Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) 2020

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Unless the wheels really fall off in a hurry, there is going to be a hell of a lot of spare capacity with those ICU beds.

Am I right in thinking there are a further 4000 beds on order?
That may be correct

The below sentence is from the Federal Government modeling dated 6/4/20.
Page 2 second last paragraph. Link to full PDF below.
Because it is under modeling i am not sure if this is what may be happening or will be happening

"We are expanding the capacity of our health system, including increasing ICU capacity to over 7,000 beds."

Doesn't hurt to be prepared for either now or in the future....I really think the world was caught out on this virus and weren't prepared for the severity of it.

We, and hopefully, the rest of the world will be more vigilant.

Having said that, by and large I'm happy with the restrictions that have been put in place. Just a pity NSW generally chose to do things their own way which turned out to be disastrous....and still thumbing their noses at the authorities as far as I can see re beaches parks etc..

We can't drop the ball yet, we're getting there but we must still continue with the restrictions as they are imo.
Doesn't hurt to be prepared for either now or in the future....I really think the world was caught out on this virus and weren't prepared for the severity of it.

We, and hopefully, the rest of the world will be more vigilant.

Over capacity is a much better thing than under capacity.

There is absolutely no reason why another pandemic can't occur in the next few years. Maybe the world has just been lucky to have avoided a big one since the (inaptly named) "Spanish" Flu that afflicted humankind in 1918-19. There were warnings with H1N1, SARS and MERS, all of which occurred in this century but whether by good management (or good luck), got controlled by some means or another.

If there's one good thing that might come out of this Covid19 disaster, is that maybe countries will finally realise that investment in health care and infrastructure is actually an investment in the survival of our species.

Rather than nations investing in bombs, guns and other destructive devices that are only going to have the opposite effect.

I live in hope.

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He knows better than all the top health officials and scientists....he thinks.

He has a very belligerant attitude to being told anything, even by the experts.....and therein lies most of America's problems right now

...and as for protesting in the streets, with guns mind you, against being in lockdown, well good luck with their fight against the virus.

One very screwed up country.....and they think they lead the world!
He knows better than all the top health officials and scientists....he thinks.

He has a very belligerant attitude to being told anything, even by the experts.....and therein lies most of America's problems right now

...and as for protesting in the streets, with guns mind you, against being in lockdown, well good luck with their fight against the virus.

One very screwed up country.....and they think they lead the world!

Actually, the vast majority of them are sensible.

Makes you wonder how a total moron like Trump ever got elected. It surely can't happen again.

The images of gun-toting gung-ho rednecks taking to the streets demanding their "rights" might get a lot of airplay from the likes of the Trump loving FOX NEWS but is not representative of your average American.
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Actually, the vast majority of them are sensible.

Makes you wonder how a total moron like Trump ever got elected. It surely can't happen again.

The images of gun-toting gung-ho rednecks taking to the streets demanding their "rights" might get a lot of airplay from the likes of the Trump loving FOX NEWS but is not representative of your average American.
Probably because they don't get off their asses and vote (under 60% of eligible voters actually turned up in 2016).
Not much of an alterative though........

You'd think with their population they'd be able to find someone better than those two.
Anyone else isn't much of an alternative to a racist sexist pathological liar that is most interested in enriching himself? Every other presidential candidate only managed to tick a couple of those boxes at most.

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Anyone else isn't much of an alternative to a racist sexist pathological liar that is most interested in enriching himself? Every other presidential candidate only managed to tick a couple of those boxes at most.
Yeah, they should look at our political history and take a leaf out of our book!!!! 5 PM's in eight years is something we all should be proud of and promote to the rest of the globe.
Even with that fact, we are still a far more stable, rational country.. I know where I'd rather live, faults and all.

Trump has all the hallmarks of an emerging dictator. He likes total control.
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Yeah, they should look at our political history and take a leaf out of our book!!!! 5 PM's in eight years is something we all should be proud of and promote to the rest of the globe.
For all our faults, only one of those came anywhere near any of those boxes.
Even with that fact, we are still a far more stable, rational country.. I know where I'd rather live, faults and all.

Trump has all the hallmarks of an emerging dictator. He likes total control.
Really McMum? When did you last live in USA or do you make these comparisons based on our meticulous media giving us the actual facts which enables you to make that observation?
Question: What do you think would change in our lives should USA take away and protection/support for us?
Head in the sand dlanod...head in the sand. We are fast becoming NOT the lucky country.
Lol. That's a massive digression from a specific critique over the relative standard of two countries' leaders. Obviously there's some party line you really want to push going on.
Even with that fact, we are still a far more stable, rational country.. I know where I'd rather live, faults and all.

Trump has all the hallmarks of an emerging dictator. He likes total control.

Might want to get your TDS checked out. If he really wanted "total control" and had the hallmarks of a dictator, then there's a few legal ways that he can do that. None of that has happened over the past 4-5 years, not even when impeachment was on the table. Go and look at the history of other dictators then compare them to Trump, it's no where near the same.

Also, if he really wanted to be a dictator, he's chosen a pretty shitty age (Trump is 73 years old) to put his master plan into action. He can only have one more term, if he gets re-elected which is very much possible, and by then he'll be almost 80 and a gust of wind could take him out.

Anyone else isn't much of an alternative to a racist sexist pathological liar that is most interested in enriching himself? Every other presidential candidate only managed to tick a couple of those boxes at most.

Look, I think you're wrong with the racism, sexism and pathological lying stuff, but it's clear you're set in your mindset and nothing I'm going to say will change that. However with the somewhat recent revelations that came out of the Jeffrey Epstein island situation, there's barely a single political candidate that could not be any of the accusations you've put forward here. Apparently so much of the global political and social elite were involved, that it would be near impossible to pick anyone that isn't what you've described.
Look, I think you're wrong with the racism, sexism and pathological lying stuff, but it's clear you're set in your mindset and nothing I'm going to say will change that.
I'm only judging the guy by his own words and actions. Here I was thinking that was what we're supposed to judge people based on.

"Pathological" might have been a bit over the top but it seems to make the most sense given his claims to not having said stuff he had said the previous day.
Might want to get your TDS checked out. If he really wanted "total control" and had the hallmarks of a dictator, then there's a few legal ways that he can do that. None of that has happened over the past 4-5 years, not even when impeachment was on the table. Go and look at the history of other dictators then compare them to Trump, it's no where near the same.

Also, if he really wanted to be a dictator, he's chosen a pretty shitty age (Trump is 73 years old) to put his master plan into action. He can only have one more term, if he gets re-elected which is very much possible, and by then he'll be almost 80 and a gust of wind could take him out.

Look, I think you're wrong with the racism, sexism and pathological lying stuff, but it's clear you're set in your mindset and nothing I'm going to say will change that. However with the somewhat recent revelations that came out of the Jeffrey Epstein island situation, there's barely a single political candidate that could not be any of the accusations you've put forward here. Apparently so much of the global political and social elite were involved, that it would be near impossible to pick anyone that isn't what you've described.
Let me guess, you subscribe to QAanon on FB.
I'm only judging the guy by his own words and actions. Here I was thinking that was what we're supposed to judge people based on.

"Pathological" might have been a bit over the top but it seems to make the most sense given his claims to not having said stuff he had said the previous day.

I mean, are you referencing to Trump calling countries like Haiti shitholes/building the wall racist and the GTBTP incident/saying he would marry his daughter sexist? Because points like those are easily debatable in my eyes. We can debate and debunk point by point if you want, but at the end of the day anything anyone says or does is then viewed/heard by someone else, which is then altered based on that person’s life experience and clearly we were brought up differently.

In regards to Trump saying this and that in regards to corona virus treatment, I personally think he’s doing it on purpose to either A. Rally his supporters against people who call him out, B. Make it seem like he’s just trying to give people hope by literally saying anything or C. He really is trying to punk the media. These are all plausible options given the current state of America right now.

Let me guess, you subscribe to QAanon on FB.

In all honesty, had to Google/search on Facebook for this one. And whilst I think it’s very shitty/disingenuous of you to imply that I’m into the “far-right”, which is more of a smear term to discredit people nowadays rather than describe an actual political position, I’m more of a centrist with my views. I just don‘t like it when I read something and it doesn’t seem legitimate to me based on taking in arguments from the “right” and the “left” from various sources. Also it’s “QAnon”, unless you were talking about something else.
I mean, are you referencing to Trump calling countries like Haiti shitholes/building the wall racist and the GTBTP incident/saying he would marry his daughter sexist? Because points like those are easily debatable in my eyes. We can debate and debunk point by point if you want, but at the end of the day anything anyone says or does is then viewed/heard by someone else, which is then altered based on that person’s life experience and clearly we were brought up differently.

In regards to Trump saying this and that in regards to corona virus treatment, I personally think he’s doing it on purpose to either A. Rally his supporters against people who call him out, B. Make it seem like he’s just trying to give people hope by literally saying anything or C. He really is trying to punk the media. These are all plausible options given the current state of America right now.

In all honesty, had to Google/search on Facebook for this one. And whilst I think it’s very shitty/disingenuous of you to imply that I’m into the “far-right”, which is more of a smear term to discredit people nowadays rather than describe an actual political position, I’m more of a centrist with my views. I just don‘t like it when I read something and it doesn’t seem legitimate to me based on taking in arguments from the “right” and the “left” from various sources. Also it’s “QAnon”, unless you were talking about something else.
Nothing to do with anything far right. It was your strident defence of Trump, and then you started talking Epstein, and it reminded me of someone who’s in to conspiracy stuff, and always posting QAanon conspiracy and Trump stuff on FB.

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Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) 2020

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