News Clarkson news, media etc - he’s off into the Sunset!

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This type of commentary makes me really mad. I haven 't commented on BF about the Mitchell Clarkson debacle, but I will now as I have done else where
Succession plans work player wise sometimes!!!
Personally and politically inside a club they never work nicely.
What ever happened last week for Alistair to call , as Mr Kennett tells us, "a meeting" because I guess he was given the info that Sammy had given Collingwood the flick, and Clarko needed to know where he stood. Well he found out didn't he!

If it was all pre planned and all knew exactly what was happening, good!

But I get a distinct feeling this was a rushed job! Either by accident or Collingwood blabbed about Sam saying no to them?
Maybe deliberately, but deliberately by who?
Because Clarko from the letter we got, according to Jeff K, Clarko called this meeting and maybe this meeting was just what the hierarchy wanted, a way to get Clarko to move on after next year?

I always thought Clarko wanted one more shot at a flag perhaps a contract with his new group until 2024, because Hawks we ain't winnin a flag next year!
And Sam looks like boss last weekend, and we got flogged not a whimper, is there not a big fat qwuestion there????

All our post Bye turn around, our beating of Sydney and the Giants, just fell into a hole.

And I blame this UN HAWTHORN mess, last week?
Me I would have stuck true to Alistair Clarkson, he is proven, and what ever or where ever he is "IF HE'S AT HAWTHORN" which he says he will, he will NOT be coaching for anything but successful futures for Sammy. We all love Sammy but he is ambitious and hard, hope he can do a good job.

Some people talking politics in footy and money, they mean NOTHING!!! It's the players on the field who have to be satisfied with things, to adapt , that is what is importanmt footy is about winning games not loading up AFL coffers!

I am teettering on the edge of dumping my memberships, I pay it myself for family membership , not that much, compared to some with money to spare, but over 25 years several thousands of dollars.
I re-joined in 1996 guess why!
I've supported the club in my thirty years while really getting nothing from the club being 2000 miles away in Perth, missing ballots for going to games live for a few years too. Have seen them here perhaps 8 times, then on occasions when in Melbourne.
Still supported them that way, thats how much I love Hawthorn its more than a game! Hawthorn and its standards and style I love.
That is life in Melbourne and Aussie rules football, and my home for 40 years. I'll go back there to "croak" to.

I am dissappointed to that degree, making me of wonder about what I pay for.
No say in anything, for members, yet knowing Sammy was in the box seat for next coach, which we all sort of knew?

JK sent us all an email/letter explaining. Almost like he was trying to explain a complete balls up? Thats how I felt it.

Why not Sam go to Collingwood for 3 or 4 years, what a learning cuve!!

I think someone jumped the gun. Some others had no choice to act?
I think Alistair Clarkson had one more GF in him, and I think he wanted it.
Unless its all bullsh*t we hear, and really I am feeling 1996-ish right now.its nearly a week gone by now where, I have been happy at first about it, then sad about now I am ******* furious .

Clubs advertising tv money thenPolitics and Money, it's just as the whole AFL is run now.
When do the owners of the game get a say?
The owners the members the punters, us, WE get nothing.
The state of play in our game AT ELITE LEVEL? Well the skills as footballers is dying.

Things need pulling up. But we are so Americanised , with such a tiny population, those in all walks of life that lead us , in all areas are greedy and driven and have no idea of what our game is! Some others not blinded , will know what I am saying , but there are some easily pleased on here too.

I don't know what I'll do about membeship, two of my family who are members live in the Big City where our game was born!

I know they haven't been to footy this year at all. Not because we are re-building, but because the game is won and lost on free kicks and rule standard destruction coutesy Mr Hocking.

Hope Sam becomes half the coach Clarko was, we will win a flag in 6 to 10 years if he is half as good.
One last thing, Alistair is not coach now , his mind set is the new senior coach Sam. The body language tells you.

I believe Alistair, should think seriously about not looking like the bloke who got booted, one of our , perhaps even the best of our super coaches over the years, what ever goes on that we see, might be fine, its what you don't see that you get gut feelings about, and embarrasing our best coach ever, is not HAWTHORN.

Or we should sack the board, thats what one of my family membership carriers reckons HAH, might change their minds, If Sam is a Hawk for ever, he should be the standby. Not already in the chair, if you know what I mean.
Until our man Clarko is ready to go. I don't reckon he is . I may be way off track but you can't believe interviews at all.

Sam has a lot in front of him for years to come patience is a good sign! He could have done some time at the pies?

What ever anyone on BF says to answer this post, have some serious comments if you got nothing to say , don't.
I am not commenting on this again.

Whether it's the hawthorn board or elsewhere, you need a spell.
We are all passionate about hawthorn and footy in general, but from your posts/novels step away for awhile for your own sake.
BREAKING NEWS (Tom Browne style)

Alistair Clarkson has just confirmed that within the next 5 years he will either stay at the Hawks in a senior role OR leave
and coach another AFL club OR accept a senior position with the AFL OR move to Nepal to herd Himalayan mountain goats!
Got about as much credence as the all the other informed projections
Funnily enough I also think Bucks would be a pretty good choice to be Sammys assistant.

I feel like Bucks is a much better coach now than when he started and would be a good choice to assist Mitch.

I am not for one moment saying Clarko would put his interests above the clubs but I just think it would be a very messy situation.

Kind of like splitting with your partner but still sharing a house, not really conductive to a positive outcome!

Totally agree Simon.

If the Clarko thing doesn't work (and I am not for a moment saying that it won't)
... then bring in Bucks as the assistant to Sammy... and send Bolts wandering out the door with Clarko !

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Surely you know how footy clubs work ?
Back when I played footy you would go to the social rooms for a few beers & a feed.
There would be some players that never spoke to each other off the field.
Easy to say “they are not friends” but they worked together when they needed to.
Just like any work place
Clarko & Sam may not be friends but that does not mean they cannot work together to achieve the best results they possibly can

This is so common - how many workplaces can we honestly say everyone was best friends with each other? I'm sure Sam and AC have a good working relationship; Sammi wouldn't have come back to Hawthorn if this wasn't true.
BREAKING NEWS (Tom Browne style)

Alistair Clarkson has just confirmed that within the next 5 years he will either stay at the Hawks in a senior role OR leave
and coach another AFL club OR accept a senior position with the AFL OR move to Nepal to herd Himalayan mountain goats!

I hope it's the goat option tbh.
This type of commentary makes me really mad. I haven 't commented on BF about the Mitchell Clarkson debacle, but I will now as I have done else where
Succession plans work player wise sometimes!!!
Personally and politically inside a club they never work nicely.
What ever happened last week for Alistair to call , as Mr Kennett tells us, "a meeting" because I guess he was given the info that Sammy had given Collingwood the flick, and Clarko needed to know where he stood. Well he found out didn't he!

If it was all pre planned and all knew exactly what was happening, good!

But I get a distinct feeling this was a rushed job! Either by accident or Collingwood blabbed about Sam saying no to them?
Maybe deliberately, but deliberately by who?
Because Clarko from the letter we got, according to Jeff K, Clarko called this meeting and maybe this meeting was just what the hierarchy wanted, a way to get Clarko to move on after next year?

I always thought Clarko wanted one more shot at a flag perhaps a contract with his new group until 2024, because Hawks we ain't winnin a flag next year!
And Sam looks like boss last weekend, and we got flogged not a whimper, is there not a big fat qwuestion there????

All our post Bye turn around, our beating of Sydney and the Giants, just fell into a hole.

And I blame this UN HAWTHORN mess, last week?
Me I would have stuck true to Alistair Clarkson, he is proven, and what ever or where ever he is "IF HE'S AT HAWTHORN" which he says he will, he will NOT be coaching for anything but successful futures for Sammy. We all love Sammy but he is ambitious and hard, hope he can do a good job.

Some people talking politics in footy and money, they mean NOTHING!!! It's the players on the field who have to be satisfied with things, to adapt , that is what is importanmt footy is about winning games not loading up AFL coffers!

I am teettering on the edge of dumping my memberships, I pay it myself for family membership , not that much, compared to some with money to spare, but over 25 years several thousands of dollars.
I re-joined in 1996 guess why!
I've supported the club in my thirty years while really getting nothing from the club being 2000 miles away in Perth, missing ballots for going to games live for a few years too. Have seen them here perhaps 8 times, then on occasions when in Melbourne.
Still supported them that way, thats how much I love Hawthorn its more than a game! Hawthorn and its standards and style I love.
That is life in Melbourne and Aussie rules football, and my home for 40 years. I'll go back there to "croak" to.

I am dissappointed to that degree, making me of wonder about what I pay for.
No say in anything, for members, yet knowing Sammy was in the box seat for next coach, which we all sort of knew?

JK sent us all an email/letter explaining. Almost like he was trying to explain a complete balls up? Thats how I felt it.

Why not Sam go to Collingwood for 3 or 4 years, what a learning cuve!!

I think someone jumped the gun. Some others had no choice to act?
I think Alistair Clarkson had one more GF in him, and I think he wanted it.
Unless its all bullsh*t we hear, and really I am feeling 1996-ish right now.its nearly a week gone by now where, I have been happy at first about it, then sad about now I am ******* furious .

Clubs advertising tv money thenPolitics and Money, it's just as the whole AFL is run now.
When do the owners of the game get a say?
The owners the members the punters, us, WE get nothing.
The state of play in our game AT ELITE LEVEL? Well the skills as footballers is dying.

Things need pulling up. But we are so Americanised , with such a tiny population, those in all walks of life that lead us , in all areas are greedy and driven and have no idea of what our game is! Some others not blinded , will know what I am saying , but there are some easily pleased on here too.

I don't know what I'll do about membeship, two of my family who are members live in the Big City where our game was born!

I know they haven't been to footy this year at all. Not because we are re-building, but because the game is won and lost on free kicks and rule standard destruction coutesy Mr Hocking.

Hope Sam becomes half the coach Clarko was, we will win a flag in 6 to 10 years if he is half as good.
One last thing, Alistair is not coach now , his mind set is the new senior coach Sam. The body language tells you.

I believe Alistair, should think seriously about not looking like the bloke who got booted, one of our , perhaps even the best of our super coaches over the years, what ever goes on that we see, might be fine, its what you don't see that you get gut feelings about, and embarrasing our best coach ever, is not HAWTHORN.

Or we should sack the board, thats what one of my family membership carriers reckons HAH, might change their minds, If Sam is a Hawk for ever, he should be the standby. Not already in the chair, if you know what I mean.
Until our man Clarko is ready to go. I don't reckon he is . I may be way off track but you can't believe interviews at all.

Sam has a lot in front of him for years to come patience is a good sign! He could have done some time at the pies?

What ever anyone on BF says to answer this post, have some serious comments if you got nothing to say , don't.
I am not commenting on this again.

Hear your concerns but respectfully try this out (applies to some other posters too); don't read, watch or listen to ANY AFL related media for a week - I can guarantee you'll be pleasantly surprised 'what you haven't missed out on' after your sabbatical

Assumes you do not consider knowing Buddy took out the bins or that Brooke Cotchin just had blue tints put in her hair as 'football news'...
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Carlton from day 1 I believe is the perfect fit.

Massive supporter base that has been in hibernation for 20 years.

Some quality high end young guys to build around. (Walsh Weitering Curnow Mckay Cripps etc)
A club that has gone out and recruited Saad and Williams shows they are pushing to compete.
Some high end talented youngsters that have not performed up to standard that need a rocket.

Carlton if they can lift with some real energy will have 90k members within 2-3 years

For me, Clarkton has a ring to it!!!!
Don’t forget his old mate Russell is already there
Your passion and your love for the club shines through.

There were internal issues last season around direction. The end result was Wright Yze and Burns all moved on.

Bringing back Bolton and putting McCartney in the seat to manage Clarko I feel was a last resort.

the performances and game style we actually play are rubbish.

Our two best games when we have looked good were the Bombers and Crows where we were completely shot and had no choice but to take the game on and play with some flair and excitement.

It’s time for a change.
Bringing back Bolton was the biggest mistake to begin with.
Funnily enough I also think Bucks would be a pretty good choice to be Sammys assistant.

I feel like Bucks is a much better coach now than when he started and would be a good choice to assist Mitch.

If Clarko does end up leaving at the end of this year, I'd even consider offering bucks the senior role over Sam for 2022, and give Sam another year on training wheels without the pressure of being the senior coach. Buckley might not think that's a good deal for him though, as he probably deserves another crack at a senior role somewhere, but maybe if nothing comes up next year for him in that regard, he may consider it.

I am not for one moment saying Clarko would put his interests above the clubs but I just think it would be a very messy situation.

Kind of like splitting with your partner but still sharing a house, not really conductive to a positive outcome!

Yes, I agree it is potentially messy. I just have some faith that Clarko's love of the club will allow him to work through any messy situations that might arise.
Bringing back Bolton was the biggest mistake to begin with.
An assumption, or qualified opinion?

Would love to know just where the issue with our mids starts and and where it ends, in regards to coaching.

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I don’t think much has altered here in a week other than insane media scrutiny. With limited to no direct communication between the coach and the very senior management of the club for 6 months how was this ever going to end well. No they are leaking against him🙄. The way this is playing out reflects poorly on the club, he’s the coach of the modern era and if the clubs given him a contract that’s a year to long, have the courage and the grace to end it in the right manner. Both he and Mitchell deserve that respect and transition.
Someone said their might be some internal shaking of the trees to review leaks as this was all going on, if this even had the faintest bit of truth from someone in the club, I wonder if it’s manufactured to see who whispers…? Put the tin foil on 😂


the club is purposely leaking info to Tommy to see if it possibly makes Clarko walk.
Regardless of any Tom Morris mayo...I doubt he would just make this shit up.

I'd wager some disgruntled senior person at the club has spoken to him along the lines as reported, which is disappointing.

the club is purposely leaking info to Tommy to see if it possibly makes Clarko walk.
See I just can’t see anyone being that stupid, we have an extremely tight media policy and if it was so we have far bigger issues then clarko vs Mitch and we need a bigger clean out then just a coach

also Tom Morris is a dead set numptie, will make up any rumour into a story to stay relevant
My view is, regardless of everything else, if Clarko isn't coaching next year Hawthorn have stuffed up, acted unprofessional and mishandled everything.

Whether the decision of Sam over Clarko to be the long term coach is the right one or not, only time will tell. We don't know all that was said by Clarko. Maybe he couldn't commit more than 3 years beyond 2022. We don't know.

But, if you take away all the other stuff that has gone on, we always wanted Sam to do a two year coaching stint at Box Hill. Then other coaching vacancies come up so that forces our hand to lock Sam down. Fair enough. But should that change the view that Sam should be doing a 2 year stint at Box Hill? It shouldn't. But I am getting the feeling, inside the club at Hawthorn, it has. And I think that is wrong. No important realities have changed. What outside clubs are doing should not affect how we assess what is best for our club. So if we initially thought Sam needed two years at box Hill, what has changed? I would suggest nothing. If we have deviated from this, I think it's because we are impatient or drinking our own bathwater.

I guess time will tell. I will be extremely disappointed in the club's handling of the situation if Clarkson leaves at the end of this year.
It appears as if the board has been white anting Clarkson over the past season.

I got some mail in March this year that the board wanted Clarkson gone by next year and that they were “easing” Mitchell into taking over the reigns. My credibility isn’t helped by not posting - but can assure you the board has been set on this course of action for at least the last 6 months or so (likely longer).

Assumed that Mitchell taking over in 2022 was an error of communication, given Clarkson’s contract, but perhaps not. Nevertheless, the higher ups clearly had this in the mix for a considerable time, and barring any exceptional on-field results, it was going to eventuate.

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I'd wager some disgruntled senior person at the club has spoken to him along the lines as reported, which is disappointing.

Just more media fishing looking for a bite - pathetic...

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fish does rot at the head. This feels like two day premiership three night premiership coach was eased out in 1993 despite a fair team performance and we know the board Had lost its appetite to work hard not the team or the coach

maybe it’s the board that’s gorn soft not the coach. Like everything else I hope I’m wrong.
It appears as if the board has been white anting Clarkson over the past season.

I got some mail in March this year that the board wanted Clarkson gone by next year and that they were “easing” Mitchell into taking over the reigns. My credibility isn’t helped by not posting - but can assure you the board has been set on this course of action for at least the last 6 months or so (likely longer).

Assumed that Mitchell taking over in 2022 was an error of communication, given Clarkson’s contract, but perhaps not. Nevertheless, the higher ups clearly had this in the mix for a considerable time, and barring any exceptional on-field results, it was going to eventuate.

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I got the same mail a month or two back and posted it. And I share the view of the board. Clarko - absolutely love him but his time at Hawks is over. He costs too much for what has been delivered recently. His recent press conferences and explanations of performance (see the ridiculous spin on a 1 goal first half in Silk’s 400th) have just confirmed this for me. I wish him well and I believe he could do really well at another club.

Him staying or leaving next year is neither here nor there. The most vital aspect going into next year is our recruiting through the draft. Rinse and repeat the year after. Our cattle is missing many vital pieces.

The best value out of Clarkson staying on (if he chooses to do so) will be the shielding of Mitchell from the inevitable fall out of another poor year. We need to completely suck it up and go full rebuild. I suspect at the end 2022 we will not regret letting go a coach who let our list get this bad. There will be no Malthouse like scenario. Clarkson will not be coaching finals next year if he stays with the Hawks.

It gives me no pleasure posting this. Like I said - I love Clarko. However we need some ruthlessness in recruiting and selection.
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