Congrats to Bush

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dan warna said:
say that to all those innocent women and children murdered by US forces and the the dead american and british and maybe even australians as a result of these policies.

also as a result of bush's actions I wouldn't be suprised if retaliation occurs on Australian soil in which case bush and howard are the ones to blame for attacking a country that had nothing to do with us.
so when a group of nutcase terrorists blow up or machine gun a school(favorite target of gutless terrorists) in Australia you will be dancing in the street will you Dan?
coasting said:
Sir John Howard will make sure no Aussies die in Iraq. They are well and truly out of harms way.

I know a few of them are training the new iraqi army, but do our troops have any other major duties there or are we just cheerleaders on the sidelines watching the yanks clean up?
coasting said:
Sir John Howard will make sure no Aussies die in Iraq. They are well and truly out of harms way.
Election = finished, thus service personnel expendable.

Prepare the body bags.

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butterflykiss said:
Im the same as well.
As for the bible toting yanks the more killed in the occupied Iraq the better.

Mate with that sort of attitude you are an infinelty worse person than George Bush and his cronies

I can only hope you don't breed as the world would be a better place without your type
Tim56 said:
Now you're just pathetically desperate.

its safe to say tim, you and the rest of your ilk will always be sitting comfortably behind your computer applauding all the death and destruction around the world perpertrated by dubya,rodent etc etc. I suggest if you are so passionate for armies to go in and destroy unruly countries and leaders etc, you join the army and put your arse on the line for the policies you so ardently applaud. I know you won't because like the rest of you computer fascists you are way too GUTLESS
The soldiers over there are being used as pawns, they arent the guys and girls who should be targetted. If you quit the army and go against them you get done for treason and are disgraced (you do get to be on 60 minutes though). Justice would be having politicians fighting the wars they organise.
WA ROO said:
so when a group of nutcase terrorists blow up or machine gun a school(favorite target of gutless terrorists) in Australia you will be dancing in the street will you Dan?
no but he will be pointing the finger at you tossers who voted these puritanical fascists in
Do you know why you keep losing elections??
It's because you all come across as such sanctimonious w@nkers!!
You think only you know best and every one who doesn't vote the way you do are ******ed, uncaring, racist,selfish, imperialist etc etc etc.
I voted for Howard, and would have voted for Bush just to annoy the self important d*ckheads like Phillip Adams, MIke Carlton, Alan Ramsay etc,, Mike Moore. I just love to hear them whinge. Can't wait for Kerry and his supporters to slowly twist in the breeze for the next two weeks as they wonder why it is that they weren't swept into office and try desperately and in vain to win when they have so obviously lost.
Get over it. We all have a vote. Worry about something important - your family or next years footy. (we already have the Cricket wrapped up)
PJK said:
Do you know why you keep losing elections??
It's because you all come across as such sanctimonious w@nkers!!
You think only you know best and every one who doesn't vote the way you do are ******ed, uncaring, racist,selfish, imperialist etc etc etc.
I voted for Howard, and would have voted for Bush just to annoy the self important d*ckheads like Phillip Adams, MIke Carlton, Alan Ramsay etc,, Mike Moore. I just love to hear them whinge. Can't wait for Kerry and his supporters to slowly twist in the breeze for the next two weeks as they wonder why it is that they weren't swept into office and try desperately and in vain to win when they have so obviously lost.
Get over it. We all have a vote. Worry about something important - your family or next years footy. (we already have the Cricket wrapped up)

Great post PJK, i agree with everything you say - except i would have voted for Kerry (even though he is a dud)

At least we won't have to put up with Mike Moore's ego telling us all that he was responsible for kickin Bush out of the White House
PJK said:
Do you know why you keep losing elections??
It's because you all come across as such sanctimonious w@nkers!!
You think only you know best and every one who doesn't vote the way you do are ******ed, uncaring, racist,selfish, imperialist etc etc etc.
I voted for Howard, and would have voted for Bush just to annoy the self important d*ckheads like Phillip Adams, MIke Carlton, Alan Ramsay etc,, Mike Moore. I just love to hear them whinge. Can't wait for Kerry and his supporters to slowly twist in the breeze for the next two weeks as they wonder why it is that they weren't swept into office and try desperately and in vain to win when they have so obviously lost.
Get over it. We all have a vote. Worry about something important - your family or next years footy. (we already have the Cricket wrapped up)

You make the assumption that people who vote for Howard would also vote for Bush. Not true. Would they also vote for the Tories in the UK? Perhaps they might vote for Blair.

That you would vote for Bush just to "annoy" people doesn't say too much for your intelligence. Can't you think of a better reason than that?
hoss said:
You make the assumption that people who vote for Howard would also vote for Bush. Not true. Would they also vote for the Tories in the UK? Perhaps they might vote for Blair.

That is a valid point Hoss and i would fall into this category (i.e vote coalition against bush), unfortunately many of the left leaning on this site can't quite grasp that concept
I actually vote conservate for many well thought out reasons and always have. The purpose of the post was point out the self rightous clap trap spouted by many who think more radically than me.

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Caj said:
hoss said:
You make the assumption that people who vote for Howard would also vote for Bush. Not true. Would they also vote for the Tories in the UK? Perhaps they might vote for Blair.
That is a valid point Hoss and i would fall into this category (i.e vote coalition against bush), unfortunately many of the left leaning on this site can't quite grasp that concept

Very true that- I voted Howard but really really hoped that Bush would get the flick.

I think the sectarianism in politics is pretty ugly and stupid really- Voting for a candidate because they're left wing and you're left wing (or right wing and right wing, obviously) is about on par with voting for a candidate because they support the same footy team as you. The only sensible thing to do is take a look at a candidate's track record and what they've delivered and vote on that basis- and if you look at what Bush has delivered it defies belief that anyone could vote for him.
I think its hilarios that you can look at the map and see that 90% of the states Bush won are the backwoods hick, sister screwing, gun stocking, mad man miltia, redneck, darkee hanging, beer guzling states. I mean he actually won this time unlike last time but its pretty funny when you look at the states he won, theres no denying it, he's the king of hillbillies, rednecks and hicks.
toulairene said:
I know a few of them are training the new iraqi army, but do our troops have any other major duties there or are we just cheerleaders on the sidelines watching the yanks clean up?

There might be some SAS regiments still trundling around, and even some 4RAR commandos???
=dan warna

I hope the freedom fighters of iraq can overthrough the imperialist american forces.

I now have no sympathy for any dead american or british forces in iraq. They are there as an illegal occupation force, and with the blessing of their electorate.

They are nothing more than murdering criminals and if they die by the legitimate freedom fighters of iraq (as opposed to terror organisations who are taking advantage of the situation), then so be it...

...Also as a result of Bush's actions I wouldn't be surprised if retaliation occurs on Australian soil in which case Bush and Howard are the one's to blame for attacking a country that had nothing to do with us ...

OhDan Bin Warner ....Praise be to Allah who created the creation for his worship and commanded them to be just and permitted the wronged one to retaliate against the oppressor in kind.

May Allah protect you and keep you safe.
GuruJane said:
OhDan Bin Warner ....Praise be to Allah who created the creation for his worship and commanded them to be just and permitted the wronged one to retaliate against the oppressor in kind.

May Allah protect you and keep you safe.
butterflykiss said:
What would you expect from a country that 50% of its people believe the bibles version of creation? No doubt the local Rodent will be quick to suck up Bushes arse pretty quickly.

hell fire and damnation await thee belzebub
coasting said:
I think its hilarios that you can look at the map and see that 90% of the states Bush won are the backwoods hick, sister screwing, gun stocking, mad man miltia, redneck, darkee hanging, beer guzling states. I mean he actually won this time unlike last time but its pretty funny when you look at the states he won, theres no denying it, he's the king of hillbillies, rednecks and hicks.

he speaks their language, he's just a regular guy.
Well done to Bush- I still can't believe he did it.

So much for the impact of Farenhiet 9/11 etc on Bush.

So much for the Redskins result predicting the election.
dan warna said:
He has won the election barring a miracle.

Looks like more innocent murdered children around the world.
US blocking Kyoto
more money for military expansion
booming share price for haliburton


I hope the freedom fighters of iraq can overthrough the imperialist american forces.

I now have no sympathy for any dead american or british forces in iraq. They are there as an illegal occupation force, and with the blessing of their electorate.

They are nothing more than murdering criminals and if they die by the legitimate freedom fighters of iraq (as opposed to terror organisations who are taking advantage of the situation), then so be it.

America has voted for its government, and if they deserve everything they get.

Keep sooking there buddy!


I hope Michael Moore's cameras were rolling when Republican buses had their tyres slashed and Republican poll workers were being physically harrassed by various Democrat/Left Wing organisations. What's that Mike? Your batteries were flat? Quelle suprise ... Hope he enjoyed covering an orderly, free & fair vote organised by the Jeb Bush state govt. in Florida! :p
supersize moore is not really interested in politics or the outcome of the election, he's only in it for the money. his target audience is the uni undergraduate crowd that loves to believe in conspiracy theories and to protest against the establishment. that's why he keeps pumping out the same old predictable low brow 'the sky is falling', 'end of civilisation as we know it' senarios.

that grotesque tub of lard is a phoney, he's a multi millionare yet he wants to maintain his 'keep on truckin' persona, with his shabby appearance and wardrobe. apparently this gives him street cred with the kiddies, they would give him much less attention if he dressed up like donald trump.......a wealth member of the capitalist establishment.

i predict all those young kiddies that are creaming their pants over anything moore says will feel very embaressed when they finally mature.
PJK said:
You think only you know best and every one who doesn't vote the way you do are ******ed, uncaring, racist,selfish, imperialist etc etc etc.

BINGO, now you're getting it. Oh & it should be I KNOW, plus you left out war mongering.

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Congrats to Bush

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