Coach Coach for 2025

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I think we are as a board are quite harsh in our assessment of Gavin Bell and as such I feel he is a bit of a victim of circumstances and situation.

While I do think he was thrust into some more senior management roles, earlier than he was ready for, I blame that on King Nissy.

The way King Nissy handled the whole Glass departure/Covid soft cap reshuffle left a lot to be desired, hanging on for one more year then another then another and another again, was counter productive.
IMO - King Nissy should have been tasked by the Board to find a suitable successor to himself a year before we moved to MRP from Subiaco. King Nissy should have been moved sideways from the CEO position and tasked with the relocation and facility build after which he should have hung up the boots.

I digress… back on topic .

R’OB should never have been placed in a situation whereby he had - one foot in list management and another foot as Senior recruiter, that to me was a blatant conflict of interests.
Additionally it removed one of the elements of effective checks and balances, the list manager should be the one holding the recruiters to account if they had a history of dud / bust picks.
It begs the question you can’t effectively audit your own work!
How was that left to happen?

The real worry for me ( admittedly from the perspective of being on the outside looking in ), is that if King Nissy allowed this tools of checks and balances to slip in this vital role, which is critical to ongoing success, that being - list management / recruiting relationship, then where else did the fully accountability notion also fall short.
Checks and balances are an effective way to ensure standard are kept and performances properly assessed and reviewed.
Seems like King Nissy allowed credits in the bank to prevail in the management ranks.

Funny about that ……. Where else at the Club have standards dropped ….., what’s that saying a fish rots from the head.

I think Bell has performed better this last 12 months.

I have trust in Pyke to turn the ship around and if Bell continues to be placed in important senior roles under Pykes watch, then that allays any queries I have about him.

For the record I have no friendship or association with Gavin Bell, rather I suspect he is a loyal servant that has been made to look somewhat underwhelmed as he has helped the Club ride out a perfect storm.
Admitting some of our woes have been self inflicted, so maybe not quite a perfect storm.

Additionally from my ( far too many now ) years in the corporate world, it’s my opinion that a CEO should not be in left in place more than 8 years, or else he and or the organisation becomes stale and looses its vitality.

And I think that’s a far summation of what’s happened at West Coast as the once respected and on field powerhouse has become a cluster **** in everything else other than it’s financial standing and continued performances.

Old man shouts at clouds yearning for the good old days.

Time now, for a bex and a cup of tea. 😉
Very well articulated. I recall catching up with you at an U18 game at Subiaco in about 2017 and discussing this issue. We agreed that King Nissy I had to set up an exit plan. And yes, we agreed he was the right person to get us into Optus and the new headquarters and needed to appoint his successor and work on the side for 2 major projects and let go of the reins at the club.

I actually put this down to a complicit board that did not have the right leadership. The last decent leader we had as chair was Alan Cransberg.

Then along comes Russell Gibbs who was an embarrassment. He should have stayed focussed on Hawaiian in his shopping malls. Can anyone remember his response to a list question on a radio interview and he talked about the youngster Rioli (about 25 at the time) as a shining example of our youff. He sounded as competent as Kate Roffey has done recently on Trac.

Then along comes "Me too". I sense a feeling of underachievement by Paul Fitzpatrick compared to his brother. He walked in his shadows for so long that he forgot how to be a leader. The sooner he hands over to Elizabeth Gaines the better.

I shall leave my angst at that.
You seem to have the job specification from the WCE?

No, I’m going off what the HUN article says and what similarly-described positions at other clubs have been like. Which is more of an admin role. Like he’s currently doing.

Noble went to North as the senior coach. Daly is not being talked about for the senior coach role, based on this latest update.

Which is why I don’t get the comparison.

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But he’s not coming as coach, according to the latest reports.

Can someone else help here? I’m going mad.
The article states:

West Coast will zero in on Brisbane Lion's football manager Danny Daly as a new football director and head of coaching.

The Eagles had initially shown interest in Daly as a potential senior coach but have updates the role to help oversee coaching department and football operations as part of a new senior job.

Daly's experience appeals to West Coast as it would likely help assist and guide a new young coach at West Coast after a series of knock backs from top candidates including Cox, Hansen, Carr and Graham.

It then states that McQualter is firming as one of the front runners for the job
dude wheres my car gay GIF

Yours says coach!
Yours says administrator!
But he’s not coming as coach, according to the latest reports.

Can someone else help here? I’m going mad.
It is only unconfirmed news from the media and I don't think anybody in Bigfooty know it is true. Do you have the job specifications to tell what the job is?
You are getting mad only because you have a high expectation of what you really know. You won't get mad if you keep your mind open a bit more.

I don't know too much footy other than knowing how to ask questions. However, I do have ability to know what is right and what is wrong (what is unknown too).

Once again, thanks for your response. Have a good Tuesday afternoon.
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It is only unconfirmed news from the media and I don't think anybody in Bigfooty know it is true. Do you have the job specifications to tell what the job is?
You are getting mad only because you have a wrong expectation of what you really know. You won't get mad if you keep your open a bit more.

I don't know too much footy other than knowing how to ask questions. However, I do have ability to know what is right and what is wrong (what is unknown too).

Once again, thanks for your response. Have a good Tuesday afternoon.

To the extent I’m getting mad, it’s only because we’re going around in circles.

You might have the ability to ask questions but I’m not sure you’ve got the ability to fully comprehend the answers. Based on your original comparison of Daly to Noble, my querying that comparison when they’re in different situations, and you then apparently being completely unable to understand the difference between (a) the senior coach and (b) another role that’s not the senior coach role.

Good day then, I guess.
Does the proposed head of coaching role have any affect on Gavin Bell's role? Would Bell be Daly's boss or would they run side by side?

If this director of football role is anything like what is used in soccer then basically Daly would have full control over football operations and both Bell and the head coach would report to him. He would be the buffer between the board and the football department.

Also, this role would take away most of the power/control a head coach has ensuring the coaching team focuses solely on onfield performance and development while Daly will handle the strategic and administrative areas. Also, a director of football is also usually a mentor for the head coach anyway.

Obviously, all three of Daly, Bell and the head coach would work closely together as well but Daly's makes the final decision.

That's how generally the exact same role works in soccer. Quite impressive from Pyke if he is trying to implement this at our club.
So anyone care to ELI5 what the role of a director of coaching would be, and why it sounds like we need one to catch up with the modern footy business clubs?

Is it more to take some of the off field/broader strategic decisions off the head coach so they can more focus on the actual game day "coaching role"?

Or is more just another jobs for the boys kinda role?
I think we are as a board are quite harsh in our assessment of Gavin Bell and as such I feel he is a bit of a victim of circumstances and situation.

While I do think he was thrust into some more senior management roles, earlier than he was ready for, I blame that on King Nissy.

The way King Nissy handled the whole Glass departure/Covid soft cap reshuffle left a lot to be desired, hanging on for one more year then another then another and another again, was counter productive.
IMO - King Nissy should have been tasked by the Board to find a suitable successor to himself a year before we moved to MRP from Subiaco. King Nissy should have been moved sideways from the CEO position and tasked with the relocation and facility build after which he should have hung up the boots.

I digress… back on topic .

R’OB should never have been placed in a situation whereby he had - one foot in list management and another foot as Senior recruiter, that to me was a blatant conflict of interests.
Additionally it removed one of the elements of effective checks and balances, the list manager should be the one holding the recruiters to account if they had a history of dud / bust picks.
It begs the question you can’t effectively audit your own work!
How was that left to happen?

The real worry for me ( admittedly from the perspective of being on the outside looking in ), is that if King Nissy allowed this tools of checks and balances to slip in this vital role, which is critical to ongoing success, that being - list management / recruiting relationship, then where else did the fully accountability notion also fall short.
Checks and balances are an effective way to ensure standard are kept and performances properly assessed and reviewed.
Seems like King Nissy allowed credits in the bank to prevail in the management ranks.

Funny about that ……. Where else at the Club have standards dropped ….., what’s that saying a fish rots from the head.

I think Bell has performed better this last 12 months.

I have trust in Pyke to turn the ship around and if Bell continues to be placed in important senior roles under Pykes watch, then that allays any queries I have about him.

For the record I have no friendship or association with Gavin Bell, rather I suspect he is a loyal servant that has been made to look somewhat underwhelmed as he has helped the Club ride out a perfect storm.
Admitting some of our woes have been self inflicted, so maybe not quite a perfect storm.

Additionally from my ( far too many now ) years in the corporate world, it’s my opinion that a CEO should not be in left in place more than 8 years, or else he and or the organisation becomes stale and looses its vitality.

And I think that’s a far summation of what’s happened at West Coast as the once respected and on field powerhouse has become a cluster **** in everything else other than it’s financial standing and continued performances.

Old man shouts at clouds yearning for the good old days.

Time now, for a bex and a cup of tea. 😉

Agree with this

It’s often hard to judge the impact (good or bad) a football manager has on a club as an outside observer. Some, like Neil Balme, are easy to judge because success follows them and for the most part, things run smoothly.

When a club has a high profile/powerful CEO like Nisbett I suspect the football manager, especially an inexperienced one, has less of a say in important decisions and should then be held less accountable for some of those decisions

Due to the struggles Vozzo had during Covid, he was initially moved sideways into a non-football role before departing to become CEO at Essendon. That pitchforked Bell into a role that he wasn’t ready for but he was at the club and a cheap option at a time when fitting under the soft cap was a challenge

Oddly enough, as Bell’s predecessor, Vozzo also moved into the football manager role early (due to Neale Daniher’s ill health) and was also criticised early - Crazy Vozzo anyone. He developed into a very good operator and had it not been for Covid, he’d be our current CEO which seemed to be the plan around 2019/20

So give Bell a bit of time. The fact he’s on the selection committee for the new coach indicates to me he isn’t going anywhere. That we seem to be looking at bringing in an football/coaching director is perhaps an acknowledgment that not only do we need to assist a new coach but also an inexperienced football manager

As an aside, it was reported earlier that we’d approached Guy McKenna for an unspecified role. Maybe it’s the same role we’re considering Daly for.

Either way it’s a good development and a clear sign that weaknesses in our football department have been identified and solutions being sought after
I don't know too much footy other than knowing how to ask questions. However, I do have ability to know what is right and what is wrong (what is unknown too).

Once again, thanks for your response. Have a good Tuesday afternoon.
Not to be a stick in the mud, but it’s Wednesday.

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It is only unconfirmed news from the media and I don't think anybody in Bigfooty know it is true. Do you have the job specifications to tell what the job is?
You are getting mad only because you have a high expectation of what you really know. You won't get mad if you keep your mind open a bit more.

I don't know too much footy other than knowing how to ask questions. However, I do have ability to know what is right and what is wrong (what is unknown too).

Once again, thanks for your response. Have a good Tuesday afternoon.
If you keep your mind too open everything falls out. Which might explain a few things.
If this director of football role is anything like what is used in soccer then basically Daly would have full control over football operations and both Bell and the head coach would report to him. He would be the buffer between the board and the football department.

Also, this role would take away most of the power/control a head coach has ensuring the coaching team focuses solely on onfield performance and development while Daly will handle the strategic and administrative areas. Also, a director of football is also usually a mentor for the head coach anyway.

Obviously, all three of Daly, Bell and the head coach would work closely together as well but Daly's makes the final decision.

That's how generally the exact same role works in soccer. Quite impressive from Pyke if he is trying to implement this at our club.

Thanks - very informative and something to hope for.

*a note - I don't have any strong positive or negative feelings for Bell, just curious as to what this kind of appointment would mean for his position.
So anyone care to ELI5 what the role of a director of coaching would be, and why it sounds like we need one to catch up with the modern footy business clubs?

Is it more to take some of the off field/broader strategic decisions off the head coach so they can more focus on the actual game day "coaching role"?

Or is more just another jobs for the boys kinda role?

Definitely not a jobs for the boys role. It is quite a powerful role and all the successful clubs in soccer have it.

Long story short, the director of football role is responsible for identifying weaknesses in every area of football operations and rectifying them by providing the best possible help/guidance to ensure each area is working optimally to achieve on field success. In addition, the person has full control of football operations.

Also, this is a huge step we are taking towards building for another premiership. Having a director of football ensures that there is a consistent strategy/direction in place that will be followed regardless of who is the coach (which would avoid the current mess we are in atm in the future).

Once again this is how the role plays out in soccer. Hopefully, Pyke has the same thing in mind.
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Coach Coach for 2025

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