I'm a nuffie on a footy forum, not on the nightly news, I'm with Brett C on this one, there's always something out there that's going to kill us all and I certainly don't trust the media to give an informative, dispassionate, non exaggerated, non sensationalist run down of what is happening re coronavirus. As I said earlier, take sensible precautions and most people will be fine, no need to panic IMO.Please don't make light of it or share anything like this. Coronavirus is a huge threat to the elderly and people with other health concerns like the ones in your graph. At one point over 99% of deaths were in people with other conditions/comorbidities (heart disease being the most common).
I'm on the verge of elderly myself and have several 80+ relatives.
That will do for me on corona on our forum, I'd rather leave discussion of issues like this and politics/religion to the appropriate board, it can get rather heated, we mostly get along really well on here and I wouldn't want that to change. GO LIONS!