Congrats to Bush

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As far as I'm concerned, neither Bush nor Howard deserve my congratulations.

To think that someone who promises to do 'God's will' gets such overwhelming support is frightening.

So much for democeracy.
agitator said:
he speaks their language, he's just a regular guy.

Never thought I would ever agree with Agitator, but this is so true.

Bush and Howard, with all their faults (and they both have plenty), come across genuinely, as themselves, even though its "warts and all".

Kerry, when he didn't come across as a cardboard cutout, seemed a little condescending and patronising. Same, but to a lesser degree with Latham.

Campaigns of fear, and appealing to Joe Public's slightly racist tendencies worked for both Bush and Howard too.
Come on Iraqi insurgents - let's destroy these imperialist invaders. They've got no business in there so I, for one, will have no sympathy for any Coalition fighters killed.

Oh, newsflash! Hungary announced today that they, too, will be withdrawing their 360 soldiers from Iraq in March next year. The US, Britain and Australia are becoming increasingly marginalised over there.

Lets hope the insurgents do a Vietcong and defeat those ugly Americans, inflicting great losses on those dogs!

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agitator said:
he speaks their language, he's just a regular guy.

Im just think its funny thats all. Really look at the states Bush won, esp. the ones he won by landslides. They are all either southern redneck states or hick states. I realise alot of republicans are not rednecks and voted for Bush because well they are republican. Bush isnt really that smart a guy, he would have never been on the political map if it wasnt for his father.
dont let that folksie bush manner deceive you, he's one of the smartest political operatives ever. he knows which buttons to push to connect with the american people, he's a great actor and plays his part well.
Love him or hate him, you know exactly what you're getting with Bush. Unfortunately, a lot of people share those values.

Kerry's failure is the same as Gore's. I think a lot of people felt he didn't provide enough of a true alternative. He says "we'll win the war on terror but do it differently". I suspect a lot of the votes Kerry got were simply protest votes.

My vote was, for all intents and purposes, a vote against Bush. I guess in retrospect that's a terrible way to think about it. For all I know, Kerry could've been a lousy president, but I was willing to take my chances. A lot of people weren't.

The mind of the American left during this entire campaign, in my opinion, never seemed to be about winning a Kerry presidency as much as it was about preventing another Bush presidency. You just can't run like that.

As it was, he nearly pulled it off. But Bush's people are smart. I hate to give Republicans credit, but I have to. They are really, really ruthless when it comes to getting what they want.
I think Kerry's downfall was his Vietnam war stance. A great rallying call for the Democrats, but not a stance likely to go down well with your average non North east or west coast conservative. But then should the Democrats sell their convictions just to win the house? Tough call.

Had he been a Vitenam vet who fout out the war and never protested for peace, then I think he would have won. A lot of people still hate those war prtesters - right or wrong.
"Oh, newsflash! Hungary announced today that they, too, will be withdrawing their 360 soldiers from Iraq in March next year. The US, Britain and Australia are becoming increasingly marginalised over there. "

oh well, it's all over then, how can the Americans possibly continue now?

Did you see the volcano in Iceland. Bloody Bush has probably caused that as well.
It has just been revealed that the wife of John Edwards (vice president candidate) has breast cancer.
I had sympathy and condolences for the US post s11, however they then invaded two countries, bombed others and set up haliburton as the cash cow for ******** and co, set up concentrations camps and murdered hundreds of thousands of civilians and handed over afghanistan to murderous and theiving warlords who are worse than the taliban.

I had sympathy for America for the President I thought they didn't want.

clearly they endorse his policies.

if hundreds of thousands of americans die in legitimate retaliatory strikes by their victims, then that is justice.

However America, russia 20 years ago much like Rome 2000 years and britain 150 years and other dictatorial countries are the power of the modern era and are too tough to take on directly, anything they cop, they deserve after endorsing the evil that is this republican govt.
this Bush government reminds me of the Simpsons episode with the Leader. Leader brainwashed all the imbeciles into believing lies then scarpers with all the money but in the episode he gets caught in the end. I'm afraid this mob of thieves are gonna get away with it becaused the brainwashed masses are way too stupid, they make the springfield gang look like MENSA prodigies

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Congrats to Bush

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