For this game we will not be using the Reason for Lynching rule. Vote for anyone for any reason at anytime during the Day Phase.
  • During the Day Phase players must vote for whom to lynch, your vote must be formatted in bold like this: Player Name. Please include a tag for the moderator to help them see, it isn't mandatory but will make the moderator's life simpler. The mod will "like" your post to inform you that it has been counted.
  • For this game you may not use the No Vote vote option.
  • Upon the voting deadline (end of day-phase) the votes will be tallied by the moderator and whoever has received the most will be lynched and be out of the game: remember, once killed you cannot take further part; do not reveal your roles to anyone until the game has been concluded.
  • Any ties in voting will be decided by a coin toss scenario.

Black Queen and her army (Mafia - 4)
Black Queen (Godfather) -
Leader of the Queen's army. Submits who the army will seer each night. Cannot be killed during the night phase. Seers as a White Pawn
Black Queen's Bishop (Blackmailer) – The Blackmailer can pick 1 person each night who must follow his orders on how to post for the following day, including who to vote for. They cannot make someone vote for themselves or cause the player to not put in a vote. This can be as creative as the Black Queen's Bishop wants however cannot dictate individual posts. For example they can be blackmailed to have every post end in a rhyme but not to say "X is part of the King's Soldiers" in every post. If the blackmailer does indicate a particular post type it must be chess related. Moderator has final say on if a blackmail is too restrictive. If the player fails to vote per the blackmail, they will be killed at the conclusion of the day phase. However, any mention of the blackmail by the receiver until the end of the Day Phase and they will be modkilled.
Black Queen's Rook (Apprentice) – This Queen's army member has no special power other than he cannot be lynched. If he is the leading vote-getter, the town will be forced to lynch the second highest vote-getter and the last person to vote for the apprentice will be killed as a form of retribution during the next night phase in addition to the main faction kill. If the Black Queen's Rook is the last remaining member of the Queen's army, they get promoted to the Black Queen. This gets announced in the thread.
Black Queen's Pawn (Goon) – Generic evil member of the mafia with no special abilities.

Win condition: when the number of Black Queen and her army = to number of White Pieces, with the White King and Queen dead, as well as the Chess Hater and the Black King and his Soldiers.

Black King and his Soldiers (Werewolves - 4)
Black King (Alpha)
– Leader of the King's Soldiers. Submits who the King's Soldiers will seer each night. Cannot be killed during the night phase. Will seer as a White Pawn
Black King's Knight (Werecub) – When killed the King's Soldiers get an extra night kill the following night
Black King's Rook (Manipulative Wolf) - Each night chooses 1 player to change their vote for a different target of their choice. The chosen player will not know their vote has been changed
Black King's Pawn (Beta) – Generic evil member of the King's Soldiers with no special abilities

Win condition: when the number of Black King and his Soldiers = to number of White Pieces, with the White King and Queen dead, as well as the Chess Hater and the Black Queen and her army.

Chess Hater/Serial Killer – The Chess Hater works for himself and his mission is to rid the world of chess. Happy to kill anything or anyone. The Chess Hater gets 1 kill per night and he cannot be killed during the night phase. If the Chess Hater is targeted by the Black Queen's Bishop, Black Queen's Rook, White Queen or White King, the Chess Hater will kill them instead of their chosen target. The Black Queen and her army, and the Black King and his Soldiers cannot win while the Chess Hater is still alive. Seers as a White Pawn. There is no requirement for chess hating behaviour.

Win condition:
Reach the final 4 regardless of who is still alive.

Chess Joker/Jester (‘Chester’) - The Chess Joker secretly loves chess and would do anything to be accepted. He wants to be lynched as it would show acceptance as a serious player. The Chess Joker can win with any faction so long as they are lynched. If lynched, the Chess Joker chooses 1 player that voted for them at night to kill. This kill can only be blocked by the Amulet of Protection. Seers as a White Pawn. The Chess Joker must post at least once saying something to do with chess of their choice every day phase, but can be as tenuous as they wish. I will approve very tenuous links (e.g. reference to white or black or a game or a move).

Win Condition: Be lynched. Can win with any faction

White pieces (Village)
White King (Vigilante) -
Gets to kill 1 player each night

White Queen (Doctor) - Gets to heal 1 person each night, protecting them from death. Can only heal themselves once. Can not select the same player 2 nights in a row

White Bishop (Seer) - The Seer can learn the role of 1 player each night. Cannot seer themselves.

White Bishop (Fake Seer) - The False Seer can learn the role of 1 player each night, however this information will always be wrong. Neither seer will know whom is the fake seer until both have died. Cannot seer themselves.

White Knights (Flogs) - 3 townies in a PM together. Once per game they can choose either a kill, seer or heal to be used on someone not in their PM.

Chess Lover - Loves chess and isn't happy with those who disrespect the game. Must put in a fact of my choice in some way about chess every day phase (they will get harder every day). Has 2 lives. Seers as villager and attempts to kill for the first life will be stated as unsuccessful (as if a night immune). If they are targeted twice at night they will lose both lives. When they die, the amulet will explode and kill the holder (but no-one else in their faction) unless they reach the final 10 (as the amulet will break). The amulet exploding overrides any immunity/protection.

White Pawns (Villagers) - White pawns don't have any special powers but play a massive part in ensuring the victory for the White pieces

Win condition: Eliminate all the Black pieces and the Chess Hater/Serial Killer

The Chess Amulet of Protection: Each night 1 player will hold this and will be immune from all night actions and lynches the following day. They must request who to pass it off to before the end of the day phase otherwise it will be randomly sent out. The Amulet can only be sent around a PM group once before having to be sent to out of the PM. You cannot send it to a player you have sent to before, unless all currently alive players have held the amulet before. Amulet will break at the end of the day phase when the game reaches 10 players or less or explode when the Chess Lover dies.

1. BEaston
2. Gralin
[3. DERO]
4. jannissary
5. The Majestic
6. Raz
7. dogs105
8. Kurve
9. DemurePrincess
10. MarcMaverick
11. CursingFijian
12. ZergMinion
13. por_please_ya
14. dank420_
15. MC Bad Genius
16. Nothing
17. Pie 4 Life
18. MKMatty
Last edited:

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Chess Joker/Jester (‘Chester’) - The Chess Joker secretly loves chess and would do anything to be accepted. He wants to be lynched as it would show acceptance as a serious player. The Chess Joker can win with any faction so long as they are lynched. If lynched, the Chess Joker chooses 1 player that voted for them at night to kill. This kill can only be blocked by the Amulet of Protection. Seers as a White Pawn. The Chess Joker must post at least once saying something to do with chess of their choice every day phase, but can be as tenuous as they wish. I will approve very tenuous links (e.g. reference to white or black or a game or a move).

Win Condition: Be lynched. Can win with any faction
Best role

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Werewolf Chess Werewolf 6 - Rookie mistake (GAME STARTS SUNDAY!)

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