Croweater's thread of not-so-erotic fiction

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Jeez Croweater , when you melt, you really melt! Is this a port Adelaide thing or something? There's a few port melters, you guys seem to have a much higher ratio of melters to posters than any other club

Still, even mid melt you managed to slip some self serving political analogies in there so you could try to sound smart, you kept to type, good job.

Anyway, toughen up a bit! Hayley will want a hero, not a sook! And send Hurricane Natalie's number to some of these thirsty lads in here, they deserve it.

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(one who was also named Natalie in an ironic twist)

Oh, and that's not irony, BTW. That's only irony in the way Alanis Morissette uses it. IE, the wrong way.

I feel bad for pointing that out, you've been at great pains to point out how much smarter than me you are, after all...
Jeez Croweater , when you melt, you really melt! Is this a port Adelaide thing or something? There's a few port melters, you guys seem to have a much higher ratio of melters to posters than any other club

Now on to another matter. I don't know why some of you have chosen to listen to Duritz. You can think I'm full of shit; that's fair enough. Someone claiming to have had threesomes, and to have had nothing but girls rating at least an eight out of ten at his beck and call in all likeliness isn't telling the truth. So I get it. You're entitled to your opinion.

But to be a throng of malleable partisans with that moron as your leader de facto? Please. He starts this dedicated campaign to trash what I'm posting, tagging me in pointless incoherent drivel (which, let's be honest, isn't too far of a departure from what he usually spouts out) to get my attention like the attention whore that he is, and posting what can best be summarised as juvenile garbage. Let me tell you something, listening to Duritz on any matter is akin to listening to an Adolf Hitler speech on racial equality. Then again, you probably think posters who have sided with me are as gullible as a Chilean who believed that Pinochet was really a good bloke with a keen sense of Western economics, and that he didn’t mean to do such gosh darn nasty things to all of those people. So who gives a shit, right?
Don't worry, if Duritz hadn't of taken it upon himself to tee off on you and earn himself the title "leader de facto", I definitely would have. And I'm relatively normal.

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So is Hayley lucky or unlucky that you did not fold on her as quickly as us in the face of adversity?

Either way it seems the Hurricane is the loser.....and anybody who likes a conclusion to a good tease
Obviously there is a heap of mayo put on the stories in this thread, but who cares? For the most part the people here don't l know each other and they are pretty entertaining. It's just a bit of a laugh and way to pass time on a mundane weekday.

Crow Eater does come across as pretty pleased with himself though but that's hardly uncommon for a 23 yr old aspiring lawyer. Not like you have to ever meet the bloke. . Read the story or don't if you think it's bullshit just disengage. It's just the internet. Not sure why some people take it so seriously.
Obviously there is a heap of mayo put on the stories in this thread, but who cares? For the most part the people here don't l know each other and they are pretty entertaining. It's just a bit of a laugh and way to pass time on a mundane weekday.

Crow Eater does come across as pretty pleased with himself though but that's hardly uncommon for a 23 yr old aspiring lawyer. Not like you have to ever meet the bloke. . Read the story or don't if you think it's bullshit just disengage. It's just the internet. Not sure why some people take it so seriously.

This is what happens when we let flogs who frequent the Bay out of their lair. They bring their troll behaviour here, when it should remain on the troll board (Bay 13). If I told my stories on the Bay, I would expect people to troll, but not on the General Discussion board.

You can tell me I'm precious, or I like to ruin your fun, or I can't see the funny side, or whatever.

The way I look at this thread is that if you have stories to share, share them. If they're well received, keep sharing. If they're not, then stop.

Duritz posted various times, mainly centring on what he deemed my propensity to bullshit, with many posts receiving in between fifteen and thirty likes, which generally means that people agree with him. Ergo, people think that I'm talking shit. Therefore, I won't post.

I was more than happy to share my experiences with you guys. But if you don't believe them, why bother? So people can use my experiences as fodder for mockery? Yeah, not on your life.
This is what happens when we let flogs who frequent the Bay out of their lair. They bring their troll behaviour here, when it should remain on the troll board (Bay 13). If I told my stories on the Bay, I would expect people to troll, but not on the General Discussion board.

You can tell me I'm precious, or I like to ruin your fun, or I can't see the funny side, or whatever.

The way I look at this thread is that if you have stories to share, share them. If they're well received, keep sharing. If they're not, then stop.

Duritz posted various times, mainly centring on what he deemed my propensity to bullshit, with many posts receiving in between fifteen and thirty likes, which generally means that people agree with him. Ergo, people think that I'm talking shit. Therefore, I won't post.

I was more than happy to share my experiences with you guys. But if you don't believe them, why bother? So people can use my experiences as fodder for mockery? Yeah, not on your life.
If it makes you feel any better, I read the last couple of pages too the missus last night. She thought you were a loser for not taking up the threesome.
This is the last I'll say on this whole thing. It started as me recounting a series of unfortunate events. Admittedly, it ended with me telling you about a bit of a saga going on in my life, which I acknowledge appeared somewhat self-aggrandising. I did it because some of you wanted me to keep you updated, but I'm sorry for derailing the thread.

For the record, not that it seems to matter, everything I told you guys is correct. Actually, there is something I haven't been honest with you guys about. It makes the last few pages of sleuthing and stalking all the more amusing. Natalie and Hayley are not the girl's real names. :eek:

I used fake names for three reasons. First of all, it was to protect the identities of the people involved (including myself). You hear stories all the time of people getting into a spot of bother due to stories, or photos, or whatever being posted online. Secondly, I find using names a better figurative representation than referring to someone as 'girl x' or 'girl y'. Thirdly, and I can't stress this enough, a select few of you are absolute horndogs (in relation to this as well as stories from a myriad of other posters), who have what seem to be perpetual boners and who embody what can best be described as a cross between a bobble-head doll and a Great Dane with its tongue out its mouth and its head out the window, as you drive past girls on the street. I remember how BigFooty took the sleuthing and stalking international, when it exposed a couple of cheats in Canada (one who was also named Natalie in an ironic twist), who fabricated the voting system of a competition in order to gain an unfair advantage. As thoroughly brilliant and amusing as that was, I wasn't going to have a bunch of thirsty lads (and inquisitive girls it turns out) peruse the far reaches of the internet to try and find someone who deserved what a poster described a "revenge f*ck".

Now on to another matter. I don't know why some of you have chosen to listen to Duritz. You can think I'm full of shit; that's fair enough. Someone claiming to have had threesomes, and to have had nothing but girls rating at least an eight out of ten at his beck and call in all likeliness isn't telling the truth. So I get it. You're entitled to your opinion.

But to be a throng of malleable partisans with that moron as your leader de facto? Please. He starts this dedicated campaign to trash what I'm posting, tagging me in pointless incoherent drivel (which, let's be honest, isn't too far of a departure from what he usually spouts out) to get my attention like the attention whore that he is, and posting what can best be summarised as juvenile garbage. Let me tell you something, listening to Duritz on any matter is akin to listening to an Adolf Hitler speech on racial equality. Then again, you probably think posters who have sided with me are as gullible as a Chilean who believed that Pinochet was really a good bloke with a keen sense of Western economics, and that he didn’t mean to do such gosh darn nasty things to all of those people. So who gives a shit, right?

Finally, it seems apparent that my stories have started to wear thin with the majority of you. So, in light of that, I won’t post any more updates. There really isn’t any point when most of you either think I’m full of shit, or I have my head up my arse, or both.

Now can someone please go and f*ck up with a girl, so we can get this thread back on track? :thumbsu:

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Croweater's thread of not-so-erotic fiction

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